Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1397: Su Yan woman

Su Yan’s eyes are cold and radiant, and a strong atmosphere flocks to the Quartet, making this vast world gloomy and terrifying!

"Since the life is not the case, the future, I want to be invincible!"

His spirit is so amazing that the bones reveal a stimulating cold, tearing the sky, flowing out of the invincible trend, can not be rewritten!

A life that comes back, when you have to fight!


Billions of people, worshipping, worshipping the emperor, invisibly brewed into a cosmic general trend, added Su Yan, set off its more hegemony, this moment of Su Yan, reflecting the universe starry sky, powerful!

The universe continues to boil, and everything is due to the return of the emperor.

Su Yan’s memory has recovered, but in the dark years, he can hardly remember anything, and he never thought that after a few years of his fall, he could really be resurrected!

In fact, even the body of Su Yan can be restored for special reasons, but his mark of life has disappeared, and it is the Yuanshen that eventually led to the resurrection of Su Yan!

This, and the energy essence of white mist, must have a major correlation.

Now Su Yan has no time to explore his own changes. He rushed to the chaos of ruins with a furnace that evolved with the energy of the universe.

Su Yan raised his hand and opened up a small world.

With the power of Su Yan, coupled with the training of the order of the universe, this furnace has been refined, and Su Yan’s eyes are expected, and Zhu Yue can definitely take the opportunity to recover!

"Can I do it?"

Zhu Yue has some doubts. She looks at Su Yan. She really doesn't want to let him down. Su Yan has already paid too much, and her appearance is somewhat aging.

"Yes, if you can't, looking for other ways, I really don't believe it. There is no treasure in the world!"

Su Yan sent the bamboo moon into the cosmic stove. The true fairy spirit extracted from this mouth is very bad. The body of the bamboo moon is infiltrated in the vitality!

Visible to the naked eye, under the nourishment of true immortality, Zhuyue stopped aging.

Soon, she relaxed her skin and once again she was shiny and elastic, which is almost equivalent to the supreme means of returning to life. Su Yan is killing her for her life, supplemented with true fairy spirit!

It seems that a peculiar fate begins to reshape the body of the bamboo moon.

This is a dead life, hard life and take a life from the reincarnation of heaven!

Gradually, Su Yan was surprised. He found that a certain kind of influence was weakening. There is no doubt that Zhu Yueyu passed away. She returned to her youthful age, still so dignified and beautiful, such as a splendid god, blooming brilliance!

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

Su Yan is laughing, very happy, he is also like a heavy burden, as long as the bamboo can survive, even if he pays too much, it is worth it!

At this time, Su Yan's own protection of the power of the bamboo moon was taken away, and then he was very clear and caught, still has an influence, affecting the bamboo month.

However, this is very weak. This kind of influence is like the loss of Shouyuan, the aging of the human body, and the death and death of mortals.

However, the current state of Zhuyue is enough to last for many years.

Don't say a few years, even a year is enough for him!

"Su Yan"

Zhu Yue was so weeping, she recovered, not aging, although there is no magic and no way, but for them, there is nothing better than living.

Su Yan also cheered as he saw the bamboo moon flying out of the cosmic stove.

But the next moment he turned black, the bamboo moon just ran out, and a cockroach fell.


Bamboo Moon was shocked and forgot that he did not have any divine power. If it really fell, it would not fall apart.

"Ha ha ha!"

Su Yan burst into laughter and raised his hand to hold the bamboo moon. The white cheeks of the latter were red and extremely bald. "My state is also difficult to maintain for a long time. Even I am afraid that it is difficult to become a monk. , 唉"

"Nothing, the immortality of the immortal and the Tianzhu is more than that. It is enough to kill a few for your life."

Su Yan is very aggressive, but he does not believe that it is really difficult for Zhu Yue to become a monk. There are many magical treasures in this world. There will always be a secret medicine suitable for bamboo moon.

The Xuanhuang universe is not, but the immortal Tianyu is absolutely there.

"Thank you for Su Yan."

Zhu Yue looked at him affectionately and whispered: "I really thought that you are falling, I will wait until you are back!"

"You and me, you still need to say thank you."

Su Yan held the bamboo moon in his arms, and his eyes looked at the bamboo moon. He remembered a long time ago. In his eyes, Zhu Yue was the goddess in his heart. He was graceful and noble, like a person in the painting.

Nowadays, Su Yan has a kind of heart and wants to protect her for the rest of her life.

Su Yan’s gaze made Zhu Yue’s cheeks reddish, her happy smile on her white cheeks, and a pair of stars also brightened, very bright and moving.

Time is like entering eternal and still, as if it has been a long time.

Unprecedented warmth and unprecedented warmth.

After a long time, Su Yan found that the bamboo moon fell asleep, she slept very well, and there was a soft smile on her cheek, which was beautiful.

Su Yan stood up and looked around.

Soon he shot, cut off some time and space fragments, refining a time and space type of treasure, although not too strong, but enough to let the bamboo moon sleep well.

"My treasures are ruined!"

Su Yan whispered in his heart and said: "Let's go to see the darkness in a while, and the Ding Ding is still inside. That thing can't be lost, even the inheritance of Qimen chapter, and the mysterious seed."

Su Yan walked out of this small world. He was slightly hesitant for a while, and he rushed to the Tianzhu.

"Su Yan, where are you going!"

Just arrived here, Su Yan is also happy to laugh.

Xia Jingang ran, and it was a bear hug.

Time has passed for ten days and ten nights. Vice-President Jin Yu is very worried about the status of Su Yan and is worried about the problem of Zhuyue.

Now that he saw him, Kang Bo also breathed a sigh of relief. It is estimated that the bamboo moon has been restored, or Su Yan will not reveal this expression.

There are many old friends here, and they are all elated.

After all, time has passed four years, and they often miss the emperor. Now I really see him. These years are really like dreaming, so that their hearts can't bear it.

"Where did Baoji go?" Su Yan was a little surprised, did not see the old leader, even the nine immortals, no one is here.

In the past, he walked out of the darkness and saw only the Zixia fairy.

So where did the other people go?

Even Xiahou did not see it. Only Su Dalong, beaming, the whole person was young and many years old.

"Su Yan, they are gone!"

Su Dalong sighed and smacked Su Yan’s shoulder and smiled: “If you walk for one year, it’s good. They are sure to be very happy to see you. When you join forces in the immortal world, you can definitely lay a piece of heaven and earth!”

"Go away" Su Yan can not laugh, this group of guys, actually left the Xuanhuang universe.

"Yeah, go, they want to cheer up, and they want to quickly improve their power. I hope that they will be able to hold their breath in the immortal world, not to be recklessly looking for troubles with the immortals." Su Dalong is very worried, the strongest group of the Xuanhuang universe, All gone, and in the event of an accident, this blow to the Xuanhuang universe is unimaginable.

"You said that they went to the immortal Tianyu?" Su Yan's heart stunned and said: "Is the frost gone?"

"Yes, they are worried that Frost can't think of it, take her away and sadly, and want her to go outside to see the world." Su Dalong immediately laughed: "But you are alive now, really good, this guy who is not loyal, Let them go out and eat hard."

Yan Yuan, they are already very strong, but in the immortal world, they are not too good. I hope that after many years, they can stand alone and return to the mysterious universe. It must be the grand occasion of the universe!

"How come?" Su Yan is a little shocked, the Xuanhuang universe has a path to the immortal Tianyu?

Wen Yan, Su Dalong said: "The way to leave, in the strongest trials, they have been away for a year, I really don't know when to see them again."

Su Yan is amazed, the most powerful test can also lead to the immortal Tianyu?

Su Yan is quite shocking, but in this case, it is not difficult for him to go to the immortal Tianyu.

When Yuan Yuan decided to leave, they could not stay in the Xuanhuang universe.

Before leaving, I also took away many people, such as Niu Dasheng, who have great potentials and took away a group. I hope that these people can have some achievements in the immortal world.

Originally, the old leader planned to go alone on the road and go to explore the road, but the South Emperor worried that the old leader was in crisis, so he was ready to join the road!

"Su Yan, you don't have to worry about it. It is said that the iron **** has found a victory for the ancestors, saying that he is in the air, and he can survive if he can't keep it." Su Dalong said.

“Winning the ancestors? Air transport?”

Su Yan was a little confused, and then he was stunned. Is it Zu Sheng?

"Atmospheric transport."

Su Yan’s heart is guilty, is this guy really lucky? Many times I did not die, the ancestral hall was destroyed, and he was still alive, but it was outrageous and became the highest achievement of the ancestral temple.

He changed his name, not called Zu Sheng, called Sheng Zu.

However, the iron **** said, you still call Zu Sheng, so that you will not be affected by the change of name, but Zu Sheng feels right, he is willing to follow them to the immortal Tianyu, maybe you can achieve a great cause.

In short, for Zu Sheng, he would have died a hundred years ago, but if he lived to the present outrageously, it would be better to go out and take a trip.

At this time, Su Yan called Zhu Yuanqing, and the group entered the forum.

Su Yan’s nephew was flashed and said: “Give me a message, what happened in the past!”

"Su Yan, is the bamboo moon all right?" Zhu Yuanqing hardened his scalp.

"There has been no serious problem." Su Yan responded: "Is the giant bamboo dying?"

A group of old people sighed. The things that happened in the past were too fierce. The original Zhu Lihui just wanted to take away the bamboo moon, but who knows that Zhu Yao had a poisonous heart and took away her Tianzhu law seed!

Before the giant bamboo experienced the first battle of the Xian people, it had long lost its combat power and was unable to resist.

Even in order to prevent this from leaking out, Zhu Yao began to flatten the entire Tianzhu Mountain.

"Su Yan, Tianzhu Powerful, in order to save the life of Zhuyue." Zhu Yuanqing said: "He voluntarily became a slave to Zhuyao. This makes the bamboo life alive, no matter what, Su Yan, you are all about this. Can't sit back and watch!"

"Elder Yuan Qing is the first time to know Su Mou?" Su Yan gave him a look.

Zhu Yuanqing is a bit embarrassed, Su Yan is a must to lose, and this time, they almost killed the bamboo month, Su Yanzhen can stop!

At this time, several old people also made it clear that the relationship between Tianzhu and the pulse is complicated. Now Tianzhu is dominated by the Tianzu, which is said to be a natural bamboo. In fact, it is now the Tianzu.

"Is the giant bamboo really fallen?"

Su Yan did not believe it. He was the bamboo that the ancestors of Tianzhu had sat down. Didn't he think of a way to keep a breath?

Su Yan’s gaze looked at Tianzhu Mountain, and the Tianzhu Mountain, which was flattened, was filled with death, and it was already scorched.

Su Yan opened the eyes of the sky, one inch and then an inch of search.

No matter what search, no life fluctuations related to giant bamboo can be found.

He is suspicious in his heart, is it really fallen?

Just as Su Yan left, his face changed slightly, and in a vague way, he caught a strange induction!

Su Yan’s Yuanshen was stronger than four years ago. His soul was too full and exuberant, and his insight was amazing. Moreover, he was acquainted with insight into the pattern of the heavens and the earth, and he was hard to match.


Su Yanli searched and arrested a dozen times inside and outside, and eventually his eyes glowed, insight into the soil, and a leaf that was dying!

In the soil, there is an invisible energy order.

Su Yan directly broke the order and brought the yellow leaves out!


The bamboo leaves glow, the ancient life flows, and the weak soul waves emerge!

"Golden bamboo predecessor!" Su Yan surprise, really still keep a breath!

"Su Yan, you are still alive!"

Giant bamboo is also quite shocked, feeling incredible, falling into the dark, can still survive?

"I am still alive, Zhuyue is still alive!" Su Yan's chest violently ups and downs, smirked: "The big hatred has not been reported, I Su Yanzhen can easily die!"

"Haha, good!"

Giant bamboo excitedly shouted: "Very good, you are alive, the old man can't swallow this breath, can't swallow it!"

The impact of that day was too heavy for the giant bamboo.

Su Yan opened the time and space treasure, and Zhu Yue was still asleep.

Just seeing the current bamboo month, the giant bamboo heart hurts, how perfect the bamboo month, so fade!

"Predecessors, can't you come back?" Su Yan's face was dull.

Giant bamboo has been silent for a long time, he said in a low way: "Su Yan, the old bamboo moon for your life is forgotten, you can give up everything, then you, may wish to fight for the bamboo!"

"I am with her, fate, why not?"

Su Yan responded, regardless of the raging fire, he would sneak a sigh, coldly said: "From now on, Zhu Yue is my woman, I will not let her suffer a little bit of pain, as for Zhu Yao, I will marry her sooner or later. But just killing a bamboo ya can solve a bit of hatred, Tianzhu, and I will definitely go to the battle in the future!"

(big chapter)

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