Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1398: Robbery!

The state of the bamboo moon wants to recover, it is not difficult to say that it is difficult, and it is not easy to say.

The simplest and most direct way is to kill the Tianzhu vein and take away the seeds of the Tianzhu method. If the bamboo moon is combined with the lost fruit, it will be able to recover.

However, Su Yan’s power is weak and he wants to fight against the Tianzhu of the Xianmen Road. This is absolutely impossible.

As for the second road, it is to go to the land where the ancestors fell, maybe it will harvest big opportunities!

There are two ways to choose, Su Yan has been hanging in the heart and finally fell into the belly, this hope is not awkward for him!

"I can do it!"

Su Yan’s response, the brilliance of this fast-dried bamboo leaf blooms gradually dimmed, and there is a sign of complete death!

Su Yan’s face was amazed, and the giant bamboo couldn’t stand it.

"Reassured." The bamboo leaves of Giant Bamboo came with an old voice: "I won't fall, I won't stick to the bamboo moon and stand up again. I will never die. I am going to fall into a sleep, too tired. I have time to get busy with some tonics that nourish my soul and help me continue the power of the soul."

"And, you have to leave as soon as possible and go to the immortal Tianyu. It is best to mix in the bamboo and excavate some treasures!"

After Zhu Zhu finished this sentence, it was lifeless.

Su Yan slack, and the mood is also very good, out of the Tianzhu Mountain, told the Tianzhu one pulse, the giant bamboo is still alive, there is a breath!

The successive good news made Tianzhu feel excited and upbeat, and the emperor stood here. They all had the backbone. In order to prevent the giant bamboo from sleeping too seriously, Su Yan immediately let Zhu Yuanqing prepare some nourishing souls. Odd medicine.

These herbs are not difficult to find, although they are not high enough, they are enough to nourish the soul.

"Su Yan, what are you going to do next?" Su Dalong was a bit sad, always felt that Su Yan would leave at any time.

"Grandpa Grandpa, I am going to repair the mysterious universe and restore the universe to a complete state, maybe it can suppress the dark energy!"

Su Yan Shen said: "Now, the darkness is unsupervised, it is just a dead object. Since I got the secret of the evolution of the mysterious universe, I should be doing something for the universe."

His deep pupils looked into the distant world, and although the chaotic ruins were restored, the cosmic starry sea was in a state of ruin, and even the problem of the devil's fog became worse.

There is no time to delay, Su Yan immediately crossed to the outer universe, opening up the prosperous situation of repairing the Xuanhuang universe!

Of course, there is another important reason. Xianyu has just fallen. The immortal is afraid that it will take too long to get the news. At that time, there will be a strong strongman to explore the matter.

In order to prevent the celestial madness from wanting to attack the Xuanhuang universe, Su Yan must speed up.

Time flies away, and it takes three months to pass.

A large number of residents of the Xuanhuang universe are living in the chaos of ruins, and the hearts of people all over the world.

Anyone can see, a figure, walking between the star field and the star field, pushing into a broken star sky, and integrating it into one.

For three months, Su Yan has been busy in the universe, and the broken universe wants to be repaired.

Of course, in the past three months, Su Yan also stopped and stopped, and wrote a lot of experience in the life exploration road. These are very valuable and especially valuable. Even if it is a long-standing Xianmen Taoist system, it is not necessarily better than Su Yan. How deep is it!

A batch of scriptures was formulated into a book and saved by Su Yan.

The universe has also set up a new college, Xuanhuang College, the destination of the ancestral star, has begun to recruit disciples, this is a grand occasion, affecting the family power of the universe.

Kang Bo made an order to merge Daodian into Xuanhuang College!

Su Yan a large incarnation of the town, day and night keep pointing to the cultivation of the Xuanhuang universe strong!

"My weapon is broken."

Su Yan’s second incarnation sighed, his weapon was broken, and the corresponding materials were missing from his hand, making it difficult to reshape.

His third incarnation broke into the dark land, a wonderful journey. Although the darkness is eroding himself, it is really difficult to cause substantial harm to him. Is his own body born with some kind of resistance? Can counter the darkness!

Even he found that his blood has changed, heavy and amazing, extremely difficult to resurrection, is it because of the blood? But what do you need to open the blood?


On this day, Su Yan found the lost Ding Ding, and even found the stone celebrity and Qimen chapter inheritance stone, the missing seeds are still there, and there are some other Su Yan things.

The sacred iron bar has never been decayed. Su Yan is very surprised. He must know that he has found the Taoist immortal gold, but the Taoist immortal gold is crippled and lost its value. What material is the sacred iron bar made of?


Su Yan was surprised. He found that Ding Ding was a little different from the past. Su Yan tried to motivate the Ding Ding. This trip was shocked and flashed with a strange luster. It was a piece of film, and it was impossible to see what it was, but the atmosphere was particularly grand!

Zha Ding recovered, although it is not too strong, but this dawn of light, derived a terrible throughput!

Even the sly devil's fog was sucked in.

This makes Su Yan a surprise, a huge amount of devil fog is swallowed into the tripod, one after another, this tripod is like a container, can store dark matter!

Su Yan laughs, what is the devil fog? The ancestors of the ancestors are talking about the evils of discoloration. Now, Ding Ding can absorb the devil's fog, and then there is a terrible killer in itself!

The Ding Ding has taken a large amount of devil fog, which is visible to the naked eye, and the devil's fog drifting in the universe is much thinner.

"If you collect them clean, can you solve the problem?"

Bamboo moon lie on a time-space lounge chair, looks awkward, eats some bright red and translucent fruit, smiles like a smile, she is like a real fairy falling from the moon palace, looking at the busy Su Yan.

This time-time wicker chair is specially made for the bamboo moon by Su Yan, which can be drifted in time and space. These days, bamboo moon has been accompanied by Su Yan.

"Which is so easy."

Su Yan shook his head: "It is impossible for Ding Ding to absorb the dark matter. I really want to see and see, and the curse that is dominated by people is how strong it is."

"I think you are itchy and want to be sinned."

Yan Yixiao, a bamboo moon show, although he is now a mortal, can't enter the cultivation road, but these days are very happy and very comfortable.

"Haha, I have been busy for so long, and the problem of the Xuanhuang universe has been solved."

On this day, Su Yan's three incarnations shine, summoning the world's powerful and powerful, gathered in Xuanhuang College.

At night, the Xuanhuang universe is awkward, and Su Yan’s three incarnations merge into one, surging out the vast source of divine power, evolving the supreme power, and pushing the vast Xuanhuang universe to start roaring!

The movement is too big, it can be said to be quite outrageous.

The entire Xuanhuang universe is shining, blazing glare, the universe all the people seeing a person, walking through the thousands of stars, a pair of big hands pushed the whole piece of the starry sky, which led to the repaired seven-eight-eighth black universe, began to heavy Plastic!

Like the broken earth is healing, but this is for the entire universe!

When the broken Xuanhuang universe reorganized, the ancient Xuanhuang universe changed, and the source of innumerable life was born. Even the auspiciousness fell. Overnight, hundreds of millions of sounds broke through the ancient Xuanhuang universe!

"Successful, the Emperor succeeded!"

The people of the whole universe are screaming and screaming, and the heavens are descending, and the purple gas is in abundance, and it is full of Cangyu.

Even the gushing springs, the rains!

Just like a person who has a good way to go to heaven, this is the mysterious yellow universe that has experienced the catastrophe, and it has fallen into Fuze and nurtured all beings!

Countless people have soared, and old monks have risen through the sky, and the countless little monks have reached the road.

This is a feat of the world, and the overall strength of the universe is skyrocketing.

The ancient Xuanhuang universe, like a supreme life, is in the process of rejuvenation, landing in Fuze.

Of course, the most terrible thing is the ancestral star, the energy of Wang Yang, one heavy drop, the big energy are excited and shouting, bathing the universe Fuze, they will harvest big opportunities!

However, hundreds of people can wait patiently, although the energy between the heavens and the earth is vast, but this is not what they need.

Soon, they caught it, and the ancestral star gave birth to a terrible road. It was like the supreme Dengxian Road. It was necessary to drop the essence of Xiandao and nourish the entire Xuanhuang universe!

Su Yan’s mood is inevitably excited. Once it was Tian Tian’s time and space, now it is broken and reorganized, and the ancestral stars will radiate immortal substances!

"really have!"

Then he laughed and found that some extremely thin materials were born in the sky and the sky!

The entire ancestral star was a large stretch and became extremely thick and shocking. Su Yan became more and more happy. The ancestral star changed and became the core of the universe. The future must be the place where the strong people came forth!

Even with the passage of time, the future ancestral stars will definitely affect other broader stars.


Su Yan made a long shout, he broke through, and then the vast energy, thin and immortal material, broke through a small realm!

He stepped into the seven heavens of immortality, and even Su Yan found that he could continue to improve. As long as the energy was enough, he was sure to sprint to the peak of immortality.

Su Yan still gave up, because he found that many of the great powers can fall into silence and fall into the path of life exploration.

These days, Su Yan has been explaining the essence of life for them. Nowadays, the ancestral star is born with immortal material, and maybe it can really get out of an immortal.

"The dragon totem is also being absorbed."

Su Yan Xinxi, Long Totem is taking a lot of life essence, and it takes a day and night to stop.

Another killer converges, Su Yan laughs!

The universe is changing, lasting ten days and ten nights, and the sky is coming to the end of Fuze!

Ten days and ten nights, too long, can give great opportunities to the universe.

The imperial power of the people, like the sun, the more horrible people!

When Fukuzawa ended, the universe created a terrible light that swept through Suyan.

The beam of sputum penetrated into the frontal bone of Su Yan, which activated the mark of his eyebrows. This light formed a special symbol, shaped like a group of eternal light, branded in the Xuanhuang imprint of Su Yan!

It’s really a good thing, and the Xuanhuang universe has reshaped, and Su Yan has made great achievements.

The universe breeds a source of supernatural powers, branded in the original imprint of Xuanhuang!


Su Yan was shocked, a mysterious secret surgery, it seems that the life of the Xuanhuang universe has died, and the amazing supernatural power that has evolved is called the robbery!

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