Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1756: Big Brother Prehistoric

The blood-stained Dazhou called the Yinfeng, the blood was rolling and the tragic breath spread!

All beings die, and the doomsday is born.

The major religions in this war paid close attention to, and many ancestors of the top clans have stepped out to contact a group of strong men and prepare to curb their fighting.

If they are allowed to kill in the immortal heaven, the influence will be more and more, and it will cause great disturbances and chaos!

At that time, the dead will certainly be incalculable. It can be said that it will not end. This will also be a major future loss of Immortal Heaven!

But who can think of it, Su Yan and the old leader are hunting down with more than a dozen giants, and they still maintain the strongest guardian power, and guide the disaster to fall on their ancestral land!

I have to say that the horror creatures are too destructive to the world, and the major religions will not allow such things to happen. Once the casualties are too large, this will have a lot of influence on Xianmen Taoism in the future, after all After all, the disciples in the teaching are all geniuses selected from major states.

But no one expected that at this critical moment, a terrible figure came from outside space and time. His majestic posture was as high as the supreme overlord Heavenly King, his eyes were sharper than the sky knife!

He came, as if he came across the great world of the heavens, rushed into the immortal realm, formed a world-shaking picture, and had the deterrent power of over a dozen horror leaders covered with worldly power!

Even once he shot, he aimed directly at the ancestor of the golden tortoise!

"Oh my **** ..."

The strong men all over the world yelled and their scalp was numb. We must know that the ancestor of the golden turtle was not the weak, but also one of the oldest creatures in the world.

The ancestor of the Golden Turtle is bound to be extremely powerful, but now it faces the prehistoric big brother, and it has made a move to stagnate the world's strongest man.

It turns into a huge turtle. It has to be said that the golden turtle is too big, spraying the holy light and flowing Ruixia, it looks very sacred and mighty. The aura in the body is strong, which is basically difficult to imagine.

The gold turtle is a great tonic, but if a golden turtle in the ancestral realm is definitely a rare tonic, the value is hard to imagine how scary, and perhaps not inferior to the most precious medicine.

It should be noted that the family of golden turtles is extremely powerful, but now the ancestors of the golden turtles are directly turned into shrinking turtles, using their own hardest turtle shells to compete with the prehistoric big brother!

The people all over the world are messed up. The strongest in the court of heaven is really so scary. The urgent ancestor of the golden tortoise, who has not yet shot, has evolved the strongest defensive posture to compete!


The prehistoric big brother shouted, his majesty is extraordinarily tall and deterrent, full of Geshi Tianwei, and the whole flesh shell is also permeated, a breath that spans the ancient times, is like the long-aged God of War being resurrected!

"Isn't Big Brother's condition restored?"

Su Yan was terrified. He felt that there were some problems with the prehistoric big brother. The body was terrible and ancient, but in general, the power leaked from the prehistoric big brother was also shocking and wept ghosts and gods.

Don't know why!

Su Yan always felt that there was a great disparity between the strength of the prehistoric big brother and his completeness?

Is this an illusion? The prehistoric big brother is already very scary. Is it because of the suppression of the immortal heaven environment that caused the prehistoric big brother to exert his strongest force at all?

In any case, this fist is really invincible, shook the big universe, wrapped in Xeon's power, and the bombardment of the World Avenue is breaking!

This fist formed a picture of the collapse of the avenue, as if standing on the avenues of the heavens, turned into an invincible emperor, and bombarded the huge turtle shell!

"Boom ..."

The loud noise exploded, and it was really shaking. The sound was so loud that it would stir hundreds of states. The sound was too loud and deafening. A dozen terrible old monsters were all trembling with fear in their hearts. The murderer had killed the Daozu strongman that year, and it was really cruel and terrifying.

The magnificent fist prints fell on the golden turtle shell.

Visible to the naked eye, the golden tortoise shell trembled violently, and the entire tortoise shell was densely covered with countless tortoise shell characters. The defense was unparalleled. Who can break its defense?

But the prehistoric big brother can, his turtle shell has burst into a blood hole, and also has the power to fill the entire turtle shell, crushing hundreds of thousands of turtle shells to be crushed!

The final punch, blood rushed to the sky, splashed the unknown number of thousands of feet, all stained the star field, forming a picture of the whole state's **** sun!

"how can that be?"

The strong in the major religions are scared. What do they see? The strongest defensive posture of the Golden Turtle ancestor was directly broken by the prehistoric big brother, and the turtle shell collapsed and bleed, which killed the original body of the Golden Turtle!

Su Yan was excited, roaring, dancing hair, and her blood was boiling.

The old leader yelled, what **** gold turtle ancestors also said that the prehistoric big brother was a younger brother. Even if it really entered the state of shrinking tortoise, it was not enough to watch!

"Good fight ..."

At this moment, the major blood-stained states were not peaceful, and too many people yelled, all of which followed the blood boiling.

I hate the Golden Turtle ancestors to the extreme, and now I see it falling into such a tragic situation, they all shouted, can't wait to charge with the elder brother and beat the Golden Turtle ancestors!


The ancestor of the beetle made a scream of screams. This fist was so painful that his powerful source of life was broken. He really wanted to be killed and crushed!

How can this be?

How could the world have such a strong power?


A group of old antiques hunting around Su Yan was frightened and fled. The ancestors of the tortoise couldn't even resist a punch. Once they stayed here, what was waiting was doom.


The ancestor of the beetle snarled, the tortoise continued to tremble, and the scalp and claws were drilled out, stained with bright red blood, it was going crazy!

Similarly, this group of people is full of spirituality and has a vague sense of the future. He knows that he will die, and will fall!

This is the impending doom, which scared the ancestors of the Golden Turtle. It has lived for a long time. How can it be willing to die now, and it will be nothing when it dies, and this group will declare extinction!

"Ah kill!"

The earliest ancestors of the tortoise roared for a long time, although the turtle's body was greatly damaged, but once the aura of this family's long-term storage was released, it would be enough to drown the space and time of the world, which was scarier than the dragon veins of Dazhou!

Of course, the ancestor of the Golden Turtle would not choose to bump into the prehistoric big brother, otherwise it would be a dead end.

He was extremely decisive, opened his mouth wide and solemnly spewed an ancient tortoise shell!

This tortoise shell is very different, showing seven colors, and the tortoise shells all appear on it. The naturally formed tortoise shell text looks huge, like a huge seven-color tortoise shell shield!

"What is this treasure?"

Su Yan was shocked. He felt that the seven-color tortoise shell was too heavy, as if the corners of the heavens were crossing here, filled with an unparalleled sense of oppression, sweeping the world and creating a trembling picture!

The origin of the seven-color tortoise shell is very large. The ancestor of the golden turtle was obtained at a young age. It can be said that it is its great fortune. Its magical power and Taoism originated from the seven-color tortoise shell. This thing is also its strongest killer.

It believes that the most terrifying power of the immortal heaven is also very difficult to destroy the seven-color tortoise shell!

It ’s just that once this treasure is resurrected, the required details are too scary. It is almost drained. The entire seven-color tortoise shell is also enlarged. It can be said that the entire sky is covered!


The ancestor of the beetle shouted, urging the seven-color tortoise shell to press the older brother!

All matter is covered, covered, and one state after another is in a state of silence, and with unimaginable power sinking, it will almost destroy dozens of states.

All beings were terrified, feeling that they would begin to destroy as the seven-color tortoise shell sinks!

Suddenly, the prehistoric elder brother screamed, his hair shone, his eyes exudes a strong killing thought, and his hands are raised, which is also huge and boundless, and he opposes the seven-colored tortoise that has come down!

However, the seven-colored tortoiseshell was too heavy. The palm of his prehistoric brother had not calmed it down, but the seven-colored tortoiseshell was still sinking and killed the prehistoric big brother!

"Break it again!"

The prehistoric elder brother was angry, his palm glowed, his fingers were zooming in, thinning out one rule after another on the road!

And with the elder brother's body also starting to resurrect, his changes have become even greater. The meat shell is really like a big killer, wrapped in the ancient breath of incomparable breath, like a sleeping fairy king's meat shell is being resurrected!


The prehistoric elder brother roared loudly, his body was fierce, and his short resurrection was slammed open, the world environment was suppressed.

He also turned into a vague fairy king, standing on the top of the world of the heavens, waving his fist marks, and bombarding the seven-color tortoise shell!


The entire tortoise shell was trembling and roaring, but I have to say how powerful the seven-color tortoise shell was. The prehistoric older brother never destroyed the tortoise shell!

But the turbulence and shock of the tortoise shells that hit them have already made the ancestors of the tortoise desperate.

The power of the anti-shock was too scary, it was unbearable, the physical body was cracking, the source of life was greatly reduced, and the turtle body began to be torn apart, and it was about to be killed.

"Jack ...."

The ancestor of the beetle screamed sternly, with eyes full of resentment. With endless unwillingness and anger, and the source of all the forces at the operation, the astronomical technique broke out, and the whole space and time broke open.

Su Yan's eyes were widened, and the ancestor of the Golden Turtle fled!

The scary degree of the seven-color tortoise can be seen, but it also chose to give up the treasure.

As for the seven-colored tortoise shell, it is now being held by the big hand of the prehistoric big brother. Its palm glows, flowing endless rules of order, and all the marks of the ancestor of the tortoise above the tortoise shell are cut off!

From this moment on, the seven-colored tortoiseshell was silent, lying in the palm of the prehistoric brother.

"Brother, that old beast is too abominable to stay!"

Su Yan yelled at the venomousness of the Golden Turtle's ancestors. Once it slowed down, he would definitely retaliate against Heaven.


The seven-colored tortoiseshell, which is silent in the palm of the prehistoric brother, is brilliant. This tortoiseshell is very extraordinary. The naturally formed tortoiseshell script is shining. It also looks like a mirror and traces the traces of the ancestors of the golden turtle!

Even on the seven-color tortoise shell, blood-stained figures of the ancestor of the golden turtle emerged, and it is now fleeing frantically in outer space!

The old leader stunned, what is this treasure that can track the enemy? Too amazing!

The prehistoric elder brother gave Su Yan the seven-color tortoise shell. The ancestor of the golden tortoise has been severely damaged, and the combat power is less than one or two of the heyday of the heyday. It is not difficult to kill him, and he also disdains to waste time chasing a turtle.

"Brother, rest assured, I will catch it alive!"

Su Yanmeng patted his thigh and was very excited. He took the seven-color tortoise shell, as long as the object kept chasing the position of the ancestor of the gold turtle, and destroyed a half-dead tortoise.

The old leader was also excited. Obviously the prehistoric big brother could kill the ancestor of the turtle just now, but he didn't.

Hunting down and damaging Daozu was also an experience for Su Yan.

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