Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1732: Land in the fairyland!

The fairyland gate exploded. A horrible iron rod penetrated the clouds and mist, destroyed the top of the sky, and along the road of time and space, once again broke the fairyland gate!

The immortal iron bar is swept across the sky, for nine days and ten places!

It is too huge and magnificent. It spills the ultimate strength, thins the fire of endless battles, reunites the forces of prehistoric war, blasts the gate of the fairyland, and a huge blood cave emerges from the top of the sky!

"Grandpa Su is here and alive!"

Su Yan leapfrogged the immortal realm, seizing the iron rod of immortal, unparalleled.

In fact, Su Yan is also very panic. If the iron rod is not strong, she won't choose to come up. Su Yan finds that the stick is terrifying, and there is still a powerful blow from the invincible giant. He can definitely kill a big one!


The pressure of the sky has fallen, and the terrible air machine has swept across the vast world. Let the territories of the immortal world be hard, and let the strong men of the immortal world be terrible. At this moment, they are also crushed by the iron rod. The earth cracked, and the endless monk trembled on his knees!

In particular, a group of strong men guarding the gates of the city screamed. They are all masters of the immortal world. Behind them are terrible traditions and traditions.

Some people were killed on the spot, were blasted into a mud, and a large number of monks flew out, smashing between the mountains and rivers, filled with fear, there was really a strong one killed, too cruel!

He couldn't even see his face at all, and he was covered by the light of the thirty-three heavy heavens. He was in charge of the broken fairy iron rod and swallowed the Xiaohan, as if the great horror of the lower world slammed into the sky!


However, even more cruel things happened. This vast ancient world shuddered. The power of the fairy iron rod finally affected some things. It once struck here and once killed the strong left here, and suddenly resurrected.

In an instant, the sky was falling apart, the ghosts were crying, the whole ancient world was shaking, and they were going to bleed!

The sky has fallen and drifting blood rain, Hula lame swept over, flooded the entire ancient world, endless souls fear, and felt that the apocalyptic calamity is coming, covering all souls, and carrying out death trials against them!

"Oh my God, someone seems to have been killed. Who is attacking the immortal realm? Are you dead?"

Countless creatures yelled, feeling incredible about what happened today, what kind of cosmic pattern is the fairyland, and who can get here? But the other party really did it. This is a challenge to the immortal world.

Nowadays, the entire ancient world of gods and demons is shaking, no matter whether it is a taboo or a famous mountain or river, it doesn't control to start shaking ...

There is a vague atmosphere of ancient emperors, covering the space and time of the universe, dominating the entire ancient realm, and continuing to spread out, stirring up the fierce power of oppressing sentient beings, which is difficult to rewrite, cannot be reversed, and can only be allowed to emerge from the mighty!

Although for the immortal world, one world is nothing, but now the world is trembling and it looks like it is going to collapse. This is extremely terrible. Some people are screaming, "Quickly notify the emperor and suppress the rebellion!"

The immortal realm is supreme. Any strong person in the outer universe killed here is regarded as a rebellion and must be suppressed!

Although there have been **** incidents that cannot be suppressed, after all, they are extremely rare, and will basically not continue to occur and occur.

"This is the fairyland!"

Su Yan's pupils burned like a torch, thirty-three days above her head, and looking at this world, the first feeling was that it was too grand, and I didn't know how many ancient circles existed.

He knew very little about Su Yan in the fairyland. He knew that the prehistoric years, the age of the burial ground, and the fairyland were incompatible. Although the root cause of the destruction of the burial ground was the evil of darkness, the fairyland definitely shot!

The reincarnation emperor is definitely a strong person in the immortal world. In the long years, he found a funeral cave and wanted to kill himself!

If it were not for the protection of the ancient emperor, he would not live now!

The **** battle of a million years ago also participated in the fairyland, and chose to join forces with the black evil, which made Su Yan full of anger and anger. Although he did not live in the burial ground era, he did not live a million years ago, but he is now carrying With too many grudges, I can't wait to destroy the whole immortal world, even though there are some great evils.

At this moment, Su Yan was silent. Where should I go?

He felt that he was still too weak to stand in the immortal realm. The reason why he could kill him in this posture was mainly because the funeral cave and the fairy iron bar had lost both powers. ..

Su Yan suddenly laughed at herself, what is the qualification of the weak to discuss cause and effect in front of the strong.

"Su Yan, come back soon ..."

There was a sudden burst of whispering sounds, whispering and whispering, that swept through at extremely fast speeds and passed to Su Yan's ears.

Su Yan's eyes followed the path of the ascent and went far below. This path was too deep to see the end.

However, he knew that this was the voice of Dao Shuyi, and he was calling on him to return quickly. The fairyland was not something he could break into.

"I feel a calling, and go to war before calling me!"

Su Yan's eyes fell on the funeral cave, and found that some ancient remnants surging out of the funerary cave, longing for him to go to war, to Xuesha!

At this moment, Su Yan found that a huge stele stood in front of him, towering into the sky, gold is brilliant, and there is sacred light burning, enough to fall into the sky, and there is a glorious dance in the sky!

If you comprehend it with your heart, you can find that the stele is like a world of gods and demons, and his ears are shouting and killing. Even after a long period of time, you can still inspire people's blood and inspiration!

"God battlefield!"

Su Yan's eyes glowed, and he saw four fonts, shocking the soul. On this ancient stone monument, he felt the everlasting power of heaven, and also had infinite glory, which stimulated him to fight blood. boiling.

In the midst, Su Yanmeng was clever.

He found that there was a will to fight, affecting himself, prompting him to send a ghost to the gods, and hit the immortal world!

"Are you affecting my thinking?"

Su Yan's gaze looked at the broken fairy iron rod, it could burst out the most invincible blow!

The immortal iron rod has a spirit, it bends, and the stick body points to the battlefield of gods and demons!

"You want me to come up, you want me to go to the battlefield of the demon and go to fight with the Wizards of the fairy world!"

Su Yan suddenly felt that Fairyland was a big stage, and she should compete with the Wizards who appeared in the strongest environment in order to find her shortcomings and gaps!

Su Yan laughed: "In case, just in case, I leave an incarnation to fight, so as not to be blocked by the old monsters in the fairyland, it will be difficult to leave at that time!"

Su Yan gasified Sanqing, walked out of an incarnation, and rushed into the battlefield of gods and demons. He felt that this battlefield was a battlefield to measure the Wizards of the Fairy.

What is fairyland, Su Yan doesn't know.

But he wanted to learn as soon as possible, and to be able to compete with the Wizards of all parties on the stage of the fairy world, enough for a lively battle!

After doing all this, Su Yan's body was withdrawn, carrying the fairy iron rod, along a road, the lower bound!

To be precise, Su Yan slipped away and quickly!

Similarly, he found that this road has terrible resistance. The strong in their world can use all their strength to leap up, but it is almost impossible for the strong in the fairy world to follow this road to the lower bound!

Otherwise, the fairyland will definitely enter the funeral cave again.

Perhaps the purpose of Dilu is to block this road, or it may be blocking other roads.

However, Su Yan just left after a long time. This trembling ancient world swept through all kinds of terrible storms. There were immense divine power from all over the place and rushed to the demon world!

Why is this called the demon world?

Nature has a great relationship with the battlefield of gods and demons. This world of gods and demons is also extremely important to the fairyland. However, a terrible event has suddenly occurred, and a gate of the fairyland has been blasted. I have to say that it has alarmed some giant forces!

"Who, ruined the Yumen Tunnel!"

Groups of **** and horrifying giants came to the world of gods and demons, and their faces were gloomy. This is not just about the face of the fairy world. The land guarded by this gate is not an ordinary place. There has been a historical tragedy!

A group of surviving guardians shuddered, the atmosphere dared not pant, and shivered.

They knelt on the ground and were being judged by some giant clans, but the strong men who came here did not believe what they said that someone came up from the Nether!


They were angry, and this domain door was closest to the human world.

But the human world has long since ceased to be a wasteland, a place of death and ruin!

It is impossible for them to step out of the world again and attack the strong in the fairyland.

Not only the human world, the world of the heavens has long been reduced to wasteland!

"Really, if you don't believe you can reverse the years and look back at what happened before!"

The origins of these defenders are not small. Some people blushed. The explosion of the domain gate had too much impact, and they couldn't bear the responsibility at all.


Suddenly, a terrible figure rose again at the end of the heavens and earth, the fairy sky above the head, and the footsteps of the flooded land, the figure was almost full of an ancient world, spraying endless light, it was extremely difficult to open people's eyes.

Especially the eyebrow has a vertical eye, thunder and lightning thunder between the opening and closing, the world trembles, and the terrible reincarnation of light spatters out!

"Oh my **** ..."

The spectators in the distance were frightened, and no one expected to alarm the supreme emperor!

"No, it's the strong one!"

Some even screamed out of control, and the impacted strong man was infinitely strong and domineering. Tian Ling Gai sprayed out a blazing light, imprinted on the top of the sky, showing the ancient words that overwhelmed all beings!

"Liantianwang, it is really the strong from the lower world who has hit the immortal world, and I hope the king Hou Mingcha!"

The six defenders shouted in horror, kneeling on the ground one by one, with their buttocks very high, and sweating like rain, never expecting to alarm the royal princes, let alone the royal princes!

What is a prince? Enough to call it Lord of the Realms, King of the Holy, terrifying!

"The demon confuses people, cut!"

The rage of King Luntian shook the earth, and the six guardians shivered with blood from their mouths and noses, their heads were really going to burst.

They were desperate, a huge sky roulette banged from the back of the king of the sky, and immediately killed six defenders!

The onlookers discolored and said nothing. After all, the historical disaster of the year had a deep relationship with the tribe, and this tribe almost removed its name from the immortal world!

King Lun's face is also gloomy. There are big problems in this realm. Who dares to go back in time and space by reversing the years? I do n’t know how to die!

Moreover, the matter of blasting the gate of the immortal realm is too big, whether it is true or false, it must be sealed, but this demon world is the territory controlled by the reincarnation of the emperor, and this kind of thing is not allowed to continue to spread!

"I have explored the nearby ancient circles and found no pollution ...."

A spirited strong man came, and said a word to relieve the strong people gathered here.

For the fairyland, any outsider may bring a breath of pollution, which can pollute the air and environment of the fairyland!

This has something to do with black disaster.

But where did people go?

The ancient world nearby was quiet and there were no storms.

In short, what happened just now is happening fast, and it is ending fast too. It ’s too weird.

"Shouldn't you run into the battlefield of gods and demons?" Someone muttered.

People nearby shook their heads. The battlefield of the gods and demons was limited to Xiandao. Since the other party could kill him with this attitude, he could not enter at all.

Moreover, in the battlefield of gods and demons, a group of Tianjiao seeds are fighting for hegemony, and they are most prepared for the next king battle!

What is the King of Kings? The King of the Heavens is the King of Kings. The prince who is recognized by the origin of the immortal world is powerful and powerful. He is in charge of life and death.

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