Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1728: Reincarnation emperor

Nine-colored Fairy Mountain glows, and it absorbs the innate essence, flowing vigorously.

It is also like a nine-color graveyard. There is a living body in it. This is Su Yan hundreds of millions of years ago. Looking at the supreme figure who came to protect himself!

He felt kind, as if he had met his own, and he was particularly excited.

Su Yan couldn't see through the face of this supreme figure. He stood in the sea of ​​stars, Diwei was permeated. Although the breath was relatively calm, it still permeated, crushing the air of ancient and modern future!

For a time, he seemed very magnificent and tall, and he stood on top of the sky. The long river road that he passed through began to tremble, and it was almost going to take a picture of the historical diversion of the river. It can be imagined in what field he was powerful!

A strong man at this level is difficult to carry, and the universe order can be rewritten, supreme!

"Hahahaha ..."

On the other hand, the emperor-like terrible figure who collapsed the burial guardian light of Tiandong, laughed at the sky, and had to say that he was terrifying. Successive laughs shattered the stars of the sky, and the historical collapse of the sky Picture!

This Supreme Man is also a bit vague and can't see through. His surroundings are full of visions, and the supreme laws and orders fall down. The power of God is packed with a vast sea of ​​stars, and a huge reincarnation appears especially behind him. Door!

"How many years, how many times have passed, who dares to talk to me in this tone?"

The reincarnation emperor's figure laughed, the grand words shook the funeral cave, and his eyes were huge like a sea of ​​reincarnation, which could devour all beings in the universe and create a cycle of life and death!

Su Yan glanced, his body and mind were split, and the whole person was sinking in his pupils. He saw countless broken universes crumbled in his eyes. He seemed to have slaughtered one big universe after another!

The picture emanating from his pupils is already shocking and shocking. Su Yan's soul is shaking and feels that it is about to explode and become shattered!

This is the supreme divine power. You must not watch, watch, or blaspheme. You can only worship at the top, or you will die!


The figure standing in the sea of ​​stars and stars, falling down the inexhaustible clearness, cut off the connection between Su Yan and the reincarnation emperor.

Su Yan breathed a sigh of relief, and he felt that he had forgotten something, which made him appalling. The existence of this level is really difficult to describe. The practice has reached a level that the world can hardly look up to.

"I don't care who you are, where you come from, and who is behind you, anyway, I protect this child!"

The figure standing in the heavens opened his eyes, and the eyes fell on the living body in the nine-color graveyard. His eyes were too penetrating, like the insight into Su Yan's past and the corner of the future.

It just comes from the future picture, which has a terrible influence, and it is difficult for him to see through it thoroughly. This involves not only the cosmic order, but also various complex factors.

Under his attention, the future is full of endless turmoil and chaos, sweeping along the river of years, and it will almost collapse the ancient river.

If you change to other strong, even billions of gods will die instantly!

But the man standing in the heavens is strong enough. He has never been affected. He always looks supremely to look down on the future. Even if he can't see it, he doesn't force it. He knows that his strength will be involved with Su Yan future This will cause a series of immutable variables!

In the same way, he was also burdened with big cause and effect.

He caught something, and saw a coffin floating in the future, like floating in the blood-stained space and time of Wanjie, which made him lost in thought.

He also has a similar coffin ...

He saw another one and was deeply involved with the child. Is this a special item of the same series?

If it is really the same series, this is extremely shocking and involves some terrible things.

Strong as men in the heavens, there are some big problems in them. These coffins don't know why they were born. They were made by the strong. Still born and raised, what is the direction of the source?

Is there any other coffin?

The more you think about it, the more you find the variables, full of unknown and great fear.

He could not help feeling that he was strong enough to see a different world. He recalled his own youthful experiences. Although he also experienced endless blood and rain, he was not troubled by the fog. As for the factors involved in this series of coffins, they were too complicated.


A horrible loud explosion exploded, sensationalized the long river of the universe, and exploded in the world of the broken burial ground, almost creating a shocking picture of the great collapse of the universe!

What an invincible creature, terrible and incredible, but also a boundless flame of anger. What is he like? Why is anyone behind?

Standing in the stars and stars, this sentence completely angered the reincarnation emperor, and then the law that destroyed the heavens and the earth whistled, and drowned the entire funeral cave, along with all the material to be destroyed!

Obviously, the reincarnation emperor took the shot. In a short period of time, this piece of time has become a **** hole, and nothing has existed.

Only standing in the funeral cave, sheltering Su Yan's terrible figure stood tall, calmly watching the billions of laws of order falling, he never moved, never shot, but the surrounding scenes ushered in great changes!

The days of the heavens are opened, as the real universe is presented here, revealing the grand and extreme breath, so that the heavenly ancestors must kneel and tremble here!

What kind of power is this?

It can't be rewritten, it can't be destroyed, and the killings that let the sky fall are in terror, and it can't affect his way at all. This man has the invincible years of imperial power and permeates the entire funeral cave!

"who are you?"

The reincarnation emperor drank coldly, his figure gradually became fierce, and he could vaguely observe his whole picture.

His body is very burly, burly enough to open up the cosmic starry sea, the whole is densely covered with golden scales, exuding an infinitely strong essence of vitality and blood, and his hair is also gold-colored, such as the waterfall is dancing.

Every strand of hair can sever the cosmic star and tear the world.

Of course, what is most special about him is that he has a golden vertical eyebrow on his eyebrow. He is in a sealed state. He has three eyes, and his head is squinting. The overlord who swallows the world, looks at the figure that opens up the stars and asks the sky!

"My words, don't want to repeat the third time." The figure standing in the heavens was always calm.

"Hahahaha ..."

The terrible emperor howled, the fierce figure was burning, it was very scary, and there was a faint appearance behind him. The cosmic plane of the mighty shore must be squeezed down and dominate everything!

"You are really not afraid of big cause and effect!"

There is nothing to say. After talking about this, he exploded directly, and the bang suddenly struck.

In fact, the two seem very close, but they are far away. It seems that through the ages of time, it is like time and space, but only for a moment, the terrible emperor rushed over, waved his fist, and smashed into the funeral cave!

The figures in the heavens are no longer silent, but the moment when he really erupted was too horrible. The world of the heavens that was opened up was enlarged, as if it covered the entire time and space of the burial ground, and turned into a boundless world!

The pupils of the figure in the figure also widened. It is obvious that he is recovering. The breath of the ancient emperor is pervasive and magnificent. It is as if the first emperor was awakening.


He is fisting. This is the real emperor fist. Throughout the past and the future, the power of the universe has emerged from the endless endless stacking. In the end, this fist turned into eternal immortality, broke the law of heavenly energy, and bombarded him. Reincarnation of the King's Fist!


The earth-shattering loud noise exploded, like a splendid firework bursting out of history, and like the prologue to the end of the heavens, the endless laws and order are shuddering, and the avenues of heaven and earth are beginning to surrender!

Su Yan widened her eyes and felt shocked.

Terrible like the figure of the reincarnation emperor, one face was blown away, the whole fist was exploded, and his arms were torn apart.

What level of creature is this?

A drop of blood can destroy the sky, a bone can crush the star fields, not to mention that an arm is bursting, forming an anti-sky scene with endless blood rain, staining the funeral cave!

"You hurt me?"

The reincarnation emperor is also unbelievable. How many times have passed and when did he get hurt? If this kind of thing really happens, it must be a big event that will sensate the world, and it will cause a series of panic!

I was also mad by endless shame and irritation. The eyebrows finally opened up, and the reincarnation field was formed in an instant, and the entire sky was plunged into darkness!

Only his horror is boundless, the eyebrows' vertical eyes seem to represent the ancient road of reincarnation, and in his full body state, his body is enlarged, and he doesn't know how many feet, the whole body is spurting the light of years and years!


He yelled, the reincarnation field was full of the world, wrapped in immeasurable power, and killed the men standing in the heavens!

The man frowned, looking at the reincarnation emperor, and he said coldly, "Here, it is not a place where you run wild!"


This world has changed, as if the broken burial ground has been resurrected.

Endless coercion was born, sweeping the entire burial ground, and he changed in an instant, really like the first emperor in the world, engulfing the years and years, coercion over ancient and modern future!

His figure is also infinitely turbulent. Liao has no boundaries and seems to have replaced this world.

Su Yan was sluggish. The people who wanted to protect him were too powerful and unparalleled. The breath sent by the reincarnation emperor was strong, but he looked a little weak in front of the men standing in the heavens.

This is not a strong man at a level. Even if his heavenly eyes show the world of reincarnation, he is still completely crushed by the breath of the mighty shore of the men in the heavens and the trembling of crushing!


He was screaming, his eyes were bleeding, his body was torn apart, and he was going to explode into the river of years and turn into a spray of history!

What kind of person is he facing?

A reincarnation-like man spurts blood, has a stiff body, and is unstable. Once a strong man of this level is injured, the sky is bound to fall apart, and the heavens are crying with blood, transmitting all kinds of great fear.

He made a roaring sound, killing hundreds of thousands of strands in his **** eyes, and evolved into reincarnation sword tyres, one after another, endlessly gushing out.

"Dare to come, you are not afraid of death." The man standing on top of the funeral hole, finally a ray of killing light flowed in his eyes.

"Haha, you want to kill me?"

The wounded reincarnation emperor Yang Tian grinned: "I admit that you are better than me, but you do n’t even have the emperor's life and blunder me, you are not afraid that I will slaughter the universe behind you and wash billions of souls!"

"Some causes and consequences are untouchable, such as the burial ground, which has been cleaned up!"

Having said that, the reincarnation emperor's expression was cold and cruel, and then he looked again. The true heir to the burial ground, although only a weak creature, could not stay!

Otherwise, the era of burial grounds is not the end.

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