Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1725: At the Fairyland

Prehistoric times, years of burial ground!

The realm of this era is not the same as the immortal celestial realm. It is completely two cultivation systems, but the general practice order is almost the same.

What is the completion of the Tao?

Of course, the Supreme Realm is Su Yan, and Su Yan goes further. In this ancient history of the burial ground, they all call it the Immortal Realm. Once the Immortal Realm is complete, it is the ultimate realm of Immortal Realm.

Then go one step further, it is the Holy Land!

This is in the immortal world, but it is known as the giant of the existence of Taoism. It is terrible and boundless. It is already the ultimate fighting power of the universe.

The sacred realm is Daozu. Whether it is Taishang or the man in black, they are only one step away from the sacred realm. This makes Su Yan feel shocked from his heart. What is the source of the funeral cave?

He is now a thirty-three generation of disciples, and he is indeed the weakest disciple. Except for Taishang and the man in black, the rest are in the sanctuary. What kind of power is this? It's unimaginable!

Of course, funeral caves are not only disciples, but other powerful ones. How terrible is this force? Compared with the era when Gu Tianting was the most powerful, who is stronger and who is weaker?

Su Yan has too many questions in his mind. Of course, what he wants to know now is who is the owner of the funeral cave!

"What? You do n’t even know Master?" Too staring, staring at Su Yan like a monster, patrolling and looking, said: "That is the great old man of the funeral sky. Funeral old man in the strongest cultivation environment! "

"Old funeral!"

Su Yan sucked in cold air, in which field is the strongest universe? After all, the funeral cave was created by him to cultivate the hero of the burial ground. This is equal to the Lord of all beings. He enjoys the supreme fruit position and has a terrible atmosphere!

"Sister Tai, do you know the human world?" Su Yan asked again.

Tai Shang's big eyes were rounded, and her strange eyes visited Su Yan again. The Su Yan looked a little hairy. There was no way the little girl's eyes penetrated too much. She crooked her neck and said, "My master is A little monster, who knows nothing, why is he stupider than me? How did you mix into the funeral cave and even become a disciple of thirty-three generations? "

Su Yan smiled wryly, can I say, am I from billions of years later?

"Little Master, don't you even know the War of the Immortals?"

Too small hands on his back, slender figure, old-fashioned, said: "But things in the world, you better not mention, this is a taboo word, but also a tragic history, leaving many elderly people with too much pain. "

Similar to Su Yan's guess that year, the human world did exist before the burial ground era, but the human world at that time was under the jurisdiction of the fairy world!

Su Yan's eyes widened, fairyland, what kind of realm is this? Whatever the universe, his worldview has been subverted. There is not only a burial ground between this heaven and earth, but also a more terrible world!

The human world is under the jurisdiction and restraint of the immortal world. I have to say that the impact of this news on Su Yan is too scary.

At the same time, Su Yan thought of the Immortals, his eyes were a little cold. What is the relationship between the Immortals and the Immortals?

"As far as I know." Tai Shang whispered: "The decisive battle between the human world and the immortal world was because a coffin sank into the human world and triggered a decisive battle. The human world was almost destroyed!"

At this time, he raised his chin too much, and was very proud: "His old master was born against the sky, stopped the great calamity that spread from the immortal world, created the funeral cave, renamed the world to a burial ground, and completely broke with the immortal world. From then on, the burial ground will not be constrained by the immortal world, which is entirely due to the Master's credit! "

"The thirty-three heavy heavens he created were to stop the lower realm of the immortal army, but after a long period of time, the burial ground and the immortal realm often fought, guarding in the thirty-three realms, some terrible brothers and sisters were killed ... .. "

Having said that, Tai Shang's big eyes are red, and they don't know those terrible brothers and sisters, but they are ridiculed to defend the sovereignty of the burial land and protect the world's billion trillion souls!

They are both heroes and heroes. They would rather die than surrender, surrender, iron bones, and be admired by the world's souls.

Su Yan's hair suddenly turned upside down. Was the fairyland the initiator of the evil?

They invaded this world just to take away the treasure that fell from the human world? Is the coffin of the Snow Mountain Dragon Coffin the most powerful treasure that fell to the human world?

Too bizarre, a coffin runs through one big era after another. What complex factors are involved in the middle? What does that mouth coffin represent?

"What is that coffin?" Su Yan asked.

This matter is too unknown at all. She has never seen the top-secret incident that belongs to the burial site, nor has she even seen the coffin.

She also said fiercely: "Who knows, maybe it was a lie fabricated by the fairy world, and deliberately made excuses to occupy the human world. Although the human world was constrained and ruled by the fairy people, the fairy people wanted to dominate the human world. No! "

"Master, in the future, if you are strong, you must bury the air for us to bury Tiandong fiercely and blast the heavenly pride of the fairyland. Let them know how powerful we are in burying the heavenly cave. It is best to seal the king in the fairyland battlefield!"

At this time, Tai Shang snorted again. The burial ground and the fairy realm were intolerable. Although the final battle was over, but the small battles continued, but the funeral cave had been losing more than winning, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, I will!" Su Yanshen focused his head, then, is he the only disciple who survived the funeral? His nose was a little sour, and he looked at the cute and happy wife, sighing in his heart.


At this moment, Tai Shang took Su Yan to the depths of the funeral cave. There are many caves here, where the rules and order of Supreme Avenue are flowing, sacred and peaceful. The whole world also has special ideas to wash people's hearts.

Su Yan's consciousness gradually stabilized, and his figure followed the radiance of holiness. They were climbing a avenue mountain, the mountain was magnificent, straight into the sky.

At every step, Tiandi Avenue hangs down, pressing on Su Yan's body, as if torturing him.

Gradually, Su Yan forgot the time, and his body and mind were completely silent in the avenue ocean. He seemed to be a seed that absorbed the avenue ocean. With each step, he would gain a lot!

Under the state of the universe, Su Yan is like the carrier of the universe road, Yin and Yang help each other, evolve everything in the universe, and recreate the world of the heavens!

I do n’t know how long, Su Yan looks very tall and mighty. The whole person seems to be an enlightened person. The whole Ruixia is brilliant, and the pores are spraying the auspicious aura of the road. By.


The avenue mountain glows, and flashes of dense sacred texts, all composed of Taoist order, billions of strands of flow, like special metal text, falling endlessly, covering Su Yan's flesh shell!

Suddenly Su Yan felt that his body had been destroyed, turned into fragments of a boulevard, and danced with the runes of the sky!

Su Yan felt that he had been abolished and turned into a residual dragon. The whole person was scarred and scary.

Tai Shang's face changed greatly, his palm fingers glowed, and Su Yanzhen would fall down.

At this time, an old Taoist man at the end of the world came across time and space. This is an old saint, with a terrible breath, beckoning and beating too high.

Under the saint are all ants, and the powerful sage is calmed down. The pupil of the old saint looks like two golden lamps, watching Su Yan, and wants to see it thoroughly.

Too great a gift, said: "Master, what's the matter, you want to dissolve, Grandpa quickly rescue him."

The old saint shook his head slightly, and the words such as Hong Zhong blew between heaven and earth: "He has cultivated three great scriptures, Taiyin and Sun. I have never seen another scripture. Although the three great scriptures are powerful, they laid him down. To understand the foundations of the immortal world, after all, it is not the same system. The deeper the practice, the more prone to major problems in the future. "

I begged too, hoping that the old saint would give Su Yan guidance as soon as possible.

This is Dengtian Avenue Mountain, which is one of the strongest treasures in the funeral cave and the most shocking test place for Xianlu Road. Once Su Yan encounters any problems in breaking through the barrier, it is likely to disappear.

"If the three Scriptures cannot be combined, future achievements are bound to be limited."

The old saint saw the problem of Su Yan, which is equivalent to a remnant dragon, which could not be photographed, but he felt that Su Yan's path was not weak, and he had great hope to rush out.

Su Yan really looked very dangerous. Under the torture of the most powerful Taos, he was disintegrating, as if the universe was torn apart and could not merge with each other!

The disastrous physical body, blood and blood are dying, and the situation is at stake.


Suddenly, Su Yan's remains glowed, and the initial scriptures were running. This scripture was very horrible and incredible under the stimulation of Dengtian Avenue Mountain. It shook the endless scriptures and arranged in the remains. Shaping the universe and rebuilding the universe!

"this is......."

The old sage's heart trembled, the golden pupil was blazing billions of times, his way was so scary, the corners of the heavens were trembling, and under his pupil's gaze, a shadow appeared behind Su Yan!

If this figure goes backwards and forwards from the future, step by step, it will force Su Yan!

That figure is terrible and incredible. There is a big tripod hanging above his head, and the stars of the heavens and the sea, permeating the future Xeon Tianwei.

Emperor Wei from the future, pressed to this place.

Just a non-existent illusory figure affected this life.

"Who is that person? I seem to have seen the catastrophe, the **** troubled times, and the ancient history of blood staining!"

"Is this from the future? Is the world going to change?"

The old sage has some difficulty breathing, it is really incredible.

Dengtian Avenue Mountain is terrible, reflecting the founder of Su Yan scriptures, which also stimulates Su Yan's stubble to burn out thousands of fires, so that the two maternal books of Tai Yin and Sun resonate!

In the operation of the three ancient scriptures, it really looks like the sleeping ancient emperor is awakening. The divine power is pervasive, as if the strongest standing on the top of the human world. , Sweeping the entire time and space of the burial ground.

There is no doubt that under the reflection of Dengtian Avenue Mountain, Su Yan had a deeper understanding of the initial scriptures.

He seems to be transformed into an ancient emperor of heaven. The figure of Xeon that emerges from behind him resonates. His remains are radiant and the chanting sounds are rolling like a sea. He is explaining the Tao and the strongest mystery in the world. In explaining the changes in the universe, the changes in the heavens.

It's really a vast sky, and the overcast sun manifests in it, representing heaven and the earth.

Su Yan's fingers, fingers!

"Only me!"

Suddenly, Su Yan's eyes widened and he uttered a drink. The figure seemed to be in a state of chaos, breaking the ground and repeating the road.

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