Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1762: Supreme Su Yan!

The world is changing, and the space and time are turning, as if repeating itself, and the projection of the universe is emerging!

Triple Scripture Reading, Taiyin, Sun, the two strongest prehistoric motherhood books explain the mysteries of heaven and earth, this irritating piece of time and space is trembling, faintly going back to the prehistoric time and space!

The Taiyin Sun belongs to the prehistoric Heaven and Earth Scriptures, the strongest scriptures of the universes of the heavens, spurring Su Yan, the Yuan God and the flesh shell to shine. In his figure, the original mystery of all things is stirred up. Scary!

Mutual help of Yin and Yang, remake the world!

Su Yan's road is suitable for his Tao and Dharma. He is like a hegemon who opened up the universe. There are also various possible visions between heaven and earth, storms and lightning, gold and wood, fire and water, heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, the sun and the sun ... ....

Endless visions begin to blend with Su Yan's breath rising and evolve into chaos!

Su Yan's figure is blurred, as if enveloped by chaos, the overflowing breath is quite shocking, and the stimulating expanse of nowhere is constantly roaring. There is a prehistoric breath that continues to spread. It looks like it is burning. It is necessary to manifest a substantial substance. !!

"what is this?"

The prehistoric elder brother is shocking, and the void and time are changing, like reopening the road to prehistoric, and there are looming powers of the heavens that span hundreds of millions of years. They are overwhelming, making all of them breathless!

"This is a prehistoric world!"

The exorcist Zixia exclaimed: "The environment of the heavens and the world, the emptiness of time and space can still inspire the prehistoric environment, it seems that stepping into the supreme, crossing the barrier in the vain zone is the best place!"

"This has something to do with Su Yan's scriptures!"

Baocai they keep talking. This is very important. To measure their standards in the prehistoric world environment is of great benefit to practitioners. They can observe the magnificent structure of the heavenly world and broaden their minds!

Under the pattern of the heavens, Su Yan's figure is extremely blurred, and chaos has a tendency to burst!

Suddenly, a fairy species emerged from the chaos. What is this? This is the immortal seed that once absorbed the chaotic cosmic stone, and was cut off by the prehistoric big brother, forming a pure seed!

This kind of child is extraordinary and supernatural. It resembles an immortal source and flows out of order luster. This is the material of the chaos cosmic stone, which is deprived by the immortal seed and takes root in the seed!

Similarly, the origin of the Chaos Cosmic Stone is very large, it should be derived from the prehistoric treasure, and it is combined with the fairy species. Therefore, the value of this fairy species is unimaginable and contains the potential of the world. Once it is integrated into the body of Su Yan, it can be further Grow his fairy path!

At this moment, the seeds fall and the figures in the chaos blend!

For a moment, the chaotic figure was dazzling, as if it had crashed into the mother womb of the universe, crashed into the origin of the Tiandi Avenue, and crashed into the ocean of the universe!

"So strong seeds of heaven and earth."

Su Yan feels that her physical body has evolved and her body quality has soared!

This is terrible and appalling. Is Su Yan not strong enough now? But the flesh was sublimated again, as if he was taking a leap in life, his pores sprayed out a thick light of blood, and penetrated the vast void.

Originally, Su Yan estimated that even if Xiandao was successful, it would be very difficult for him to soar into the Supreme Realm. However, the power of the fairy species shocked him, as if he had merged a source of the universe, and the whole person became peerless and powerful!

He felt that the terrible body must be extraordinary and sanctified, and it must be reflected in the ranks of Daozu. What is this? It's really incredible!

"Isn't Su Yan going to Chongguan Supreme?" Dong Mo was shocked. It stands to reason that if Su Yan opened Daozu Road, there would be a heavenly plague, but it did not come from the original environment of the heavens and the world. Never suppress Su Yan.

"This is an immortal species that absorbs the energy of Chaos Cosmic Stone. It is not terrible to blame. It seems that it is also very important to sprint the Supreme Realm with a powerful heaven and earth species!"

Baocai said with red eyes, they are about to run through the supreme realm. The precious immortal seeds are too rare. Although Su Yan harvested the funeral cave, there were no treasures at all, and the seeds in the hall of the Wanfa were gone.

The kinds of Taos bred by the heavens and the earth are very limited and scarce. There is bound to be great benefit in integrating themselves. Of course, even if it is not feasible, the road will be more difficult!

The manifestation of Su Yan is very different. The qi and blood are strong and rolling. The flesh is really extraordinary and holy. The qi and blood are too strong. They have the qualifications to compete with Daozu. They are really envious of the stars and powerful.

The old leader laughed, the Supreme Realm could approach the physical body of Daozu level infinitely, and it was really powerful and unchanged.

Su Yan spreads her pores and sprays out the light of Xiandao!

For a moment, Su Yan's figure became even more magnificent. It was really like standing at the end of the world, standing in another era, standing in the prehistoric years, standing among the heavens, and then being bred by the chaos of the heavens! ,

Suddenly, he captured an extreme power, which came from the terrible suppression of the prehistoric heavens!

"The suppression of the heaven and earth environment, Su Yan is about to step into Daozu!" The iron rooster yelled excitedly. If this thing spreads, it will cause a terrible earthquake!

Once the suppression of the heaven and earth environment is broken, Su Yan is the Taoist ancestor, who is extraordinary and holy. This is an extremely terrible realm, and he is in charge of the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

"No, not yet!"

The old leader shook his head. This did not originate from the torture of heaven and earth. This is an alternative kind of suppression. A kind of heaven and earth suppression formed by the birth of the ultimate force of immortalism is equivalent to telling Su Yan explicitly that Su Yan has already gone this way. To the extreme realm!

Of course, this is only a manifestation. It has not been completely pressed, indicating that Su Yan already has this potential. It only needs accumulation to complete. Even the gate of Daozu Road is very close to Su Yan!

In general, this fairy seed has helped Su Yan too much. He is already standing in the fairyland, and can be called the supreme realm!

"Look, Su Yan's frontal bone has a road map!"

"This is Su Yan's destiny, Supreme Avenue map!"

The figure standing in the heavens and the earth, with a brow-filled eyebrow and a billowing light, all resonated with the environment of the prehistoric heavens and the world, prompting him to form a magnificent and magnificent road map on his frontal bone, a magnificent and deterrent!

Vaguely, the terrible breath permeated the entire world, and it seemed to be buried in another universe.

This is due to the suppression of the Supreme Avenue map flashed from Su Yan's eyebrows, but the roadmaps that appeared on his eyebrows are a bit vague and somewhat mysterious, and have not been completely presented!

what is this?

The old leader was shocked. Su Yan's destiny was too powerful. His current realm could not be shown. He had to step into the realm of Daozu!

"Second magical power, it has something to do with my constitution!"

Su Yan is also in a turbulent mood. In this way, Su Yan's physical advantages can be brought into full play. Of course, I don't know what this second magical power will give birth to.

Once he was silent in the funeral cave for a long time. Although a million years ago, the natural birth was damaged and the life source was almost cut off, but Su Yan climbed up again and slept in the funeral cave for 30 years again. .

I believe his physique is already extremely strong. Now Su Yan is not strong enough to conceive a second destiny. This destiny has a great relationship with his physique. What exactly will it give birth to? !!

Gradually, Su Yan's vision disappeared, and the vast turbulence gradually calmed down!

Su Yan stands between the heavens and the earth, the flesh shell glows, and the funeral cave excites the energy of the life spring, consolidating his own state and state. Similarly, Su Yan's sucking speed is astonishing, which is completely plunder.

The life fountain floating in the burial sky cave is the source of life in the land of Xianzhou, and the energy is continuously flowing into Su Yan's body.

He felt that he was extraordinarily powerful, with immeasurable power, and the horror of landslides and tsunami also appeared in his body, which could destroy the world at every turn!

Xiandao is complete, Su Yan is here!

Then he is getting closer and closer to Daozu. In fact, Su Yan has caught it now. It comes from the suppression of the environment between heaven and earth.

You have to know that even if some of the Supreme Strong have accumulated millions of years, they have no courage to open the way to breakthrough.

After all, in the next level, we must face the torture of the world and the killing of the avenue. It is too difficult to break through, and the stronger the accumulation of the people, the more the killings triggered by the clearance will be more shocking!

The powerful Su Yan, naturally captured, originated from the prehistoric heaven and earth pattern of Tianwei, as if facing the repression of the heavens and earth, so that Su Yan standing here is a bit eclipsed, this robber is very powerful and peerless !!

How can it be so easy to talk about transcendental sanctification, otherwise the ancestors of the whole world will definitely not count.

"Although this nihilistic world is broken, there are still prehistoric environmental features." Su Yan whispered in his heart: "Maybe one day, the prehistoric environmental features can return!"

Hundreds of thousands of years have not been able to recover, which day will one day? Can't really say.

Right now, they have been in nothingness for half a year, and they have not reached the end of nothingness.

It is conceivable to what level the prehistoric environment looks magnificent. At the same time, Su Yan found that the immortal species could not be found, and it was really integrated into his body.

He found that the body was also filled with various gates of the gods. This was given to him by the immortal species. Once the future sanctification day is in full bloom, the world-wide potential of the immortal species will be further tapped.

"Let's go!"

The old leader whispered a lot of time.

The ancestors of the tortoise have stayed away from them, and the locking of the seven-color tortoise shell is a bit fuzzy!


Su Yan and the old leader joined forces to inspire the funeral canister to rush away with this treasure and madly reduce the distance.

There is no doubt that, with Su Yan's current strength, the funeral cans can be activated one after another, and their speed has been soaring.

"I am back......"

On this day, the ancestor of the Golden Turtle returned to Immortal Heaven, and its lair is hidden, not in the core state, but in a remote state.

People here are rare, mainly because poisonous snakes and scorpions are everywhere, full of wild weather and fierce atmosphere.

The ancestor of the beetle yelled, and the whole state trembled. The countless tremors trembled, and it was shocked to death.

His roar was terrifying, and he opened an underground secret palace that was very deep hidden. At the same time, the secret palace glowed like a giant tortoise glowing.

This is the nest of the ancestor of the Golden Turtle. The gate of the mountain has its brand body guardianship, spraying out immense fierce gas, and flooding the entire continent!

"When I recover, this is your death!"

The first ancestor of the tortoise snarled and was very confident in the lair. There are countless treasures stored in it. He has accumulated hundreds of millions of years and countless. He does not need three or five days, and only takes half a day to recover to the peak. !!

The ancestor of the beetle crawled into the lair, and the mountain gates recovered to the extreme state, all of which alarmed the powerful men in faraway states!

"what is that?"

Next, the world was shocked. There was one strong man across the sky, and the destination was a big state with few human tracks.

The two leaders, some terrible, rushed to Dazhou with the momentum of the sky breaking!

As soon as Su Yan shot, they fought the strongest combat power. The eight avenue ancestor weapons harvested by the Xian people were sacrificed and they hit the lair of the golden ancestor.

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