Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1744: Boom!

The **** picture was terrible.

Su Yan is in charge of the nine-color Fangtian painting halberds, suppressing the immortal palm teaching supremacy, and let him kneel on Jiudingzhou, kneeling on the ruins of Tianting, blood flowed for thousands of miles!

Shocking pictures, all onlookers in all directions are as dead as chickens, one by one is completely petrified, an immortal master who has preliminarily completed Daozu Chongguan, a supreme overlord who has prospered for millions of years!

What awesome he is, no one knows, no one knows!

In a sense, with the status of the immortal, then the supreme leader of the tribe, even the Taoist giants, will not be entrusted with it.

Now, he kneels at the ruins of Tianting. The huge and terrifying impact of this picture makes them all doubt life.

It's only been three or four decades, has Su Yan already possessed the foundation for achieving Taoism? In short, the images in front of me feel too dreamy.

Yong Qiuling, these Emperor Road elites are dumbfounded. Is it understandable that Su Yan is invincible under Daozu!

"Invincible under Daozu!"

Anyone making a low voice, is there any suspense?

From the beginning to the end, this battle was completely crushed, and Su Yan did not resort to any external force, thus suppressing the Immortal Teaching Master, his horror was suffocating.

This is an invincible belief. Ling Yan is overbearing. Su Yan, who has been silent for thirty-four years, is powerful and outrageous, like a rebirth of fire. How can it not be shocking? From then on, Immortal Heaven will rise. Bit heavyweight.

Strictly speaking, even this kind of person will not easily go to embarrassment, as long as they do not encounter giants like Taoist ancestors who have reached the extreme realm in the realm of Taoism.


The immortal palm teaches the extreme howl, eyes are congested, the broken body is full of blood and blood, the energy inside the body is madly agitated, and it wants to shake the suppression of the nine-color Fangtian Huaji!

"Fate it!"

Su Yan drank coldly, holding Fang Tianhua's halberd in one arm, calming the immortal master to teach the supreme, and yelling, "Give me a **** here to confess your sins, but spare your life!"

His words, like the thunder of nine days, caused a sensation in the world and spread to several large states, causing the immortal world to cause a great shock.

You should know that the day when the immortal master teaches to pass the customs clearance day, the strong men of all ethnic groups bring their students to watch the ceremony, and some big teachers also take charge of the time and space to pay attention to the changes in Jiudingzhou, but now they have seen Su Yan's birth and suppress the immortal Extreme shocking picture.

It's too horrible for onlookers in the distance to look straight at it. This is the teaching of the immortal. Now kneeling at the ruins of Tianting, they were suppressed by Su Fangren with Fangtian painting halberd.

"Why didn't the immortal come?"

Some people feel that something is wrong. It is logical to say that for such a big thing, the immortal will inevitably fight back. Although the immortal united all parties to kill the Xuanhuang universe, there must be many leftovers in the ancestral land of the immortal.

Of course, no one thinks that there are only a few Taoist ancestors of the immortal family, and there is definitely a Taoist ancestor in the ancestral court!

But the time has been so long, why is there no trace of movement in the whole fairy clan? Can the immortal still watch the tribe kneeling here to be humiliated!

"No, you guys look!"

At this time, some old monsters yelled, and they saw with heavenly eyes, a distant area from Jiudingzhou area, whistling out of all kinds of extinction light, stirred up outside the space and time, and permeated one after another in large states!

Ripples of energy that are more turbulent than the tsunami rushed out, accompanied by the faint Supreme Master Zu Tianwei blooming, which caused the turbulent waves!


In the distance, the sky and the earth are destroyed, and the shout of the sky is passed faintly, accompanied by the endless thick light of blood, blooming, covering the sky, and overthrowing a great state, and the mad terrible creatures want to Leaping towards Jiudingzhou!

But it was useless, he was blocked!

In an instant, the shocking breath erupted. The golden blood was tens of thousands, and a violent eruption, a slightly old tall figure, wielding golden fist prints, bombing Xian Tianrong!


The old leader shouted, and there were big cracks in the sky. His breath was too shocking. The golden blood was soaring and the light of all calamities was blooming. The terrible power burst the heavenly fairy. The whole portrait was like a fuzzy Optimus Giant. Zhu, turn into an invincible horror!

"Who is who?"

In the world-frightening picture, the immortal Xian Tianrong shot, and he wanted to help the immortal master to teach the Supreme.

But it was useless. The terrible golden fist stamp penetrated everything. The fierce flesh shell that was even more fierce than the wild dragon turned into a big killer. An immortal Tian Tianrong screamed, his body was covered with cracks, and he wanted to burst!

Who is this outbreak? Like Su Yan, they have invincible Tianwei!

Some people think that this is a Taoist ancestor. Otherwise, how can they defeat Xiantianrong?

"A quasi-dao ancestor who soon stepped into Daozu!" Some old monsters roared. Is Tianting about to step out of the next Daozu? How many years have it taken for Yanhuang to make a breakthrough!


Xian Tianrong growled. He was being crushed. After all, he was old and his life was exhausted. Facing the old leader who had just stood in the field of Jundao, it was really not enough!

A terrible battle, which caused a sensation in dozens of states, and some people were messed up. What happened? It is clear that the major forces of the Xian people joined forces to besiege the Xuanhuang universe, but what happened now? Are they going to copy the road?

"The old bosses have become Zhundao ancestors. Xian Tianrong fired out and rushed out to help. This was blocked, so who is teaching the Supreme Master against the Immortal!"

"Is Boss Su hit?"

In the ancestral land of the immortal family, Zu Sheng's face is aggressive, the immortal family is in chaos, and the ancestral land is difficult to calm. A large number of strong men are preparing to follow Xian Tianrong to kill them. As a result, they are frightened and Xian Tianrong is being old. The leader's huge fist blows!

It was really **** and terrible.

Zu Sheng wiped the cold sweat, Su Yan, wouldn't they attack the immortal?

The heritage of the immortal is very shocking. Even if it has the Daozu combat power, it may not be possible to capture it. Moreover, once such a serious thing happens, the first ancestors of the immortal will first observe the changes of the clans.

Anyway, the war has already begun. This is a life-and-death war. Once you lose, the clan will collapse!

"You wicked barrier!"

In Jiudingzhou, the Supreme Master ’s palm teachings are crazed, and the blood of anger is burning, really angry!

"Roar ..." He yelled, his frontal bones were blasting, the flames of Yuanshen were burning, and they struck out instantly. Yuanshen was full of heaven and earth, with infinite soul spirit, but He has worked for millions of years on the Yuanshen!

Once released, the power of killing hundreds of millions is also built into a huge sky, flowing the light of the sky!


The immortal palm teaching supremely burned the origin of the entire Primordial God, and evolved the eyes of the heavens, so that the whole Jiudingzhou was gloomy, the birth of the god-like eye was born, and the billions of killings evolved faintly. !!

Powerful as Su Yan, Yuan Shen is stinging, Yuan Shen will fall to purgatory and accept death trial!


At this moment, Su Yan's pupils were flourishing, as if the sea of ​​chaos was turning, and they met the heavenly eyes, and in his eyes, the triple order of the heavenly power appeared, turning into a carrier of the universe, to counteract the power of the heavenly eyes. !!

"how is this possible?"

The immortal palm teaches the supreme howl. This is the Tianyan eye, which is the ultimate means of pressing the bottom of the box. It is now directly blocked by Su Yan. Even the chaos in his pupils is disillusioned, as deep as the ancient universe. Is it the legendary chaos?

Between Su Yan's pupils opening and closing, the sky and the earth suddenly shattered, and time and space have collapsed. Together with the Supreme Relics of the Celestial Master, the tremors are trembling, and they must burst with Su Yan's pupils opening and closing!

He was really scared and shivered.

what is this? He was like a child in front of Su Yan. He could not exert his real power at all. Even no matter how strong he was, he could not be compared with Su Yan. The two did not belong to a level at all!

Although Su Yan is not the Supreme, but he is more prosperous than the Supreme. He is really like the most powerful person in Xiandao. He yells, shakes the earth, and Jiudingzhou shakes with it. The remains of the Supreme Master ’s teaching also begin to melt. !!


Suddenly, just as the Immortal Master taught the Supreme Meat Shell to burst, the inexplicable breath emanated, containing great fear, and also resisting Su Yan's power.

"The ancestor of the Immortal ..."

Some people screamed in horror, this is the imprint of the immortal ancestors in the resurrection, as if crossing over from a distant land, to rush to this world.

However, the next moment, Su Yan fluttered and slaughtered!

What about the ancestor brand now? Although there is a certain amount of power from the immortal ancestors, now Su Yan is afraid!


He uttered a long howl, the silent burial cave turned and merged with Su Yan's flesh and blood body. In a short time, his breath soared, and it can be said that it was horrifying, like a holy king!


In the eyes of the world's tremor, the imprint of the ancestors of the Xian people did not show up, and they were crushed directly by Su Yan's punch!

Even not only here, Xian Tianrong was also beaten to the sky without a road, the gate of the activated ancestor failed to survive, and was directly smashed by the old leader!

People all over the world are crazy.

This is too brutal, and directly blasting the imprint of the immortal ancestors is tantamount to declaring war against the immortal ancestors!

"who is it......"

Vaguely, the low roar exploded, spreading across the universe, and reverberating in the outer space and time!

"Click ...."

There were also large cracks that ran far and far, and could hardly see the end.

In the direction of the source, the eyes of the ancestors of the fairy clan all stood up, and the golden pupil glowed, and when he saw some pictures, he was furious!

"Old thing, you scared me!"

Su Yan was also shocked. Suddenly a huge skull was squeezed between heaven and earth. This is the head of the ancestor of the immortal family. The power of magical powers squeezed to Jiudingzhou!

"You miscellaneous fish, dare to hurt my disciples!"

The immortal ancestors were furious, and their terrible skulls glowed, but they were too vague. After all, the distance was really far away, and even if the ancestors of the immortal ancestors were powerful, it was impossible to kill the main body here in a rush.

"Hurt your disciples?"

Su Yan laughed, squinting at the heads of the ancestors of the Xian tribe, and chuckled coldly: "I want to kill him now, how can you help me!"

"Master ..."

The ancestor of the immortal yelled in horror. He didn't want to die. He was a short step away from Daozu. He was about to become a giant overlooking the immortal heaven. Now that he is facing apoptosis, how can he be willing to be willing!

"I dare you!"

The ancestors of the immortal anger and reprimand caused great changes in the heavens and the earth, all of which caused a terrible influence and wanted to suppress Su Yan.

But now Su Yan is different from the past. Let the influence between heaven and earth be serious. Su Yan is consistent and powerful!


He blasted forward with a punch, directly blasting the Extremist Supreme Remnant and exploding into a mist of blood!

"What are you afraid of Grandpa Su? Grandpa is afraid of you when he pulls out a big dog's head and rubs his teeth?"

"When I hit your dog's head, go to your old nest and turn around!"

Su Yan glanced at the ancestors of the Xian clan and waved his fist prints again. In a short time, the energy frenzy trembled, bombarding Shifang Cangyu and shaking the whole Jiudingzhou world!


All the onlookers were frightened. The lunatic started, and the huge and fuzzy head of the boxing fairy ancestor seemed to want to blow it with a fist!

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