Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1399: Skeleton apprentice

Su Yan counts his own magical powers, scorpion kendo, big and infinite, reincarnation secret, initial power, a gasification of Sanqing, each magical power is the mystery of Zhen Gu Shuo today!

Among them, the celestial kendo and the big and ruthless master killing, but the scorpio kendo Suyan is only the first layer, and the reincarnation esoteric is the sacred magical power of Su Yan, the value needless to say, the strong of the sages will be affected .

The initial force can increase the power of all supernatural powers. One gasification of Sanqing is the practice of avatar. Now he has got a supernatural power and robbed!

The magical power of the mysterious yellow universe, Su Yan naturally attaches importance, but the enlightenment is bitter and difficult to understand. This supernatural power does not look like a supernatural power. It is like a supreme scripture.


Su Yan whispered, began to enlighten this secret technique, he felt that this secret surgery is not allowed, there is a slap in the air.

Time has slowly passed away, and it has been half a year since the resurrection of Su Yan to the present, it has been a year.

On this day, Su Yan stared into the distance and looked at the brilliant starry sky!

"Child, are you leaving?" Su Dalong's face was disappointing. He felt that Su Yan was leaving.

He also went to the strongest test ground, but the old Taoist told Su Yan, that mysterious road, can only be opened once in ten years!

Su Yan wants to leave, he has to wait for ten years to expire.

Su Yan is extremely sorry, but she still has to wait until she is young.

However, Su Yan feels that there is a way to do it.

"Dalong Grandpa." Su Yan stood up and said: "I have to go sooner or later, staying here, my strength will be slower, Xuanhuang Havoc is over, but the future will come again, I have to go out and change. Strong!"

"And there are some grudges, you have to go out and have a break." Su Yan's eyes gave off a cold mans.

"If you decide, just go and find a way to leave. If you can't wait for a few years, there is nothing." Su Dalong, although he is not willing, will not stay, Su Yan's road is still very long, very long!

Su Yansi, he can't wait too long, Emperor Lu left the Xuanhuang universe, he estimated that the emperor road is very likely to open!

Therefore, Su Yan must go to the immortal Tianyu as soon as possible to participate in the hegemony of the emperor.

"They came, and finally they came, let me wait so hard!"

At this moment, Su Yan’s eyes are like a sword, and he is staring at the time and space outside the domain. He feels that the atmosphere of a fairy powerhouse has flocked here!

The fairy rain has just fallen, and the immortals have set off a storm.

As a left-behind of the immortals, why is it fallen?

The Xuanhuang universe gave birth to the darkness. This is a curse. The immortal does not want to provoke it. Therefore, it does not cost to reopen the giant array. It just lets the strongman follow the coordinates and cross.

They have suffered a lot from this road, but when they came to their destination, they were silent.

The mysterious yellow universe is shrouded in a layer of darkness!

"What happened in the end? The Xuanhuang universe is already dark and will not exist!" They frowned, but who killed the rainy rain?

They can't detect any clues. As for the one's emperor's list, they have completely declared their dying. Su Yan has no hope of any resurrection.

"The mysterious yellow veins are completely destroyed, but there are still a few embers!"

These people are cold-eyed. In recent years, some of their immortals have suffered serious damages, and they have been repeatedly connected.

Originally they suspected that they were hostile forces. As a result, they were shocked when they found clues. The immortality of the mysterious yellow universe in the past came to the immortal Tianyu, and caused extremely serious damage to some of their immortal industries!

This makes the immortals angry, what kind of group are they? Inheriting the billion-dollar fairy tales!

But a few small immortals, even dare to pluck the giant body, is really outrageous.

The immortal sent strong men to encircle, but they failed, and the treasures disappeared without a trace!

"It's okay." Someone screamed coldly: "A few miscellaneous fish, can turn

Is it day? Su Yan, the strongest person in the Xuanhuang universe, has fallen, and the rest is not enough. ”

"Yes, it is difficult for them to have a storm out of the emperor road." Another woman sneered: "We will collect intelligence as soon as possible and leave soon. It is estimated that this road has already been opened. If you go back late, you will not be able to catch up. It is."

"Yes, the poor Xuanhuang universe, once the time domain of time, now turned into a gray fly!"

Their cold eyes stared at the current Xuanhuang universe, and the darkness enveloped the entire time and space. If the seal is still there, it is estimated that the Xuanhuang universe will be gray.

This is the layout of Su Yan's layout, which has blinded the exploration of the strong people of the Xian.

Only in this way can the Xianzu completely die, so that the Xuanhuang universe can strive for a certain opportunity to grow and develop.

They explored here for several days before finally leaving.

Su Yan is also lax, and the big things are one after another!

"Are we leaving?"

Zhu Yue is standing next to Su Yan, and her clothes are dancing. Her skin is white and white, and under the radiance of the snow-capped mountains, she is more holy and innocent.

They stood on the top of the snow-capped mountains, like a pair of fairy monks.

"It is time to go." Su Yan nodded, then said: "Before leaving, there is still one thing, it must be!"

When he left, Su Yan looked at the snow-capped mountains. He thought about opening the snow-capped Tianzhu and looking at what was inside, but he didn’t get anything. This thing is really like a mystery. Su Yan is not ready to put it. take away.

Now the Xuanhuang universe has changed a lot. At the speed of Su Yan, it is very difficult to come to Dao Dian in a short time.

Although the Daodian moved and merged into the Xuanhuang Academy, there are many old monks who stayed at the ruins of the Daodian Temple, and even the Zixia Fairy is here.

"Would you like to take a Zixia fairy?" Zhu Yue had some accidents. These days, her relationship with Zixia Fairy became more and more intimate. Although Zixia Fairy forgot everything, but this year, she vaguely remembered something.

"You are here!"

Zixia Fairy sees Su Yan and Su Yan, although it still looks unhappy, but the situation is much better than before. She is wearing a purple long skirt and carrying a purple sword tire. It looks like a hero and looks like a woman.

"Zi Xia Fairy, I will help you find a Master. Would you like to go to the teacher?" Su Yan asked.

Wen Yan, Zixia Fairy confused: "You are not saying that my master is the old village chief of Zhangjia Village? Also help me find what Master?"

"If the old village chief knows that you are going to enter the door of a powerful superpower, you will certainly be very happy." Su Yan smiled, there are few things in the Master, and most importantly, there is no such thing as Zixia Fairy. Opportunity!

"follow me."

Su Yan left with Zixia Fairy. He has searched for many Kendo Wizards these days, but he has always made Su Yan very satisfied.

In the end, Su Yan thought of Zixia Fairy. He couldn’t help but discover that perhaps Zixia Fairy is the most suitable, because she can’t think of any Taoist magical powers, any spiritual scriptures!

She is like a born-born person. Who else is better than her?

Moreover, Su Yan did not want to leave with Zixia Fairy. Her problem has not been solved. If she really went to the immortal Tianyu with him, there was an accident on the road and the problem was big.

Coming back to the ruined land of the past, Su Yan felt a lot of emotions. At that time, he harvested great opportunities here, and at the same time began to understand the second supreme inheritance of Qitian Kendo!

The first one, a sword is immortal!

The second and the second, a sword and a fairy.

This is such a domineering school, so that Su Yan really feels unbelievable, is it possible to cultivate a sword that can kill a fairy sect?

Of course, Su Yan is still a lot worse than the repair, and he also has no weapons.

In short, the sacrum is called Su Yan's vast powerhouse by Su Yan. If it really becomes his disciple, it is really an opportunity against the sky!

Very open, they came to the broken road and saw the road

On the falling cheekbones, Zixia fairy stuttered: "You should not let me, worship him as a teacher... this is..."

Zhu Yue is also shocked, a bunch of sacral bones, Su Yan took them to do here? Is this mysterious space, there are others.

"You can't be rude!" Su Yan glanced at Zixia Fairy. She was really worried that she had angered her cheekbones. The temperament of this cheekbone was extremely strange. If they were driven out, this supreme inheritance would not be available.

Zixia Fairy pouted, some grievances, but not talking indiscriminately.

"Predecessors, I have brought a disciple according to your embarrassment, can you be satisfied?"

Su Yan’s attitude toward the skeleton above the Taoist platform was respectful.

Bamboo moon is full of doubts, this bone is still alive, and life?

After a while, the silent bones on the road suddenly moved.

The eyelids on his head made two dawns and looked at the woman in purple.

Su Yan’s mood is also tense. Once he fails, he really doesn’t know who is coming in. After all, Bao Cai has left, and the Xuanhuang universe really has no strong person to practice kendo!

Suddenly, a white bone was manually handed, and waved at the woman in purple.

"There is a play!" Su Yan was secretly happy.

Zixia Fairy has no room to compete, and was directly taken to the Taoist platform.

Standing on the platform, the purple woman's body is blazing, she is like a unique psychic physique, blooming purple Shenxia, ​​and the whole body is crystal clear, not stained with dust, like a fairy, pure without dirt.

Su Yan sharply caught, the skeleton of the bones exudes an ancient spiritual will, which is the fluctuation of his emotions.

Su Yan’s heart is more gratifying, and maybe Zixia Fairy can really succeed.

"This physique...." He whispered: "Like a natural born fetus..."

Su Yan feels terrified, born naturally, the fear of being born, the mana is so powerful, sweeping the rare rivals in the same realm, but how can Zixia Fairy be such a constitution?

In fact, Zixia Fairy can survive, Su Yan is really surprised.

She has died after all, and her body is still buried in Zhangjiacun.

But what is it because of the fact that Zixia Fairy survived? Is it!

Su Yan was not chilling, remembered some special soil, is it because of those soil?

"Predecessors, what do you think of her qualifications?" Su Yan can't wait to ask!

"It's not easy!" The bones nodded, saying: "This kind of physique is hard to come by, pure and flawless. It is suitable for any avenue. It is a good cultivation seedling."

The more you look at the cheekbones, the more satisfied you are. Instead, the Zixia fairy has a claw and dances: "Hey, do you have such a powerful bone man? Can you accept me as a disciple? What can you teach me?"

Su Yan was crying and laughing, and the cheekbones were also amused.

His white bones waved again, moving Zixia Fairy out of the Taoist platform. Unlike the previous test of Su Yan, one bite followed by a sword tire, falling from the sky!

The four swordsmen, hanging in nothingness, trapped Zixia Fairy.

Every sword tire is surging with unbeatable fluctuations!

"this is......"

Su Yan was shocked and stared at the four-legged swords. Each sword was born with an invisible sword. I felt that I was on my own body. I was afraid that it would be cut off like tofu!

"This treatment is really different..." Su Yan scratched his head and teased, his eyes were a little hot, looking at the four swords.

"Her road is different from the kendo that I taught you." The bones faintly said: "Your way, you will go, I will not interfere. You will bring me a disciple for this battle, you and I will be clear."

Su Yan smiled, is it necessary to be so clear?

"Little brother, who is your parents?"

The sacrum couldn't help but ask questions. Although he didn't ask about the red dust, he only survived his continuation, but Su Yan really gave him a lot of accidents.

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