Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1726: Legacy Tinder

This is the real light that opens up the world, boils and roars, and elaborates the incomparable mystery of the avenue!

Chaos exploded, and a terrible figure was born, facing the wind, like the avenue immortal born of chaos, with flesh and blood, human spirit, and three souls and seven souls.

It really is like a new life, it also seems to have experienced a special reincarnation. Su Yan reborn as a stone fetus, glowed flesh and blood, and absorbed the essence of heaven and earth. The figure also seemed to be integrated with the universe.

It is also like Nanke Yimeng. The experience just now is too bizarre. It seems to have experienced real life and death. In the end, Su Yan emerged, standing on the top of the mountain on Dengtian Avenue, and arrogant to the world!

"Master brother mighty, master brother ...."

Pleasant and excited voices echoed in Su Yan's ears, returning from dream to reality.

Su Yan opened his eyes and looked at the happy look of too much excitement. He scratched his head. What did he just experience?

This is Dengtian Avenue Mountain. Since the existence of the funeral cave, it has been standing here, but after a long period of time, very few people can climb to the top of the mountain for the first time. It can be said that it was counted by one hand.

Similarly, Dengtian Avenue Mountain is also the strongest sacred mountain in the human world. Its value is hard to imagine how shocking it is. It has made many arrogants and made a significant contribution to the funeral cave.

I didn't expect Su Yan to climb up for the first time, which shows that his fairy path is too shocking, and there are signs of great success.

What's even more outrageous is that he has built three major worldly achievements, and they can be integrated with each other and can complement each other. I have to say that Su Yan's actions are terrible to an elusive level.

"Ascension Avenue Mountain!"

Su Yan's gaze on this mountain is really a sermon, the price is higher than the sky, and for a group, it can play a role of constant ancient and constant strength.

"Master, how do you feel now?" Too up and ran up, there is no doubt that she is also one on the top of the mountain, but there have been no ten or eight times, like Su Yan first time Climbing to the top is really rare.

"There is a kind of perfect feeling of climbing and setting foot on Xiandao!"

Su Yan was quiet for a while, then she said, "Sister, am I right now? I can stand on the path to perfection at any time."

"Yes or no."

Too big eyes are watery. She smiles and bends into a crescent shape. Su Yan is very happy with her current achievements. She is happier than when she boarded up. She smiled and groaned, "Let ’s go to the Wanfa Hall and select one The seeds of heaven and earth that are suitable for you will be successful. "

"Suitable for my own heaven and earth road seeds."

Su Yan suddenly asked, "Sister Tai, isn't Xiandao a successful one, you must have a Tiandi Avenue seed, what if it doesn't?"

He thought of the seeds on his body, which was quite incredible, and was also taken seriously by the prehistoric older brother. Now that Su Yan has stood at the limit of Da Luo Jinxian, in fact, it is time to consider the Supreme Road.

"It's okay without nature, but the hope of ascending to the holy realm is a bit slim!"

Taishang has hair and waist, cute live waves, **** and white eyes with watery eyes, and whispered and explained, "The seeds of the Heaven and Earth Avenue are the treasures of the heavens and earth bred by our universe!"

"This thing is a kind of heaven and earth that has accumulated over a long period of time. It contains an amazing ability to realize the Tao. If it is absorbed and refined by a monk, it will be very close to the universe and fit the realm of body and Tao."

"Only by doing this step can there be great hope for the Holy Land. After all, the Holy Land must withstand the test of Tiandi Avenue. If the seeds of Tiandi Avenue are not integrated, the test will be very abnormal and excessive, and the chance of ridicule is great!"

"We are buried in Tiandong. There is no shortage of such treasures, and you are standing on the top of Dengtian Avenue when you climb the mountain for the first time, so no matter how valuable the seeds of the Wanfa Temple are, you are eligible to get them!"

"Of course, the premise is that you can get the approval of the seeds of the Wanfa Temple Tiandi Avenue."

She talked a lot about it, and patiently explained it to Su Yan. At the same time, she couldn't wait to urge Su Yan: "Hurry up, little master, there are so many treasures in the Wanfa Hall. I will bring you insights and open your eyes!"

There is still no word in Tai Shang, she also wants to feast on her eyes.

Each Tiandi Avenue seed is a precious treasure of the burial ground, which is related to the future growth of the monk. Therefore, only those who are gifted with supernatural feelings are eligible. After all, this thing is too difficult. If you use one, you will lose one. .

"Little wife comes up ..."

The Wanfa Temple is on the top of the mountain on Dengtian Avenue, and just near here, the ancient voices blew in the chaos.

Su Yan was shocked and noticed that two horrible figures were looming in the chaos. They were like a **** of war that opened the world, powerful and worldly, and possessed the power of a shocking and powerful man.

"Open the door, I will take my master to pick the seeds!"

I am very happy to laugh too much. The two old strong men who are responsible for guarding the Wanfa Temple are laughing. They are very fond of this weird elf girl. One of the old men waved a sleeve robe and the door of the Wanfa Temple was opened!

At the same time, the breath of the two powerful men became infinitely horrified and guarded the gate.

This Wanfa Temple can be said to be the place where the burial ground and tinder are preserved!

Anything can be thrown, only this kind of fire cannot be thrown away,

This is the birthplace of their lives. The seeds bred from the long years of the universe are enough to represent the atmospheric fortune of this world!

Su Yan broke in with Tai Shang, and his mood was a little complicated.

Although the time to come here is very limited and short, I really have a strong sense of belonging to this world and gradually adapt to it. I feel that I live in prehistoric times and are part of them.

When he came to the Wanfa Hall, Su Yan's eyes widened, and she followed her breath.

It really looks like the strongest treasure house that runs through one universe after another. The pictures in it have a visual impact. It is as strong as Su Yan who even stole the treasure medicine after all, but now he is also calmed down!

Tai Shang all stared wide, staring at the picture in the Wanfa Hall.

There are no less than tens of thousands of Taos in it. Each one is turning like the world of the avenue. Some are full of breath, some of the sounds of the Tao are like the sea, some of the dragons are bursting, and some of them are rolling ...

Thousands of species, this is a terrible treasure, and it is also the strongest inheritance species of funeral cave!

Some kinds of fire, such as the beginning of the universe, divide the heavens and the earth, and if you perceive it carefully, it seems that you can see the magnificent sun-shadowing yin and yang taiji images roaring and suppressing the soul.

In some avenues of heaven and earth, chaos hangs and rotates in the void, and the breath quickly becomes violent, like a giant chaotic ocean roaring.

Each heaven and earth species is powerful and shocking, exuding a strong cosmic atmosphere, interweaving the natural and natural avenue order, which appears in Su Yan's eyes.

"Sister, look where!"

Too pulled the corner of La Suyan to point to the top of the Wanfa Hall.

Su Yan looked up, and he saw one after another more shocking Taoism, all of which flowed with mother air, all the light of the ground breaking down, the light of reincarnation, and the innate purple air across the sky.

Nine road species, this is the most expensive nine road species!

Each Taoism represents the ultimate, and also has the world-wide pressure that spans hundreds of millions of years, and they have been born for too long!

Each Taoist species is worthy of the sacred power long time to wait and wait for their maturity.

"All kinds of Taoism, innate Taoism, reincarnation Taoism, heavenly Taoism, universe Taoism ..."

I ’m too excited, but I still do n’t forget to praise myself: "Brother, my sister got a congenital Tao before, there is one in it, I do n’t know which one is the strongest Tao in the 9th Wanfa Temple, which one is better for you? ? "

"How do I get it?" Su Yan couldn't wait.

"Let go of your teachings, and you won't get it by heart!"

Su Yan nodded, he took a deep breath, and soon the whole figure glowed. The strongest combat force was unblocked. For a moment, he completely changed, terrifying and domineering, like the **** of war who tore the samsara of heaven, full of endless terror. source of!

"Master, you ..."

Too dazed and a little flustered.

Su Yan seems to have become another person. In the most terrible state, there are thousands of visions around him. He seems to be standing on the bones of the kings of the heavens. He stands alone in the world and has a strong and invincible atmosphere, which is difficult to rewrite. !!

What happened to him, and why did he develop such terrible thoughts and murderous feelings?

In the face of Su Yan, Tai Shang has faced it. The feeling of a group of terrible brothers and sisters is that after experiencing endless turbulent blood and blood, it is possible to give birth to such a terrible will!


At the same time, the Wanfa Temple roared and shook the earth.

All the Taos are glowing, turning themselves on their own, showing their Tao and Fa, hoping to be selected by Su Yan!

Too dull, Su Yan is suitable for all Taoism!

Even the 10,000 Taos are turning at a fast speed, exuding the most desperate emotions, as if the fire of the universe was burning, accompanied by Su Yan's thoughts, conveying the terrible fighting spirit.

They resonate with Su Yan, as if to follow Su Yan to dominate the world.

All beings want to be chosen by the emperor to fight for the mother of the universe.

Su Yan's eyes are slightly moist.

He felt all kinds of spirituality, his chest was violently undulating, everything was spirited, not to mention human.

He reached out his palm, trying to touch these Taos.

However, the Tao of the entire Wanfa Temple is like a fantasy, and it is like a sky full of bubbles.

He can't touch it, can't catch it ...

Su Yan suddenly felt a little panicked, her chest violently undulating, and she felt suffocated.

Suddenly, Su Yan's eyes looked too high.

He felt that it was too far away from her, and her laughter was so far away from her that she could not hear it at all.

"Too high ..."

Su Yan's scalp was about to explode, and there was a swell of anger in his body, and he rushed to Tai Shang.

She wanted to grab her bright wrists, but caught air.

Laughing too, the little girl with hair around her waist is a bit illusive and a little fuzzy, with tear marks around her eyes, waving to Su Yan, and saying goodbye.

"Too great!"

Su Yan shouted, dancing with hair, trying to catch Tai Shang, grabbing him from the illusory body, and taking her away.

Even if you can't change this bleeding history, can't you protect someone?

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