Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1764: Harvest

Su Yan tried his best to explode, looking far away, with infinite force and emptiness, one after another in 981, magnificent and deterrent, majestic and huge, covering the big state!

The pictures that shook the world, the whole state was shaking, and all of them fluctuated with it!

It's hard to imagine how shocking the power of Su Yan came out. It looks like Daozu attacked. The bombarded ancestor of the beetle enlarged his wound and attacked his body. Under Su Yan's fury for a short time, the beetle of the beetle exploded!

The endless blood rain wafted down, covering the entire sky.

Su Yan stands in the world of blood, his pores spray out a strong beam of energy, and he bursts out the layers of blood-shadowing images. In the process, the essence of the diffuse blood is also destroyed!

The ancestor of the beetle was blasted, and the blood fell down like a sea, calming the soul of the world's onlookers!

Immediately afterwards, a terrible atmosphere bloomed, and a huge figure suddenly appeared in the blood-colored world. This was the remodeling of the tortoise's exploded body, wrapped in endless anger!

For the current ancestor of the Golden Turtle, even if it is really killed and killed, it is impossible to fall into Su Yan's hands, otherwise this is a shame and shame!

"Ah kill!"

In the process of reshaping the flesh, he uttered a scream and then a scream of heaven, and the operation of celestial celestial art reached the extreme state, and the terrible killing of the whole world came down. This was a great killing idea in bloom and swept across the ocean!

Heaven and earth have ushered in a great change. The rules and order of the heavens descend, and it looks like hundreds of millions of mountains have come down!


The heavenly kings roared and took charge of the ancestors of the ancestors to counter the fury before the end of the Golden Turtle ancestors. They smashed the terrible order and avenue that swept through them. In the process, they also encountered a very serious crisis and suffered terrible oppression!

But in the end, they survived, mad in blood, and the Dao ancestors in charge infected the blood, one after the other detached from their palms and suppressed toward the Golden Turtle ancestors!

In the world shouting and killing, gods and devil dance, **** battle sky!

The kings of heaven are fighting the ancestors of gold turtles, the blood-stained states are trembling, countless territories are sinking, forming a picture of blood-rushing Xiaohan, shocking ghosts and gods!

It's hard to imagine that this is a **** disaster caused by a group of young people, which has caused the world to panic. This is a group of invincible war kings. The breath is in combination, combined with a series of big killers, and once again attack the ancestor of the golden turtle!


The ancestor of the Golden Turtle screamed. At this moment, let it be powerful and shocking. After all, it was severely injured and its blood and blood were declining.

Now faced with this shocking crushing, the blood-stained turtle body once again trembles violently and wants to disintegrate again!

"My ancestor of the Golden Turtle has been in the world for a long time. I have not seen any killings and disasters. Now I am being stricken by your group of ants and bugs, and I am unwilling to ..."

The ancestor of the Golden Turtle yelled sorrowfully. How could he willingly drink hate, or die willingly to fight!

"Don't brag, everything is yours!"

Su Yan was furious. The breath of air and the energy of the heavenly kings merged into one, with endless coercion, the shaking golden ancestor turtle shook violently.

At this moment, it is no longer possible. It cannot completely bear the impact of the savage energy of heaven and earth. The blood-stained turtle body wants to burst for the second time. At this critical moment, the ancestor of the golden turtle issued a roar, and the golden turtle body burned and fell endlessly. Tortoise shell text.


Su Yan yelled and stunned the funeral cans to suppress. Although these tortoise shells are shockingly defensive, they can face this pattern. No matter how strong the ancestors of the tortoises are, they will have no effect at all!

The world is full of big cracks. It was once impossible, and the ancestors of the golden tortoises with great discourse trembled, and the tortoise guardian characters covered with body collapsed.

Even if it burns the foundation of the Taoist ancestors, it still hasn't existed. The funeral canister is already the ultimate killer in this world. This treasure is pressed here, and the ancestor of the Scarab Turtle has no power to return to heaven!

"A bunch of bugs, I'm not willing, not willing ..."

Daozu's roar exploded between heaven and earth, reverberating in one big state after another!

Countless people were silent, and the giants of the invincible world were knocked down and killed by a group of young people. It is really too reconciled to the first ancestor of the turtle to look down at the world!

This situation is really better to fall into the hands of the prehistoric big brother, now it is too late to say anything, the ancestor of the golden turtle can no longer carry it!

"Old beast, bully me into heaven, now pretending to be poor, I will not sympathize with you!"

The old leader was furious. The ancestors of the Golden Turtle had been malicious and wanted to persuade Tianting to hand over what was eventually taken away by Emperor Lu in the First World War in Tianyang several decades ago.

However, this old thing has never given up. I feel that the prehistoric big brother will not give himself face, and let his son fight to kill Su Yan.

As a result, its children are not only killed by Su Yan, but now the ancestors of the golden tortoise are also facing the doom of being killed by Su Yan!


The heavens and the earth exploded, flying sand and rocks, the blood was flowing, the breath of the giants was constantly permeating, and the influence was growing.

Everything was declared over, the most terrible blow came, the light of the golden turtle's ancestor burst, the blood-stained turtle's body was also torn apart, and the huge body quickly lost its life, fell on the ground and smashed A big pit!

Su Yan and his party rushed and looked at the ancestor of the golden tortoise that was dissipating their lives. They were relieved and finally killed.

"Clean the battlefield immediately, this is not suitable for long stay." Dong Mo whispered, there was too much noise here, and they would definitely come when the master of the local government passed.

"Haha, this is the Tao's ancestor creature ..."

The treasures of Harako flowed out, and the group approached quickly, but it was about to approach the moment before the ancestor of the Golden Turtle. The old monster suddenly opened his eyes, and there was still a trace of resentment under his eyes!

"A bunch of bugs, let's die!"

Suddenly, the sky is falling apart, the ghost is crying, the power of the horror is released!

If one king after another is struck by lightning, the sky is full of soul storms. The first ancestor of the golden tortoise sacrificed the strongest Yuanshen to kill and kill Su Yan with a blast of energy!


However, it still did not achieve his wish. The old leader who had been staring at it suddenly started. His frontal was blazing, sputtering layers of primordial power, and suddenly suppressed the blasting primordial killing of the golden ancestor!

Even so, this area was completely shattered, and the back of the iron **** was shocked with cold sweat. This old monster is so vicious that it has died completely, and don't forget to leave a killing to kill them!

"Poison, too poison ..."

Baocai grinned and dared not approach, worrying that other moths might occur.

The old leader approached instantly, and the powerful primordial power was leaked. He explored the body of the ancestor of the golden tortoise, and found that the aura in his flesh was passing by quickly. This changed his face slightly, and said, "It is falling, and it does not want to leave anything It seems that this old tortoise died really badly! "

"It's not enough to die billions of times!" Fairy Zixia gritted her teeth, remembering the tragic birthplace of life in emptiness, and the endless creatures were killed by the ancestor of the golden turtle. This old turtle is an old poison.


Su Yan directly sacrificed the funeral canister, sealing the inside and outside of the flesh of the ancestor of the golden turtle to prevent the essence of the aura from leaking!

This is a great tonic, even if Su Yan had a rich harvest in the Xian clan, after all, the ancestors of the golden turtle are different and can be called a peerless tonic!

This thing can make them strong for a short time, especially for Baocai. They can accumulate a batch of shocking heritage, and Su Yan also thinks that it can help it to expand the accumulation of the supreme field.

"The ancestor of the Golden Turtle hated it!"

Anyone can realize that the tragic breath sinking on the ferocious state is gone, this is the veil of life buried by the buried heaven pot!

The world is sensational. Once this event is spread, it will definitely cause a terrible shock. A group of young people in the heavens slaughtered the oldest Taoist ancestors in the world and are destined to tremble all over the world!

Su Yan's laird land, Su Yan, they plowed the cave and quickly swept the battlefield.

Although the inner world of Shanmen is very large, according to Su Yan's judgment, this chaotic cave is the hole in the cave. The interior looks like a small world. This is an extremely rare chaotic lair. The interior is filled with a breath of openness.

This is a treasure born by nature, and its value is precious. It is difficult to find the second one between heaven and earth.

Su Yan is naturally impossible to let go. He has begun to explore the surrounding environment and is ready to uproot the chaos cave and take it away!

The inner world is full of treasure.

The world is full of strange treasures, countless and countless, all stacked on the earth.

I won't talk about all kinds of strange medicines. The ancestor of the Golden Turtle is the oldest creature in the world. Its lair is enough to make Dingsheng Xianmen Taoist jealous. Once hit, it will be enough to spend thousands of years.

Of course, there are countless treasures in the limited edition. There are really too many.

The old chiefs widened their eyes and saw Baocai, who was walking fast, shook his head and smiled: "Hurry up and clean the battlefield."

"Get rich!"

Dong Mo lamented that they really made a fortune this time!

They even found the two rare and precious things needed for Jiupin's essence of life evolution, which is too expensive.

"Heaven and earth species ..."

The Zixia Fairy stared and dug out twelve Tao species in the lair · it was enough resources to make the Xianmen Taoist army go to war.

"Open sky!"

Of course, there is also a great magical power, finally found in his lair.

Originally, Su Yan thought that in the nest of the ancestor of the Golden Turtle, how could there be an extremely precious medicine?

But he was disappointed. This thing is not Chinese cabbage, and the whole universe can't find a few plants. At that time, the ancestral tree could be harvested in the Xian people, and it was already loaded with great luck.

"Underground river, not an underground aura river, has all turned into liquid, oh my god, this is the amazing treasure of Zhuji!"

Xiao Qinglong exclaimed, excavated a piece of dirt, and found a giant dark river. Who knows that it is a natural cultivating liquor, although it has little effect on them, it can be regarded as the rise of a group The birthplace of life.

In short, the treasures in the lair of the Golden Turtle ancestor, Su Yan, they were astounded, they had a feeling of capturing the treasure house of the heyday.

Really a bumper harvest!

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