Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1723: Thirty three days

Su Yan rushed into the Nether Gate, and the moment he stepped into it, he disappeared without a trace along the Nether Gate.

As for the entire Nine-Colored World, in the process of returning to the silence, there are pervasive funeral waves, as if the whole prosperous age was buried, hundreds of millions of samsaras were buried, mysterious speculations ...

Su Yan is like travelling through time and space. The light in front of him is dark. It is as powerful as his chaotic eyes. It is difficult to perceive specific pictures. This road is relatively special. It has a strong atmosphere of time and is accompanied by elusive time and space power.

Suddenly, Su Yan felt as if he had stepped into another universe, and he felt a kind of amazing influence in the underworld, which made Su Yan's body degenerate somewhat.

He was terrified. How far was it? He is now a big Luo Jinxian, not Su Yan of the year, even in the immortal heaven, he is also the overlord of the hegemony!

What about the Supreme Master of Immortal Taoism? With today's achievements, Su Yan is enough to sit on a par with the strong in this series!

The dark spacetime is hazy with a layer of mist, like a bubble in the universe, which shields Su Yan's perception.

Su Yan thought she was crossing the Nether Road and returning to the immortal realm.

But Su Yan doesn't want to leave now. Some things haven't been figured out yet. What is the form of his treasure? Su Yan still knows nothing.

He did everything, went through the dangers of life and death, and finally stepped into the ultimate land of Emperor Road, and also stepped into the ultimate treasure of Emperor Road. If you do n’t figure it out, you are so unlucky to leave!

"At the destination!"

At this moment, Su Yan broke into the mysterious world completely, his feet fell on the ground, he stood still, the world was still so dark, full of vicissitudes of years, and also had a strong sadness, affecting Su Yan.

His heart is moving, what is the boundary?

I ca n’t see any material, the heavens are covered, I do n’t realize any avenue, and the deadness is heavy, like a world of death, life is towards the end, and it is like a broken universe floating in the heavens!

"what is that?"

Su Yan is amazed. He is as strong as he is in a special and unknown world. There is nothing to fear. He is no longer weak.

But at this moment, in the misty world of death, the blood glow emerged, and the heavenly powers died. The heavens seemed to explode, swept by the blood rain, and rolled out of the sky, creating extraterrestrial time and space. Picture!

Su Yan was shocked, letting him kill his whole life. This picture was also shocked. The destructive power was too shocking. The grand structure was difficult to see the whole picture. It was just a corner of time and space full of endless blood and destruction!

Su Yan was cold all over the body, like in the strongest purgatory in the world!

Su Yan saw the outrageous scene, the end of the universe, the storm of yin and wind, the pouring of blood and rain, drowned the world!

It seems that the head of the world is waking up, causing the **** catastrophe of the heaven and earth, and Mantian is like a Taoist ancestor who is constantly dying, there is a fairy king to hate it, and there is an Xeon death.

This is not just shocking, but a kind of fierce power that almost made him fall to the ground ...

This is a real battle, it's too cruel.

The sentient beings of Dezhou exudes a desperate mood, and it is clear that they have been attacked by the Supreme Enemy, and all beings must hate it!

"What is this place, is it a prehistoric battle?"

Su Yan was angry and fluttering. He was no longer calm, full of blood and infection, and the emotions radiating from this bleeding world resonated.

He didn't despair, exuding a strong fighting spirit, and wanted to fight in.

But Su Yan can't see who the enemy is, it's just a picture after another, falling down the long river of history, falling across the world, and reflecting in Su Yan's eyes!

The heavens are bloody, humanity is destroyed, and the universe is reduced to death!

The battle that destroyed the world, Su Yan saw one of the most exquisite women. She was peerless, arrogant to the stars, and beautiful.

When she raised her hand, she was in the Supreme Avenue order, exhaling a breath of materiality from the heavenly ancestors, containing the invincible sacred power. If the big universe is burned down, it will smash into the Three Thousand Ancient Realms and force it to an incredible level!

The woman wore a forged armour made from nine-color mother-of-pearl, and she was extremely powerful against the unknown enemy.

But she died, a stunning beauty was beheaded and her fragrance was lost.

It was a slick knife, Xeon Xba, cut off the rivers of time, and the power of killing was difficult to elaborate. It was like splitting the universe, and the smashing sword was like the Supreme Demon that destroyed all beings. Knife.

The peerless woman drank hate, looked at Su Yan before she died, and her beautiful **** head was still smiling.

Su Yan was disheartened, because she felt that his loved ones had died, was it because of her smile, or did she know each other?

"Is it darkness?"

Su Yan shouted. Is this the suffering of prehistoric beings? Is it fault history?

His heart was violent, the universe was ruined, and he became a bleeding universe. He could not calm down for a long time, and gradually returned to nothingness .....

Only some surviving pictures let Su Yan see something that happened. Will history repeat itself? Will the **** disaster of prehistoric times happen again in this life?


At this moment, the Nether Gate appeared again in the air.

Su Yan lost his soul and hit the road, but he encountered a similar incident again!

The heavens and earth collapse, the doomsday comes to an end, and everything is destroyed!

Su Yan saw a heroic man, domineering, like a worldly king, pushing the sun, the moon, and the stars, vicissitudes of history, as if he had lived for thousands of years.

He is very powerful and terrible, whistling the power of the universe's heavens, really like the supreme hegemony born in the era of groundbreaking, against the unknown enemy.


He took a bite of the Fangtian painting halberd, which was even more domineering. He swallowed the sky and killed the blood-stained heavens, screaming like a wounded horror, trying to kill the enemies in it, tearing all darkness and ominous !!

But such a strong person also died, his eyebrows were split, and Yuanshen was cut off!

It is completely unclear who the enemy is. It is just a prehistoric remnant. The entire universe is dying. This is a place of bloodshed and death. It is full of scars and cannot be restored for a long time.

Su Yan was so heartbroken that she felt that another loved one had died and drank hatred in the hands of the enemy.

The Nether Gate emerges again!

With sadness, Su Yan broke through again. He wanted to break to the end, and also wanted to know that the ultimate treasure world of this emperor road has several cosmic time and space.

Because Su Yan feels that every universe is different!

Similar pictures are still being performed. Su Yan is numb. He saw another woman, enchanting and peerless. For example, the demon is dancing around, with nine tails, and a smile can cause the world to lose its color.

This is the legendary Nine-tailed Sky Fox, with nine lives!

Nine times in a row, he couldn't come back.

"What enemy is this, who are you, who am I, and who can tell me ..."

Su Yan finally made a roar, and the anger filled with anger, the ancient burial celestial body also awakened!

"Let me see these pictures, do you want me to know, the cruel future?"

Su Yan wants to know the answer and wants to know what they went through.

Is this a prehistoric war?

Was it the experience of the Burial Age? Is it a dark torrent of fault history?

Are they the guardians of the universe?

The death of one of the strongest, together with the bloodshed of the universe in which they live, has left only death and ruin, and still exudes despair.

Lost, there is no force to return to heaven, otherwise how can the whole universe be filled with great sadness.

Su Yan was sorrowful. He successively went to the lower world to witness a series of tragic disasters. He really felt that these people were very close and had the same roots as him.

Thirty-two consecutive days in the Nether World witnessed a series of terrible disasters.

His pupils were all red and bloodshot, and the chaotic pupils reflected some terrible fighting pictures, all of which were bleeding pictures, prompting Su Yan's blood to swell.

He is like a soldier who has gone through heavy and heavy reincarnation. Instead of despair, he is fighting spirit and horrible warfare.


He made a long howl. If history repeats itself, he will not be a weak man, but he will be turned into a strong one to fight.

Even if he died, he did not want to be destroyed like a weed.

"I want to step into Daozu's realm within a hundred years!"

Su Yan sent out a terrible spirit of spirit and made a great aspiration. He wants to achieve Daozu and become the strongest in this universe!

Even if history repeats itself, Su Yan still has a battle.

In the end, when Su Yan crossed, he came to the next thirty-three days.

For the entire thirty-three celestial universe, it is difficult to imagine what kind of pattern it is.

At this moment, Su Yan felt that a wider world had come, came to the source of the earth, and came to the birthplace of life.

It seems that this is the foundation of the thirty-three celestial universe.

There is no blood, no darkness, no killing.

Su Yan was a bit uncomfortable, and suddenly came to the holy earth.

Looking into the distance, the fairy mist is diffused, and the sacred to the extreme magnificent rivers and mountains. Here is the pure land of Xianjia's meteorology, a beautiful and magnificent world, and the clouds are steaming.

Su Yan fainted, did he come to the fairyland from hell?

The bizarre experience was a bit strange.

He found a magnificent mountain gate suspended above nine days.

There are many living monks, most of them young people, full of vitality and full of longing for the future.

Su Yan feels a bit out of step with the environment here, and it is difficult for him to integrate into it.

He seems to be the overlord who has broken out of **** all his life. Instead, the monks here are relaxed and free to talk and laugh with each other. There are no disputes, no fights, and one by one expresses the heart of seeking immortality.


At this time, the grand mountain gate was in full bloom.

Groups of monks walked towards the gate, solemn and solemn, as if in a pilgrimage.

Su Yan touched her head. Is this another universe? Is another world of cultivation?

He also rushed in with a large number of monks.

"Congratulations to the 33rd generation disciples who were buried in Tiandong, return to Shanmen!"

Suddenly, the ancient voice was ringing in his ears, rumbling, deep into his soul, causing Su Yan's figure to glow and flourish.

Even in another world, Su Yan is brilliant!

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