Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1700: Dark creature

The gloomy world, the dilapidated ancient land, gray.

The coldness between the heavens and the earth is infinite, making people feel depressed and breathing is difficult.

The environment is so unsuitable for living beings. Flowers and trees have withered. Without any breath of life, long-term stay here will go crazy.

But if there is a dark creature living here for a long time suddenly standing in front of you, don't make people panic, it will be a blame. This black figure is quite tricky and disillusioned in time and space!

Only with a pair of **** eyes can he conclude that he is a special creature with vital signs and floating in time and space!

Su Yan is close to the enemy, and his black hair is dancing, and the flesh shell is full of powerful life. Unknown enemies. Although Su Yan has some big heads, the blood in his body is still burning, and he cannot sit still.

"who are you?"

Su Yan yelled, what kind of world? Su Yan didn't know the name and never heard of it, and he became more alert. Is this an old monster who has lived for a long time?

He is in the area of ​​Emperor Road, and the outside world is immortal space, and outside is nothingness and space. There are also large and small cosmic environments, and the other end of the immortal space is the black universe.

There is no doubt that Xuanhuang Universe is very far away from the immortal celestial realm, as if it is not on a plane.

The heavenly emperors once created a way of communication between the two realms in void time and space, and they only knew each other. Otherwise, the immortal heaven of the distant era would have thought that this vast void time and space had only one of them.

Su Yan's blood was strong and strong, and the quake shattered the cold and overwhelming atmosphere. The powerful atmosphere was overwhelming, as if the furnace of life was burning, the flames were rolling, and the dark world that was shining was bright and bright!

At the same time, Su Yan's eyes were like electricity and he locked the black figure. Although it was difficult to see what life form was, Su Yan faintly caught a few familiar fluctuations!

"Darkness ..."

Su Yan's complexion is heavy. This is the dark breath, the fluctuation of the devil's mist. Su Yan is too familiar with this kind of breath. He almost died in it, and has not encountered such an air machine for many years. Lu met a dark creature!

He clenched his fists, this is a deadly enemy!

Can it be said that it is the public enemy of the entire universe, living in Emperor Road, a hunter in the dark?

"Small things are not good at you. You have a lot of insights."

The dark figure was laughing, sending out the ancient and grand idea of ​​the avenue, the world shook and trembled!

The avenue idea he sent was so shocking, the power that swept the world was flowing, and the suppressed void was shattering in trembling.

You must know that the world here is very strong, it is extremely difficult for the strong to break the void, but this creature is too simple, such as the dark king overlooking all beings, high above!

"But you're right, evil!"

The dark figure laughed, the words were old, and he could n’t understand what was said. Only the avenue thoughts he could understand could be understood, and he sneered, “Since you see the deity, why not worship?”

Suddenly, Su Yan broke out!

nothing to say!

Since it was destined to be dead or alive, he was also anxious in heart. Once Yuan Yuan encountered such a creature, they would be in danger of life and death. Who knows how many dark souls are hidden in this ancient land!


Su Yan shouted, her black hair danced, and her combat power began to bloom!

Su Yan's spirit and spirit are infinitely turbulent and strong. There is no doubt that Su Yan has erupted to the peak of his combat power, his breath was forced to the Jinxian realm, and he was instantly terrified!


He waved his fist, and the initial warp bloomed in the flesh, which prompted Su Yan's fist momentum to be immense, like a cosmic comet, slamming into the dark creatures at once, and containing terrible imprisonment power!

The black ghost glows, and the **** pupil exudes cruelty to the extreme!

A miscellaneous fish attacked himself, he was really angry. Once the breath revived, the boundless darkness covered the sky, making the world overcast to dark, as if the demon purgatory had been pressed down, and the powerful life force in Su Yan's body would be drowned!

Su Yan's fist was blocked, and it was difficult to break through the dark light curtain for a while!

His eyes were angry, his fists stirred up the initial power, and he was suppressing the dark avenue and killing the black ghost body!

"You stupid fish, want to suppress my avenue!"

The black ghost yelled coldly: "You really don't know the sky is thick, do you think you are sanctified?"

The initial meteorological arrangement of the sky temporarily blocked the dark pressured picture. Su Yan remained absolutely calm and said, "I thought you were a big Luo strong man, but you are just that, your strength is not at its peak, and you have a miscellaneous fish. Call me? Really think of yourself as a spring onion? "

"An ant-like thing, when the deity devours the blood in your body, you can restore your strength and hunt other bugs!"

The dark ghost and cold quiet voice said: "I didn't expect you to be a golden fairy. It was relatively rare in the most prosperous era of the human world. It seems that you are also a big fish in this world!"

"What human world?"

Su Yan even wanted to know some ancient things, and stopped for a while, and said, "You still want to kill me, depending on your current status, I don't think you can!"

"Oh, it's sad enough that you have forgotten what your name is in the world, what else can you leave in the human world? Is there a strong one?" The dark ghost scorned, and even history was ruined. This world What else is left?

Su Yan's mind shook. Our world was called human world in a long time.

He had heard Fan Jian say before that it is said that the immortal heaven was formerly called a burial ground, but it was in the prehistoric years, so far away now for billions of years.

For the burial place, the world knows quite limited, it is the history of faults!

Is the human world a much older time than the burial ground?

This shocked Su Yan. How long has time passed? What has happened to history? Has the battle of darkness already begun in the human world?

Since history is ruined, does this world end in fiasco again and again?

So does the Xuanhuang Universe also belong to the human world?

The next moment, Su Yan looked cold and said, "Is your world strong? I don't see it. If it is really strong, why can't our world take it?"

"What do you know as an ant?" The black ghost chuckled coldly: "This burial ground is about to disappear, and your world will soon cease to exist!"

Su Yan's eyes widened and Emperor's Road disappeared. Could the dark troubles sweep the world?

Is the purpose of Dilu not only to test the land, but also to counter the dark world?

But how to explain the war a million years ago? Or is the ancient emperor who created the road of the emperor at that time very terrible, stiffly blocking their long years?

"What happened here a million years ago ..."

Su Yan asked, the black ghost suddenly shot, rushed to Su Yan, and yelled, "You have too much nonsense, wait for my town to kill you, collect your soul memory, but look at your world now How miserable! "


He yelled, the world was overcast!

His dark figure seemed to burn a sacred flame, filled with rolling black mist, full of the power to devour sentient beings, came out of the nest, and drowned toward Su Yan!

This is the devil's mist, the real evil, which can devour all vitality, representing fear!

Even if this devil's mist is blocked, just as the devil's mist is about to overwhelm Su Yan, his gray blood is boiling, roaring, roaring, leaking autonomously, turning into a sacred battle suit, covering Su Yan's flesh shell!

Suddenly, Su Yan's breath was so strong that it shattered the devil's mist!

"You ... how did you do that?"

The black ghost was shocked, and it was unbelievable that he could dispel the devil's mist. There are very few verses that can intercept the devil's mist in the most prosperous times in the human world.

But how did he do it?

Su Yan was also surprised. At that time, he was buried in the dark. The special blood veins swallowed the dark matter, which prompted Su Yan's blood veins to change. He was also born for Su Yan, which can resist the devil's talent!

"Hahaha, I see how else do you do to me!"

Su Yan smirked, and erupted in an instant. The body, mana, and Yuanshen burned at the same time. He stood in the strongest state, and he operated a series of great magical powers, evolved the reincarnation, and killed him!

"Ten days. It's passed down ..."

The black ghost was roaring, and Su Yan was more and more shocked. This old monster knew too much. As he guessed, this is the secret technique of the Tiantian series. There are ten supernatural powers. Su Yan only masters two major Peerless!

Su Yan was frightened by this fist, and the black ghost that fought was trembling violently!

Soon, Su Yan also saw its body clearly. There was only a black skull, and it was full of sores. It was full of rotting flesh and blood, and it was very evil!

"Disgusting creature, blow your head!"

Su Yan growled, killing Fali more and more.

He entered the strongest battle field, with the evolution of the left hand to reincarnate the heavenly path, and the evolution of the right hand with one sword to cut the immortal path!

The two supernatural powers broke out all over the sky, and the sky was turning around in the sky, the black skulls were bleeding, and the rotting flesh fell off!

The black phantom looked ugly and felt like a freak.

I thought it was a prey. Who knew it was so old and broke his strongest means.

Su Yan's blood was boiling in his body, and his attack was moving forward. At the same time, he stopped drinking and said, "Don't be convinced? It's you who kills you, what is arrogant in front of me?"

"Miscellaneous account, if you don't respect the wound, you can crush you with one finger!"

The black head burned the dark flames and operated a powerful supernatural power to counter it. But how can Su Yan's Jitian Jue Xue be paper-thinned? He burst out one after another, and the black heads he started to crack!

"What's the use of shit? After all, it's hard to escape!"

Su Yan's moves opened up and closed, and he continued to attack without giving him a breath.

"Haha, what is death?"

The black ghost sneered: "Sadly bugs, your world is almost over. The future is destined to be unstoppable, and no one can escape!"


Su Yan angered: "I have seen the strong in your world, I don't know how many times it is scarier than you, but unfortunately it was blown up a lot.

Su Yan's words made the black ghost laugh: "What's the point of saying these **** words? The human world has long been apoptotic. How long can you maintain peace by relying on the broken cosmic energy order? It's just Gouhuo!"

He was almost knocked out by Su Yan, still a disgusting face that despised Su Yan's world.

Su Yan was very calm, and presented a series of memories of the sea that occurred on the immortal Tianyang.

Although these memories are relatively vague, they still evolve a bit of a horrible battlefield pattern!

what is that?

A strong man with a big head over his head blasted through the gray channel, and even terrible forces attacked the world they were in, launching a supreme attack!

The black ghost's bloodied head stiffened ...

Only his pair of **** pupils were angry, which was really dazzling and the pupils were upright.

"This ... does not this legend never return?"

He made a frightening voice, his words trembled, and said, "Isn't the man in the legend trapped in the burial land of Emperor Emperor, who can never return? Why ...."

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