Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1698: Ultimately open!

A year passed quickly ...

The old men who watched the entrances of the emperor roads of major states waited and waited impatiently.

But for the powerhouses on Diluotai, this year is really too fast. They can't wait to be silent in the emperor's list for ten years, even a hundred years!

"The younger generation has made a large number of breakthroughs and entered the realm of Daluo. In the future, the immortal path of Xianmen will be the era when the younger generation will take power ..."

Outside, many older generations of big Luo powerfuls sighed endlessly. One hundred time and space roads brought together millions of true fairy realms. Although they have never landed on the ring platform, since they can stand on the battlefield and protect their own cultivation area It shows that they are extraordinary.

One year has passed. At least tens of thousands of true fairyland powerhouses have stepped into the realm of Daluo. Once in this realm, they can also be called cosmic powerhouses. They will be the hegemons, and there will be a certain future supremacy. hope!

One after another, the big Luo strong man, was sent out one after another by Emperor Road. On the parting, they looked at Emperor Road. The mood was different and very complicated. Although they lost their qualification for ultimate hegemony, they were not able to witness the prosperity of Emperor Road.

But their achievements are already very high. Putting them in some barren big states is enough to start a sect and become the masters of the big states. They will have a rich future!

"It's not easy ..."

They were so impressed that there were hundreds of millions of monks who broke into Dilu that year, but how many are now in Daluo? The number of tens of thousands of big Luo powerful people sounds amazing, but the elimination rate is really shocking!

However, among the millions of true immortals in the future, there will inevitably still be a group entering the field of Daluo, which also indirectly illustrates the importance of Emperor Road. Throughout the ages, it has provided fresh blood for the cultivation industry. Maybe after a long time, Daozu giants will be born. !!


Su Yan's body revealed the coercion of the road from time to time. It was also accompanied by a dull and loud noise that shocked people, causing the entire Emperor Lu to be unstable, oppressing all beings in the universe, like an immortal war god.

He sat on the ring, Baoxiang solemn.

For a year, Su Yan never woke up, and has been silent on the exploration of Xiandao!

According to the emperor's list, the endless immortal Tao symbol runs through the body, permeating Luo Aoyi, like a mantra reading in his internal world, and the true **** of immortal Tao will be born, which contains the immense power of boundlessness!

A hurried year is coming to an end.

In this process, Su Yan was fascinated, observing the avenue of the world, reflecting on his own learning, and further deducing the original scriptures.

The body is like the universe. At the beginning of all things, Su Yan ’s body and universe world keeps growing and strengthening. This has to be said to be related to Su Yan ’s physical strength.

The stronger the carcass, the more profound the enlightenment of the Taoist Methodology. Until now, his physical body is heading toward the hidden Wanxian Road, drawing a huge chaotic sea eye, permeating the weather phenomenon!

At the moment when all things roared, Su Yan's body was full of energy, and he had a gesture that penetrated into the realm of Daluo!

Similarly, Su Yan feels lack of energy. Why is this? Su Yan's accumulation in True Wonderland is too shocking. Even if the breakthrough is now opened, his accumulation cannot meet the energy that Su Yan needs.

Zhenxian to Daluo was a super-evolution. In fact, with Su Yan's current strength, there is no need to go to nourish the heavenly blessings. He has had too many experiences in true fairyland and his experience is enough!

Suddenly, Su Yan's breath has changed, and he appears to be paramount. His physical quality has soared a lot, and looks quite

Shocking and scary.

what is this? This is Jinxian. Under the extreme sublimation of combat power, Su Yan's power is so powerful that the terrible physical power is accompanied by the vast power of the initial scripture. It is like a big Luo demon tearing the heavens.

"Da Luo."

Su Yan murmured, waiting for the day he rushed through the customs, his body quality soared, the energy of the law evolved, and he would enter the realm of Da Luo!

In fact, the legendary Jinxian is powerful. Even if Su Yan stepped into the realm of Daluo, he would not be much stronger than Jinxian realm, unless Su Yan rushed into the realm of Daluo Jinxian!

In the deep world, Su Yan's body has greatly decreased, as if she lost some ability.

From this moment on, Su Yan's physical resuscitation, the exuberant immortal power flowing from the limbs and bones, surging and surging, containing the mighty power of the endless avenue, also accompanied by the vast chanting sounds!


Huantai trembled violently, the sky was torn, and the immortal path spreading in Su Yan's body was too strong. This was just a leaked air machine, and the strong man in the distance was shocked!

"What's that? I seem to hear the sound of chanting!"

"What kind of mastery is the young devil practicing? Legend has it that the strongest scripture in the heavenly court is the initial scripture. This name is already shocking enough. The initial stage of man is the first level of practice. .. "

Some powerful men who are about to step into Daluo are horrified. Su Yan's flesh shell oozes a horrible light, and the huge air flowing through the flesh shell is accompanied by the sound of chanting!


Soon Chaotai was chaotic like the sea, with heavy fog, and it revealed a groundbreaking atmosphere. Chaos, like a big collapse, evolved into a cosmic flood!

In the midst of storms, wind and thunderstorms, chaos appeared to explode, and the wind, fire, thunder, gold, wood, water, and fire earth were born. day......

"What is this?"

People are shocked. The immortality of Xianwei revealed in the chaos is like a thousand rivers filling the world, appearing in the chaos and turning into the form of the Tao!

Even soon, Wan Dao resonance, blended together under the chaotic rotation, seemed to turn into a large universe, resonance with the space and time of Emperor Road, vaguely stirred the power of Emperor Road and Earth, and The Taoist universe presented by Su Yan blends together!

At this moment, Su Yan is really full of breath. He feels that he has stepped into the realm of Daluo and embarked on a path of ascending to heaven!

"Big Luo? The devil is breaking through ..."

The world is shocked, and the vision is more and more shocked. The emperor road sinks and seems to be integrated with Su Yan, resulting in his breath soaring infinitely, as if bred by the universe again, to become a supreme **** of war!

This is Da Luo?

Su Yan has the most direct understanding of this realm, blending with the universe and the universe. This is a manifestation of the immense power of mana, infinite and vast, very powerful and shocking!


At the next moment, Su Yan's physical shock, blood and swollen blood, all my bodies were activated, Wan Zhongxian Demon looming in the Dao Wangwang, like some kind of blending and integration!

At this moment, Su Yan is terrible and scary. He feels that it needs endless energy to meet a super powerful evolution. Once he jumps up, it is of great significance to Su Yan!

Even Yuanshen began to appear, turning into a round of immortal sun, emerging from chaos, reflecting the starry sky of the universe, and illuminating the brand of Wanjing Avenue.

Now Su Yan also has top resources, Da Luo

Jinxianguo, Seven-colored Soul Flower, Bapinxian Body Fluid, and convenient resources. He really has no worries. As long as he can find a good place, he can meet all the conditions to clear the gate!

"This day is very close to me!"

Su Yan cut off the breakthrough. He felt that he still needed to hone himself. There is still a certain potential for burial.

When Su Yan was awake and opened his eyes, he saw that the emperor list was slowly disappearing.

There is no doubt that the time of the fortunes of the top 100 hegemony has come to an end, and the path of hundreds of time and space is somewhat blurred and will soon disappear.

"It's about to start!"

At the same time, the entire Emperor Road battlefield once again burned through the sky, this time different. Only one hundred strong men broke out and appeared in the sky. The terrible power was spilled, containing the momentum that tears everything!

Any one of the top 100 list is a top-notch one. Once they finally meet, it will be the beginning of Emperor Road ’s most terrible hegemony era!


There was a faint roar, this is a great world, the strongest conviction in the world, he is peerless and terrifying, filled with cosmic stars, and hundreds of heroes are infinitely magnificent, like an invincible God of War Resurrection!


There are old monsters roaring outside, and seeing the end of the ancient road in time and space, an ancient cosmic black hole has emerged. Hengchen at the end of the emperor road seems to be able to devour everything!

This is Emperor Road Ultimate!

Su Yan's blood is boiling. He has a feeling of returning to his native land. He can't help making a long howl. He has been looking forward to it for too many years, and the time finally comes!

"There is a strong urge to return immediately!"

Su Yan's long black hair flutters, his eyes are dazzling, his emotions are ups and downs, can he figure out everything he wants to know?

Su Yan took a deep breath and forced the emotional fluctuations in her heart.

The opening of this road also foreshadows the opening of the peak showdown battlefield.

Therefore, there must not be any factor to influence Su Yan's state of mind. Although it is already the golden immortal realm, there are people outside, and there are heavens outside the sky. Do not take care, otherwise you will die in the ultimate battlefield.

Over the past Emperor Road, he was the worst hit in the Top 100 list, and more than half of them left their lives in the ultimate place.

It can be seen how cruel and terrible it is. The top 100 is already strong enough. Anyone who is ridiculed is a major loss for Dilu!

In fact, this day started, and the strong people on the top 100 list couldn't bear to start thinking. What is the purpose of Dilu's existence?

They do not believe that the heavenly courts will be so kind-hearted, creating a huge trial ground for the benefit of the world, and perhaps other destinations.

Maybe only become the emperor of the emperor list, is qualified to understand these.

In fact, most of the Emperor Lists of all ages came from heaven. They were also obtained by luck, but they did not bring them good luck, because there have been major events in which the Emperor Lists were killed.

After all, this world is dominated by horror creatures. They want to know the ultimate secret place of Emperor Road!


In an instant, hundreds of daisies changed, huge and shocking, as if they turned into one huge battleship after another!

Every ring platform has changed. The runes are rolling and the imprint of Supreme Avenue appears. It quickly broke away from the top 100 battlefield, rushed to the ultimate land of Emperor Road, and rushed to the ancient black hole of the universe!

"Ultimately, I'm here!"

Su Yan's eyes widened, staring at the **** hole in the universe, as if looking into another world.

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