Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1388: Dark day


A loud bang exploded, the earth shook, the ancient Xuanhuang universe, all made a fierce roar!

The energy storm was so amazing that the old leader near the bipolar star trembled and flew out, and they were all shaken.

This movement is really too fierce and too awkward!

The vast universe began to shake the mountains. In the process, the stars trembled, the stars shook, and many of the boundaries collapsed with black cracks!

The universe seems to be unstable, it will collapse!

The raging storm, the entire universe time and space, has become an unprecedented shock!

"Is it the voice of the Emperor and the immortal strongman?"

The turbulence of the purple micro-satellite domain is the most violent. Some of the strongest people who have returned from the chaotic ruins to the purple micro-star field have had their liver and gallbladder cracks. They feel that the purple micro-star field seems to be exploding, and they want to go to destruction!

Fortunately, because of the previous war, hundreds of millions of souls in the various stars have moved away from their homeland and gone to the ruins of chaos. Otherwise, if this change is made, it will not know how many innocent people will be killed!

Of course, even in the ruins of chaos, they began to shake the mountain. Many people stood unsteadily and fell to the ground. Their faces were pale and snowy.

what's the situation? What is happening in the end, why is energy fluctuation so intense?

"Huiyu must be successful. If it fails, I will smash the Xuanhuang universe and let them follow the funeral!"

Extraterrestrial time and space, the devastating Xian Tairan face is gloomy, the breath is cold and like a ghost, the body is degraded, the weight is created, the most proud children will also face the end of life!

If he still fails, he can be willing!

Xian Tairan decided to report to the immortals, relying on the three most powerful supernatural powers in history, enough to let the Xianzu spend the big price to attack the Xuanhuang universe.


The loud noise followed for a while, followed by nine sounds, as if a huge death knell was shaking!


In the end, all the seals of the bipolar star collapsed, accompanied by an ancient star of life, collapsed into pieces!

"Bipolar star, blasted?"

The South Emperor was horrified. This is the bipolar star that has been sealed for many years. This time collapses and collapses. A life star burst, creating an energy frenzy, banging, shaking the earth, and ringing in the big universe!

Then, the exuberant, like the black devil's fog, surging!

This is a terrible magical cave opening, so that the billions of miles of territory are dark as ink, sullen and sinister, like the legendary Senro purgatory, and this shocking darkness of the sun is spreading to the distant world!

The strong people of the Xian dynasty, from this moment, they have been silent.

Xian Tairan was also trembled, and he noticed that his mixed light was extinguished!

The sigh of sorrow in his heart, the last shock he spurted out a blood!

"I hate it!"

The ancestors of the immortals are stunned, and the temper is shaking, and the blue veins are all violent. I can imagine how angry I am!

Who can match the dark matter, when their three great ancestors came to the Xuanhuang universe, the result was that the two ancestors fell because of the shackles of dark matter.

Suddenly, the Taoist immortal gold is strong, and it can't stop the dark disaster. Su Yan is burning with him!

"Budget, how can there be dark matter in the Xuanhuang universe!"

The face of Xianchanghe is also very ugly. You must know that even the sacred yellow sky in the past, because of the dark material invasion, the Tianyu has become degenerate!

That incident, in the immortal Tianyu has become a big fear, but also blood washed the Xuanhuang Tianyu a large number of top strong.

The strong ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors were panicked, and did not want to provoke darkness. The powerful heavens were destroyed by dark matter, and the immortals did not want to repeat the same mistakes.

"Darkness hides the sun!"

The old leader’s chest was violently ups and downs, breathing heavily, and he thought of a lot!

"Do not!"

He is awkward and his eyes are red. Is it that Su Yan has opened up the source of darkness and burned with Xian Tairan jade!

"Don't panic!"

The wounded Baocai, with its flesh and blood, could not tell the difference. The paw pulled out the old leader and said: "Su Yan has a treasure body, which can isolate the invasion of dark matter, if he really uses the source of darkness to deal with Xianhui. Yu, Su Yan can't be fallen!"


羿Yuan is also excited, is this the peak turn?

Su Yan has the strength to counter the darkness, and they have all seen it before!

If Su Yan really relies on the devil's fog to kill Xian Huiyu, then Su Yan will not die, there is a dying, how can he die?

"Look, there is a human form flying out of it, it must be Su Yan, he is still alive!"

Treasures screamed and saw the darkness of the sun, reaching out to the five-finger time and space, a blood-stained figure, and he began to move toward them.

"Su Yan!"

Yuan Yuan immediately recognized it, and he was ecstatic, because he saw a shackle on his head and blocked the darkness.

Just as they crossed the dark frenzy, Su Yan’s gods waved and stopped them. Once the South Emperor rushed in, no one could live, and the powerful Xianhuiyu fell, who can live. !

"Come on, hurry!"

Baocai growled, it found that Su Yan's situation is not good, the blood-stained body is very old, the blood is also dry, and there is dark matter in the body, which is the devil's fog is engulfing his vitality!


Su Yan is very painful and the body is shaking.

He is fast moving, and his spiritual will is somewhat blurred.

This road is too long, too long, so long that he does not want to go any more, he has no strength...

The whole universe is so scary that there is no sound.

Almost everyone is shaking, breathing hard, staring at Su Yan, staring at the emperor who begins to tremble!

In the end, many people are stunned by the suppression of the universe!

"People, come out, go!"

A large number of strong people roared, their hearts were like a knife, and they didn't want to see these pictures.

Su Yan's appearance is too old, the hair is white, the blood is dry, and he has almost no life.

The universe is full of sorrow, can the emperor still come out?

The area covered by the devil's fog is too wide, and it is still gradually spreading toward the time and space of the Quartet. So, with the physical strength of the Emperor, it is really difficult to get out!

"I can not make it."

Su Yan whispered, holding his head in his hands, he really couldn't help himself.

"You do, OK!"

Yin Yisi burst into tears and screamed at Su Yan, his voice hoarse and said: "Come out, Su Yan, you can, we are still waiting for you, beg you to come out soon, now is not a joke..... ."

"I really can't do it."

Su Yan smiled bitterly, his will gradually blurred, he was too weak, and even fell into the dark, it is difficult to continue to struggle.

"Su Yan, you give me out, come out!"

羿 Yuan Hao, trembling, **** eyes, angered the immortal strongman outside the domain: "Island, if Su Yan fell, I want you to pay blood debt!"

"Good boy, come out soon!"

The old leader was a lot old for a moment, whispering in his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Full of world shocks, Su Yan's body is dead, the signs of life are broken, and planted in the world of the devil's fog!

"Is the Emperor really falling?"

They lost their souls, and all of this has been seen with their own eyes. The emperor is already so tired, and hope to come out?

This is the devil fog, who can get close?

Once the neighbors will be strong, their lives will die. Now no one has the power to send Su Yan from inside.

Dong Moben wanted to fight, but he just got close to the dark area, the whole person trembled, like a madness, there is a magic light in the human body, and even this magic light wants to completely swallow the East Devil!

The West Buddha discolored, and quickly rushed in, pulling the East Devil out of the edge of the zone, really worried about the East Devils mad.

"Su Yan, don't sleep, open your eyes and have a look!"

The tensor of the eyes is red, I really want to see Su Yan stand up and sprint toward the outside time and space.


Suddenly, Su Yan, covered in darkness, began to crack.

He was too old and too wary, and now the body begins to crack and there are many cracks.

But in his body, there was no blood and it was clean.

He is like a broken porcelain, and it will be crushed into a piece of ashes at any time!

The starry sky echoes the painful lows, so it falls like this. Is this the end?

"Blame me......"

Baocai is extremely difficult to breathe, and it still has a breath, and can't die.

It is very painful. If you go out early, if you are not so afraid of death, if it tears the test of the nine heavens as soon as possible, if it will hand over the dynasty to Su Yan.

Then everything will not evolve like this.

Baocai is very embarrassing and very painful. If it is not because of himself, perhaps Su Yan will not fall!

The South Emperor was silent. He patted the body of the blood-stained blood, saying nothing strange, it is a life-and-death brother who suffers together, and no one wants to see who is fallen.

Su Yan faced the desperate predicament, the South Emperor was uncomfortable and wanted to cry, but he resisted.

"Brother, brother, I am coming, brother, I miss you brother...."

The poor voice passed to the darkness and awakened Su Yan, who gradually became unconscious.

His eyes opened, and in the vagueness, he saw the distant figure.


Su Yan whispered, reaching out and trying to catch someone from afar.

"My brother can't go back, sorry..."

Su Yan smiled. Su Yan has always been very embarrassed about frost. As a brother, he has not taken care of the frost for a long time. The time of 100 years has been swaying in the universe.

Originally, Su Yan wanted to rush out, he wanted to keep a sigh of relief, see his relatives and friends, come to a complete farewell.

But he couldn't hold it, sighed softly, and there was regret in his heart!

Years ago, he wanted to see the bamboo moon, but he could not see it.

Even he wants to go to the immortal Tianyu, want to see, how big the outside world is, how strong the Xianmen Road is, and also fight with the legendary strongest Yingjie.

Of course, what he wants most is to follow the emperor's road to end the destination of World War I and want to find his own origin.

Before he really wants to fall, he is not clear.

But the same can not be done, life is dry, although some regrets, but looking back to this life is enough.

"I really can't go back, goodbye."

Su Yan’s eyes closed and the whole person was completely swallowed by the darkness, and the figure fell.

Before he died, he could see a frost, and he did not have too much regret.

In the end, Su Yan’s whole person was swallowed up by the darkness, and the universe’s beings could no longer see him.

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