Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1733: Battlefield

There is a dead silence outside the region, without any vitality fluctuations. This is a dead star field, full of scars, residual stars drifting silently, and the sky's sun has gone out.

This also caused the sky to be dark, but the boundless earth was stained with blood, which was very barren.

Su Yan came and broke into the battlefield of gods and demons. He had a shawl of black hair and a cold look, like a supreme demon, looking down at the universe!

The scarlet earth is heavy, it looks dilapidated and desolate, but it is full of a terrible vitality, like hundreds of millions of gods are buried here, the essence of life is leaked in the long years, and the world ’s gods and monsters are nourishing!

Su Yan stood in the battlefield of gods and demons, his eyes were cold and electric, as if looking through the entire battlefield, powerful and deterrent!

After 30 or 40 years of silence, he has never shot. Although Xiandao has not yet been completed, but his combat power is too scary, he is more prosperous than the Supreme!

The splendid splendor of Su Yan's eyes had torn layers of void, and had insight into the realm of calling himself!

Su Yan strolled in the battlefield of gods and demons, step by step.

The deeper you go, the more you are disturbed by this battlefield, prompting the quiet blood of Su Yan's body to vaguely boil, and the tsunami roars erupt. This is just the sound of Su Yan's blood flowing, which is scary enough!

At this moment, Su Yan straddled a vast territory and came to a huge world of graveyards!

The world is full of graveyards, there are no counts of how many there are. The atmosphere here is relatively tragic, compared to bloody, and faintly between the mountains and mountains, there is a transpiration of the light of billions of gods, reflected in the silent star field. On the screen, a shocking picture was formed.

what is this?

Hundreds of thousands of gods stood in the air, exuding the power and glory of their lives. They were shocking enough before they died, otherwise they would not be eligible to leave the bones and leave the graveyard on the battlefield of gods and demons!

There are too many graves, densely packed, and most of them are extremely short!

What attracts Su Yan comes from the huge cemeteries in the depths. These cemeteries seem to have life breathing and glowing, which makes Su Yan's body surge in blood and feel a powerful call!

His eyes were slightly sinking. Was there an outstanding disciple in the Burial Age during the burial ground era, who died in the battlefield of gods and demons?

He walked over, and there were huge cemeteries with different colors, black, purple, and cyan. Each grave was tattered, covered with weeds, and left unattended all year round.

The ruined graveyard caused Su Yan's heart turbulence!

Especially the three cemeteries were extremely attractive to him, and I ca n’t wait to rush up, smash the cemetery, and dig out the corpses in the cemetery!


Su Yan's pupils opened sternly, glowing fiercely, looking towards the interior of the ruined graveyard. Inside the first black graveyard, there was a stained corpse. I don't know how many times and years have passed, the corpse still emits. Peerless and terrifying fighting spirit!

The ridiculed strongman, how powerful was his life, and his strong fighting spirit remained in his long years. I can imagine that he was definitely a world-famous **** of war!


Suddenly, the graveyard glowed, and a horrible breath was leaked, enough to destroy the world, and let the deadly outer starry sky tremble involuntarily, as if torn!

This must be an extremely scary strongman during his lifetime. His contemporaries, even if he died in the battle, his corpse still has his power, and flashes of dense manuscripts, resembling billions of deities runes, smelted into his body. Among them, terrible!

Thousands of cemeteries are roaring, shaken violently by the breath of this run-down grave, Su Yan realizes a momentum, a momentum that smashes the world, a momentum that breaks the shackles, and the soul returns to the ancient land!

The corpse in the graveyard trembled violently, and wanted to rush out, leave here and kill back!

Su Yan was disturbed and had a strong urge to break the graveyard and leave with the corpse in the graveyard.


Suddenly, the golden stele in front of the grave floor rumbled. This stele was resurrected and turned into a terrible man. It is very powerful and incredible. Although it is just a magical power left in the stele, it has coercion over the universe. Gastronix!

The old and dilapidated graveyard was wailing, covered with weeds, and the icy corpse that ran inside was shaking, as if the energy from the impact of the stele was crushed directly!

Stone town here, faced down the corpses in graves.

Even the more amazing the stele is, the more horrible the man manifested from the inside, soon Su Yan opened his eyes, watching the man's face, tall and magnificent, covered with golden scales!

He has one kind of great dignity a great majesty of the same generation invincible, but flashed a golden eyebrows vertical eye, shot two terrible cycle of lightning, to breakdown the cemetery, among the restless broken bones!

Su Yan uttered a muffled roar, the body of blood billowing anger, you want to immediately sell off the hook stone, crushed stone man in!

He saw it, that a man is bound to old age and for their own imperial cycle, the same vein!

If not he protect ancient houses of Destiny, he had been imminent demise was buried hole day thirty-third generation disciple, also reduced to get the job, this vein can be completely ended up!

This is a blood feud, Su Yan tall body light, loose hair Flurry, this family no matter how powerful, have to face the future!


Unexpected, surprise hit sound, awakened Su Yan.

Su Wei Zhou Yan brow, here are living creatures? His eyes visits in the past, is to see a woman seeking to follow the fluctuations, according to her understanding, this brilliant Once upon a time, it has been long years without any fluctuations spread.

This woman is very temperament, skin white and beautiful, with fairy breath, eyes clear, wore a blue dress, slim figure, walking Brisk.

In this run-down cemetery, she seemed very abrupt, in the pattern of this local comparison, is really out of place, especially a full head of silver hair stud crystal clear, bright colors.

When she noticed the dilapidated cemetery shaking, and looked suddenly strange, alarmed eyes looked at Su Yan, he said: "? Who are you"

"You are?" Su Yan asked: "? Jiaosha name"

Women stare Su Yan, curl one's lip and said: "? Why the **** told you."

This woman looks somewhat quirky, with Faerie breath, vaguely white body, there is really breath Phoenix looming.

. "You're not human," Su Yan surprised, and said: "You are a Phoenix?"

Some of the black woman's face, pointing at the cemetery said: "? You and cemetery losers have anything to do."

"Why call a loser!" Su Yan's brow furrowed.

"Defeated, die falls mythical battlefield, not what losers?" A woman as it should look like, weird looked at Su Yan, thinking it was really a weirdo.

"Hey ......"

See Su Yan did not care about their own, or even to wait and see the cemetery, she suddenly dissatisfied, he said:. "How do you not speak."

"I do not speak of unknown origin."

Su inflammatory response, which almost collapsed the woman's face, in the end who is unknown? "My name is Mu Xin!" She said teeth almost.

"Mu Xin."

Su Yan's eyes again fell on her, then pointing to the golden stone, said: "This stone is left behind who?"

Mu Xin some slack, eyes look like a fool staring at Su Yan, this guy in the end is what Frankenstein? Although kings and tyrants then buried the elite First World War is over long years, and then that thing can stir too scary, do not you know this guy?

Of course, even if really do not know, the golden stone of a magical formula, which was based out of the man, in the end what the group comes from the family, not clearly, plainly.

"You do not know?" Su Yan contempt looked at her.

"I really ......."

Mu Xin clenched fist, angry and said: "! You do not know even the reincarnation Imperial family, I really doubt that you are not a man upon a time."

"! Reincarnation Imperial family," Su Yan took a deep breath, asked: "? It strong."

Mu Xin speechless, Su Yan was completely defeated, she tried to calm down, said: "Nature is very strong, but Once upon a plan of God without family, the family has a strong champion of a large number, this monument a type of supernatural powers, the Emperor is the reincarnation of tyrants King left the family, but he was one of the year's most terrible princely! "

"As strong in this cemetery."

Mu Xin exclaimed: "have to say is terrible, then dominated almost mythical battlefield, but he is said to be buried hole thirtieth day generation disciple, this is the only one burial cave-day pro-disciple, died mythical battlefield, then it also causes a shock Once upon a time! "

Although there are other burial cave-day disciples killed in Once upon a battlefield, the battlefield can not mythical, but the king of the battlefield that belong to the top hegemony Once upon a time the land!

It is said that the thirtieth generation disciples of the funeral cave were powerful and unpredictable, but unfortunately they died. This is also one of the strongest Tianjiao who has died since the battlefield of gods and demons opened!

In the same way, his death completes the King of Heaven, the most terrible prince among the reincarnation emperors!

Su Yan's chest was undulating, and her anger and blood were boiling!

It was a shame and shame that Shibei Town suppressed his body here for a long time.

His body was full of anger and blood, and his hair was dancing, his breath became more shocking.

In fact, this is Su Yan's brother, who has never been masked!

Mu Xin was a little surprised. She looked at Su Yan and felt that this person was very strong, not a weak person, but why was she unclear?

and many more....

Mu Xin was shocked, was he related to the loser in the graveyard?

"How to leave with the bones?" Su Yan's eyes shot cold and electric.

"Who the **** are you ..." Mu Xin pointed at Su Yan, and the ghost cried: "Are you going to fight for the people in the graveyard, are you crazy? The stele represents the Deceiver ..."

"You mean, to take away the bones, you must defeat the Deceiver?" Su Yan asked.

"That's natural. The King of Heaven stayed in the stone monument to suppress the loser. If you win, you can get the magic weapon left by him, and the weapon lost by the 30 generations of funeral caves!"

It was cruel and bloody. Su Yan remembered that she was too old. She should have wanted to kill her and take away the bodies of thirty generations of disciples.

"I said, who are you exactly?"

Mu Xin's curiosity was all hooked up, and she was half-joking: "Of course, you want to take away the corpses, or other corpses, and there is another way, that is, to open the strongest battle in the demon battlefield, challenge now All the gods in the battlefield of Gods and Demons! "

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