Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1765: Twenty years of wandering

The fierce Dazhou has subsided. With the chaotic cave being uprooted, the entire Dazhou is ruined, the heavens and the earth are exhausted, and the mountains and rivers are cracking with smoke and dust, which is difficult to collapse for a long time.

The outside onlookers are silent, is it over?

The world's soot and **** gas combined to form a devastating storm, and there was no dissipation for a long time. Finally, a group of bold and powerful men rushed in, and rushed into the scarred ancestral lair of the scared turtle!

Su Yan and they hurried away, taking away 99% of the world's treasures, and even uprooted the chaos and took them away.

But even a small part of the treasures that were too late to be picked up made a group of strongmen who rushed into this place jealous, and they did not dare to speak up and made a lot of money.

Some people are staring. How big is Su Yan's gain? Even if some things are left behind, this shows that their harvest is too scary, and they have accumulated hundreds of millions of years of accumulation.

It is enough to make the top teachers jealous and huge. It is difficult to imagine how many good things they have harvested. The most important thing is the flesh and blood essence of the ancestor of the Golden Turtle, which is the supreme tonic!


The big **** state is also rioting. Many strong men who come in to dig treasures are killed together, red eyes are fighting for some heaven and earth spirits.

Some of the strong ones who have collected well have withdrawn. The harvest is already amazing. I am really worried about any accidents. This is related to the ancestor of the Golden Turtle. If its lair is not in a remote state, it will definitely cause more Terrible storm!

"The ancestor of the Golden Turtle hated it ..."

A few days later, the news spread throughout the immortal realm, causing turbulent waves, the world's oldest creatures were killed, and the storm caused was quite amazing. Moreover, it is still the young man in the heavenly court, and I have to say that it has caused a sensation in the world!

The strong leaders of the various religions came one after another, looking at the lair of the scarred ancestors of the ancestral turtle, and took a breath.

The news they got was too late. The current ancestral lair of the Golden Turtle has long been turned over a dozen times by a group of people. Good things have been dug away. All that remains is wasteland and ruined territory!

The impact of the incident is getting bigger and bigger. At that time, the war powers paid close attention to it. It is clear that from the beginning to the end, it was the hands of a group of young people in heaven.

There was even shocking news. Su Yan is stronger than half a year ago. Some people suspect that he has entered the field of Jundao, and is getting closer and closer to the giants!

Once the only Supreme of Dilu, now it is getting farther and farther and scarier. They find that the gap with Su Yan is already difficult to catch up with. No doubt Su Yan, the first ancestor of the golden turtle, is the main force!

"Does it really come true?"

Some people were amazed. When I recalled the words of the prehistoric big brother, the junior thing was left to the junior. Is it because he wants to watch Su Yan's future rise and liquidate the grievances that bleed in the heavens millions of years ago?

This is too aggressive, aren't you afraid to hit your own face by then? After all, how many years did Su Yan grow up? How could they talk to the ancestors of the immortal, even if the ancestors of the golden tortoises were killed, they knew that the ancestors of the golden tortoises had been hit hard by the prehistoric big brother that year.

Regarding this matter, the Wanjiao strong did not dare to murmur.

The prefectures are very strong, and they have a group of the most terrible ancestor giants, who can be destroyed if they want to destroy them.

At present, the immortal sky is chaotic, and some peak groups often meet, and the black calamity will come again. I have to guard against it. According to some gossip, there are already some groups preparing to retreat from the immortal sky and hide in remote areas of nothingness Go to avoid trouble!

The movement caused by this incident is even more amazing. The peak teachings feel that there is no hope, and the future problems of Immortal Tianyu are full of unknown and panic!

Time passed quickly, and a year passed quietly.

The atmosphere of Immortal Heaven is very depressing. Some people have noticed that the younger generations of major religions are growing faster and faster. This is definitely a genius who integrates the heritage of the entire family and is cultivating the young generation ’s potential. The universe is in danger of dying at any time, and what use is it now to conserve these resources.

The heyday is changing, the horrifying creatures in the sky are in silence, and they want to further strengthen themselves, and the young generation begins to take power. The environment of the immortal world has really changed, and it has become the world of the young generation!

The big age is coming. The older generations feel that the environment of the earth and the earth has begun to relax, and it is easier to make breakthroughs. However, this feeling has made them more panic.

"I'll go first, you practice alone, be careful!"

The old leader set off and returned with a batch of materials necessary for the evolution of the essence of life.

This year, the fairy Fairy Zixia has made amazing progress, relying on the flesh and blood essence of the golden turtle ancestors, their strength has been greatly improved, Su Yan has further strengthened in the supreme field!

This year's time is definitely worthy of ordinary people's centuries, even thousands of years, after all, they have swallowed too many good things.

"It's time for us to set off too. Hopefully, everyone is in the supreme field at the gathering!"

Dong Mo, they are also on the road in batches, roaming in the nihilistic world, now they are all young overlords who are arrogant to one side, do not want to be sheltered by the elders of the tribe, want to be alone, adventure in the vast nihilistic world, and find their own future road.

Baocai's goal is to step into the supreme realm in a short time. As for Su Yan, he wants to reorganize his own big road and rush through the ancestral realm!

Tianhaijie ...

A cosmic environment with a low level of practice is similar to the previous Xuanhuang Universe. For Su Yan, the strong in this field are too weak, and then restricted by the growth environment.

What is the most terrible environment in which the universe grows? Who can say clearly, maybe the fairyland is already the limit and the top.

"What is the universe?"

Su Yan's figure is a bit lonely. He walks in some cultivating pure land in the sky and the sea, and walks in some bustling ancient cities. Like a lone traveler, he is a passenger in the bustling world.

He fluttered his head and asked suddenly.

He followed the path of the body and suddenly questioned his path.

What is the universe? It can conceive all spirits, can create disasters, and can produce strong people. But this is the living beings in this world. There is definitely a limit to growth. Why can you grow into a stronger person than the universe?

Although the practice level of Tianhaijie is very low-end, Su Yan wandered in this birthplace of life and found some clues in the prehistoric environment.

Some areas have been discovered and explored by the strong in this field and listed as forbidden areas of life. There are also some of the top strong in this field to explore the mysteries among them.

Su Yan came, travelled the entire sky and starfish, and explored all the prehistoric remains.

His breath is changing, becoming more ancient and more mysterious, like returning to prehistoric times, realizing the prehistoric world environment, and realizing the prehistoric magnificent cosmic power.

Su Yan was just a passer-by. After spending one year with Tian Haixing, he left.

The nothingness is great, although dull and cold, Su Yan can find out that the prehistoric breath seems to be making a special return.

Su Yan wandered in the void of time and space, encountered a storm of void, encountered a terrible restricted area of ​​life, and explored prehistoric ruins.

His gains were great, and he also encountered danger of life and death. He had a vast experience and no goals.

Time passes year after year ...

Su Yan has traveled to many places, and his footprints have spread throughout the universe, a lonely wanderer, without leaving any glory.

The farther he went, the more Su Yan realized that the prehistoric environment was too grand and unbelievable, as if the rivers of all ages were resting on his body.

Similarly, Su Yan has also found many prehistoric civilizations in some worlds, and learned some prehistoric magical powers. Although it is not too strong, the harvest is not too great, but this long journey, Deepened Su Yan's understanding of the heavenly world.


Ten years later, Su Yan came to a special birthplace, and he was extremely surprised.

In a world without gods and demons civilization, hegemony between nations, fighting between soldiers and soldiers, and the war is raging. The people are miserable. The rules here are the same as those in the cultivation world.

Su Yan pans in space and time outside the world, looking at the birthplace of life. In his eyes, the world is small, like a dust in nothingness, but for mortals, the world is too big, and the powerful God of War is difficult to conquer the whole world.

Human life is only a hundred years. In the powerful and glorious emperors, their glorious time is just a snap for the monks.


Su Yan's pupils were hot, deep and terrifying, spraying out terrible light, and insight into the birthplace of the whole life.

He was surprised to find that the world has only existed for thousands of years. This birthplace of life only gave birth to a thousand years. In his pupils, the birthplace of this life is condensing, like a seed.

When the seed blooms and the shell is born, all souls are born, but there is no avenue order, like a wild man growing up.

"Everything is Initial!"

Su Yan's figure suddenly became magnificent, turning into a barren giant, powerful, although there is no Tao and Dharma, but he is strong enough to create the rules of Taoism and his own world.

Su Yan is silent in the nothingness, the figure drifts in the nothingness, like a meteorite

Time is lost like this, one month, three months, one year, two years ...


The figure floating in the nothingness was originally cold and lifeless.

But gradually he has vitality, and the void and space resonate with it. This starry sky is starting to regenerate with Su Yan's awakening, as if to create a cosmic environment!


This is the birth of Tao Hefa, spreading in the nascent universe, yin and yang help each other, all things are reborn, and the world is reborn!

Su Yan's figure is fiery, unprecedentedly powerful, emitting a dazzling light, reflecting the nothingness of the world, as if shining out of the prehistoric world, reflecting the corners of the heavens!

The horrific coercion of the sky was born from the past and came across hundreds of millions of years.

Su Yan's body was heavy, as if he was carrying billions of stars, and he had trouble walking.

He feels that the world ’s coercion over him is getting stronger and stronger, as if locked by heaven and earth. Of course, this is not the real suppression, but it comes from the **** of the avenue, one by one, as if by billions True Dragon is locked!

Almost twenty years ago, Su Yan felt that he was standing in the extreme perfection, in the extreme state of Xiandao.

But what exactly is a complete universe? Su Yan still didn't understand. The road ahead was blurred, and it was suppressed by the magnificent world of the heavens, which blocked Su Yan's heart, and her thoughts were unreachable.

The time passed a few more years, and Su Yan saw it, and it was the birthplace of his life that shocked him.

It is beyond the scope of the universe, as if the heavens are equal to the heavens.

Is this still the Xuanhuang Universe in the past? At this moment, it is powerful and prosperous, and the immortal material is gushing. Similarly, Su Yan also realized that an unusual breath. He seemed to see the back of the ancient emperor, standing on the black universe and driving on the top of the heavens!

"The universe is life, and the land of reincarnation!"

Su Yan whispered, a mark appeared on his brows, resonating with the universe of Xuanhuang.

Suddenly his body and mind became vast, running through the universe!

Su Yan's body also seems to be transformed into a fairy, and he has to complete evolution, because he saw Daozu Road and saw a leap in life!


A group of strong men in the Xuanhuang universe was shocked, especially the old man of Tianyang looked out of the field. His mind was amazed and saw a figure. It began to flourish and horrify like lightning. It is not Taoism, but the power of almost inferior Taoism is emerging!

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