Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1699: Terrible journey

Before leaving, the tensor came and threw a piece of ancient order to Su Yan.

This was a special secret order in the court at that time, which was of high value. At present, the Yanhuang organization's preservation is very limited. The effect of this thing is to lock the tracks of other secret order holders. The scope is very wide, even if it is separated by a large state Caught with the help of ancient orders!

To reach the ultimate place of Emperor Road, you need to go through a special ancient road. No one knows whether there is any danger in this road.

After all, Emperor Road suffered a tragic disaster a million years ago. So far, it is foggy and there are no specific things going on. Therefore, Emperor Road is ultimately not as safe as it used to be, and there may be some tricky problems.

However, Emperor Road has Emperor Road rules. Although the Emperor Road rules were broken a million years ago, the Emperor Road rules are still there today, but it is better to be careful.

"That's it!"

The shocking picture, hundreds of emperors Luchengtai rushed to the top of the sky, and then along a road, toward the cosmic black hole in the end area!

"I don't know what will happen in this life?"

The ancestor of Jianzong whispered. He once fought for the ultimate land of Emperor Road, and it is clear what the other end of Emperor Road contains, but this time is different after all, God knows what changes they will experience.

Especially the antiques of all ethnic groups are in a difficult mood. I want to figure out what is inside, and I hope they are all in this group of young people. After all, too many people died that year, which led to a terrible change in the universe pattern!

For what reason did a giant in heaven collapse? They want to know the answer. After all, this evil has spread to Xuanhuang Tianyu, causing a heaven and earth to fall in time and space. It is still a broken little universe.

It is said that the dark yellow universe has been devoured by dark matter, so what exactly is this dark matter involved?

Suddenly, some ancestors and ancestors were in a difficult mood, which affected the heavens and the earth. Some of the strong people in all groups were frightened. They found that the state of the ancestors of the group was not right, and it seemed that there was a vague emotion.

what exactly is it? Let the ancestors have this emotion!


Some ancient ancestors vaguely watched the future catastrophe, and then stared deep into the world of the sealed Tianyang state. They were thinking about the evils of darkness and would they once again sweep the entire immortal realm!

So what happens once that day comes?

There are big hidden feelings in this world, and they have a deep connection even with Emperor Road. They suddenly have a very strong hunch. Perhaps in this life, the mystery can be revealed!

"This cosmic black hole is too big?"

Su Yan was shocked. Huantai rushed to its destination indefinitely. The time and space were distorted, the speed was incredible, and she didn't know how far it sprinted.

In short, the black hole at the end of Emperor Road is becoming more and more scary. When the moment is close, it is really big and immense, it is just the gate of the universe and devouring the soul!

"Uh ..."

One after another, the Emperor Lutai, rushed into the black hole of the universe and could not turn any ripples, because it was too small, like a piece of dust rushed in.

The onlookers were shocked, and the picture had a great impact, so it disappeared, and they did not know what they would encounter next.

"Can't we see it for ourselves, the ultimate showdown of Emperor Road?"

Someone frowned and asked, this showdown is completely different, and it also involves the grievances of the two camps, and even wants to witness what the legendary Jinxian is terrible to!

"Yes," said an old monster who has lived for a long time. "The ultimate hegemony is the pinnacle of the hegemony.

Decide, wait for them to rush out of a mysterious ancient road, the emperor list will present this battle! "

Their minds are settled, especially the people of the Xian people want to let all people in the world see how the first Supreme of the Xian people asks the Supreme King. In short, the war of the Xian people is extremely looking forward, and history will prove the power of the Xian people. !!

A world where you can't see your fingers ...

The silence between heaven and earth is a bit suffocating. It is too quiet, and time seems to be non-existent!

Su Yan can hear his own heartbeat. In this extremely quiet universe black hole, a pair of eyes can't see anything, and the darkness is really scary.

And the cosmic black hole is too big, and the strong fellows can not sense their breath of life at all!

In the endless darkness, only Emperor Ludingtai radiates an ancient light, as if crossing the starry sea, and the place where the vastness shines is a world that is ruined to the extreme!

Su Yan was shocked. What happened here? Is this the ultimate battlefield once?

Is Emperor Lu finally beaten and broken, you must know that Emperor Lu's platform is very fast, but the darkness and dilapidated pictures everywhere make Su Yan's mood particularly depressed.

"what is that?"

The next moment, Su Yan shivered and felt a great deal of coercion. It was terrifying, like the heavens and the universe were sinking, and the influence was huge.

A quick glance at the picture calmed Su Yan and saw a huge corpse. He didn't know how many feet it was, he couldn't see the end. His body was too big, and the residual star was a little dust in front of him!

Su Yan was shocked and his hair was exploding. What kind of strong man is this?

It's quite incredible. The pores are like stars, standing tall, permeating the supreme might, like the Xeon Avenue falling down, making the emperor's platform trembling!


The ring was glowing, with dense runes flashing, and it was ten times stronger than ever, but even so, Su Yan still felt that the meat shell would burst!

"Unbelievable, how strong is it?"

Su Yan was horrified because the giant was a dead being and he had no head at all.

A headless giant corpse, standing in a dark but dilapidated cosmic black hole. Although dead, Su Yan still captured his vitality. Even in the long years, the essence of qi and blood still existed in his body!

Su Yan is horrified. Unfortunately, the picture is just a glimpse, and it is impossible to explore the specific picture. Unfortunately, it is not possible to rely on its own strength to return, otherwise, it may harvest the legacy of the world.

Su Yan can't feel the time being lost ...

The lonely road, it is easy to forget the emperor's hegemony, the world is full of too much unknown and mysterious.

Moreover, the emperor road trembles constantly, burning the exuberant Xiandao runes, and there is the imprint of Supreme Avenue, it is obvious that something must have been encountered along the way, which led to the recovery of huatai enough strength!

Gradually ...

Su Yan found that the energy loss of Yantai was a bit serious, and his expression sank abruptly, saying: "There is an unknown threat to the black hole in the universe? I haven't heard of it before. This is probably a battlefield millions of years ago!"

Understandably, this is the Jedi of Life!

If you lose your guardianship, you will probably die.

Su Yan's heartbeat is accelerating, keeping the strongest vigilance at all times. He is also staring at the black hole in the universe, and really wants to jump to the end as soon as possible.

He even had some doubts. Is Emperor Road ultimately not in the immortal realm?

After crossing such a long road, I haven't reached my destination yet.

Along the way, Su Yan saw some weird corpses again. His face was serious, and the court of heaven was killed here, and hundreds of millions of troops were buried.

Is it in the universe black hole?

For this legend, Su Yan couldn't believe it.


Suddenly, Emperor Lu's huge tremor was met with the impact of powerful forces and almost turned over.


Su Yanteng suddenly stood up, his powerful breath was leaked, and he maintained his strongest state.

Just now someone seemed to be attacking the ring, but Su Yan didn't see any trace of life?

His face was a little gloomy. Shouldn't Dilu finally have a living strongman?

I don't know how long it has passed. The previous experience happened only once and never happened again.

But there was cold sweat from Su Yan's back. He felt that in the dark, there seemed to be scary creatures watching him, and that kind of gaze made him shudder!

"Finally see the light!"

At this moment, Su Yan relaxed a little, the cosmic black hole was not so dark and had some brightness.

You can see some outlines in the mountains and rivers, but they are still dead, unlike the land of creation, it is clear that they have not yet reached their destination.

Su Yan found that the atmosphere of Emperor Lutai was getting weaker and would be destroyed at any time. It may be difficult to send Su Yan to his destination. The next road may need to go by himself.

He clenched his fists tightly, grasped Shi Ling secretly, I don't know what happened to them. Can he reach his destination safely?

Dark world, Yantai crosses the sky!

Gradually, the world became brighter and brighter. Although heaven and earth looked extremely dilapidated, they could have thin life.

In the end, the emperor's road was still unable to hang, the crossing speed was greatly reduced, and the runes inscribed on the road began to fade.

Su Yan stunned, if not for the protection of Emperor Road, wanting to cross the former dangerous restricted area, most of them have no hope.

The emperor roads of all ages finally opened, and they were all led by emperor roads. No one knew the cosmic coordinates of emperor roads.

At this time, the energy-depleted pit fell into the ground and collapsed into a piece of dirt, but the soil here was very hard and only a few cracks appeared on the ground.

Su Yan stepped out and lost the guardianship of the platform. Oncoming was the air-conditioner, which was so cold that he had to freeze the blood in his body.

"The road ahead is the ultimate fortune, I want to cross this area as soon as possible!"

Su Yan hurried on his way. He was uneasy in his heart and always felt that something was watching him.

He was sprinting fast and sprinting.

However, the anxiety in his heart grew stronger, even a little creepy!

Suddenly, Su Yanmeng turned back and saw a shadow flashing in nothingness ........

A dark outline gave people a great sense of depression, it was like the undead who crawled out of the area, opened a pair of **** eyes, cold and ruthless.

Su Yan's back rushed into a chill, and his expression was appalling.

Is there really a creature, a strong man who survived the great battle a million years ago?

"And on the inventory ..."

He was talking, he couldn't see his specific face at all, only a pair of **** pupils were shining!

Su Yan couldn't understand what he was talking about. The whole person was on high alert, and the Supreme Holy Sword he was carrying was about to move, and he could burst out of his sheath at any time to cause terrible killing power!

"Uh ..."

Then he was laughing, his **** eyes were gloomy, and he sent out a terrible avenue idea.

"The stray fish in the human world ..."

His eyes were full of contempt, looking down at Su Yan, and the dark figure couldn't see the movement track, and it constantly appeared around Su Yan!

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