Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1380: The Royal Star!

() Su Yan double fists clenched, strong life atmosphere restrained, suddenly, Su Yan also grew into an overbearing strongman!

"I should be going."

Su Yan is not staying, and the figure disappears in the source of enlightenment.

The outside world is not expected to be quiet. Although the time for the retreat of this campaign is very short, Xianhui has already descended into the Xuanhuang universe.

His figure left from the source of the source, appeared in the dark universe, with his state of the gods, it was obvious that it was caught, the battle of the distant world!

This war has touched the heart of the entire Xuanhuang universe. The cosmic catastrophe has trembled the pressure of the universe. The movement from the battlefield is so amazing that the sea of ​​stars is trembled and the stars are destroyed.

Fortunately, before the advent of the war, the living parts of these stars moved to the chaos of the chaos. If this war is not the case, I don’t know how many strong people will be degraded!

"Can the four strong players join forces and can't stop them?"

"Where is the king's land? When will he come, if he doesn't come again, most of the four strong players can't stand it!"

Many people are in a state of blast, more young people are full of anger, want to go to war in the past, but they do not have this qualification, even the energy that is rolled up in the battlefield can not hold back!

This is the energy of hundreds of millions of tens of thousands of dollars, swallowing the universe and starry sky, resulting in a ruined scene!

The corner of the battlefield was stained with red blood. The old leader was broken and was hit by the fairy light. If he had resisted most of the power with 36 avenues, the blow was enough to destroy the old leader!

Tie Baocai was almost killed, and there were many holes in the flesh, and the thick blood came out.

Xianhui, who is almost extinct, does not extinguish the light, colliding in Baoji’s flesh, and tearing its flesh.

In the end, Baocai pressed the body of the fast-disappearing frame with the town of Jiuyin, and issued a ferocious low-lying, a pair of panda eyes were red.

"This dead woman!"

Tiebaocai climbed up, the meat shell burned, and the faint faint nine-color **** light looked like a special martial art. If the beast **** stood up, he still wanted to rush up and gather the power of the dragon against Xianhuiyu!

"You are retracing!"

The West Buddha and the East Devil face were shocked. They joined forces and wanted to block Xian Huiyu.

"I can fight again!"

Baocai's fierceness is too heavy, his head is high, the panda body is shining, it is very ferocious, the body is bloody, and once again activates the series of ghosts!

The old leader who fell in the pool of blood, would like to get up.

He tried to get up, but fell one after another in a pool of blood. The old leader gave a low embarrassment and wanted to pass, but he didn't have much strength.

"let me do it!"

Yuan of aging, Teng’s sudden rush to the battlefield, lifted his big hand and grabbed 36 avenues of fairy tales!


羿Yuan Yangtian roared, the bronze body surging and turbulent martial arts meteorological, the meat shell also stirred up a dense imprint of the imprint, combined in the rotation, forming a grand **** of war!

This scene makes many people tremble, and some people are crying.

Baocai is not going to work, but it is very tenacious, never quit, must insist on the return of Su Yan!

羿 Yuan is very old, but the source of life is burning, the hair is full of white hair, he has a few prehistoric big brother's charm, into the battlefield!

The pattern of the four strong players joined forces once again, with the intention of siege Xianhui!

This war, the onlookers of the outside world, all face the gloomy, they really look down on the Xuanhuang universe, no wonder they can go out of the top ten immortal, these people have the atmosphere, perseverance, fear of life and death!

They can contribute to the group and can dedicate their lives to the universe.

If such people do not die, there will be great achievements in the future. Maybe they can make a certain position in the immortal world!

"Unfortunately, these young people are enemies and cannot be used by my family!" Xian Tairan said coldly: "No matter how strong they are, even if they are the strongest ones, they can't stop my second avatar!" ”

The war broke out, but Xian Huiyu has been forced to be angry. Only the four immortals have stopped themselves for so long, and the heavens are hard to bear!

"Xian Haiyin!"

She made a whistling sound, and there was a big seal in the hands of the immortal order. The moment of the big print, the immortal sea was born, the order was like the sea, red and brilliant, and the horror to the extreme!


The time and space of the hustle and bustle are trembled, and the world is suppressed.

The immortal seal is in operation, such as the immortal sea, the law is like the sea, the order is intertwined, descending from the sky, and the short time has saved the four treasures of the immortal.

This print must require a lot of energy to support it.

Xian Huiyu does not want to be so serious in their sacred losses, but now must be carried out, she suspects that these four people are desperate to stop themselves, and there are other ways to kill themselves.

Therefore, she directly started to evolve the Xianhai Seal, with the strongest mana of the human body, and for a short time, she has retained the four treasures of Xiandao.

Although the loss of Xian Huiyu is also very serious, but she is still very strong, the pores once again broke out of Xianhui, and rushed to the four strong!

The four strong players screamed, face defense!

The Buddha's six golden body of the West Buddha was beaten and dull, almost smashing.

The Eastern Devils coughed up blood and flew out, but they quickly stabilized their bodies and swept them again.

The huge ** phase that Yu Yuan sketched out was hit with riddled holes. He was struck by lightning and his body was aging and more aging.

"It hurts me."

Baocai screams, the pores are squirting broken bones and blood, and the blood-stained body flies out, squatting on a star, and is not wanting to live!

However, at this time, the space fluctuated, and a smashing darter flew into his body along the pores of Baocai.

Baocai is a clever person who wants to get up, but its injury is too serious. He fell to the ground, wearing a thick gas, and his nose and mouth overflowing a large piece of blood. It is really difficult to play!

"Hey animals, you are the first to die!"

Xian Huiyu sneered, and the figure cut through the sky.

Her speed is too fast, and it is difficult for the East Devil to catch up. He waved black and roared, feeling powerless, unable to intercept Xian Huiyu, and Yuan and Xifo were also seriously injured and would be defeated!


They screamed and wanted to help, but let them be strong now, and they couldn’t kill it!

Xian Huiyu took up a big hand and shot it to Baocai, and it was going to be ruined!

"Old woman, drowning you with old blood....."

Baocai’s panda’s eyes turned and spurted a **** arrow, which contained a bit of a stagnation and flew to Xianhuiyu!

"Hey, let's die, and dare to be the most embarrassed, I will tear you into pieces!"

Xian Huiyu's eyes roared, her means was too amazing, the raised big hand was directly bombarded, and she ignored everything, even ignoring this **** mixed debris!

Although, Xian Huiyu has an insight into the Ding Ding, but what about this?

Don't say that there is a ruin, even if they have a stronger treasure, can they play out the power? It is simply not enough!

Even this starry sky has exploded, and the amazing destructive power is about to destroy the entire star. I want to smash it together with Baocai!

However, just in this moment, the moment of engulfing treasures!

A shard that is hidden in the blood, violently roaring, inside the tripod, let out a figure!

Su Yan descended from the sky. He appeared too abrupt and too shocked. Because of the moment when his life breathped, the sky was broken, like the sea of ​​anger, splitting the battlefield and blocking the way of Xianhuiyu!


Xian Huiyu was taken aback and stared at Su Yan, who was so radiant in front of him. Is this the sin of the emperor on the battlefield? Why is the breath of life so strong, what opportunities did he get in the past few days, why suddenly the big power explosion!

Su Yan suddenly raised his big hand, the whole palm filled with the mysterious energy, ignited the Tao, and even ignited the ancient universe to oscillate, as if the rule of the universe returned, grasp the mysterious yellow here!

"Give me a drive!"

Su Yan screams, black hair flutters, mana!

One hand, if it covers a nearby star field, causes the star field to sway, undulate, and roar!

Even this star field was directly caught by Su Yan’s big hand!

This weather, this gesture, this domineering, has stopped the world.

All the people are venting, can't believe their eyes!

They all think that they are ugly, the picture is quite unreal, and most people just see the corner of the star field, and they can't see the appearance of the star field with their ability. They just think that the Su Shi people are launching an earth-shattering magical power, suppressing Xian Huiyu!


The East Devil was scared to swear, and quickly withdrew, for fear of being affected.

They are all stunned by the West Buddha. What did they see?

Su Yan came, raised his hand and grabbed a star field?

What kind of joke?

The current Xuanhuang universe is not comparable to it a few years ago!

The territory of the Xuanhuang universe has grown a lot, and the star field has been magnified ten times more than before. It is not a small universe.

For example, before the immortal strong can cover the entire small universe with one hand, but now it is impossible, and the strong ancestors of the immortal level are extremely difficult to do.

But now, Su Yan has one arm and grabs a star field!

He seems to be the master of the Xuanhuang universe. This is a picture of how stalwart, holding the entire star field, eyes smashing and killing, terrible!

In an instant, the breath is breathtaking, the vision is too scary, the star field explodes, and the billions of energy bombards Xianhui.

It’s all too sudden and too bizarre.

The energy explosion of the entire star field, this is the supreme crushing, equivalent to the suppression of one hand of the Xuanhuang universe!


Xian Huiyu was stunned by the seven-six-six-six, and both eyes were black and painful. The whole head was covered with cracks and almost smashed his head.

Immediately after her painful voice, her arm was caught and deformed directly.


Su Yan screamed, the momentum surged, and the fire of fighting broke out!

He violently tore, his body is like a real dragon in a violent violent, tearing her entire arm hard, and the bright red blood spills and touches the heart.

This is a fairy power strong, and Su Yan has torn the whole arm!

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