Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1731: Evil Emperor!

"Emperor Road is here again."

"What happened, just a few decades later, why did Emperor Road manifest again? Is it necessary to start a new hegemony ..."

At the same time, the immortal celestial sensation became a movie, and the Supreme Master of Wanjiao was horrified, which was a bit outrageous!


Emperor Road suddenly emerged suddenly. A special road filled the entire immortal celestial realm, and it was like another universe. The town was above the immortal celestial realm!

What happened? Is it necessary to start the second emperor list?

It can be opened according to the past. Even if the time between the opening of each other is short, it will take up to 100,000 years. How could it be opened only 34 years after the end of Dilu?

It happened so weird that even after Emperor Road manifested for a very short time, it slowly disappeared, as if it never happened.

"Dilu is about to disappear, it's sudden enough!"

The immortal ancestors were awakened fiercely. Is the burial ground era over?

The ancient emperor of heaven at that time reshaped the current emperor's road with the ruined territory of the burial land. The town was above the immortal heaven and cut the passage between the immortal world and spread the disaster!

Although millions of years ago, the dark evils swept down, but after all, they paid a great price, and they didn't even get their wish.

The ancestors of the Xian people are also very fortunate. There were some special reasons for their survival.

Then once this road disappears, a series of big events will follow!

"What is the future of the human world that remains?"

The faces of the immortal ancestors were cloudy and uncertain. What are the heavens? The current nothingness is the world of the heavens, covering the universe of endless sizes, but what is left now? But it's dead domain.

This is the black woe, full of endless terror and unknown ...

"Dilu disappeared, is it because of Su Yan?"

The next moment, the ancestors of the immortal stunned, this young man has a big problem. The origin is a mystery. Is it related to the burial age? Or is his heel more ancient and mysterious?

Is the catastrophe a million years ago really related to Su Yan?

And at the same time, the entire immortal sky is constantly roaring, like the town ’s terrible yoke above the time and space of the sky has burst. In the integration of the heavens, in the most powerful way, and in the strongest cultivation environment!

"A new era is really coming?"

From this moment, the immortal sky is violent, the energy tide of the ancestral ancestors oscillates like a sea, and the terror creatures all over the world wake up from their dormancy and emit infinite energy. They must follow the immortal sky to become the strongest. Cultivation environment!

In a moment, some terrible creatures leap forward in the polar realm, seemingly one step closer!

The big event that shakes the immortal heaven!

The influence is too great. It seems that the sky-horrifying creatures can continue to grow and strengthen, and they must enter a relatively outrageous realm.

Of course, there are few such people, even if they really grow, they still feel a vague yoke. This is the residual influence of Emperor Road, which is amazing!

"Oh my God, look at it ..."

The whole world was a sensation, billions of souls saw the resonance of the earth in Xianzhou, a fiery figure stood up, sprayed the light of hundreds of millions of blood, and in the process of growing in the extreme, he yelled, almost roared. Three thousand states!

Suddenly, a sword-mang rose to the ground, split the big universe, and split the sword-mans that slaughtered the power of Wanxian, across one big state after another, terrifying to the extreme and spectacular to the extreme!

"Some things are over!"

A sword-mangling, across Dazhou, rude and peerless, almost looks like the universe and galaxy, spanning thousands of big states!

What a domineering gesture, and almost a moment, broke through a terrible ancestral land, forming the picture that this great state began to sink!

The sky was falling apart, and the ghost cried.

Dazhou was torn apart and cut off by Jianmang. This is a sword of Wuxian, incredible, the ancestral land of the Emperor Yan was blown away, the earth was rolling, the storm was roaring, and the whole Dazhou was sunk. The organization of the year collapsed!

All the people in the world were shocked, and the ancestors of the immortals were even more terrible. They split a sword and destroyed a great state.

The whole world is constantly sensational. Some strong men of the ancient clans are watching the overwhelmed Dazhou, and they are quickly shocked. This is the Yanhuang organization!

It's just that there is no strong person in the Yanhuang organization, and the entire nest is empty. It seems that the Yanhuang organization had already expected this day.

"Is the catastrophe coming?"

The universe's beings shouted in trembling, the emperor's road was over, and the dozens of the strongest passers-by of the peaks of the Xian clan were killed. If it was not for the rules laid down by the end of the Tianyang State War, then the peak battle would have begun.

Now that Emperor Road is really completely closed, it also indicates that the peak war is starting again!

"Heaven, be extinct!"

One ancient group came out after the flames of fury, and for decades, this day finally came!

Without uprooting the heavenly courts, they can hardly resolve their heartache and hatred. After all, all the children of this group of horror creatures have fallen in the emperor's road. The top ten hegemonies have not been seen, and they have been terminated in advance!

"Couldn't the revenge of the bereavement not be reported, this is a cycle of cause and effect, little brother, I will chop you!"

The ancestor of the Golden Turtle also stood out, being one of the oldest creatures in the immortal heavenly domain, filled with the killing thoughts of the weeping ghosts and gods, and crushing a Su Yan was nothing. His goal was to destroy the strongest in heaven!

The immortal celestial area burns out and the chaos of fire will all burn down the universe!

The Yanhuang organization has withdrawn and must have returned to the universe of Xuanhuang. Can the once dead and ruined place stop the dozen or so peak groups from joining forces? Besides, there are some other Daozu giants who will participate in the battle!

It can be said that it is a continuation of the great turmoil and chaos a million years ago. Can the decaying heaven be stopped?

"My way, my way ..."

Jiudingzhou has also made a sensation. The immortal clans who have been teaching for decades have become more powerful and scary. Especially since the beginning of the disappearance of Emperor Road, he feels that his path is clearer and Daozu Road is closer. It's up!

He yelled, "After giving me one year, I can step into Daozu's realm, and the peak showdown is about to begin. I must rush ahead and step into Daozu's realm to kill Su Yan and destroy Yanhuang!"

This is the fighting spirit of the immortal ancestors. It is very strong and overbearing. The immortal people who are the most terrible clans of the immortal heaven are successively humiliated. The fighting spirit of the immortal ancestors of the immortal is getting stronger. .

The immortal heaven has ushered in a great change, caused a sensation in the cultivation world, and caused chaos and panic!

At the same time, at the top of the funeral cave, Su Yan raised his head and roared, like a terrible murderer who reborn!

His pupils were fierce, and they were to tear up the heavens. Two terrible radiances also came from his eyes, which penetrated Jiuxiao and illuminated the top of the universe!

Especially beside him, a fairy iron rod was raised, huge and endless, stirring the boundless storm, pointing to the fairy world!


This area trembled, causing terrible big shocks, one after another, and the large cracks in time and space that seemed to run through thousands of times shook violently.

Some of these forces are awakened, and some are called to resurrection!

Once there was a battle against the sky here, one after another powerful beings struck the immortal realm, and even if their resurgence of power was resurrected, it would be enough to shock the world for nine days and form an incomparable deterrent!

"So what happened......"

"Isn't this road broken? How could it be opened again!"

"It's unbelievable, isn't the heavens and earth a wasteland?"

There is no doubt that there is a big storm here. They are very strong, otherwise they will not guard the place and supervise the lower bound.

What happened? Is there still a terrible giant to kill, after all, that taboo history has passed a long time, it stands to reason that this kind of thing should not happen in theory!

They even caught a fairy iron rod and felt heart tremor. Wasn't this fairy iron rod blown up during a period of taboo history? Why is it still there?

There is no doubt that the emergence of immortal iron bars reminds several powerful portal caregivers of a dusty memory. Its owner is an infinitely terrible existence, and belongs to the same camp as the legendary man. !!

Su Yan's hair was fluttering all over, and he was all affected by the scent of a broken iron rod. He wanted to turn into an invincible giant, destroy everything, and win the world.

Although the immortal iron rod is broken, the power is still there, and the spirit of God will never die!

This is its fighting spirit. Even if the sky is falling apart, even if it is the end of the universe, even if it is a battle dead in the way, the spirit can live forever!


The impact here is even more violent. The incomplete and buried funeral cave is roaring, the thirty-three heavy heavens are shaking in succession, and the magnificent atmosphere of the universe is gushing, accompanied by the boundless funeral power of the funeral!

Visible to the naked eye, the funeral cave is shrinking, and finally turned into a artifact!

Although incomplete and dilapidated, after all, it is the strongest cave sky in the burial ground era, turning itself into a treasure, rippling thirty-three heavenly powers, wrapped in the power of the burial ground era, the Buddha blocks the Buddha, the God blocks the God!

Thirty-three heavy heavens hung above Su Yan's head, and the 33-day **** waterfall fell, and it was also revealed in a faint manner. The remnant soul of the thirty-two generations of disciples obsessed, and the breath was truly terrifying!

Su Yan's shaking hand was in charge of thirty-three days.

He feels that infinite power is added, as if he has become the Lord of the Three Thirty Heavens, becoming peerless and horrible. Although this is not his own power, he can be perfectly grasped by Su Yan!

"I am born with a natural birth, and sleep on top of the thirty-three heavens!"

Su Yan suddenly yelled and saw a terrible truth!

His mental power rushed to the bottom of the funeral cave once again. Without a doubt, he experienced the previous memory again and became a picture of a disciple of thirty-three days.

These pictures can be reincarnation infinitely, but they are like real pictures. He really lived in prehistoric times!

This method is too horrible, it is really hard to imagine. It can make a person who has never appeared to go back to the past and experience some things.

"They want to tell me all this, and I won't forget ..."

Su Yan's chest was violently undulating. A disciple who has never been born, a disciple who has never lived in a funeral cave, the historical reincarnation picture he experienced is unforgettable.

So who are these historical reincarnation pictures?

"Am I born with a natural birth?"

Su Yan yelled again, no one can tell himself the answer, he has the oldest identity, and buried the 33rd generation of disciples in Tiandong!

At this moment, Su Yan's brow was slightly wrinkled, and her gaze was gazing at the thirty-three days.

Sure enough, he saw the war he most wanted to know, a million years ago.

Skyborns floated on the top of the thirty-three heavens. In the time period when they were about to be born, the black calamity came, almost exploding the funeral cave, and the skyborns almost died, and their vital energy dried up!

It was supposed to be an anti-natural creature, and it is a great disaster!

However, not only is there endless darkness in the black disaster, he sees the plane projection of the immortal world!

Emperor Road was created by the ancient emperor, but there is a faction in the fairy realm who has joined forces with the black disaster. Open the emperor road seal set by the ancient emperor!

Their goal seems to be themselves?

In the picture of the thirty-three days of the funeral cave, the heavenly tire bursts, and the life spring breaks. Whatever they are looking for in the funeral cave? Even try to take away.

In short, in his dormant history, he has suffered two major disasters, and now he has survived and was taken away!

A hundred million troops in the heavens are on the battlefield, and the battle for emperor road is the ultimate!

This is a **** incident that caused a sensation in the universe millions of years ago. This behemoth, the heavenly court, also announced the root cause of complete decline, also because of the continuation of the prehistoric war!

He was even sent to a **** sky coffin.

Su Yan's spirit is a bit chaotic. Does the black and white mist originate from the **** sky coffin?

So what is that coffin that sinks into the human world?

Obviously, the **** heavenly coffin accompanying him was born from heaven, not the mysterious coffin in the legend of the human world!

This discovery is so significant that Su Yan is puzzled.

Su Yan faintly heard the unwilling roar in the historical picture of the funeral cave. They wanted to smash the **** coffin, and they felt that they had overlooked something ...

"There is no burial place ..."

This is the cruel discourse from the fairyland side, accompanied by the supreme law of order, which affects the world and affects thousands of times ...

What is the Emperor? Su Yan is incomprehensible, and must be related to the immortal world. The reincarnation emperor who shot his own back then took control of the imperial order of the immortal world. This is definitely a special means that penetrates the emperor and is closely related to the immortal world.

"I see. The nine dragons that turned against the sky in the past were supposed to seal the emperor's life and were killed by bombing. This is equivalent to a curse, a curse, which limits the growth of this world!"

Su Yan furiously rushed to the crown, black disaster is a big disaster!

But some forces in the fairyland have joined forces with the black calamity. The plan must be huge, which is equivalent to continuing the burial ground era and ending the war. Obviously, they didn't find what they wanted and were ready to do it again, but this time it should have failed.

But the fairyland also has big evil!

"It's a fairyland again, I have any enemies with you, kill me!"

Su Yan roared. The first time was the reincarnation of the emperor, and the second time there was an immortal force participating in the battle. The emperor road eventually turned into a place of bloodshed. Did the billions of armies in the heavens drink hate?

His heart was full of anger and indignation, and the immortal iron rods affected also shook even more violently, and the flowing fighting flames became more and more intense!


Su Yan held the fairy iron rod, felt its fighting spirit, felt its fighting heart!

"You want to go to war!"

Su Yan's eyes were red and a low roar: "My brother, you're too severe!"

The immortal iron bar trembled, it was too severely torn, but it could feel that its body fragments were in the immortal world!

"You want to fight, okay, let's try it!"

Su Yan's eyes were burning like a torch, and his clothes were hunting.

At that time, if it was not for the Emperor Tao, if there were not hundreds of millions of ancient troops in the ancient heaven court, he would not have existed anymore, now why fear a battle!

At this moment, he seemed extremely domineering, with thirty-three heavens above his head, and clenched his iron rod with his palm fingers.

For a moment, he rose into the sky, like a terrifying cosmic comet, making a roar and impacting the fairy realm!

"No, there are really horrific kills coming down!"

In the gate of the immortal realm, a group of defenders changed their faces, and some people were a little flustered and shouted, "Quick, quick ..."

This group of strong men, from panic to panic, was only a short time.

They haven't said what to do next, Su Yan is approaching infinitely!

Others have not yet been killed. The thirty-three heavens above are already full of horror, resulting in thirty-six seas of the universe, intertwined with endless rules and orders, forming a world-wide power!

The rolling rule of thirty-three heavens runs through Su Yan's flesh shell!

Suddenly Su Yan felt that he had stepped into the realm of Taoism. He was peerless and horrible. The light of the thirty-three heavenly universe was manifested behind it.

The funeral cave can be merged with Su Yan and turned into a Taoist God of War.


Su Yan yelled, the fairy iron rod he was holding became more and more blazing, spraying the light of infinite fighting, although it was incomplete, it was too terrible.

Even the fairy iron rod absorbed the residual power in the cracks of time and space along the way. Once it was in charge of the invincible giant, now it absorbed the residual power of its master before life, which caused the fairy iron rod to surge billions of times!


Su Yan felt that the heavy iron rods couldn't be picked up. His blood was burning and his fighting force soared to the extreme. The whole person and standing in the funeral cave had infinite strength.


In the end, he was once again waved by the immortal iron rod, magnificent and magnificent!

Vaguely, a **** monkey standing on top of the sky, flying above the clouds, looking down at the heavens, overlooking the eternal river, the power of the gods, accompanied by Su Yan in charge of the iron rod!

Is this the soul of a soldier, or the imprint of the Lord of Iron Sticks?

Anyway, Su Yan feels that he is too powerful now, and one stick can definitely kill the first ancestor of the turtle!

Far away from the immortal heaven, is discussing with the forces of the fairy clan how to bloodwash the golden turtle ancestors of the Xuanhuang universe, a fierce clever, what is the situation? Who dare to miss the beetle?


The iron rods dominate the world, the majestic vastness, the horrible blow that blooms, and the big cracks in time and space!

This was the most terrible and invincible blow. The **** monkey behind Su Yan burned fiercely, causing the terrifying iron rod to be horrible. The gate of the immortal realm that guarded the place burst open!

The heavens seemed to be trembling. A similar incident occurred. Su Yan took the iron rod and blasted the gate of the immortal realm, and plowed a blood cave above the sky!

"Immortal evil!"

Su Yan also uttered a rage. There is a great evil in this world. He wants to hit him with a stick!

(Super chapter, two in one)

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