Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1635: Despair of the old man!

A beautiful figure emerged out of thin air, with big sleeves fluttering, like a true fairy falling from the sky, coming along the long river of time and space.

Although she was coming from a distance, she was going to approach them, but she still gave people a distant vision.

Breath is not horrible, but it has a unique style and is full of mystery, step by step, towards the Tongtian elderly.

"Fairy ..."

Fairy Zixia was a little dazed, and her black gemstones looked at her with translucent eyes. Dao Shuyi's magnificent appearance is truly a Lingbo fairy, spotless, with a strong mysterious avenue.

Su Yan's heartbeat accelerated, and I really did not expect that Dao Shuyi could really appear.

At that time, did she just shout at Emperor Road and Dao Shuyi appeared directly? Su Yan thinks that it is true. The woman has a mysterious speculation, a unique temperament, and big sleeves.

She is also quiet like water, three thousand blue silks are dancing in the wind, and the ice muscles are like jade bones, which makes Fan Jian shake their hearts. What is this? Too mysterious and shocking, is there a major connection with Emperor Road?

"Ha ha........"

The Tongtian old man sneered, his eyes were cold, and he looked at Dao Shuyi: "Do you dare to block my way? Do you know who I am?"

Although this woman also gave the old man the mysterious sense, but he is the ancestor of the immortal celestial strong, why he is afraid of the world's strong ancestors, even if the ancestor of the heyday of the great religion came here, he will not dread!

"Old thing, don't take yourself too high, don't think that people in the world will let you score a bit!" Su Yan retorted, "Emperor Road has the rules of Emperor Road. I cut off your apprentice because he ca n’t practice home. You jump out against me, do you still have the dignity of the strong! "

As soon as Baocai was agitated, he suddenly scolded: "This green-haired turtle must be arrogant and does not put anyone in his eyes. If this is a time of strong heaven, what kind of thing do you give, and it will not give you a hundred guts? Dare to violate the rules of Emperor Road! "

"Two miscellaneous fish!"

The Tongtian old man was furious, and his lungs were about to explode. What kind of existence he is, now Su Yan and Baocai scolded at him, and he pumped his old face with his soles. His eyes were congested, and he cried: "The king and the defeated prince have communicated since ancient times, and the court of heaven has long since collapsed. Today I will take a good lesson with you. What is the rule and who has the last name?

An outbreak of terror breathed, majestic weather, and it was really a Xeon to Xaba. Although it was just an incarnation, the moment when the breath was fully resurrected, the entire fairy island was shaking, and the vast black ocean was about to collapse!


His breath has completely changed, his body soars into the cosmic starry sky, stands tall, trembles in the sky, and the cosmic stars of the sky explode in trembling!

"This old guy is too strong. Can Su Yan's fairy stand up?"

Treasure hair, this is the legendary ancestor strong, only one incarnation, but also has some of his own power, imposing and powerful!

Su Yan really doesn't know how strong Dao Shuyi is, but since she appears here, she must not be a simple one.

"Get away!"

Seeing Xianting walking towards his Taoist ritual, the Tongtian old man issued a resentment, and the rules and order of the violent figure were arranged in an orderly manner, forming a universal rule Wang Yang, suppressing towards the Taoist ritual!


Almost at the same time, heaven and earth were blooming in heaven and earth.

Daoshuyi fairy muscle jade bones, walking lightly, like crossing the sea of ​​chaos, walking on the open sky road, chaotic green lotus everywhere along the way, the sun and the moon are lined up, the golden avenue extends, accompanied by the mighty purple gas, Rui Kasumi transpiration!

This is an extremely sacred and solemn picture, as if the invincible is traveling!

The Golden Avenue, like it has been covered from ancient times to the present, suppresses everything, and the rules emanating from the elderly of Tiantong are strong, and they can not resist the footsteps of Tao Shuyi!

This scene surprises Su Yan. Dao Shuyi is really a trivial matter. She is likely to have a major connection with Dilu. At this moment, Su Yan wonders whether Dao Shuyi will be the guardian of Dilu. Or is it identity?

"who are you?"

The old man of Tongtian looked serious and solemnly looked at the mysterious woman who came. He felt threatened and mysterious, but unfortunately he was just an incarnation and could not see the specific strength of Taoist instruments.

At this moment, Dao Shuyi had stood close to the old man in Tongtian and calmly said, "You said, you want to destroy him?"

"Ha ha......"

The old man from Tongtian was not afraid of her, and smiled eeriely: "Yes, what I said, I will not only destroy him, but also kill everyone who is related to him, no one ..."

He didn't finish his words, and the old man's eyes exploded, and his face hurt immediately!

The wide sleeves floated down, with a snow-white crystal jade hand, sturdy and fanned on the face of the old man in Tongtian.

The slap was very loud, and the old man who played the Tongtian turned three laps in place, and then half of his face trembled.

Although it is an incarnation, it is like a flesh and blood body, half of its face is sunken, and a **** palm print appears.

Fan Jian was stunned. He wanted to worship Dao Shuyi at the top, and shouted that the fairy was too mighty.

Who is who

The old man from Tongtian and the Taoist ancestors of Xianmen have to make him a three-point ancestor. Although the old man from Tongtian is not qualified to compare them with the first ancestors of the Xian people, this one is also a strong old man. Celestial!

Who dares to provoke such lonely widows and is even said to slap their faces in public is really shocked by Yuan Yuan. This is too domineering. There is not much difference between hitting such a person's face and hitting his own body.

The Tongtian old man's brain was buzzing, and some reactions could not be reached. Eventually his eyes opened up, the law of the incarnation radiated, and it was forced to penetrate to the strongest state.

"Ah, kill!"

He was like crazy, the roar cracked, and the whole world exploded, killing Dao Shuyi!


Suddenly, it seemed like the chaotic space-time burst, in the wide coat sleeves, the white palms sturdyly hit the other half of the old face of the old man in Tongtian again, and his head buzzed again!

Su Yan was stunned, eyes wide.

Baocai didn't dare to breathe. This was too great. He opened the bow from left to right, and two handprints were printed on his face.

"Take back what you said. No one in this world has this qualification!"

Dao Shuyi opened her mouth calmly, her figure stood in the void, and when the breeze struck, her robes hunted, and she also outlined a proud figure. The style was peerless, too dazzling and brilliant, as if hanging in nine days The avenue above the gods moon, the appearance is peerless.

"Junior, you deceive people too much. If I were the same again, who would dare stop me from killing!"

The Tongtian old man was dazzled, his white hair danced, and the whole person, like the ancient demons of time and space, had a blue stone bridge that traversed hundreds of millions of time and space, surrounded by horrific years!

Although he was miserable at this moment, he also had the majesty of the ancestors. He looked down at the heavens and earth and shouted at Dao Shuyi: "I see, you are the Emperor Road, the remnant of the heavenly veins, but you protect You have to live with him for a while, but you ca n’t protect him for a lifetime. I'll kill him. I will make his people billions of miles, and the dogs will not stay! "


Su Yan's fists were clenched tightly, her chest was violently undulating, her emotions were going to burst!

"Poison ... too poisonous, this green hair turtle, too **** ..." Baocai's big paw pointed at the old man in Tongtian, and growled, "The old goods are too poisonous. , Be more careful with him than with billions of snakes! "

Fan Jian ’s heart is so cold. The old man is humiliating in the air, and he is slapped in front of a group of juniors. He is even facing a young woman. .

"Find a chance to copy home, destroy his nest, and let this old thing know how red the flowers are!"

Baocai spoke fiercely, which caused Fan Jianhan to explode, thinking that this panda with a thick surface was too dark. He copied the house? Copy the old man's home ...

This guy really dares to think, Yin Ji also smiles bitterly. Unless the old people of Tongtian are abolished, they can hope to make a home. .


Dao Shuyi's words are calm, very simple and straightforward, and will not say any more words.

She waved her hand once again and hit it up without any extra crap.

"Jack ...."

The old man from Tongtian yelled out of the stern, because Dao Shuyi's white palms opened the bows from side to side, and slapped them one after another!

After dozens of slapping slaps, she was too fast, and no matter how strong the old man was, he couldn't stop Tao Shuyi!

"Junior, waiting for me to come to you, I will chop you!"

The Tongtian old man was so angry that his soul was shaking, his lungs were about to burst, and he was so angry.

However, his words angered Tao Shuyi!

In an instant, her sleeves were horrified countless times, like an ancient universe in full bloom, chaos like the sea swells, and the avenue like boiling heavens ...

"what is that?"

Su Yan's group of people were like wooden chickens, with wide sleeves, like the sea of ​​chaos splitting, chanting sounds rolling, hundreds of millions of books lined up in empty space, as if reading the complete avenue of the heavens, as if creating the avenue Tianyuan!

The ridiculous picture looks as if it were in his sleeve.

It was suppressed in this way, suppressing the elderly of Tongtian!


At this moment, the old man in Tongtian shuddered in fear and screamed out of control. He felt that his soul was suppressed and he was in a purgatory forever!

This world is quite outrageous, with hundreds of millions of books arranged and flipped together, revealing hundreds of millions of divine immortals, lingering in the universe of the heavens, reading the supreme avenue of the heavens!


He had a kind of despair and saw a figure, like the sleeping emperor was awakening!

Suddenly, the vague but extremely terrible figure protruded a big hand, and the blast suddenly opened the river of time and space, following the coordinates of the world behind him, and pressed away.

This is the real one-hand cover, covering everything!

"Do not!"

Desperate and frightened, Tongtian elderly fanned his mouth and shivered, "I was wrong, I took back my words, I was afraid ..."

He was really frightened. In the sleeves of Dao Shuyi, in the avenue of creation, there was a supreme emperor awakening. He reached out a large hand to follow the light of his soul to the location of his body. !!

What a supreme measure this is, this is to directly kill the body of the elderly of Tongtian!

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