Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1727: Burial ground

The whole hall of Wanfa seems to be dim to the extreme, all kinds are crying, they are illusory, and they will collapse from the face of Su Yan.

Thousands of heavens and earth are trembling, burning a legacy of fire, wanting to follow the King of Fighters, and want to follow him to meet the enemy, but after all, they began to disappear, all in front of Su Yan are fantasy bubbles.

Too much for this little girl with silvery waist, she was laughing, a dimple appeared on her cheek, her smile was sweet and cute, but watery eyes dripped with tears, drop after drop ...

But every tear is like a dream bubble, too unreal.

She was waving at Su Yan, like she was saying goodbye to the young master who had never been masked.

"Too great!"

Su Yan was roaring, dancing and dancing, her pupils were smashed, and the overall atmosphere broke out, soaring to the extreme realm, all presenting the horror picture of the universe overturning and crushing the universe!

Su Yan is no longer weak, standing in the extreme realm of Da Luo extreme, raising his big hand, to hold the figure too high.

Even if there is a brand of imprisonment, even if a residual soul is left, he will always find a way in the future, maybe he can let her survive!

But everything is fuzzy, non-existent, all fake, dream bubbles!

Tai Shang's figure also began to fragment in the blur, as if it turned into a streamer of history, it will disappear in the sky and space, no longer exist!


Su Yan shouted in the sky and released his grief and indignation. His body was burning, filled with terrible funeral atmosphere, and shocked the triple shocking power. This is his complete state, powerful and shocking. , Fight against the sky!

"Come back, sister, come back soon ..."

His chest burned, blood swelled in his body, and his eyes were blood red, all spattering into disastrous pictures.

Too much disappeared like this?

Even if a little thing is left, even if it is a bone, she will not be unlicensed, positionless, or tombless.

Although for Su Yan, it was only for a short time to get along, but Su Yan regarded her as a friend and also regarded the funeral Tiandong as her homeland, but everything was gone and it was a dream bubble.

Su Yan rushed out, the world is changing!

Let Su Yan yell, let the air machine released by him be powerful and never reach the world in front of him, like a universe, a thousand years, a billion years !!

Su Yan's will is a bit vague, blood-red eyes looking at the gradually distant world, the gradually blurred world!

Heaven and earth collapse, this is the end of the universe!

The universe seems to be crying, bleeding, the gods are dying, the Holy One is slumped, and the heyday is falling ...

Endless darkness has obscured the floods of the universe, destroyed the burial hole, destroyed all material, and the saints are dying!


Su Yan heard a sigh. This is a desperate sigh. The entire burial ground is about to crack. What else can stop this catastrophe!

The sky is also full of blood, one after another, the terrible giants are dying. Before the death, they want to explode the remaining vitality, and **** a group of young seeds to leave.

Su Yan's eyes showed a variety of horror pictures, the sky stars shattered, and the universe road was destroyed.

The vast darkness covered the sky, and the boundless blood flowed down, pouring down, and reddening the entire burial ground.

All beings cry, despair and mourn.

There was even one party, Xianwei mighty, like a projection of another cosmic plane, and it seemed to have collapsed thirty-three times!

The catastrophe lasted a long time, and I don't know how long it took.

When it came, there were some broken pictures in addition to the funeral cave. The whole world of the burial ground was forever, bleeding, corpses and blood, terrible!

The battle outside the sky is continuing, I do n’t know how much time has passed, I do n’t know how much time has passed!

Outside the sky, sometimes it is as dark as ink, sometimes sacred and towering.

As if two huge cosmic planes were capped down, the entire burial ground would be overturned, and this space-time would be completely destroyed.


Su Yan saw one big hand after another, and it fell down. It was terrifying and incredible. Chang didn't know how many thousands of miles, any force was difficult to stop and match, and the universe road was shattered in the process of trembling.

The moment they fought, they fought and suppressed each other, shattered the boundless world, the destructive power was unimaginable, and eventually the war spread to the funeral cave.

The defensive strength of the funeral hole is extremely scary, but after all, it still can't bear the crushing of these big hands, and a big crack after another bursts!

The entire funeral cave is about to collapse, countless treasures are destroyed, exploded, and the essence is lost.

There are also some terrible treasures that were held by big hands and taken away from the funeral cave.

When Li Ting swept the cave, there was no force to stop them. When the funeral cave declared a complete collapse, Su Yan felt that he was going to die, and was destroyed in this hegemony.

In fact, at this moment, Su Yan's mental strength was a bit blurred, as if he was drowsy, with only a little will flowing out, watching the great world dying, watching the prosperity of the world collapse, and watching hundreds of millions of souls bleed into the sky.

The terrible breath filled the funeral hole and affected Su Yan.

He felt that all his memories had been cut off, and all that disappeared was gone.

"I'm dying......."

He made such a sound, and found himself in a nine-color world, like a heaven and earth stone fetus, sleeping one after another, buried at the top of the thirty-three heavy heavens, and destroyed together with the funeral cave!

"Buried days, burial grounds, funeral samsara ..."

Suddenly, Su Yan heard bursts of ancient sounds, blasting in the past and present, echoing in the **** burial ground.

He saw a particularly magnificent figure emerge, filling the entire burial ground, waving a big old hand, the burial ground completely disappeared in time and space, as if never appeared.

"Kill ..."

The terrible killing sound blooms, penetrates the long rivers, reverberates between the heavens and the earth, and is indelible for billions of years.

Su Yan couldn't see anything clearly. The war was too shocking. It was devastating. There were dazzling lights everywhere. His eyes were bleeding.

Eventually he fell into a coma and wondered how much time had passed before he woke up.

The picture that greeted me was the **** world, the terrible purgatory on earth, no creatures could see it, no plants could see it, the breath of death was surging and the light of destruction was permeating.

"who am I!"

Su Yan yelled, forgot everything, and didn't know who he was!

But the death and run-down scenes in his eyes made him distraught, and felt that his most important thing was lost, roaring skyward.

He wanted to get the answer, but he didn't want to forget it.

He even wanted to go out, leave here, take a look at the outside world, and look for familiar people.

If there is only one living being in the world, one can imagine how sad it is. No matter how he calls and growls, the world is still dead.

Even he was a long way from the deadly burial ground, across a long road, across unimaginable time and space, hard to reach and cross!

Burial hole, as if there is no burial ground!

Funeral days, burial grounds, funeral samsara!

The triple terrible glory is imprinted on the funeral cave and guards one's life.

Gradually, Su Yan remembered something. He was the youngest disciple in Funtiandong. He was the 33rd-generation disciple of Funtiandong.

He has a sister named Tai Shang, but he can't find it, it's gone, it's gone ...


The endless years have passed and the silence has been broken!

The heavens and earth trembled fiercely, and the powers of the heavens and the heavens shattered the pattern of burial heavens, broken one after another the terrible seals, and torn the guardian light of the sky.

The whole funeral cave shook violently!

Su Yan saw the shadow of a particularly powerful shore. He is in the lower realm, and he can be said to be walking around, pushing the universe to walk, and there is a door of reincarnation behind him.

He is like the reincarnation master who dominates all beings in the universe. His figure is vague and large, with endless coercion, and a pair of pupils are opened, the world is trembling, and the burial cave is burst into a big rift!

In the terrible pupils, there are thousands of broken universes appearing in the pictures of apoptotics and humanity collapse!

In the end, how powerful the giant is, it seems that it has come along the long river, entered the funeral cave, and overlooked Su Yan from the top.

"who are you!"

Su Yan asked, his eyes stood up, and he felt that this man threatened his life with a terrible killing idea.

Looking down at the supreme creature in the funeral cave with a huge pupil, Lengyou's pupil stared at Su Yan. He originally wanted to raise his hand to destroy it, but he randomly frowned, and found the extraordinaryness of this weak creature.

"Kneel down, bow your head, and worship!"

He spoke, his words were big, and it shook the rivers of years, and the rule of Xeon emerged, enough to knock down a dimension of the universe.

The fonts one after another are like the grand tales of the fairy tale, rolling down and falling down, to be imprinted in the sea of ​​knowledge of Su Yan, to grasp his destiny.

"I am the 33rd generation disciple of Burial Cave!"

Su Yan spoke and responded.


The terrible creatures were laughing, thousands of laws emerged, and they crashed down, shaking the thirty-third day.

Endless destruction and cruelty are crushing Su Yan, Su Yan feels dead and destroys everything.

Su Yan was a little confused, and her eyes were a little dark, as if she had really surrendered.

But in front of him, a vague little girl emerged, with her hair waisted, smiling happily at Su Yan, with tears in her eyes.

"I won't surrender to you." Su Yan closed her eyes and said lightly: "You can destroy the world, you can control the life and death of all beings, but you want to enslave my soul, you can't do it!"


Supreme Supreme was so cold that he lifted his big hand directly, like shooting a fly and knocking him directly!

Because he secretly caught Su Yan's future is not simple, some chaos, some terrible, with the blood of the heavens, indicating the terrible and extraordinary future of him, it must be strangled in advance to avoid future variables.


Suddenly, at the end of another space-time road, a figure emerged!

He came across thousands of years, and the years have been disillusioned, step by step towards Su Yan.

Every step out, with the roaring sound of history, swept through hundreds of millions, and the bang suddenly isolated the big hands beaten by Supreme Being!

He also stands in the sea of ​​stars like the heavens and the earth behind him.


The Supreme Supreme was inspired by surprise, staring at the figure that suddenly came over, and yelled, "Do you dare to stop my way?"

"A child, what a distress!"

The person who came was relatively calm, crossed the years, stood on the opposite side of the Supreme Being, and blandly said, "I'll take care of this child, you can go!"

(Even at night)

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