Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1411: Solicit

"Miss Yunxi, please sit down."

Su Yan greeted Baiyunxi. Although she was confused, she did not know the purpose of her coming late at night, but then Su Yan relied on Baiyunxi to cover her identity and enter the Tianzhu.

Baiyunxi was sitting on the stone bench. She was a little cramped. She was still alone for the first time with a man. Even now it was late at night, and she was still coming, and her mind was more or less shy.

If this scene is seen by the white people, she is really ten mouths and it is not clear.

Baiyunxi’s look was awkward. When he paused, he said, “Is it still a habit to live? You have come to our White House for a while, I haven’t said much to you yet.”

"Habit." Su Yan smiled: "Miss is busy with family affairs all day, so that most men are ashamed."

Baiyun Creek smiled bitterly: "We have a white house, although it has been passed down for many years, but the family has not gone out of a few strong people. In the vast and immortal world, it is only a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning!"

"I don't understand it now." Baiyun Creek looked at Su Yan and said: "With your talent, why would you choose our white house? It is not difficult to enter the Xianmen Road system."

"This is not helpless." Su Yan laughed: "In the **** trial, offended too much to teach a strong, if you invited me, I Su.... Xia Kunlun does not know where it is now."


Baiyunxi’s eyes are slightly sloppy, and he looks straight into Su Yan.

Su Yan is secretly in her heart, and there are many big winds and waves. How can she overturn the ship in the gutter, and she is too unsettled.

"You are like a fog, I really can't see you." Baiyunxi frowned slightly and said: "I don't think you will stay in the white house all the time?"

"The man is in the Quartet." Su Yan responded: "I have something, it is very troublesome, I will not stay in the White House for too long, so as not to cause trouble for your group."

Baiyunxi’s brow wrinkled deeper and asked: “Is there anything I can help? If there is, despite the opening, your help to the white family, my family will always remember, if necessary, the white family will not Sit and watch."

"Some things need to be solved by themselves." Su Yan responded with a smile.


At this time, Baiyunxi took out a animal skin bag and handed it to Su Yan.

"Five hundred plants!" Su Yan stunned, among the animal skin bags, there are 500 immortal treasures, and Baiyunxi gave himself so much, which made him very surprised.

"I reconcile with Zhu Gaoge, but there are always people responsible for the leakage of the ten gates."

Baiyunxi is somewhat proud of it: "Three hundred plants are now owned by you, and the old things are not dare to say anything more, and I have promised 50 of them beforehand, and another 100 more, as this time you The cost of the shot, I know that this is very rare, but now the immortal treasures stored in our white house are very limited, you should not be too small."

"How come, I am already very surprised." Su Yan laughed, he is now penniless, and really needs some money.

"I have something to talk to you."

Baiyun River informed Su Yan about the situation of Tianzhu. If the family came, they would definitely invite Su Yan to go to further study.

Once the second stage of the emperor's battle platform is opened, all the major fairy gates are used by people. Baiyun Creek guesses that Tianzhu will definitely cost a lot of resources to train some warriors.

Therefore, this opportunity, Baiyun Creek does not want to miss, this should also be very important for Su Yan.

"Miss, I want to let me go too?" Su Yan asked.

"Yes, Tianzhu is a very powerful Xianmen Taoist system. It has been passed down from ancient times and has a strong foundation!" Baiyunxi nodded. "If you join the Tianzhu, this is also a great benefit for you, although the Tianzhu is not a sect. However, the development of the external forces of the family is also extremely amazing. I heard that because of the opening of the emperor road, the Tianzhu pulse has cost a lot of money and is ready to train a group of warriors!"

"I will consider it." Su Yan did not rush to promise.

The look of Baiyunxi was faintly faint. She stood up and smiled. "The family will not come in a few days. You must think about it quickly, so as not to hesitate, I will leave."

Su Yan sent away Baiyun Creek and closed it.

The secret door.

"In the middle of the night, are you still unable to sit still?"

Su Yan was a big man, bringing bamboo moon out of time and space.

"Five hundred immortal treasures, this sale is quite cost-effective. If you can join the Tianzhu, you can also practice the cultivation resources in the past, and I will soon cultivate to the peak of immortality."

Su Yan smiled and shifted the topic.

Zhu Yue glanced at Su Yan and said: "She waited outside for a long time, so she was so sad that I didn't know how to send it?"

"What is sad to leave, what are you talking about?" Su Yan said with amazement.

"I am staring at you, going, meditating."

Sitting on the bamboo moon plate, a pair of stars staring at Su Yan, it looks like a serious, but this appearance makes Su Yan could not help but laugh.


Time flies, less than ten days, and the real Tianzhu has two emissaries, coming to Baifengcheng.

The Baijiaju people are welcome, and the two messengers are also very polite. Seeing the eyes of Baiyunxi suddenly shine, they can naturally see the extraordinary of Baiyun River.

It’s not just Baiyun’s that I heard the emperor’s list, but a field repair from outside the field, which made the two messengers somewhat moved.

"The monk of the universe of time and space!"

Zhu Yuanli was extremely curious and scrutinized when he saw Su Yan.

Su Yan also showed his strength, his blood is extremely strong, the foundation is solid, and the immortal energy is extremely strong.

Bamboo Force is very satisfied, the universe of the size of nothingness, you can rely on yourself to explore the potential of immortality, too rare, equal to the rare!

This made the original force of the bamboo blossoms, and more and more attention to Su Yan, laughing: "Xia Xiaoyou is really extraordinary, no wonder it can lead the emperor, but some are a pity."

"What a pity?" Su Yan wondered.

Zhu Yuanli Cang smiled: "With your foundation, if time is bound to be the strongest person, the achievement of the hegemon is beyond words, so I said that it is a pity that the imperial road is over now, and you have lost a good opportunity to reflect the emperor's list. Hey, the old man is heartbroken for you!"

"You are the elders of the outer door of Tianzhu, are you not shutting me out? I want to see the elders, but also want me to join the Tianzhu one?" Su Yan is stupid.

The bamboo on the side was almost scared to the ground, and the heart was furious. I didn’t expect Su Yan to directly slash the knife.

In short, Su Yan will not lightly pluck Zhu Xiangming, and he has been delayed for so long, and it is not good to collect and pack him. Isn’t it too cheap to be clear?

"What do you mean?" Bamboo's face suddenly swelled, and the gloomy gaze looked at Zhu Xiangming.

Zhu Xiangming was frightened and stuttered: "I.....I..."

"I know some of the things inside." Baiyun Creek came out and said: "In those days, Xia Kunlun was experienced in the blood, and he was seen by the strong people who taught me, and wanted to earn it down!"

"What? Too teach!" Takeshihara was shocked, and he was still seen by Taichao.

However, when he thinks about Su Yan, he is not surprised by the essence of life in a barren cultivation environment. Such people will be valued by the Xianmen Dao, and there will be great achievements in the future.

Zhu Yuanli did not expect to encounter a perfect cultivation seedling. Once systematically cultivated, he believed that the future Xia Kunlun could definitely bring many accidents and surprises.

"But Xia Kunlun refused. He didn't understand the Xianmen Dao." Baiyunxi said: "The strong man was angry and told them that Su Yan had provoked too much education. As a result, Zhu Xiangming refused Su Yan. Under the door, I saw that Xia Kunlun’s combat power was good, so he was led to Bai’s home.”


Zhu Yuan’s strength is broken, like an old lion roaring.


Zhu Xiangming spurted out a large amount of blood, and flew out, and the body of the beggar was blasted.

Although he is an elder, he can only be an elder of the outer door. He does not have too much combat power. He can survive the anger of Zhu Yuanli. This bamboo force is a strong person who touches the path of Xian!

This type of person is called a half-step true fairy!

Half step of the wrath of the true fairy, Zhu Xiangming can not bear, in addition to the oppression of the elders, he

Shivering, fear said: "I don't know!"

"A small sesame thing, you almost hurt a family who almost lost a warrior, who gave you the courage." Zhu Yuanli angered: "There is too much teaching, you can order me a bamboo, come, give I took Zhu Xiangming and returned to the family. I am dealing with you!"

"Rain the elders."

Zhu Xiangming’s old tears, once he was detained in the family, the lightest also abolished the status of elders, and many years of hard work turned into nothing.

"Xia Kunlun, can this be handled well?" Zhu Yuanli's face was gloomy and scattered, looking at Su Yan with a smile on his face.

Su Yan was somewhat flattered and stood up and said: "This makes me a little scared. The younger generations are humble and do not understand the Xianmen Dao."

"Ha ha ha, Xia Kunlun, my family is treated equally, and when the law is committed, it is necessary to punish, no one is no exception!"

Zhu Yuanli laughed and became more satisfied with Su Yan. What he wanted was this young man with the status of 'innocence'. He did not have any foundation in the immortal Tianyu. Once he went deep into the sky, he would definitely become the effective force of their family.

Another foreign messenger also laughed, this is an unexpected harvest.

"Xia Kunlun, my family is now in the hands of people!"

Zhu Yuanli licked his beard and looked at Su Yandao: "With your talent, the old man can guarantee your future path of immortality. Even if there is a certain achievement in the future, I don't want to stay in Tianzhu, put it on any continent, and definitely can dominate. One party!"

"Predecessors want to take me to the family to practice?" Su Yanming asked.

"Yes, the resources are convenient, you don't have to worry about it, you and Baiyunxi can go." Zhu Yuanli from the channel: "In addition to some special resources, the monthly immortal treasures are not less than one hundred, of course, immortal treasure What is the drug? Can't compare with other special resources!"

The veterans of Baijialai have been surprised. Tianzhu’s pulse is really a **** one. At any cost, before the opening of the Wan’s battlefield, a group of young warriors will be trained. It is best to cultivate a strong man with a half-step fairyland!

It should be noted that the battlefield of the Wan family prohibits the immortality from entering the territory, but the strong person who touches the path of the fairy can still enter.

"You still have any doubts, even if you mention it."

Zhu Yuanli's more confident, so amazing temptation, he does not believe that Xia Kunlun can still sit.

The reason why Zhu Yuanli attaches importance to Xia Kunlun is that he does not have any background and family. He can fully play the role of Tianzhu. This is the most important thing for Zhu Yuanli. Waiting for Su Yan to pass the test, you can cultivate it as a confidant.

"The predecessors kindly invited, but if the younger generation did not agree, they would not know what to do!"

Su Yan stood up and respectfully said: "The future opportunities for the younger generation are all promoted by the elders!"

Zhu Yuanli smiled and smiled. He laughed: "Good, very good. Since you all agree, this is easy!"

"Come on!"

Zhu Yuanli waved his hand and soon the two followers came. He told me: "The old man still has the task to run another continent. You two take Xia Kunlun and Baiyunxi to Qingshanzhou!"

"It is an adult. It is said that Zhu Yao is also in Qingshanzhou. Do you want it?"

There is a follower opening, the meaning of the words, whether or not to let Zhu Yao see them, maybe they can become the right side of Zhu Yao.

"Bhu Yao?" Su Yan's eyes screamed, pressing the mood of the heart toss.

"How, do you know Zhuyao?" Zhu Yuanli was surprised.

Wen Yan, Su Yan said: "The younger generation has heard of the heroes of the immortal Tianyu, Zhu Yao is even more thunder!"

"Well, my family Zhuyao is indeed a small person. She is working in Qingshanzhou. If she is lucky enough to meet her, there may be surprises."

Zhu Yuanli laughed, and he was also the elder of Zhuyao. If Zhuyao valued him, he might as well take it with him.

"The joy of surprise, hope." Su Yan's words are deep.

Baiyunxi looked at Su Yan with some doubts. Did he really know Zhu Yao?

Su Yan’s heart is already turbulent, and it’s really a step-by-step break in the iron shoes. It doesn’t take much time!


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