Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1757: Great change!

For millions of years, such a shocking event has never happened.

The countless creatures of Immortal Heaven, a series of powerful Taoist clans, are all silent!

Daozu has been admired and worshiped by billions of souls. This is the supreme powerhouse. Even Daozu's parents and children are hailed as an invincible existence in the world!

But over the years, too many things have happened. In the First World War, Daozu ’s parents and children were oppressed, and a young Supreme came out of the ruined heaven, sweeping the entire Road of Emperor and dominating the world.

Now Su Yan is standing in the supreme realm, breaking through the ancestral land of the immortal and digging away the treasure of the immortal.

Now, a dozen old monsters can't do anything for a short time.

Of course, the thing that shocked and trembled them the most is the prehistoric brother, which is too horrible and incredible. After all, is the ancestor of the Golden Turtle not strong enough? It is known as one of the most extraordinary creatures in the world.

Now being beaten hastily and fled, even the seven-color tortoise shell can't care about it. Similarly, if there is no seven-color tortoise shell, the ancestor of the golden turtle has already been blown by the prehistoric old brother!

This earth-shattering event is even more shocking than the World War I in Tianyang Prefecture decades ago. Even the battle of the ancestors of the Xian tribe was even more turbulent. A series of top powers joined forces to besiege a nearly demon woman. , Can't win!

I have to say that this is scary. Originally, these groups of immortals combined together to form an alliance and kill the Xuanhuang universe.

As a result, his old nest can no longer be protected, the world is full of uproar, and sentient beings are talking about it, and many people are staring at the figure embracing the blood-stained state. If he participates in the war, the immortal groups will be thorough. Collapse?

The breath of the prehistoric big brother is too shocking. His majestic posture, flamboyant black hair, his pupils' transpirational killing is quite strong, and he is more aggressive and domineering than the killing flying out of the area. The whole world lies at his feet. Tremble.

Anyone can realize how powerful the prehistoric Big Brother's ancient physical turbulence is. It is filled with the sense of supreme oppression, sweeping hundreds of states, and making the ancestors of all major religions roar constantly!

A new era is approaching. Some people think that the resurgence of heaven will come to the world in the future!

Su Yan believes that it is related to the environment. Both the prehistoric big brother and Dao Shuyi have been suppressed by the environment. Once the environment is unsealed, this world will become very cruel.

"Su Yan, you finally came back ..."

At this moment, there was a big laugh in the distant world. One figure followed by another heroic figure came across time and space, led by Yuan Yuan. He has changed a lot. Obviously, he was cultivated by the prehistoric big brother. It is pervasive, one after another, extremely horrible martial arts fluctuations.

羿 Yuan Yuan quickly approached the immortal realm with the imprint left by his prehistoric brother.

Originally they were preparing for battle in the Xuanhuang Universe, waiting for the arrival of the immortals, but Su Yan did not expect to make a noise in the immortal heaven, and led a series of powerful men away.

"Ha ha ha, I'm back in time!"

Su Yan laughed. This battle was too furious. They were targeted by the immortal for so many years. They can finally raise their eyebrows and exhale, and liquidate.

During the First World War, Su Yan's harvest was too scary, and Dao Zushu was taken away by him. Although the imprint of the first ancestor of the First Nations still exists, I believe this problem can be solved soon.

You must know that a mature Daozu tree, an extremely precious medicine, and even the realm of Daozu, this tree is too outrageous and can play a brilliant and prosperous role for a group of people!

"Su Yan, I heard that you have achieved the Supreme, and killed the Immortal Master to teach the Supreme. Good job!"

Dong Mo also came. He was already standing in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian, his breath was stubborn and domineering, his majesty was tall, his body was filled with immense power, and he would faintly present a map of immense avenues, called the world.

"It's been a long time since you saw Dong Mo, and you are about to step into the state of supreme!" Su Yan smiled, feeling very emotional, and now the Xuanhuang Cosmonauts have emerged, and give them another hundred years, Daozu will come out of a batch!


A dragon came across, with a huge body and dense blue scales. The real dragon was full of blood and blood, and at first glance it was an incredible overlord.

The accompanying iron **** made Su Yan particularly surprised. The change of the iron **** is getting bigger and bigger. It really looks like the same silver phoenix. The words it spoke made Su Yan shocked and happy.

The iron rooster obtained the scriptures of the wonderland of that year. You must know that the treasure land once had a group of true phoenixes. The iron rooster harvested the strongest ancient heavenly power of the true phoenix and cooperated with a series of great magical powers.

"Boy, when you meet, you don't have any good things. How can you attack the Xian people?"

Baocai ran with a black face, complaining: "You haven't notified my brother, have you evacuated the treasure house of the immortal? Have you brought out the immortal tree? Give me a fruit and taste it! "

"Just remember it as soon as we meet!"

Zixia patted Baocai's head. She was carrying five holy swords, and her body was hazy with a layer of chaos.

"Old boss!"

At this moment, Yuan Yuan was shocked, and Baocai were shocked. The old leader stepped into the realm of Taoism?

"Don't a bunch of cubs know me? Yes, I'm a Daozu now!"

The old leader laughed with great laughter, and he was particularly proud of seeing them at first glance. If an old bone was thrown away by this group of juniors, it would be a shame!

At this moment, near the blood-stained states, the strong men who watched the battle in the distance were all silent.

They saw a group of young people who were extraordinarily powerful and transcendent. They had the potential and background of extraordinary sanctification. This group of young people is also quite famous. There is no doubt that this is the great fortune brought by Emperor Lu!

A group of young people in the big Luo Jinxian field, some people seem to see that the prosperity of heaven in the future!

There was even a woman with a bleak air, who looked a little scary, and the world could not recognize who it was.

Su Yan didn't see it either, but you can observe it carefully. Isn't this Zhuyue?

There is an elusive taste in Zhu Yue's breath. She is still so beautiful, graceful and elegant, like the goddess of the galaxy, as amazing as ever.

"The first ancestors were ridiculed. It was just its imprinted body, but its rhizomes are still there, and there is great hope for resurrection!"

Zhu Yue also did not hide, the sleeping seeds of the ancestor of the Tianzhu rose and floated in the sea of ​​her knowledge. The prehistoric brother told her to read the Tianzhu Sutra often, and one day she could wake up the sleeping primitive spirit of the Tianzhu ancestor.

The number of robberies is large, and it is still a question of whether you can wake up completely.

But the prehistoric elder brother said that once Tianzhu's ancestors survived this calamity, they will grow into a very amazing field in the future. This is the calamity of Tianzhu's ancestors, and it is also her creation.

Zhu Yue released the knowledge of the sea, and Su Yan's mental strength explored the interior.

He saw a special immortal source, like an immortal, filled with horrible influence, and isolated Su Yan's investigation.

This is the current ancestor of Tianzhu, in a dormant state, and it is not easy to want to break away from the centipede and come back to life.


At this moment, the prehistoric brother stretched his arms, tearing a big crack in time and space, and he stepped into it!

Outsiders were frightened, and Tian Ting's top beam and column shots, will certainly kill the immortal, and liquidate the events of the year.

Inexplicably, they are a bit panicked. Once this battle ends, the universe will undergo a major change. Will the era of heavenly monarchs come earlier?

"Come on, keep up!"

Treasure was a little bit eager to rush to loot the treasures of the Immortal clan. Now the Xuanhuang Universe is integrating all its powers and is preparing to train a furnace of nine essences of the essence of life. There is still a lot of material missing!

"We don't have to go, there are more important things to do now!"

Su Yan sacrificed seven-color tortoise shells, and the ancestors of the golden tortoise are still fleeing, and they are constantly crossing in the void. It is really worried that the prehistoric big brother chased himself. In short, it will stay away from the immortal heaven in a short time to avoid disaster

"Golden turtle ancestor, this old turtle!"

Xiao Qinglong yelled, calling it the prehistoric big brother as the little brother. This incident has irritated them long ago, but what strength is not enough, otherwise it would have killed the immortal heaven.

Now the ancestor of the Golden Turtle has been hit hard, but it is an excellent opportunity to kill him!

"What kind of treasure is this that can trace the trace of the ancestor of the Golden Turtle?" Baocai glared for a moment, then angrily: "This old thing is hurt, it really helps me, let's go together and kill it, kill it, and destroy this old one. Turtle, dig its nest! "

Rather than looting the immortals, Su Yan now wants to kill the ancestors of the golden turtle!

Disrespect to the elder brother, this incident will soon become a thorn in their hearts!

Even if the ancestor of the turtle is too far away, it is very difficult for the seven-color turtle to lock its trace, so that it is difficult to cut off the ancestor of the turtle.

"Relax, this old thing can't escape!"

Su Yan coldly shouted, "It has been hit hard by the big brother. You can't find it when you are far away from the void. Hum, I see how far it can escape!"

"A tortoise with a shrinking head is now scared to death, and we will definitely find a way to heal our injuries. We will pursue it as soon as possible, and we cannot give the golden ancestor the opportunity to recover!"

The old leader's eyes were cold and radiant, and the shadow of the seven-color tortoise shell had been seen, which was a little blurred, and it was obvious that the ancestor of the golden tortoise ran away frantically and was completely frightened.

Su Yan and his team disappeared, crossing time and space.

After all, the ancestors of the Scarab Turtle have been hit hard, and no matter how fast the speed can't go anywhere.

The old head tied them to hurry, and a group of young people in the heavenly courts were so excited that they yelled to slaughter the ancestors of the golden turtle!

Su Yan they expedition outside the territory ...

The prehistoric brother went on his way to the fairy.

The storm in this world has swept even harder, and all religions are shocking.

At present, a large number of strong people have gathered in the distant land of the broken Xianzhou land, and watch the peak matchup over the ruined fairy ancestral land!


No one had ever imagined that the storm was even more violent. Suddenly, the entire immortal realm roared, as if it originated from another world plane, landed in the immortal realm, and covered the world!

Tianyang State exploded, as if a breakwater was underway.

The power of the endless seal bursts and sinks at the same time along with dozens of states around!

For a short time, the sea of ​​blood was soaring, the mist was rolling, and billions of souls evaporated.

Never before has such a tragic event happened, dozens of states have fallen, causing chaos and panic,

Something even seemed to fall down, crushing dozens of states, which was terrifying and scary, shaking the whole world.

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