Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1634: The book is coming

The master of the sky, was smashed! ”

"The top 100 hegemony has not yet opened, he will die, it is too ridiculous?"

Countless people shudder, their hands and feet are soft, and some don't listen to them.

They were really shocked. This monk was smashed in the face of the old man, and there was no room left.

Yongjia’s Yongqiu Lingdu Khan’s roots are blown up. This beautiful beauty is also chilling. The same kind of grievance between Su Yan and Tongtian old man is impossible to solve. It’s killing, but the young devil is now Do you live in the anger of the old man?

Although it was only his incarnation, the raging flame that came out at this moment, the sky was gloomy.

He was full of snow and white hair dancing, a pair of pupils filled with biting cold, only the world between him and heaven, supreme, like the only god!

"This old guy is mostly crazy."

Too sacred in the heart of the sacred woman, he is proud of his disciples, qualified to fight for the future of the top three of the top three, the current masters of the top three, but now even the top 100 hegemony has not yet opened, they drink and hate in the battlefield of the emperor!

If it is spread out, it will tremble in the world, and it also indicates that the rise of Su Yan Devil will have a place for him in the future.

A large number of strong people withdrew, and their hearts were inconspicuous, because the incarnation of the old man of Tongtian, the more powerful, the starry sky began to tremble, like the invincible giant sleeping, anger, want to destroy the earth!


He made a noise, the earth subsided, and the entire sky was full of numerous cracks, and the world wanted to go to destruction!

The lungs of the old man are all inflated, the hair is constantly dancing, and the pupils are killing the light like the sea. His temperament is shaking, and the anger is in the extreme state, which leads to the avatar screaming the horrible giant breath and sweeping the world.


Tiebaocai hard as the body of the iron trembles violently, dizzy by the shock, nose and nose straight blood.

"This old thing is crazy."

Baocai yelled and hurriedly retreated. It couldn’t help but smother the murderousness of the old man.

From this moment on, anyone can feel that the killing of hundreds of millions of souls is destroyed by one thought!

The giant is angry, the blood is drifting!

If this is outside, the creatures of a continent will be destroyed!

What's more, the age of his old man's fame is quite long, and his identity is even more scary than the masters of the great fairy tales. He can stand on the same level as the ancestors of all ethnic groups!

"kill and kill!"

The old man in the sky is like an ancient demon from the region. The murder of the avatar is boiling, and the whole time and space are infested with blood, completely killing!

His breath was in a state of horror for a short period of time. This small world was bursting, and Yuan Yuan was smashed out by the earthquake.

"Even if the incarnation of his old man can be mixed into the emperor's road, there is no need to be so strong?"

Fan Jian was shocked. This situation is somewhat similar to that of the Xian people in the past, but the incarnation of such people cannot be too strong. Nowadays, the state of the old man makes them all creepy. Of course, this is also the unique pattern of the golden treasure.

"The secret of time and space is extremely bad."

At this time, Yin Ji’s palms were tight, and a gold hair hangs down the waist. The beautiful and golden woman, whispered: “Although it’s just an illusory incarnation, I can use this secret technique to get some short time. power!"

Su Yan’s mind is tense, and the power of such giants is only a little and they can’t afford it.

"You all **** it!"

The old man of Heaven is saying: "It’s not enough to hate you for killing you. I will take out your soul and put it in the purgatory for ten thousand years to let you try to torture the world!"

His pupils are extremely gloomy, taking pictures

Heart soul.

"Little beast!"

His stern eyes stared at Su Yan, and he said: "I still don't climb over, beheaded, and killed my dead man!"

"He is delaying the time, the more time he gives him, the stronger his breath!" Yin Ji once again said: "If you can't get rid of his incarnation before, try to get out of here and return to the emperor... ..."

"Then kill him first!"

Su Yan's eyes killing and transpiration, in an instant, the blood-stained figure, like a horrible star, rushed to the front of the old man at a very fast speed!


Su Yan made a loud noise, black hair danced, and both fists broke out at the same time, stirring up the storm, accompanied by the beast!

This is the strongest force of Su Yan, and the beast gloves are also running to the limit state. The fists roar the body of the beast, just like two giant mountains rushing forward!

The scene is horrible, the sky is destroying the storm, and the sky is overwhelming to the old man!


Zixia Fairy bears five swords and squats out of the five chaotic swordsmanships. Each one is unparalleled. It can split the strong body, and suddenly hits the front and slams into the old man.

They also tried their best to recover. One and then a young strongman broke out with the strongest attitude. It is conceivable how terrible energy storms have formed!


Time and space have exploded, and the force of killing and slashing in the sky has formed a picture of destroying the earth and destroying the earth. They have drowned the figure of the old man of Tongtian, and he has to kill him directly!

"Are they crazy?"

The strong man far away from the battlefield was frightened, and a group of strong young men joined forces to shoot the old man.

This shock is shocking!

At the source, everything is tremble, and all the matter begins to ruin, and the whole starry sky is blasting!

"蝼 ants, bed bugs, miscellaneous fish!"

The cruel voice blew up. This is the evaluation of them by the old people of Tongtian. They despise them and treat them as the lowest creatures. They are ruthless. This is the giant. They are not in their field, they regard everything as an ant!


A loud bang exploded, destroying the power of killing in the sky, and collapsed in an instant!


"This is the giant, even a little power, it is enough to be invincible...."

The reincarnation was shocked. He was about to go down the mountain and look back. He found that the incarnation of the old man in the sky was terrifying, such as the carrier of the empty fairy road, the supreme god, and the hard-boiled explosion of the order!

At the same time, his air-powered machine is a big cut, just like a time and space behemoth is whistling, the world of spurting spit is gloomy, and the boundless essence of heaven and earth is extracted by him, supplementing the weakness of the avatar!

The scene is too scary, the world is squatting at his feet, tremble!

"This old thing is terrible..."

The treasures are amazed. They are not at all a level. Even if they are standing in the peak of the true wonderland, they will not be able to stop the old man. The order law of the other party is enough to brutally suppress them!


Su Yan made a long shout and threw out the Kyushu Tianding!

"Get out, kill him!"

At the same time, Fan Jian, they were scorned, and the spirits cover a spurt of light and then go through the Kyushu Tianding!

This tripod is changing, and it has been countless times. Although it looks a bit crippled, the energy material radiated out is like one after another, the great continent is here, and it is nine times!

This is the strongest treasure to resurrect, and in the process almost drained the power of their bodies.

The horror killer recovered, and it collapsed the entire time and space.

Breath, sweeping the entire black sea, so that the universe is trembled, I feel that the entire golden waters seem to have collapsed!

Su Yan screamed at the terrible anti-seismic force and threw the Kyushu Tianding to suppress the old man!

The whole piece of the earth is bursting. This ancient fairy island seems to be sinking, and the ten squares are trembled under the pressure of a trip. The atmosphere of the sky is broken!

Under the Ding, the terrible creatures blasted, and the pressure of the town of Kyushu’s Tianding was strong, and the shape of the gods was destroyed!


Su Yan, they were relieved, one by one, breathing heavily, and there was excitement in the eyes. This is the invincible giant of the world. Now it has been shaken by Kyushu Tianding. Although it is just an incarnation, it is not!

"Not necessarily that simple..."

Yin Ji’s face was cold, and the avatar of the old man did collapse.

However, the sky and the sky are swaying, affecting the heavens and the earth, and the picture in front is like a static process!

"not good!"

Su Yan heart and soul tremble, a static time and space picture, the blasted avatar is reorganizing!

"Ha ha ha..."

The laughter rang and it was very cold. The avatar of the old man was remodeled from the destruction of the sky, step by step, and stirred up a terrible breath, letting the world collapse!

"Kyushu Tianding, hahaha."

The old man is laughing, his nephew is very cold, like the cold light in the area, coldly said: "A group of waste, miscellaneous fish, He Dehe can master it, even its order law can not be played, He De can master it!"

Kyushu Tianding is the strongest treasure, no one will doubt its power, but Su Yan's state, can not beat the rules and order of Kyushu Tianding, because that is the strongest state of Kyushu Tianding!

Energy alone can resurrect Kyushu Tianding, but it can definitely not break out of the strongest force of this treasure, otherwise it can directly wipe out the incarnation of the old man.

He took a bite of fish and bugs and made Su Yan angry. He said, "How old can you recover? We will kill your incarnation if we kill ourselves!"

"I am afraid you have no chance."

The old man looked at him with mercy eyes and said: "I said, I want to kill you, then start from you, wait for me to get rid of you, then kill your group, including all about you. People who are going to die, have to die!"

"The book, he said he wants to kill you!"

Suddenly, Su Yan screamed in the sky and finally decided to move out of her name.

The current situation is no longer Su Yan can deal with, you must move out of the book!

"Oh, I also hope that other people will protect, the little devil, you are dreaming, I said that I want to kill you, I will let you see it with your own eyes, and anger my end, even the locusts in the pit are not as good."

The old man in the sky step by step, the words are hard to hear, and the blow of the heavenly masters is too big for him!

"This old thing!"

Zixia fairy face rose red, said to Su Yan: "Need help? I should be able to kill him!"

Su Yan was shocked, she had mysterious bones!

However, Zixia Fairy is the only pro-disciple of the mysterious skeleton, and there is no accident with the cards. I really don’t know the mysterious skeleton, which is terrible!

"I think......."

Suddenly, Su Yan saw a figure appearing, big sleeves fluttering, beautiful and peerless, coming along the time and space.

"Now no need."

Su Yan muttered to herself, she really appeared, and she yelled at the sky, and the Taoist instrument really came.

(Seeking a monthly ticket for paving the way to the Taoist, killing the old man, killing his body!

Recommend a good new urban work of a brother, a famous chef, the author of the pipe, and a rush. )

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