Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1435: Taiyin mother


Fairy, black hair dance, it is difficult to calm down!

What is his character? Disdain to compete with the younger generation, and even disdain for the top of the list, his goal is to directly compete for the top 100, even the top ten, the top three.

If the non-Xia Kunlun and the young devil attacked the immortal too much, the immortals would not intervene, and he could not descend on his identity to Su Yan.

The result now seems to be that he is really angry, can't even hold a king of heaven?

Even before Su Yan’s words, he woke up. He still focused on the sky, and what is the difference between this and the old road?

Talent is superb, it is a good thing, but the super-excessive is too much, and it is extremely conceited.

"What the ghost is, kill you!"

Su Yan swooped in, the move was simple and direct, raised a big hand, want a face to suppress the immortal.

The singer is more and more angry, a small heavenly king, are thinking about directly suppressing themselves?


Xianjun's breath is arrogant, and his white wins the snow. He is instantly dark and inky. Just like the darkness, the chaotic demon is born. The pores are sprayed with a thick dark light, and the raging explosion breaks down the palm of Su Yan's suppression!


Su Yan once again screamed, his palms glowed, the flames of the five fingers were smoldering, and there was a terrible breath. Even the large swordsmanship was born. Under the state of swordsmanship, the attacking power was strong and a big cut, and it was fiercely suppressed toward Xianjun!


The darkness of the dark light burst, and in the eyes of the people, the palm of the young devil was seen, and it was about to be suppressed on the cover of the heavenly spirit!

At this moment, the celestial beings are stunned, the breath is changing, and the ancient chanting sounds are flowing out of the human body. Just like a vague sage is reading the dark truth, the syllables of the words are deafening and exudes a thrilling avenue. Brilliant.

Undoubtedly, this verse is extremely strong, opening up the dark realm, stirring up the dark storms of the sky, and smashing the sword sea that has fallen from the sky.

At the same time, his palms pinch the fists, the fists are black as big stars, and Su Yan's palms collide together!


A loud blast exploded, but the results exceeded the expectations of the world. The original Xian strong thought that Xian can suppress Su Yan and shock him.

The result is completely different from what I imagined!

Su Yan is innocent, sultry and majestic, bursting with strong blood, the scorpion is sharper than lightning, straight up and crushed, and the sin is killed together.

A fierce fight, killing big skills frequently evolved.

No one of them will step back and take the most powerful force to attack the enemy.

Everyday is an energy storm, and the raging explosion.

In the picture of the landslide, Su Yan’s breath is getting stronger and stronger, and the move is big and big, and it is suppressed!

The rolling darkness was collapsed, and all the killing orders were difficult to stop him. What kind of bravery is Su Yan? In the state of supreme treasure, there is even a great magical power of swordsmanship, and the attacking power is unparalleled.

"It’s so horrible, it’s too big."

"The young devil is more terrible than before. He has suppressed the immortal who does not use the dark eyes. He is a disciple of the ancestor of the immortal. Even if there is no darkness, the strong man who can suppress him in the same generation is limited! ”

The whole audience was sensational. Looking at this young demon like the golden **** of war, it collapsed the darkness. At this moment, the immortals are somewhat weak!


The immortal scorpion, such as the shadow of the dark lightning, is like a brand between the stars and the sky, and a pair of dark and ink-like pupils once again smashed, and the sky was cracked in the open, within the eyes of his eyes, the body of Su Yan Vaguely deformed, the pores overflow the blood!

"His grandson, do you have a sky?"

Su Yan was furious, and a pair of cold and cold scorpions that were not shocked by the ancients broke open in an instant!

Just as the Tianmu who dominated the heavens was born, the heavens and the earth would turn with each other, and the sound of the road humming.

Su Yan’s eyeballs are violent and violent, and together with this ancient world, they instantly resist the darkness of the sky!


The moment between the two big eyes, the horror of the atmosphere, the hard tears of the sky!

Let the dark storms in the darkness, all the horrors of the world, ignited by the eyes of Su Yan's Scorpio, and at the same time he slammed into the palm of his hand and killed the immortal!

Su Yan is a big man, the fist is alive!

The hair of Xianjun danced, and the breath of the whole person infinitely skyrocketed. The dark palm squeezed the fist and pressed against Suyan. During the process, the whole body was lit, and the dark runes were scattered, and the horrible light of the road was flowing!


The big peak collided, like two comets colliding together, and there was a thunderstorm blasting in the ancient city. The large number of people who were shocked and trembled and horrified.

The ending made the immortals panic...

The entire fist of Xianjun was cracked, and the thick blood was spilled, and the whole body trembled, and the hemoptysis continued.

The whole scene was sensational, and the picture was a bit horrible.

The immortals are directly hit hard. Is it even difficult for one of the three kings of heaven to be rival?

The situation is far beyond the expectations of the world. A group of strong people of the immortal are anxious, and a large number of strong people are rushing to help them to help the youngsters block the young devil!

"Take me all!"

Xianjun’s anger whispered, and the whole person’s breath looked a little different. Soon his ancient body, flowing a terrible time, accompanied by a thick, dark atmosphere, rose up!


The immortals are stunned, such as the reincarnation of the shackles of the shackles, the chanting of the body, and a huge figure emerges behind them, such as the supreme magic master who overlooks the ancient and modern future!

From this moment on, the heavens and the earth are dark and the fingers are not visible.

"Taiyin mother!"

The sound of the horror of the sizzling blasted, causing a big sensation!

Fan Jian's eyes are red, out of control: "The legend, the ancestor of the immortals, once explored a stunning heavenly power in the Jedi, the Taiyin mother, known as the world's strongest scripture!"

There are many rumors about this matter in the practice world. It is said that the Taiyin mother of the founder of the Xianzu is not complete!

Fan Jian thought a lot in a flash, will it be an ancient history that has passed away? What is the birth of the world?

He thinks the possibility is great!

Although this verse is incomplete, but with the stalwart degree of the first ancestor of the immortal, he was repaired by him.

Nowadays, the immortals are all running the yin and mother, and the breath is naturally horrible. Just like the fairy demon born in the darkness, the sound is huge, the sound waves are soaring, and the world is pressed!


The rolling dark tide spurted out, and with terrible scripture power, rushed to Su Yan!

"This verse is so powerful!"

Su Yan was shocked, and the power was suppressed, the power was greatly damaged, and a big crisis, even the rogue life of the human body, seemed to be swallowed up by the dark!

But this is equally exciting!

Su Yan’s body burns like a heavenly universe, full of a little primitive weather, and it’s a shocking world!

The initial bloom, the avenue runes all over the sky, resisting the suppression of the Taiyin mother!

At the same time, Su Yan found that the Taiyin mother is not inferior to the initial scriptures, and the two verses ended the ancient world of the ancient times!


The immortals were cold and drunk, and a horrible blow broke out. The small world in front of them was blown up. With all kinds of dark symbols manifested, the hard life suppressed everything, and wanted to kill Su Yan!


Su Yan Yang Tianxiaoxiao, there is no retreat at all, the breath is infinitely erupted, and the initial period is pushed to the limit by him. It is like rebuilding the universe, sinking the darkness, and rebuilding the universe order!

In any case, the two great worlds hit the sky, forming a maelstrom, the impact of the world!

Everything is blurred too........

Nothing can be seen, the energy fluctuations of the two major scriptures are intertwined!

There are also blazing radiances, Su Yan's flesh is golden, and the celestial bodies are dark and black, just like the two big days hit together, the slaying of the smashing, the ghosts crying!

The world of the sky, the loud noise and the sky, hit more than a dozen times in a row, it is difficult to win!


The celestial beings are mad, the great gods come out, the darkness of the sky breaks out, and the strongest state is used.

The more he became more and more shocked, the power of Su Yan made him feel trembled. If he could not be removed, the future would form a heavy blow to the immortals!

The light of the sky is released in the dark world, and the picture is quite awkward. After all, under the operation of the Taiyin mother, all kinds of supernatural powers can be overwhelmed, and the suppression of Su Yan is overwhelming!

"Robbery, robbery, robbery, robbery!"

The ancient and majestic voice blew up. In this blooming universe, the initial universe, bursting into a catastrophic atmosphere, just like the outline of the magnificent **** universe, carrying the law, it also has the horror of robbing the law!

"Is he really Su Yan?"

Yan Yuan, they are somewhat silent. I think this person is somewhat like Su Yan, but all kinds of supernatural powers are completely different.

Only the initials are familiar with them, whether it is swordsmanship or robbery, they are too strange!

"What kind of magic is that?"

The onlookers were horrified, and the blood ray was hidden in the whirlpool!

Based on the initial experience, the power of the robbery that has evolved has flooded and suppressed the power of the magical powers that bloom in the sky!


In the end, Su Yanjian's body technique shattered the darkness, shrouded the world with the power of the robbery, and the initial cosmic fist burst, releasing a thunder blow, the slaying singers shuddered, the whole vision was broken, and flew out in pain. !


He coughed up a large blood and fell to the ground.

"how is this possible?"

The onlookers were all scared, not being scared by Su Yan’s fighting power.

But the sensation has been aging, and the hair is white in the sky. Although it is still a teenager, but the blood is declining, it is difficult to compare with the heyday!

"Old ancestors!"

The third city of Xian was rioted, and all eyes were red. They angered: "Bad, the ancestors rebuilt themselves, and they must not use force for a long time, otherwise they will become more and more declining!"

They are madly assisting, but they are not paper-like, blocking a large number of strong people in the third city of Xian, opening a space for hegemony, prohibiting anyone from intervening in this battle!

"I didn't expect it, I just killed one of you!"

Fairy seems to cry like a smile, in fact, Su Yan's state is not good.

After all, it was only an incarnation. In this war, he tried his best to break out, his power was greatly damaged, and his breath was equally declining.

"Are you sure, you killed me?" Su Yan asked.

Wen Yan, Xian Jun stood up and said coldly: "Since I have shot, you can't live, including all the people in heaven, one can't live!"

His words are quite cold and quite confident. He said: "It’s a pity that this road, I failed. Even if I stand in the realm of Da Luo, I am afraid that it is the supreme position of the future. I have nothing to do with me. !"

He is a little embarrassed, but he doesn't care too much.

"You are really confident." Su Yan sneered: "Don't kill us all, your tone is really outrageous!"

"Kill it, you will know."

Xianjun, step by step toward Su Yan, although it seems to be declining, in fact, the air machine that jumped out of his pupil, let Su Yan catch the crisis!

"Then you can't live, the third city of the fairy, is your place of burial!"

The young devil is cold and open, at the same time, Xia Kunlun, does not destroy the body.

The three figures, standing together at the same time, and the atmosphere of each other, the top three must be integrated into one, the most powerful state of Su Yan!

For Su Yan, the average of Xian is too big, he must be removed, otherwise he will let him secretly grow himself, and then he will endlessly suffer.

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