Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1697: Heavenly Kings!

"I said, Xiaohuofeng, am I getting old?"

Qinglong wiped the huge longan, and felt that her eyes were a bit flowery, as if covered by tears, and her gaze was very blurred.

At the same time, it was in a difficult mood, calling to the Emperor Yan, hoping to get her confirmation, and feeling panicked.

The Emperor Yan has been calmed down, and he can't say a word, like a chicken, pointing to the Tianting clan title.

At first she thought that it was four or five days ago, but this result is very shocking, and it can be said that it is outrageous, eleven family names, so what exactly came out?

Zixia Fairy, Iron Rooster, Long Dasheng, Yin Yisi, West Buddha, these five are a bit strange, they have never known before!

Needless to say, Zixia Fairy, who is her disciple? Fan Jian, who was shocked by the mysterious bone culture, sighed. He begged all day to worship under the gate of bones for further studies.

The power of Zixia Fairy is beyond doubt!

The iron rooster gets Bapinxian body fluid to nourish the body. It is really a pheasant turned into a phoenix. A silver true phoenix hovering above the emperor road platform is blooming with a terrible light, and there is a faint radiance of the real phoenix!

Very powerful and deterrent, who can think of two anti-natural beings in the heavenly court, the true phoenix and the true dragon.

To know the heyday of the heavenly court, there are four guardian beasts, but these are the four ancestors!

Who is Yin Yisi?

Su Bingshuang laughed without saying a word. Yin Yisi and Su Yan had too deep a relationship. The earth had not entered the era of gods and civilizations, and their relationship was extremely close relatives.

Speaking of the Emperor Yan, they were all aggressive. A snow-white beauty, like the Supreme Virgin who has stepped across the country of ice and snow, has ice muscles and jade bones, and is exquisite, like a flying fairy.

The strong men near this platform were also stunned. They couldn't believe the white beauty, the king of heaven, who was in charge of the Taiyin Mother Sutra, so powerful!

A bald monk from the West Buddha looked peaceful and peaceful, but in fact the combat power was not trivial, and he was built into the Buddha's body, which is a supreme treasure body.

But no one thought that West Buddha was the king of the heavenly vein.

"If the ancestors and ancestors knew, they would be able to laugh at Jiuquan."

The Emperor Yan was a bit sad, and his cheeks were filled with pride. Whoever said that Tianting was dead, who said that Tianting had fallen apart, who said that Tianting had no young king!

"Hahaha ..."

Qinglong laughed, Long Wei shook the sky, and seemed mad.

The world of this combination of punches is trembling violently and screams!

"Oh my God, what is going on here? A little crazy, I'm a little dizzy!"

"Eleven places?"

Endless people screamed, and the stone shook the sky. The whole Emperor Road seemed to be shaking, and the shouting shook the earth. This is an extremely incredible picture. The court of heaven has received eleven hundred places. Who can tell us what happened?

"how is this possible....."

People in the prefecture can't believe howling, how can such outrageous things happen and why!

The immortals of the fairy clan are bursting with anger and their eyes are red. Among these eleven, he saw some familiar faces. They were the top ten immortals who joined forces to defeat the enemy!

Who would have thought that the ten weakest immortals of that time would now stand out digitally and stand on the top 100!

If it is not the first supremacy of the immortal, then once the Eastern Demons and Tensors are killed, this will be an extremely terrible event, not weaker than the most prosperous era of heaven, and the flowers are really in full bloom!

Daozu of all the major forces were all gloomy. It was really shocking. The Top 100 Heavenly Courts got eleven places. They also felt that their faces were hot and really painful!

They even paid too much attention to Su Yan and Zixia Fairy. They felt that these two were too special. In fact, if the eleven young kings are now, who is the most terrible? Not Su Yan and Zixia Fairy, but Long Dasheng.

Once its Nine Change combat power erupts and activates the Ninefold Supreme Ruler, it will be a counter-existence, who will fight with it!

"The world proves for my clan ..."

Suddenly, the great power and great pattern emerged from Emperor Road!


Eleven young kings stood on the ring. Their shadows were looming, some terrible, some amazing, and shocking!

They face each other far and wide, forming an unforgettable picture of the world. With this group of young incenses burning, how can the tribe not rise in the future?

"Haha ... hahaha!"

They are laughing and laughing, like breaking the dark God of War. This war is not only for themselves, but also for the tribe, for the glory that has passed, and for the honor and shame of dignity!

"Proud of you, Su Yan, you all have to come back alive. In the future, we will return to the Xuanhuang universe, drink in large bowls, eat meat in large mouths ..."

The Southern Emperor murmured, looking at Su Yan and their figures. Although they were not able to be part of them, although they were not able to fight alongside them, they can recall the series of big events in the Xuanhuang Universe that year, and their blood was boiling!

"I can't fall behind either. I hope that the top 100 battlefields on Emperor Road will help me achieve Daluo." The Southern Emperor was silent and tried to understand Daluoyi.

The old leader sighed and looked at Yin Yisi. These little guys once needed their shelter.

However, nowadays, he has become a strong person who can stand alone, and can bring supreme glory to the group. Unconsciously, the old leader feels a little bit of eyes, and sighs: "The little ones have grown up, my old bones. We must also work hard to enter the realm of Daozu as soon as possible, otherwise the good fortune left by our ancestors will be wasted. In the future, I still want to guard and guard these little guys. They cannot be surpassed by them at an early date. Otherwise, wouldn't it be too shameless? "

The old leader smiled happily, like a child.

All the world is shocked, the immortal sky sets off a huge wave .......

Wanjiao was a sensation, and the old monsters all over the world were shocked. The heaven of this day is really too brilliant and splendid.

"Eleven places!"

The first supreme immortal of the Xian nationality said coldly: "Ultimately open, I will let you know, one group, one universe, one prosperous world, only one young supreme is enough!"

The legendary Jinxian is invincible!

Even if it is contaminated with the things related to Jinxian, it is brilliant enough, not to mention that an existing Jinxian strongman stands on the platform, rippling with horror, sweeping the entire battlefield!

The immortal first supreme has become the focus, the shadow is too hot, they must cover the top 100 list, and become the first **** of war in all ages!

All beings shuddered and did not dare to look directly at his figure. Some people had the urge to worship and vaguely, and they suddenly caught a supreme golden immortal power. This is a terrible gap, which suppresses their breathing difficulties!

From this moment on, Zixia Fairy, Wu Yuan, Tie Baocai, Yanque ... They used the cold eyes to stare at the first supremacy of the Xian tribe. Although they felt great coercion, they still fought. Blood burns!

"Pit ants, take your heads off eventually!"

The First Supreme Supreme responded indifferently. From his eyes, the world saw contempt, disdain, and coldness.

Many people dare not breathe, the legendary Jinxian talked, if the former Supreme Supreme of the Immortals would be ridiculous, but now he stands in the realm of legend and really has invincible power!

"Do you really consider yourself invincible? Is the legendary Jinxian great? Don't overdo it!"

Su Yan responded, standing on the emperor road, although there was no strong manifestation, but who has the courage to ignore it, Daozu's parents and children dare to suppress the stew soup, and the land government and the devil have not refined it to death!

The young demon king also has a quite dreamy color, although compared with the legendary Jinxian, it is slightly weak and thin, but no one will ignore him!

"Haha ... hahaha!"

The immortal first supreme laughed, the sound shook the mountains and the earth, and then the breath of the immortal Jinxian bloomed, sweeping the battlefield, enough to shake the oceans and seas, and the power was self-evident.

"By then, you will be the first one out!"

His indifferent eyes stared at Su Yan, and he returned to the silence. Now he said nothing, and the ultimate battle will let the heavenly court know who is the supreme emperor and the only supreme power!

Many of the descendants of the ancient clans and traditions have different colors under their eyes, and they really hope that they will fight to death.

It is best that both of them are killed, otherwise the legendary Jinxian is pressed here, and it really feels pressure.

But how can the young demon king defeat the golden immortal? This realm is too fantastic!

"I'll wait and see."

Su Yan snorted, can it be called a fate?

"The devil is too arrogant. What does the legendary Jinxian do? What waste can you kill at will?"

Some immortal kings were angry and yelled: "Ultimately, there will be three places in the heavenly courts, and none of you will get them. Don't be delusional."

"Why the Eighth Lamb, speak to your grandfather!"

The treasure was furious, and the figure shook into a majestic figure of the ancestors of the immortal. Looking at the immortal king, he shouted, "Don't kneel and worship the great gift, wait for a decent point to make you die!"


The immortal king ’s lungs are about to explode, staring sharply at Tie Baocai, and yelling, “You **** thing, you dare to humiliate my ancestors, you really do n’t know the heights and heights!”

"Heaven and earth, not yet at the feet of my own beast god!"

Baocai grinned and scorned: "Things that don't work, don't put stinky farts in front of the great ancestors, be careful to break your mouth and teeth, and remove your bones!"

Onlookers don't know what to say ...

This is absolutely kaleidoscopic, it can evolve any material arbitrarily, and even the majesty of the strong can be simulated. It is conceivable to what level this mystery is amazing.

"Let's go and see!"

The two kings of the immortal roared. This day was really too shameful for their family, their eyes were red, and they would not abolish a series of kings in heaven.

Fairy Zixia they went to silence in awakening.

You can feel the killings in all directions. Too many people want to get rid of them and want to suppress the heaven.

This can involve many ancient clans, and there are also a large number of parents and children!

In short, for Yanque, the ultimate battle can only win but not lose.

They do not care about regaining Jiudingzhou, but this is about the dignity of heaven!

The outside world is difficult to calm down, eleven places, the town's immortal sky is a bit bleak, will a deceased group return?

Time flies slowly ...

Top 100 fortune time, one year.

This year is fast and fast, and slow and slow. Time is quietly passing away, and the year is about to end.

The strongest hegemony is here!

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