Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1722: Stars

Nine-colored graveyard roared and stirred the sound of thunder!

It's hard to imagine that this is the sound of a person's heartbeat. The firm and deep void of heaven and earth has cracked, and the sound of thunder has burst, deafening.

Suddenly, the nine-colored graveyard trembled violently, as if the soul buried here for a long time is awakening, and it is also like a nine-knock stone man, spraying out the ninefold immortal one after another, tearing the graveyard!

The cemetery is densely covered with cracks, and the entire cemetery also looks like a nine-knife stone person. The light of the Nine Immortals flows, which has a great influence, accompanied by majestic pressure and a deep immortal atmosphere.

If you go deeper into the internal research, you can see a sleeping man stretching his body in his sleep, causing the world to shake!

Gradually, his body was glowing, very blazing, and the human body function that had been silent for thirty years was resurrected. From inside to outside, a magnificent energy frenzy spread.

Looking at it from a distance, it seems that the nine-colored ocean swept across the sky, flooded the sky, shrouded this space-time, surging and rolling, bouncing the divine power in this person, the exuberant is really scary!

For 30 years, I was silent in the nine-colored soil, and absorbed energy to nourish and grow all day long. I can imagine what level Su Yan had elevated to!

"Boom!" A huge earthquake shook the nine-colored soil, and the silent Su Yan emitted a violent spitting sound. When the chest was undulating, the wilds were roaring, and the world was going to collapse!

Just before Su Yan came in, he couldn't penetrate the void here, but now he is very extraordinary and shocking. There is the power of the weeping ghosts and gods in his body!

He greedily absorbed the essence of the soil, and now his human body has reached the extreme, and the swallowed energy flows out along the pores, between heaven and earth.

This situation lasted for several days. Su Yan, who was asleep, felt irritable. He wanted to go out. He opened his eyes and looked at the world, the rivers and mountains, and the prosperity again!


In the end, his eyes opened, tearing the sky, as if two rounds of unbroken sun, sky, and sky, emitting a terrible light, tore the world, and burned down this time and space!

His heavenly eyes are too hot. Opening his eyes for a moment, he has the power to destroy the heavens and the earth, and a little hidden power!

what is this?

This is the crippled tiantian eye. In the past, Su Yan regained the black mist and obtained a series of inheritance of the fairy clan. Although the tiantian eye is crippled, the mere manifestation of the **** is also quite amazing.

In the past, Su Yan repaired all kinds of heavenly eyes, and now after 30 years of deep sleep, his heavenly eyes and gods blend together into a new heavenly eyes!

In both eyes, thunder and lightning are intertwined, and the law is like the sea, all dragons and phoenixes emerge, accompanied by the initial power of all things, with the power of the universe to open, and with the overcast, the sun, and all kinds of strange heavenly sutras.

In the end, Su Yan's eyes changed, deep and terrifying, like a sea of ​​chaos, emitting a terrible chaotic lightning, emitting a ray of chaos, which could penetrate the universe in a flash!

This is the legendary chaotic eye. Su Yan repaired it, and it looks like a natural eye, which contains a terrifying deterrent.

This is a horrible and incredible heavenly eye. It is too difficult to be repaired. It is also known as one of the most invincible heavenly eyes in the world. It can easily penetrate strong enemies, tear falsehood, and watch the essence.


Su Yan yelled, flirted with flesh, heaven and earth resonated, space and time trembled, the earth fluttered, terrible divine powers came out of the nest, and drowned the space and time again.

After thirty years of deep sleep, Su Yan wants to move his muscles and muscles, and move the blood in his body!

He greeted the sky, bombarded the earth, jumped up and down, and the vision of the crying devil and the weep all appeared around him, just like the world's most terrible big Luo Jinxian appeared in the air, exuding endless majesty, blooming a terrible sky power!

He also looks like a brand new being without any memory.

He ran on the earth, roared above the sky, moved the flesh within the sky, performed a series of heavenly powers, and was at ease, unhappy.

I don't know how much time has passed. Su Yan is tired and sits on the ground. He starts to think about who he is and why is he here?

This world is too deep and vast. If he struggles, he will never be able to rush out!

He wanted to split the day and wondered why he was alive.

At this moment, he discovered that there was something hidden in the sea. Eventually, Su Yan opened the memory of the seal, absorbed it in all directions, and remained silent for a whole day. Su Yan restored Qingming!

"My name is Su Yan!"

He stood up, clenched his fists, and the divine power in his body was boiling like a sea, which could cause a shaking picture at any time!

"How long has time passed."

Su Yan was shocked. He improved too much. He felt that he was more terrible than 30 years ago. Like a Geshi Zhenlong trapped in a nine-color world, he seems to have achieved all his skills. Between, unbridled!

He didn't step into the Supreme, but Su Yan thought he could beat the Supreme!

This is the supernatural power of mana, the conviction of the vast majority of spirits, the madness, and the desire.

Progress is really scary. Thirty years of dormancy, absorbing the energy of the nine-colored soil day and night, nourishing the body of Da Luo Jin Xian, has it touched itself, in the ultimate realm of Da Luo Jin Xian?

In short, this is particularly scary. Su Yan is also a bit sluggish and too good fortune. After waking up to sleep for thirty years, he is full of energy and vitality, and his body functions are strong. He doesn't know what field he is in.

In short, he is very powerful, and the infinite divine power has changed so much that he does not know himself.

He spent a lot of time to get acquainted with his strength and stabilize his roots, especially the mastery of Dao and Dharma.

For example, thirty years ago, Su Yan was jealous of her esoteric conduct, and was worried that she would lose herself.

But now it is not, at the same time, he can not find the trace of black and white mist in the body, it is clear that these two supreme substances have been integrated with Su Yan!

"God knows how long it has been asleep, what happened to the outside world? Did Zhu Yue go out of customs? Is Emperor Road over?"

Su Yanmeng is clever. He wants to go out, not knowing what happened outside.

Although the war of Tianyangzhou ended in the past, rules were set, and Daozu was not allowed to fight hard.

But who knows whether these top clans of the Immortals can hold back the wrath of their hearts. In the ultimate battle, dozens of top people were killed, and Su Yan was the most invincible hero!

He sacrificed the kings in blood, and stepped into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian. How could the immortal swallow the bad breath!

Similarly, even if they can really hold it back, then the time has passed so long and Bao Bu Qi Di Lu has ended.

"I want to go out!"

Su Yan's eyes glowed coldly. He is no longer Su Yan thirty years ago, more powerful and shocking!

Su Yan uttered a long howl, shouting at the world, trying to open the way to leave, and the good fortune has ended.

"Go out ..."

In the end, Su Yan roared and filled with the weather of the demon overlord, the surrounding space and time broke apart, and his talents came out in no time, and an ancient door court was virtually opened!

"Nether Gate?"

Su Yan was surprised and saw an energy door closed, constructed with supreme order and law.

There are also several typefaces emerging. Su Yan tastes the meaning of the meaning. He moves and moves to the lower bound? What does it mean? Is Su Yan in the upper world?

"Nether Gate?"

Su Yan scratched his head. This name is weird enough. So what kind of boundary would it lead to along this road?

Of course, Su Yan was not in a hurry to leave. His eyes looked at the nine-colored earth all over the world. A special grain was extremely heavy. He couldn't collect it in large quantities 30 years ago. Now it is different!

"Well, this dirt has power!"

Su Yan frowned, and tried to collect the treasures, but it failed. Moreover, even if it can be collected, the weight of the nine-color dirt can not be carried too much!

In the end, Su Yan made a decision. He opened his mouth and sucked, and the countless mud trembled!

The next moment, Su Yan made a long howl. Nine-colored earth rose up across the sky, like a torrent of nine-colored torrents. Because it was too heavy, it collapsed into the deep space and time, and created numerous large cracks!

You know, every nine-colored dirt is heavier than the cosmic star, which is quite scary!

Nowadays, Su Yan's body is surging, and the earth directly shakes out 100,000 grains of nine-color dirt, like a hundred thousand cosmic stars hit the big universe, the picture is shocking!


Su Yan's hands spread out, and the chanting sound of Gu Shuojin was transmitted in the body. The three major world scriptures are running. With Su Yan's current horrible level, the triple scriptures reveal the magnificent airflow, as if the three sleeping ancient emperors were awakening !!

Su Yan's body is like the universe, in which Yin and Yang join hands, and it has evolved into millions of visions. It also has a magnificent universe and a mighty universe, starry sky.

The blood and blood in his body were leaked, the rules were leaked, and the Tao was burned, covering 100,000 grains of nine-color sand.

Su Yan is honing a set of big killers, and with the influence of her special envoy, she resonates with the nine-colored sand. All the grains of sand leak out of the nine-colored fairy. There is a mysterious force of burial!

One hundred thousand sand emits the holy light. Under the push of Su Yan's hand, every grain is contaminated with his Qi machine, his way and law!

The process is fast, but there is too much sand.

Su Yan spent nine days and nine nights to make 100,000 pieces of nine-color sand completely changed, like 100,000 universe stars!


In the end, the nine-colored sand in the sky was violent and turned violently, breaking up this space-time, there was a terrible force, and there was also a terrible funeral atmosphere.

One hundred ninety-nine-colored sand, as if combined into nine-colored star fields, covers this world and spills the light of vast Scriptures!

Su Yan was all horrified, as powerful as she felt a terrible sense of oppression, as if the overwhelming nine-colored mud was falling down, enough to destroy herself.

"Good strong treasure!"

Su Yan also grinned, this is the first set of Da Luogebao!

Similarly, this treasure is connected with his physique. Each piece of nine-colored soil contains a powerful destructive force. However, if 100,000 grains of sand are brushed and sacrificed, it is conceivable enough to make the Supreme Strong look green!

"Then, let's call it the stars. It will not only be 100,000 in the future, it will be millions, millions, billions!"

Su Yan laughed and named this set of treasures, the stars!


Suddenly, the stars regrouped and turned into a nine-color torrent, which fell down and lined up on Su Yan's body. Soon, the stars turned into a sacred nine-color battle suit!

Really, really armed to the teeth!

Su Yan regrets that he can only carry 100,000.

"time to go."

He didn't delay any more, staring at the Nether Gate, rushing in with curiosity and surprise.

Where do you go next?

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