Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1763: Hit the ancestor of the beetle!

"Woohoo ..."

The storm rolled from the sky and covered the entire state in a short time!

Although this is not the core state of Immortal Heaven, it belongs to a remote place, but even in remote areas, there are strong dharma and sects, and the religion is established in the nearby big states.

Nowadays, the strongest of these ethnic groups are terrified, and they look at the big state where poisonous snakes and scorpions are everywhere. For them, this is a terrible land, and it is suspected to be a lair's lair!

But in this restricted area, there was a great chaos. It was obvious that the energy fluctuations emitted were too violent, shaking dozens of big states, and the atmosphere in the direction of the source was extremely depressed!


The heavens and the earth are so bright, the picture is too amazing, the sky is exploded, and time and space seem to be cut off!

"Big killer ........."

The onlookers in the distant world shuddered, their eyes were full of unbelievable sights, and they saw a horrendous killer, spreading supreme power, extremely powerful and deterrent!

This is not as simple as one or two. One bite followed by another terror weapon resurrection. This is the holy warrior, Daozu weapon, the most powerful, the beginning of the film bursts out, the shocking star field trembles, and the galaxy falls.

"Oh my **** ..."

These strong Taoists were frightened and felt incredible. What groups are using force? A series of great killing devices were sacrificed. This is such a shocking inside story. They all suspect that the Supreme Master of Education is in charge of killing a large number of killing treasures to break this restricted area of ​​life!

Between the heavens and the earth, the majestic vigor of the state was trembling violently, and the endless poisonous snake and scorpion burst.


Su Yan shouted, released the most invincible blow, and struck the strongest background. Even the secret seal set by the ancestor of the Golden Turtle couldn't bear the trembling, and the huge Sky Turtle law phase burst into a big crack!

Just kidding, this is the ancestral weapon of the Eighth Avenue. In the past six months, they have been refined by Baocai. They have taken charge of the big killers one by one.

Anyone who sees this picture will have a green face, plus the treasure of Su Yan, and the resurrection of the tenth avenue ancestral weapon, who will fight with it!


The mountain gate of Difu collapsed layer by layer, and the defense force of the endless beetle ancestor collapsed and disintegrated!

"Hahaha, kill ..."

Xiao Qinglong laughed with excitement. They didn't expect to be in the nest of the ancestor of the Golden Turtle. It seems that the old turtle knows it's impossible. If it can't find a place to recover, it will inevitably die in the void.

Now, when the ancestors of the Tenth Avenue were killed, they opened a huge mountain gate, one after another, terrible figures, rushing into the cracked mountain gate with terror waves!

The world inside the mountain gate is huge. It is a vast expanse of beautiful rivers and mountains. The aura is like the tide, the mountains and mountains are magnificent, and the starry sky is bright. This is absolutely a rare cave heaven and earth.

And the whole nest is permeated with various dangerous breaths, and the bright avenue symbol is transpiration between the mountains and rivers!

This is the strength of Daozu, which has experienced long-term precipitation, which has caused the nest to be extremely dangerous. Even if a Supreme Man rushes into the mountain gate, he will definitely be completely wiped out by the environmental pattern of the golden turtle's ancestor's nest!

One young man after another in heaven, in charge of the ancestral weapon, isolated the suppression of the world's environment!

The old leader panned between heaven and earth, the flesh shell was burning like a holy furnace, a pair of pupils seemed like golden sun, and a flash of lightning followed, tearing the layers of rivers and mountains, and soon explored the land where the first turtle was born.

A huge chaotic hole spurts out the chaos Tianjing, and this chaotic hole is like breathing life and is madly sucking the world's aura of tide, which also leads to the formation of a tidal wave of energy in the chaos inside the cave!


It is impossible for the old leader to give the ancestors a breath of time. The big hands directly rise, covering the sky, and turning into a huge mountain of five fingers. The bang suddenly suppressed, the chaotic hole shook, and the landslide and tsunami passed inside. Voice of Voice!


The old leader shouted, releasing a terrible power, and huge palm prints also spilled over 10,000 Supreme Avenue orders, stiffly bursting the chaos hole into a large gap, which also spurted out, with a terrible vicious atmosphere!


A roar exploded, terrifying and terrifying. The ancestor of the beetle recovered some power. The sonic roar in the cracked chaotic cave rushed into outer space and time, forming a picture of sun and moon destruction. It can be seen how powerful the impact is. metamorphosis!

The outside world was shocked. This place is really a ancestral lair. The breath is too scary. It radiates with extremely violent fluctuations, and it also has a strong and **** atmosphere in bloom!

"You all **** it!"

The first ancestor of the Scarab turtle was stricken, but his lair was broken by three, five, and two. His heart was a little flustered, and he never showed it. Instead, his breath became stronger and more intense!


In the end, the ancestor of the golden turtle was brilliant, and a terrible golden turtle was born, stained with blood, and towered into the starry sky, almost filling the entire nest world!

Baocai they were shocked. The body of this old monster is too big, the sun is huge, and the vitality looks exuberant!

"A paper tiger, what's a ghost?"

Su Yan is here, and his eyes are full of cold electricity. Like a supreme God of War, who is in charge of the world, he is full of powerful breath, which is much stronger than half a year ago, and his breath will flow into the field of Daozu!

"The old turtle is crazy, burned the source of life, ready to fight for a fight!" Baocai saw the clue, and sneered: "I also want to scare us, this beast **** is really distressed, the more you break out Ruthless, the less effective the turtle tonic soup is! "

The ancestral ancestor of the beetle spit out old blood, trembling all over, and the blood-stained tortoise exudes boundless murderous power, and growled, "You beast, I will kill you!"

What made the ancestors of the Golden Turtles particularly furious is that the oldest leader in the Tianting camp has not yet started, but is entangled on the top of the cave world. It seems that this is to prepare the young generation of Tianting to kill themselves!


He was really mad and yelled, "Tiger Luo Pingyang was bullied by a dog!"

"Just you, like a tiger?"

Su Yan approached step by step, and said coldly, "Old turtle, aren't you very arrogant? He also called his big brother a little brother, and pretended to be a big tail wolf. The big brother didn't bother to kill you, and ordered me to come. Kill your life! "


Su Yan's breath burst out, and under the blessing of Tiantian Cave, Su Yan's human combat power once again raged and skyrocketed, he almost touched the extreme combat power of the universe. Although he did not have the Tao and the Tao, he could only rely on himself. The power is really terrifying!


The war broke out, the whole state was trembling constantly, and a series of big killers were released, all were controlled by the purple fairy Fairy and killed the Golden Turtle ancestors!

This group of young people is crazy, and they are going to fight close to a hit Daozu!

The old leader didn't dare to carelessly. He was entangled between the heavens and the earth and paid close attention to the battlefield. This battle is naturally dangerous, but fighting with Daozu also has great benefits for future practice!

Of course, the ancestor of the golden turtle was the oldest creature in the world. After all, how could he be willing to perish and burn the source of life? The statue of the golden turtle is the most powerful killer to be resurrected.


The war broke out, it was very turbulent and appalling, and remote big states were also shaking the wave of annihilation, and shocked the strong men who were all over the world.

Who is fighting?

Someone faintly saw the blood-stained gold turtle, and his heart could not help getting cold. Was it the young strong man in heaven who was attacking the gold turtle's ancestor?

The sky is spreading by the order of supreme rules, one after the other, all with the power of heaven and earth, such as the boulevards of the sea, brushing down in resonance, forming a huge oppressive force.

Generally speaking, even if the invincible Supreme is oppressed by this kind of force, he will face a fatal ending.

But now, a king of heaven is in charge of the big killer, breaking up the downfall of the Supreme Order, in the process they bloom the most invincible power, sacrificing a series of treasures, attacking the ancestors of the golden turtle!


The blood-stained beetle is like an immortal body. Let this series of weapons fall on the flesh shell and sputter a huge Mars. Its tortoise shell is too hard, it is almost indestructible, and the defense force is scary!


But in the end, the funeral can was turned by Su Yan to suppress the blood-stained gold turtle, even if its defensive shell was scary, after all, it would be broken by a prehistoric brother!

Today, the blood cave smashed by the funeral canister is trembling, and the terrible force attacks the flesh of the ancestor of the golden turtle!


Baocai yelled, fully operated the Daozu weapon they had mastered, desperately suppressed the ancestor of the Golden Turtle, and let Su Yan bombard its wound with a funeral canister, assaulting its body.


The ancestor of the beetle snarled. The pain was so terrible that the tortoise's body would burst!

It roared loudly, stirred up the light that opened up the world, a terrible supernatural power was blooming, and the operation of open sky was unparalleled. Su Yan, who had the burial guard, was trembling physically, he thought it would burst!


Baocai, they are coughing up blood, shaking their bodies, and facing the power of destruction!

The skinny dead camel is larger than the horse, and it has to be said that even the ancestor of the golden tortoise that is in despair is strong enough and shocking. It is not easy to kill him.

The old leaders almost didn't hold back their shots!

But Su Yan is not the weak one after all, the funeral canister turns again, and the vast funeral light rain drops down, blocking the force of opening the sky!

At the same time, Su Yan's blood and blood rolled, the world and the world shook with it, and the potential of the world was resurrected.

His physical body is really better than the shoulder ancestors, and there is the energy blessing of the funeral cave, Su Yan's breath is terrifying.


With a punch, he was shocked to follow the residual wounds of the ancestral turtle's ancestral body, and attacked its internal world instantly. The blood-stained turtle body trembled again, and the blood shed like a waterfall!

"Oh my **** ..."

People outside were frightened, and saw Su ruthless, the funeral canister cooperates with a series of treasures to suppress the ancestors of the golden turtle, Su Yan exudes immense force, wielded a hundred and ninety fists for a short time, and also took a series of Great magical powers bloom!

The world is violent, Su Yan's pupils are full of flames, and they are radiant.

The release of the fist in 1998 was too wild and brave. It was hard to imagine that a young man had exploded and the whole state was trembling!


Su Yan yelled, raised his fist to kill and advance, pushing his most invincible force, the ancestral body of the golden turtle ancestral shell cracked, and the whole state was stained with blood, indicating that the ancestral creature was dying.

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