Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1411: Night style

"The Emperor's List, look at it, is the emperor's list, belongs to our emperor's list of Bai Fengzhou!"

Countless people are tidal, yelling constantly, and their moods are exploding.

The years of Bai Fengzhou's existence are not testable, but the number of times the emperor's list has been in the air has only happened once in a long time, only a pitiful one.

But nowadays, they actually saw the appearance of the Emperor's List, and they must reflect one person!

In fact, the current emperor's list is no longer the emperor's list of Su Yan. In this year, the number of times that the land appears in succession is unclear.

Especially during this time, there are thousands of names every day in the emperor's list.

The immortal celestial domain is too big after all, the strong people come forth in large numbers, plus the celestial figures of the imaginary universe. Therefore, nominations for the dynasties of the dynasties will not be less than a few hundred thousand!

The emperor's name is enough to be glorious and spread over more than a dozen continents. This is also a symbol of identity. Once the emperor's nomination is nominated, it will inevitably be recruited by the Xianmen Road to prepare for the next hegemony.

Of course, even if there is no Nominee nomination, it is eligible to participate in the next hegemony, but that kind of hegemony is relative to cruelty. Only the overlord who can truly sweep the heavens and the earth can hope to make a name for himself!


In the faraway Tianzhu, a high-hanging time-space mirror blooms, and this time stirs up a beam of light and flies into a forum.

In this forum, the strongest of the older generation of Tianzhu is here. The identity is not the same, most of them are elders, and even the ancestors are among them.

"It is also the emperor's list that has appeared on the continents under our jurisdiction!"

The strongest people of Tianzhu are looking forward to their faces. The continents under their jurisdiction, their affiliated groups, once there is no doubt that the emperor’s list has come out to be a genius, even if it can lead to the emperor’s list, it is really unacceptable.

"What? Bai Fengzhou? What is this continent?"

Some old people are confused. What are the names of the dozen rich territories they have left? These people are clear, but what is Bai Fengzhou?

"Bai Fengzhou is a barren continent under my family. Is this Bai Fengzhou out of the genius?" The elders looked amazed and said quickly: "According to the feedback from the monitoring mirror, the emperor's list appeared, but did not leave a name. No., indicating that the potential is still worse!"

Even so, but this is already very bad, Bai Fengzhou is a barren continent after all, if it is introduced to the group to cultivate, maybe it can cultivate a competent dry.

"This matter can not be neglected. The genius that emerged from the barren continents should not be underestimated. It is a same-generation hegemon!" The quiet ancestor opened his eyes and said: "Well, wait for a trip, check clearly, if true. It is the genius that comes out of the ethnic group affiliated to my family. It is directly connected to the family. This battlefield of the 10,000 people is about to open. My family is now in need of war!"

A group of elders face serious, the land of the ancestors fell, the approximate location is in the battlefield of the Wan!

This matter is very important. Tianzhu’s pulse is bound to be fully prepared. These days, they have attracted a lot of Tianjiao of the affiliated strong people, and they have come up with rare resources for cultivation. In short, Tianzhu is ready to spend blood, and cultivate a group of tyrants. The arrogance of one side is best prepared for the next task!

"Too outrageous!"

Bai Fengzhou’s imperial road battle platform here, bamboo Gaogao is mad, how can there be a list of emperors?

Although the emperor's list has disappeared, but once the emperor list appears, their group must be the first to know, fear that it will not take too long, there must be a strong man of the natural bamboo, descending to Bai Fengzhou!

He is very clear that the current group of people want young fighters, and even the resources they have made make him extremely jealous.

"The Emperor's List is really the Emperor!"

The Cai family leader laughed: "It must be Cai Yuan’s introduction. If he breaks out in amazement, he can definitely lead the emperor and get the qualification for nomination. At that time, Cai Yuan can definitely become a disciple of Chaos Cave!"

What is this concept? Cai Yuan is equal to change and become a big man of the Xianmen Dao, and even the entire Cai family will rise.


Baifengzhou was sensational. No one thought of the battle of the Imperial Road, and the Emperor's List would appear.

"Who is it?" Some people are suspicious, why it is Cai Yuan, not Xia Kunlun.

The Cai family leader was extremely excited: "Cai Yuan immediately went to the stage and waited for you to recover and fight with him."

"Good Cai Yuan, you just played against Baiyun Creek and consumed a lot of power. If you return to the peak state, you have great hopes of being nominated for the Emperor!"

A group of Cai’s elders were excited and laughed, and they all called on Cai Yuan to come down immediately. Some people even prepared the secret medicine for recovery.

Su Yan shook his head and laughed, step by step toward the imperial road and walked.

This emperor Su Yan has been given a chance to reflect, the second time is doomed to miss.

Moreover, he has already nominated, so the emperor list will soon disappear.

"Wild repair, what are you sneer?" The Cai family is gloomy: "The war is not over yet. When you both stand in the strongest state, you should be fighting. Shouldn’t this be the case? Or, you can now surrender directly and admit defeat. !"

Su Yan is like watching an idiot, looking at a group of excited veterans of the Cai family, laughing: "You ask him, can he continue?"

A rather weird sentence made the onlookers here daze.

Some people looked at Cai Yuan. At first they thought that Cai Yuan was very calm. Soon he also got up and walked under the battle platform.

But he didn't have a dozen steps before he left. He really couldn't help himself. He was kneeling on the ground, his chaotic armor was ruined, and his body was shaking.


In the end, Cai Yuan spurted a large amount of blood. This is not a bite. The dozens of blood that he had pressed down were sprayed out successively, even containing broken bones and flesh.

Cai Yuan’s appearance is really miserable. The whole person is shaking, and he dare not go straight to Su Yan. He can’t say a word!

"Cai Yuan!"

The whole Cai family’s people are scared even green. What is the situation?

The onlookers were shocked and jumped. Cai Yuan was so heavy that it was difficult to get up and fell into a pool of blood. Finally he pointed to Su Yandao: "You.....who are you?"

"Xia Kunlun."

Su Yan faintly said that he immediately left the emperor's road platform, facing the petrochemical white family elders: "The elders, this hundred immortal treasures, I am worth the price?"

"Value, too..... too valuable!"

The elders of the White House were stuttering, and the eyes were filled with shock. He really did not see the picture of the opponent just now, and he saw that Cai Yuan was defeated.

How did Su Yan do it? Who is clear?

The beauty of Baiyun River looks at Su Yan, which is somewhat complicated and has some surprises.

"You give me a stop!" The Cai family has to blow up the lungs. Cai Yuan seems to have been abolished, and his body and bones are broken, and the station can't stand up.

The Cai family was furious and stunned in the eyes, glaring at Su Yandao: "You dare to take this poisonous hand, you have to pay for it!"

"Let's go, you Cai's big courage!"

Zhu Gaoge fiercely stood up and glared at a group of Cai’s people who yelled: "In my face, I dare to let go of these rants. Are you when I don’t exist? Don’t think that there is a chaotic hole to support you. Dare to scatter on the site of Tianzhu, and let me die if I don't want to die!"


A group of Cai’s people were struck by lightning and have not forgotten that this is a land.

Nowadays, Xia Kunlun won the battle on the emperor's road, and even led to the emperor's list, which will inevitably be valued by Tianzhu. Although they have a true immortal, they don't dare to offend the Xianmen.

"This little man." Baiyunxi snorted, and he also sighed with weight.

"Baiyun Creek to talk about it."

Zhu Gaoge forced the anger in his heart and waved at Baiyun Creek.

"This kid can bend and stretch, I have to look at it, how long can you live?"

Su Yan’s eyes flashed a cold mans, and the dark road said: “Bhu Lihui’s parents, Zhu Gaoge,

I am killed. ”

If he did not care about the white family, Su Yan had already started, and now his purpose has also been reached. Just waiting to be mixed into the Tianzhu, you can complete the next series of major events.

"The emperor's list is empty, and the high-level people of Tianzhu know it. If you don't know the big people of your group, it will take a few days to come to Baifengzhou."

Baiyun Creek stared at the bamboo song, and said coldly: "When we are white, it is best to meet the matter."

Wen Yan, Zhu Gaoge smiled and said: "Baiyun River, you are a smart person, this time I lost, but even if you make this thing big, I am just being punished."

"As long as you keep silent, you will be free from some trouble." Zhu Gaoge took back his smile and said coldly: "I will not care about other things with you. I will complain about it. How do you feel?"

"What you said is really easy."

Baiyun Creek sneered, then turned around and left.

Zhu Xiangming is very worried. He is worried that Baiyun Creek will not give up and take things out.

However, Zhu Gaoge is very clear. Baiyun Creek does not threaten himself at all, but will completely grieve with him. This does not overflow her or her entire white house.

At night, Baifengcheng is bustling.

The White House has a banquet and invites strong people from all walks of life.

"White House is a treasure."

Many people are stunned, and Xia Kunlun has caused the loss of Cai’s family, which is equivalent to the removal of their confidants.

Moreover, this person is still a wild repair, there is no power, some people think that Xia Kunlun will probably stay in Baijia.

"Mother, this is good, Cai family has invested in Chaos Cave, and their group has escaped overnight, and the ancestors have been preserved!"

Baiyun Creek exudes a beautiful smile, holding an old woman and entertaining guests.

"Where is Kunlun? Why haven't you seen it?" The old woman looked around.

"Is he not coming?"

Baiyunxi was radiant, with a sweet smile on his cheek, looked around in confusion, and said randomly: "It is estimated that he does not like the excitement."

Wen Yan said that the old woman patted the jade hand of Baiyunxi and lowered her voice: "Yunxi, your age is not small. I have been managing family affairs for many years. The courage is also very heavy. I see this. Xia Kunlun is also good."

"What are you talking about?" Baiyunxi stunned. She is now the ancestors of the Bai family. Baiyunxi is the first strongest family. She shoulders the heavy responsibility of the prosperous family. Bai Jiake never mentioned it and married her. thing.

"You understand, there should be a man around you to share the burden for you."

The old woman laughed, although she had never seen Xia Kunlun, but a young strong man who can defeat Cai Yuan, is not a small person.

Baiyunxi's heartbeat speeds up, his eyes are a bit complicated, and he even has an unpredictable expectation.

Until the middle of the night, Bai Jia sent away all the guests.

Baiyunxi walked alone in the Baijiazu area, her face was red and fluttering, and there was some drunkenness.

"this is......."

Suddenly, Baiyunxi came out of the secret of Su Yan’s cultivation.

Her silver teeth bit her red lips and stood outside the secret house, hesitating for a long time.

In the end, she took a deep breath and just knocked on the door, she found that the secret door was pushed open.

Su Yan looked a little wrong and looked at Baiyunxi.

She is dressed in a red dress, tall, and the skin is white and delicate, feminine.

Under the illumination of the night, the Baiyun River is bright and glamorous.

"Miss Yunxi, how come late at night..." Su Yan was amazed.

"Don't ask me to go in?" Baiyunxi chuckled, his voice was soft and very pleasant. Because he drank some fine wine, this Baiyun River had some charms, which seemed charming and moving.

"Come inside please....."

Su Yan smiled and greeted Baiyunxi.

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