Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1536: The strongest battle!

The three kings of heaven, the young devil, Xia Kunlun, do not destroy the body!

At this moment, they stood together, this combination is relative to the dream, causing infinite sorrow!

"If the three kings are united, it is unimaginable...."

"Is the supreme of the immortal not ready to be shot?"

"It is estimated that the atmosphere is too big. I feel that the third city can successfully take the pulse of the heavens. The Xian people can be really proud now. This is not intended to put Tianting in the eye."

The outside world is not calm. The strong men of all the great fairy tales are frightened. A young demon has already pushed the singers to this step. Can you imagine that the three strong men will be able to match at the same time?

"The big things are not good, the ancestors of the immortals are fighting for life!"

"Come on, please teach the Supreme, stop the ancestors of the immortals, even if this plan fails, there is nothing. The ancestors of the immortals can't fall. His rebuilding road is just beginning. If he is killed, the loss of my family is too heavy!"

The top level of the Xian people is full of vibrations. Xian can be a disciple of the ancestor of the Xianzu. Although this long period of time, there is not much to do, but the immortals are expecting them all. After the re-construction of the immortals, they can win the supreme seats!

If the three young people in the heavens are really killed, this is a shame for the immortals!

"No problem!"

However, when Ma Dawei came to the world, the immortal masters said: "Xianjun, there is an ancestor's guardian body, no one can kill him. Even if it is a big loss, my family will spend a lot of money to keep it. He, you are preparing for it!"

If you teach the Supreme, let their moods be great, and they will be excited and they will laugh.

If this campaign can kill the three kings of heaven, it will also mean that the heavenly powerhouse will be wiped out. From then on, there will be no hope of rising!

The third city of the fairy, killing the sky!

Su Yan’s words angered the strong of the entire fairy, and if their top three joined forces, the immortals could not match!

"You don't be too shameless."

There are strong voices of anger, I really want to kill the past to help the immortals, but it is useless, Fan Jian they are under the interception, no one can intervene in this battle!

"No problem!"

Although the appearance of Xianjun is declining, but his temperament is extraordinary, he wins the snow in white, and faintly said: "You will directly shoot, I will let you lose, convinced orally!"

Su Yan, Xia Kunlun, does not destroy the body!

The three figures, successively shining, and the mutual breath of each other, caused resonance, triggered the sound of the road, one by one blood, like a tall fairy, standing in the sky!


For a moment, the breath of the three people is in the middle of the rotation, the majesty of the everlasting existence of the ancients, the spirit of the spirit has been blended together, forming the momentum of horror and horror!

This is an invincible trend, difficult to rewrite, with strong enough oppression, can suppress people's souls!

"A familiar atmosphere!"

"Is he? Is it still alive?"

"My brother, have you survived from the darkness?"

From this moment on, the entire ancient city was rioted.

One after another, the top male, the iron-blooded men will cry, full of blood!

"Big brother is still alive, still alive, hahahaha....."

Vigorously, full of tears, from the three kings, caught the familiar air.

A once-disappearing air machine, once again shocked back, he is still alive!

"My brother is still alive..."

The tens of emotions were violently ups and downs, and the eyes were red, and he whispered: "He is still alive, this is his breath, yes, it is his breath!"

"He is back......."

The familiar atmosphere, like the return of the lost emperor, in the entire third city of the fairy, mad spew!

It is also like calling on the world here, as if calling on the brothers here, he is still alive, crawling out of the darkness, coming to the immortal Tianyu, and coming to the battlefield of the Wan!


"The invincible body is definitely Su Yan!"

The third city of the Xian family, in all directions, swayed back and forth, and the low-lying squats, they were full of blood, laughed and laughed, and Su Yan was still alive!

At this time, their fighting power was also infinitely surging and erupting, and the entire third city of the fairy trembled, and the powerful strong men were killed in succession.

The brothers joined forces to kill the Quartet and push it all the way. To kill the past and join Su Yan!

"what happened?"

The ancient city war was fierce, and the monks who were watching the world watched the horror. What is the stimulating heavenly violent storm.

One young king, tall and full of blood!

Their breath is infinitely violent, **** battles and enemies, flesh and blood are burning, killing and dripping, and screaming!

You must know that in today's ancient city, in addition to Su Yan, the strongest of the top ten true powers of the forces, belonging to the heavens!

In the center of the city, the three bloods of blood are burning and burning, and a king is to be sketched out!


Xianjun’s lips trembled, and it’s hard to calm down anymore. He’s not an ordinary person, his eyes are shocking, not Yuan Yuan, they can compare!

It is obvious that the three lives of the three of them are exactly the same, and even the spirits of each other are perfectly blended together to form a brand new person!

what is this?

His chest is violently ups and downs, the anger that spreads in his heart, and he is trying to restrain himself!

"One gas, three clear!"

He was angry, his eyes were red, his fists were clenched, and his voice creaked!

It’s a shameful shame. Before he played with him, it was just an incarnation of Su Yan. Although it was magical and clear, it could be turned into the three most powerful.

However, even if it is magnificent in the gasification of Sanqing, it is impossible to bloom Su Yan’s strongest force!

Under the state of gasification and Sanqing, it is impossible to achieve the ultimate fighting power of Su Yan by an incarnation alone.

Soon, the immortals recovered a little calm, how about gasification Sanqing? It’s hard to escape!

"No matter who you are, it's hard to escape!"

The celestial scorpion rushed to Su Yan, the body burned, and the black mansions were hundreds of thousands. With the grand chanting, he pushed the yin and mother to the ultimate state, which led to the grandeur of the whole body, like the darkness. The brilliance of the gods!

I don't know why, when the Taiyin mother tried her best to run, Su Yan's flesh was hot and there was an inexplicable induction.

what is this? Is it also suitable for practicing the Taiyin mother? But do you have this verse on Xianjun?

"Old ancestors!"

The third city of the riots of the riots echoed the buzz of this rag.

Everyone saw that the body of the celestial being burned, quickly dried up, and seemed to decay into a state of death!

The world was shocked, and the pupils of the celestial beings were suddenly rushing between them. Just as the two dark universes turned and sputtered out of the black mist, there was a kind of silent weather!

"this is?"

Su Yan vibrates, and the hairs are all blown up!

He was shocked, because the moment of this mystery broke out, the four swords that were silent in his frontal bone trembled faintly.

It seems to have encountered an enemy, it seems to have encountered the same level of secret surgery!

"Don't be surprised!"

Obviously, Xianjun saw Su Yan’s movement and calmly smiled: “Be able to die under the eyes of the sky, you can’t live without it!”


What is this secret? Is 剑天剑道 an equal supernatural power?

Is this the supreme school of the Haotian series?

In short, Su Yan’s heartbeat continued, and he also thought of a lot. Whether it’s a martial martial art or a sacred eye, is it derived from the supreme inheritance of mysterious civilization before the billions? Or does it include the Taiyin mother?

Then, what is the level of the lost ancient history?

Even if they can't bear the invasion of darkness, then the immortal Tianyu can't afford it now.

If it is really this day, will all people die?

For a moment, Su Yan had a panic, and the three incarnations shuddered at the same time, like sinking into death and fear, and there was an uneasy feeling!


Suddenly, a sword appeared, awakened Su Yan, let him return to God from fear!

At this moment, Su Yan was shocked. The whole world was dark and the weather was full of sorrow. He wanted to tear his god!

Undoubtedly, he was affected and was affected by the blind eye!

And when Fan Jian was influenced by his own sword and immortality, he had to say that this series of secret techniques was so horrified!

"What kind of magic is that?"

The people of the world were horrified and frightened.

The entire third city of the fairy, all affected by the darkness!

In the direction of the source, a pair of huge pupils open the room, bursting the horrible light of the bursting, blooming the **** weather, to be swallowed up!

"not good!"

They were all terrified, Su Yan was swallowed up, and the figure was buried in the darkness. It seems that it was shattered by the dawn!

What is this secret technique? The powerful Su Yan seems to have no reaction time.

Even the old and huge dark pupils bloom out of the light of the years, just like looking down the whole world, you can swallow the universe, and judge the billions of creatures!

"Ha ha ha, the end of the anger of the ancestors is a dead end!"

"What the young devil, what Xia Kunlun, the three kings of heaven are just jokes, can not hold the strongest ancestor!"

"This is just the beginning, is it over?"

The third city of the fairy, echoing the excitement of laughter, some people think that it can be over, the fate of heaven, it should be ended!


Suddenly, in the dark, the scene has changed dramatically!

The three vague figures suddenly blended together to form a brand new figure.

He swallowed the big field here, the invincible beliefs were distributed, and the whole time and space trembled!

"I am back......."

Su Yan is proclaiming his return, and he himself is like a human being, and it is blazing and blazing. For a short time, the suppressed darkness is broken and it is going to collapse!

"Then you will die too!"

The cold voice emerged, and the celestial eyes of the immortal evolution once again swallowed the heavens and the earth, trying to eliminate the vitality of Su Yan!

"One sword!"

The most powerful state of Su Yan, majestic and sultry, once again suppressed the darkness, and took out a sword tire, shouted: "斩仙道!"

At the moment of pulling the sword, the days are dying, and the sun is ruining!

Nothing can stop, the whole darkness is opened....

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