Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1389: Emperor

"Why I suddenly have a heartache"

Among the Tianzhu Mountain, a beautiful and moving woman sits under the yellow bamboo and wears a silver gown. It is dignified and beautiful, like a round of gods and colorful.

She is here to realize the exploration of the evolution of life, quiet for many years, and now her delicate body is shaking.

Even her silent gods screamed, flustered, and had difficulty breathing.

"My heart hurts"

Zhu Yu’s hand is clenched, she wants to wake up, feels that something big has happened and she has to wake up.


Giant bamboo sighed and slammed the seal, and isolated everything from the outside world!

Zhuyue has reached the most important moment, and soon relies on itself to dig out immortal material. It has reached this point, and it can not be affected by other factors.

The atmosphere of Zhuyue gradually stabilized, and once again entered the path of the exploration of the essence of life, the deeper she explored, the more and more the vision of the Tianzhu behind it became more and more solid.

This somewhat fuzzy Tianzhu, if it traverses to the end of Xianlu, must pick up the essence of the strongest life, and gradually open the way for the bamboo moon.

She has been successful, slow for three or five years, and can be completed in a few months.

"Hope, don't blame me at the time, but my life is not much, I don't know if I can persist, the day you go out."

The giant bamboo sighed, Su Yan couldn't live much. He shocked Su Yan to break the game in this way, and killed Xian Huiyu, but Su Yan couldn't help himself. He couldn't walk out of the dark world, and the whole person fell. In the dark! .

This is very cruel, he also knows the relationship between Zhuyue and Su Yan, but Zhu Yue has cultivated to the most important moment, and now really can't let her go out!

The time and space outside this domain, the anger of anger and anger, the singer must be mad, he saw Su Yan, but did not see Xian Huiyu!


His face was directly distorted, and his liver was so hot that his injuries were even more severe. He had a big mouth and hemoptysis, and his body was paralyzed, but his pupils were filled with more crazy killings.

Xian Huiyu is his most proud child, and he is in charge of his avatar to enter the Xuanhuang universe, but the defeat ended, now it is dead!

Lost in one battle!

But in the end, nothing was obtained, but it was just a suyan!

What a suyan can count, for the immortals, what they want is the secret of the evolution of the mysterious yellow universe, and more black fog, but now they have nothing to gain, even a living Xuanhuang universe powerhouse has no Caught!

"kill, kill"

Xian Tairan must be crazy, to kill the past, to kill the entire Xuanhuang universe, venting anger.

"You calm down!"

Xian Changhe angered: "It has already been like this. Now, if you rush in, it will not help, it will only catch your own life. This matter should be considered for a long time!"

"I still have a fart from the long term?"

Xian Tairan roared: "I will immediately return to the family. I will attack the Xuanhuang universe and tear up the entire seal. I want to make the whole Xuanhuang universe a scorched earth."

A group of immortal strong people were scared to speak, or for the first time saw Xian Tairan out of control.

After all, he lost too much, and the successive defeats against Xian Tairan were really heavy. A small Su Yan actually made the Xians lose their soldiers in succession!

The fairy river sighs, he is very clear, the dark matter appears, the immortal will not use the military against the Xuanhuang universe.

After all, this sinister relationship is very big, and even related to the end of the war, the immortal can not attack the Xuanhuang universe, so as not to really get into trouble!

"Su Yan"

The treasure is painful, very sad and sad, and it bursts into the darkness of the time and space, and wants to see him come out from the inside.

After all, this is different from the past. In the past, the universe often passed on Su Yan’s death, but this time it was different. He fell into the darkness. This made the culprit that once almost destroyed the Xuanhuang universe. Who can contend!

They are anxious and uneasy waiting

Time goes by day by day, the old leaders are like sculptures, staring at the dark time and space, and even the rolling devil fog begins to move toward the distant world, slowly expanding!

Along the way, nothing happened, and the great vitality of the star field began to be swallowed up!

"Is the Emperor really not coming back?"

"It has been three days and three nights!"

Many Taoist groups have come to a large number of strong people, and they are extremely sad. They also bring healing medicines. I hope to see the emperor climb out of **** to help him.

The people here are full of people, Xia Jingang, they look at it like this, looking at it, there are tears in his eyes.

They did not cry, Su Yan left the earth for hundreds of years, many things are heard legends, and they have not seen it with their own eyes. Now there are almost all monks in the world.

It is conceivable that Su Yan, who grew up with them in the college, was only a hundred years of growth history.

What are the hopes for the unbearable feelings of the universe? Even if Da Luozhenxian came, broke the devil's fog and brought out Su Yan, but at that time, Su Yan had no chance, everyone could see it clearly, and the emperor could not come back.


Liang Yaan cried, crying very sad, several times to faint.

She is gentle, but sometimes very staunch, looking at the dark world, crying, why is this, why is it so gone, she really wants to see the figure of Su Yan, once again out of the darkness.

“Is there no hope?”

The old leader has lost his soul and has always believed that Su Yan is the child given to them by God. He is the child born from the origin of the universe and the mother of the universe.

Su Yan did not let them down, and all the way up, eventually destroyed the major groups of the ancestral hall.

But the water in the Xuanhuang universe is too deep. The immortals want to get everything in the Xuanhuang universe and get all the treasures!

In fact, now the old leader can't figure out what he thinks is neglecting. Why do the immortals want to target a single Suyan? Is there anything special about Su Yan? Is it worth the Xianzu to spend a lot of time to deal with him?

"Think more"

The old leader sighed, and now it makes sense to think about it.

The blacksmith returned from Zhangjiacun. His face was bald. He tried to communicate with the old village chief and let him stand up to preside over the overall situation. However, the retreat of the old village chief was almost sealed, and there was no breath.

The universe is mournful, the catastrophe has dispersed, and a large number of strong people have left, but the emperor is gone!

"Why is God so cruel and unfair!"

Many people roared, facing the source of darkness, they really thought, I really want to see Su Yan once again in the world, to control the Xuanhuang universe, leading the rise of the group!

Time flies, and soon a month has passed.

Too many people are desperate, it has been a month, and many people have waited for a month.

Dark matter continues to expand, although for the vast Xuanhuang universe, the darkness only erodes one thousandth of the territory, but there are individuals buried in it, and can't come back.

"It seems that Su Yan has fallen, but unfortunately, he has not been able to catch him."

Outside the time and space, the Xianzu had a group of strong people staying behind, waiting, this month did not get any orders from the Xian, which shows that the Xianzu will not use force against the Xuanhuang universe.

They deplore, Su Yan's fall, the gasification of Sanqing and the initial force are mostly buried in the darkness.

If one day, the seal of the Xuanhuang universe dissipates, the immortals will send people to explore the Xuanhuang universe, but the strongest masters in history can still be preserved?

Can they survive? The darkness will continue to devour the mysterious yellow universe. It is estimated that it is impossible to use the seal to disperse. The mysterious yellow universe is completely darkened, and nothing will be left at that time!

"The ancestors, it is time to get started, and the time we waited is long enough."

On the other hand, Tianzhu’s veins are strong and the darkness is coming. They don’t have much time. They must solve the problem here quickly.

"Now it is not. At this time, the more you can't let the fairy know that my family can open the seal smoothly, they will pay a heavy price after all. If you know that my family can open the seal smoothly, it is not a good thing." The ancestors said: "The people left behind by the immortals are still there. It is estimated that it will take a long time, they will leave one by one, and it is the perfect time to enter the Xuanhuang universe!"

Zhu Yao’s heart is burning, and it’s a place where the ancestors fell, and there are bound to be big opportunities!

If Tianzhu is in the same vein, this is the creation of Tianda. Especially for the younger generation, it is very remarkable. When the top 100 list is on the list, there must be a place for her Zhuyao!

Time goes by.

The universe has been calm for half a year.

The face of the East Devil is dignified. For half a year, the dark matter continues to expand. Fortunately, there is no lead in the bounds of the sea. If not, then it is unimaginable.

Treasures will be depressed and weak.

羿Yuan, old leader, Nanhuang, blacksmith, Zhangliang, West Buddha

The Eight Immortals suddenly became mournful this day, and they could not be so depressed for half a year.

Su Yan is gone, but the immortal is still there, the enemy is still there!

The iron **** was sent to the site of the fairyland to rehabilitate, hoping to survive with the help of the true phoenix.

"I really want to tear the entire fairy!"

Yan Yuan’s fist clenched and said to Bao Cai: “We can’t go on like this. I don’t believe that Su Yan will really fall. We must also cheer up, fight spirit and revenge!”


The eight great immortals brushed out and burst into flames, and the atmosphere was so hot that they exuded the killing of the sky. They did not believe in the future, they could not shake the immortals.

Each of them has great courage and perseverance. They do not believe that the future cannot rise.

"It's time to decide"

Bao Cai looked at the frost, although he was unwilling in his heart, but things have already been like this, unable to return to heaven.

"My brother can't come back, I really can't come back."

Su Bingsu lost a lot of weight and looked dim. She thought about finding a piece of bone, a battle suit, and setting up a dress for Su Yan.

But in this battle, nothing is left, leaving only them with endless grief.

The darkness of the sun and the sky, the sullen atmosphere, the death atmosphere is so strong that people dare not approach.

In the dark world, you can't reach your fingers.

Like the magical age of the ages, it devours all the anger of life.

At the bottom of this demon, there is a broken body, haunting the dark matter.

Su Yan’s life has long since dried up, but the dark matter has not stopped engulfing him!

The source of the darkness of the bill began to penetrate deep into the shell of Su Yan and drilled into his bones!

Turbulent, Su Yan's body trembled, the shell of the meat, the dry blood shiny and shiny.

This is the autonomous blood flow of nine colors of blood stimulated, very special, flashing nine colors of fairy light, accompanied by strong pre-historic fluctuations, and even suspected of a terrible burst of breath, in the fight against the dark!

In the vagueness, a pair of glare spattered and looked through the darkness.

On the ruined road, the sprinkled cheekbones faintly glow, and he is watching Su Yan.

"Why is there a familiarity? This is before the big break." The bones whispered and felt incredible.

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