Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1730: Kill it!

The heavens are stained with blood, this is an indescribable horror event!

Wanyu was stained with blood, forming the cry of the heavens, and there was a picture of the boundless sea of ​​blood rolling over and flooding the heavens!

The vastness of the heavens is not simply the cultivation planes of the immortal heavenly universe, but other planes exist. Of course, the terrible world called the king of the universe dimension is terrible.

They were on the heavens, looking down on all realms.

Su Yan was sluggish, and then he shivered a little.

It ’s terrible. What kind of strong man is this? The picture of death is so shocking that the ghosts and gods are crying. It seems that Wanyu has transmitted the scream of fear of the strongest. The heavy rain of rain crushed the river of years and collapsed. Over the stars!

The tragic atmosphere is violent, and the whole sky is shaking. Of course, this is all because of the invincible fighting power of the Emperor Dao Tian, ​​with supreme majesty, pushing across all the heavens and earth, and must promote the entire heavens and destroy the sky. Extinction!

"You killed me once ..."

Suddenly, the roar of the heavens, the violent trembling of the universe, the sound of the blast of the heavens and the earth, and the earth moving, also accompanied by the elusive breath of life, are erupting, letting the heavens and the earth become overcast to dark, letting This blood-stained sky is full of bloom!

"He's alive again?"

A pair of eyes in the graveyard were angry, and the enemy was resurrected again. He had been blasted before, but he reshaped the body, and had a terrible breath that swept the blood-stained heavens, and a huge blood-stained figure emerged. Out!

What does this mean? The flesh shell was blasted, shattered by the invincible giant, and you can reshape the flesh and rebuild the imperial life!

"What is the world behind him? It seems to be reshaped because of a special life form?"

The whispers of the creatures in the graveyard, after watching the silhouette of the reincarnation emperor, followed a huge cosmic plane, which is too magnificent. It seems that the magnificent can collapse the entire heavenly world!

The mysterious big universe, flowing endless fairy rays, seems to open up the source of life of the universe, gushing out, providing strong support for the reincarnation emperor.


The reincarnation emperor roared, rebuilding was too fast, the original outline was still blurred, and it quickly turned into a substantial body. He actually lived another life, and in the world of reincarnation, he must blend with the universe behind him!


A shouting and screaming sound that shook ancient and modern future exploded. The invincible Heavenly Emperor cracked his hand, waved the Emperor's fist, overwhelmed the world, and the fist seal reversed the years. There were boundless storms that blew among the heavens and the world!

He was terrible, the invincible fist, sprayed the light of the heavens, and hammered it up for a second time to return to the emperor!

"I will come to you ..."

The reincarnation emperor did not dare to fall in love at all, and retreated quickly, as powerful as him. If he withdraws for a period of time, it can span endless years and time. This speed is unimaginable by the world, and he can step into the future along the power of time!

A short span, the world behind the reincarnation of the emperor distance is getting closer and closer!

But the next moment, the fist prints were like a rainbow. They struck and killed everything, opened a **** hole in the universe, and invincibly punched them.

The reincarnation roar of the emperor, such as the hairy flurry of a waterfall, the eyebrows sulking, and running a series of great ancient magical powers for a short time, opened the strongest source of life to stop.

But it was useless, he was bombarded again!

It's hard to imagine what kind of enemies he encountered. The flesh shell burst into a huge hole. The invincible Emperor fist shattered his entire body and killed him for the second time!

"He can rise again ..."

Su Yan is aware of the seriousness of the problem. The reincarnation emperor seems to have an immortal body. Even if he is blasted one after another, he can reshape the body again and again. There is no doubt that he resurrected again without saying a word. The world flees.

"You lunatic ..."

The reincarnation emperor was killed and fled all the way, the picture along the way was also quite tragic, and his physical body continued to burst.

In fact, it is as powerful as him. Even if it is extinct, it can be reshaped in a short time.

Now he is chased and beaten again and again, even if his vitality is terrible, he cannot reshape the body again and again.

To make matters worse, the strong man who chased him down the road behind him, killing the world behind him.

The cruel reality came true, not the reincarnation of the emperor's blood behind the Taoist Emperor, but the Taoist Emperor's invasion of the universe behind him!

Gradually, Su Yan's mental will was a little fuzzy, and the battle pictures he saw were getting more and more distant. In fact, if the battle was too strong, he would not have captured even a trace of the picture.

So how far is the world that the reincarnation emperor is about to run away from the funeral cave?

At the last moment, he faintly saw that Emperor Daotian fled into the world behind him along the road of reincarnation emperor, which was too cruel, killing his lair along the way, no matter how many times he could reshape , Also kill it!

Su Yan was a little worried, not knowing what he would encounter, hoping that the invincible Emperor of Heaven could return safely.

In fact, at the end of the distant world, in that magnificent world, at some point in history, there was a big event that caused a sensation in the world. A terrible existence struck up and killed the fairyland!

What is the power of invincibility, what is the power of the world!

No matter how strong this world is, no matter how terrible the cultivation level is, in that period of history, countless strong men kneeled on the ground, and countless black pressure.

They shuddered and couldn't raise their heads, completely frightened!

Gulai, who dares to attack the fairyland!

In ancient times, who dare to blast the imperial powers one after another and kill them to the immortal world!

Then, once it really appears, it will be a concerted effort. The might of this world is inviolable.

I have to say that it caused extremely horrible movements and chaos. Some emperors overlooking the world were awakened. Some terrible forbidden areas of life were revived. Various types of large-scale killers were revived, and they were shot out in succession. universe!

But the power of the Emperor Tian is difficult to match, killing all the way, the invincible invincible power is rampant, and the immortal world is chaos because of this, the old monsters are out of control, will not such people appear? Why can the Nether go out again?

In fact, even if the reincarnation emperors were alive, they would still face sanctions from their circles!

Since ancient times, no strong person can flow unhindered in the fairyland, even if it is a powerful existence, the giants who floated in the years and rivers need to be led to land in the fairyland.

But the Emperor Dao directly followed the path behind him, forcibly killing him. The process also carried endless immortal will power, and he also succeeded. This was a shame and shame for the immortal world itself. .

Years change, time flies ...

The funeral cave is in silence, and the nine-color cemetery at the top of the thirty-three heavy heavens is gradually returning to peace.

Su Yan, who was groggy, glanced out of the sky, the dense cracks of various ages and times were in endless sleep.

If time passes, the mountains and rivers will change course, the world environment will change drastically, and the funeral cave will remain the same.

The sleeping creatures at Jiu Se grave sometimes woke up and fell asleep, and didn't know how many years had passed, nor how many years had passed.

The long years, the sleeping creatures at Jiu Se Cemetery have forgotten everything. Time is too old to change everything.


On this day, the funeral cave uttered a roar, echoing in the thirty-three days, as if it were ringing in the ancient and modern future!

The whole funeral cave suddenly burst into flames, as if buried in the long river of time, the endless years of indomitable revival, raging and burning, also seemed to find a place to go.

Faintly, with the dry blood, the burial burial cave, which has been full of scars, is dazzling, time is like returning to prehistoric times, back to the prosperous age of burial burial holes!

Ancient spirits are resurrected, and the extinguished fighting spirit is burning!

In the process, accompanied by a lot of terrible coercion, it swept along the river of years, descended on this world, and resonance toward Su Yan!

Burial Tiandong, thirty-three generations of disciples, he is still alive, and he is also the only heir.

As long as he is still there, the vein of the funeral cave has not become extinct. Guiwei is the strongest cosmic cave in the burial ground, and the most terrible creation. As long as he is still, the age of the funeral is not the end!

They still have a legacy Tinder, and now he is back, standing on the top of the thirty-three heavy sky, roaring in the sky, dancing black hair dancing, his chest violently undulating!

With tears in his eyes, he looked at the endless thoughts of Taiguyingling!

He vaguely saw a man in black, burly and tall, with a true dragon lying on his body, smiling at Su Yan.

He saw another little girl with hair around her waist, her big eyes bent into a crescent shape, and waved at Su Yan, as if saying goodbye.

The endless figure, this is their remnant, has not been extinguished yet, echoing in the funeral cave, passing the roar from the past low, blasted in the thirty-three heavy sky!

They arched Su Yan, and set it off, really supreme!

Su Yan shouted and responded!

It doesn't matter who I am.

The important thing is that he was the last disciple of Funian Tiandong. He lived in this life and was protected by the Emperor Dao Tian through thousands of calamities. He has survived to this day and found a precious memory!

He fluttered like crazy!

Under the cleansing, the only surviving disciple is too difficult to survive.

He came out of the ground like a sleeping ancient soul that had been buried for hundreds of millions of years. He rushed into a bullfight, and a huge chaotic beam of light bloomed in his pupils, all turning into a thick chaotic lightning.

This is Su Yan ’s spiritual fighting spirit. Chaos Tianmu looks like the sea of ​​chaos is turning. It also carries the fire of endless hope in the burial cave. It rages into the sky and illuminates the ancient path of time and space. It must run through the fairyland. .

"What light is this?"

"Passed from the Nether, reflected on Xianmen, murderous!"

"No, it's that ancient seal. What happened?"

The ancient voice appeared at the end of the big crack, and there was a horror of panic.

They are relatively old, guarding the place, monitoring the world, and worrying about similar things happening.

Because in the distant era, the invincible giant once stormed the fairy realm, but after that, there were also terrible strong men who killed and marched up. It was terrible and incredible. Making trouble in the fairy realm was a taboo history, beyond words.

"Really is!"

Some people even yelled low and caught a huge stick. Heng Chen was at the end of the cracks in time and space.

Su Yan raised a huge fairy iron rod behind him. The long-time fairy iron rod sealed around him was resurrected, spraying the flames of endless fighting, and follow Su Yan to kill him, and continue the prehistoric battle!

"Kill it up ..."

The idea of ​​the fairy iron rod shocked Su Yan's quiet blood for decades. He wanted to seize the stick and kill the fairyland!

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