Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1743: Invincible under Daozu

How can this be?

The Celestial Master teaches supreme power, what kind of prestige, what prestige, how domineering, the immortal world's most prosperous immortal Taoism, majestic world.

But now, in the face of Su Yan, an emperor who has a short history of growth, a **** hole bursts on his body with one punch.

The immortal Supreme's flesh shell trembled, and it was difficult to match. His back was splattered with blood.

Although it has not been breached and penetrated, this attack has scared the world.

And what kind of mastery does Su Yan run? Suddenly messed up, the power of the magical devil dancing came out. This is the most powerful magical power of Huo Ping. He used to rely on this magical power to almost destroy the strongest battlefield. Without the intervention of the emperor, then Huo Ping's achievements are really brilliant. .

Nowadays, Su Yan is in charge of the chaos of gods and demons, and the body of the burial is suppressed. The Supreme Master of the Celestials has encountered a terrible imprisonment. The punch almost killed him!

"Kill, take your life!"

Su Yan came straight. Since it is returning, it is bound to be the most glorious and terrific gesture. Here in Jiudingzhou, the Supreme Immortal is hanged!

"Junior ..."

The immortal Supreme shouted, his hair danced, and his eyes widened. This was a shame, and his anger was shaking. Now, no matter how strong Su Yan is, he must be killed, otherwise the majesty of the Immortal!

A young man, who struck the gap between the years and smashed the supreme overlord of the older generation. If it was really done by Su Yan, the fairy would be nailed to the pillar of shame!


The immortal family runs the immortality of this family, the blood-stained flesh shell is flourishing, and the blood power in the body is resurrected. He is the disciple of the immortal ancestor. It's up!

In the end, a destructive picture was formed. The terrible figure of the immortal was shining, the immortal light of the immortal fairy was sprayed, and a series of great magical powers were blooming. They were directly transformed into a three-headed, six-armed **** of war and killed. !!

The peak showdown is just around the corner.

The pure flesh fights, the immortal relies on its own advantages. After all, although the previous clearance was interrupted, the power of the flesh has soared a lot, raising its hands and feet is wrapped in shocking power, and each strike can be destroyed. Extreme Strong!

"Is this the scariest showdown in the supreme realm?"

Some people yelled, "The battle of the peak of the universe of Xuanhuang has not been started, but this kind of thing happened here. I don't know what these forces in the local government would think about it. I think Su Yan has definitely started since he shot!"

Beginning with the Immortal Supreme, it has to be said that it is too rude. Does he have to break into the ancestral lands of the major groups and go to the back?

If he really has the power to do so, it is really against the sky, and the irregularities can change the current pattern of the universe!

The two powerful men were killed together, and the storm of energy was sweeping across the land.

The whole Jiudingzhou was roaring, the mountains and rivers were shaking and undulating. This was an energy storm spreading by the hard work of both, and the rolling trembling trembled.


The deafening deafening sound exploded, and the two powerfuls battled the ground. The picture of the world was blurred, and no picture was seen.

But there is blood blooming, thick and rolling, dyed the ruined world!

"Oh my god, is the Supreme Immortal going to perish, Su Suren is too wild!"

Some old men were frightened. He and the Supreme Family were contemporaries, but now they see the Supreme Family being crushed, even in the state of three heads and six arms. However, once they collide with Su Yan, it is almost the most immortal. The power of the Fairy Extreme shivering!

A large swath of blood rained, and the entire arm of the Supreme Family was smashed by Su Yan, exploded into a shatter.

The whole body is trembling!

How terrible Su Yan's attacking force is. When he raises his hands and feet, the world trembles, the world's potential is released, and the blood and blood is full of the power of burying the sky, covering the entire battlefield.

How does he resist?

Let the fighting strength be strong, let the fairy body be shocking, and it can't stop Su Yan at all.

Some people feel that Su Yan's physique is scary. In the state of frenzy, he punched one punch after another, blasting the arm above his body one after another.

In a short time, four arms exploded and one head was smashed by Su Yan!


The Immortal Supreme is going crazy, and the blood-stained flesh stirs up the power of the Four Spirits. It can be crushed again. Su Yan has not run other magical powers. Once the devil flurry dances, the gods stop killing the gods and the immortals stop fierce!

The four great holy beasts were smashed, Su Yan's full strength was resurrected, and once again straddled up, they would blast the entire body of the immortal supreme!


For an instant, behind the Immortal Supreme, an ancient mirror rose, transpiring the chaos, releasing a huge wave, and the power of the burial sky was torn instantly, opening up the immortal world!


The immortal screamed supremely, holding the immortal dome to kill Su Yan.

"Failed, so terrible, only a few rounds!"

"Su Yan, is Daozu invincible?"

The older generation sighed. In fact, once the Supreme Tribe sacrificed out of the fairy sphere, he had lost it. This is one of the treasures of the town tribe of the fairy tribe. The dome is one of the ten treasures of the fairy town!

Once this treasure mirror releases the Qi machine, Su Yan already feels the crisis. His Yuanshen, the physical body, and the Taoism all have a doom that is cut off in the process of being reflected in the fairyland!

"Beware, this treasure mirror can be lettering, physical body, Yuanshen, Taoism, and it is very powerful. At that time, the Emperor Yan was restrained by this treasure."

A strong man hidden in the dark reminded Su Yan that this treasure is powerful. The ancient mirror casts the triple light. All the terrible laws of order are blooming. They have formed a great power and imprisoned Su Yan's Yuan Shen. , The body, the way!


Sure enough, let Su Yan fight, everything is suppressed, and it is difficult to exert the strongest combat power!

"Ah kill!"

The immortal supreme killer came. The fairy sphere behind him glowed and suppressed Su Yan. At the same time, his combat power burned out completely and came out to attack Su Yan!

However, when Su Yan's power touched Su Yan, a loud noise exploded, with the magnificent and extreme breath blooming!

what is this?

It's a scary picture. The light of the thirty-three heavens of the universe rises behind Su Yan, and the laws and orders that resemble the thirty-three Xeons are blooming. Although a little vague and broken, it is also extremely powerful!

"not good!"

The face of the Supreme Immortal changed greatly, and the immortal realm was suppressed in an instant, and he chose to escape immediately. The sixth sense of cultivation in this realm is very strong, and he predicts that he will fall into the future and die in Su Yan's hands.

Even if the funeral hole is broken and the loss is serious, what is it? How could the fairyland be comparable.

"Stop me!"

Su Yan was furious: "I will not kill you with treasures, bully the small, otherwise it will be the biggest stain in World War I. You raise your ears and listen to me, I will kill you with my fist. This It was the price you had to interfere with me in the battle for hegemony! "

People all over the world are scared and stupid. They don't know what to say for a while.

"It also......"

The older generation's mouth trembled,

This is too domineering. There is clearly an invincible means of crushing the Supreme Immortal, but Su Yan will not use it. He has to use his strongest combat power to crush the Supreme Immortal!


The immortal Supreme shouted from the sky, a big crack appeared in the sky, and the stars outside the region shuddered!

Is he not strong enough?

Nature is already shocking enough, but in the face of an invincible savage man, his heart is full of anger and difficult to vent.


Now gone, reduced to a laughing stock, might as well fight directly to death!

"I will kill you even if I die!"

The immortal Supreme is crazy, the sea of ​​life is burning, rebuilding the body of three heads and six arms, he looks very crazy, burning all the details, and six arms in charge of the six murderers, three heads spray the avenue fairy sound!


The immortal Supreme came roaring to kill, and the six murderers glowed, and all their studies bloomed.

Even if it destroys Daozu's foundation, even if it destroys his life, he won't let Su Yan succeed!

The six murderers came, all supreme heaven soldiers, dancing the frenzy of killing order, sealed the heavens and earth, and launched a thunder attack against Su Yan!

The Supreme Heavenly Soldier had a powerful killing power, not to mention that the six major soldiers came together to brush up and sacrifice. They all wanted to join together and hit Su Yan.

In an instant, a surge of gas engines nearly covering the state of Dazhou, the sky flashed a colorful light, forming a nine-color world!

Su Yan yelled at the sky, the stars came out!

One hundred and ninety-nine-colored sand turns in the air and turns into a fangfang painting halberd in the void!

"Immortal Supreme, one blow will make you kneel at the Tianting ruins and lose your head. If you do not accept it, my second blow will destroy you!"

Indifferent words exploded, shocking everyone.

"He is really invincible ..."

The world is arrogant and trembling, as strong as Yong Qiu Ling. They are wondering if they have the confidence to say this sentence if they are standing in the supreme realm.

This blow has not yet been hit, and Su Yan has already spoken, which shows that he has absolute confidence in himself, which is the level of invincibility of the same generation.

Su Yan rises into the air, grabs the nine-color Fangtian Huaji with one arm, and descends from the sky. In the process, the sky bursts into a big rift, and the destruction power is too scary.

Like the heavenly soldiers that fell outside the territory, the bang suddenly fell down!

This strike is brave and domineering.

The six major soldiers exploded one after another. This is the supreme treasure refined by Su Yan. The stars can be transformed into any weapon. The heavy excessiveness also contains the incredible power of burying the sky!

At the same time, it also crushed the immortal energy frenzy of the Supreme Tribe, and the power of the infinite expanse was suddenly on the shoulders of the Supreme Tribe!


The immortal screaming is really like the heavens world feeding on the carcass, endless force of heaven, crushing him, his knees cracked, blood spurting, broken bones sputtering, too miserable.

"Do not!"

He roared and could not bow down to Su Yan.

But he couldn't bear the power of Jiu Se Fang Tian Hua Ji, the terrible pressure was on his body, his knees cracked, and he threw himself on the ground, the ground cracked and cracked, and spread far away.

One threatened to step into the realm of Daozu, crush Su Yan, and destroy the Supreme Emperor of the Yan Emperor.

Now kneeling on Jiudingzhou, his body is stained with blood, the picture is terrible!

He is the supreme of the immortal clan. He is in charge of a flourishing immortal Taoist tradition, and is now suppressed by Su Yan's one-armed weapon!

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