Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1772: Talking Mysterious Bones

The immortal gate is empty, and even after a long time and space, there is still the most holy breath of God spreading throughout the immortal heaven!

Even the world can see that there is a manifestation of the creatures in Xianmen. Although it is very vague and mysterious, at this moment they all feel that the creatures in them are the strong ones who belong to the immortal world and the existence that surpasses the Taoist ancestors!

What kind of power is this? The world is sensational, countless souls are beginning to worship!

"They are worshipping us? There is also the Holy Power, really ignorant."

"This also confirms a problem. Only the immortal realm is prosperous, and the once powerful human realm has been reduced to wasteland. History cannot be preserved in the past. It is really sad."

In Xianmen, a group of young men laughed and looked down at the creatures of the Nether. Some people were frowning, as if they were looking at a group of beggars. They felt that these creatures were very low, and they were all inferior people, not worth saving.

But the suppression of Xianmen has paid enough price.

"You can't say that!"

There is a powerful young man who seems to be burning for a round of nine days, whispering: "Did you forget the things on the battlefield of Gods and Demons? The Tianjiao coming out of the wasteland of the Nether World is very powerful, although it can't be ranked in the extreme power of the immortal world. No. It may rise from the wasteland, nor is it anything! "

"That's also because he wants to steal chickens and dogs. If I knew it, he wouldn't be able to get through all the levels." Some people shook their heads and didn't think they could get out of the strong Tianjiao in the wasteland. This is no longer the world of humanity.

Xianmen was empty and always calm.

"It was a rescuer summoned by the immortal ..."

The immortal celestial storm was tumultuous, which caused a big sensation, spreading the deadly and wounded universe, and triggering an endless wave.

The world is completely unexpected. It is the ancestors of the immortal family that summoned the immortal realm. Now he stands under the immortal gate, with great divine power, roaring in the vast oceans and trembling all over the world!

"Isn't it that the immortal race is related to the black calamity? Why is the immortal race?"

Some people are shocked. They can't forget the things that happened decades ago.

At present, all the powerful people in various territories have rushed to Xianmen as if they were going to a pilgrimage. They are talking and getting more and more shocked.

"You also believe in the words of heaven, they are just a group of wanted criminals in the immortal heaven domain, hate the immortal heaven domain, can't wait for the chaos in our world!"

Huang Tiangu said coldly: "I can never believe that the top clans in my world are affected by the evils of the black world. Otherwise, will our world still exist? It has long since vanished and we will wait till now!"

"Master Huang Tiangu, you can't say this indiscriminately!" Jianzong's ancestor frowned, yelling: "The black disaster came decades ago. Everyone can see it clearly, although I don't know what happened a million years ago. But you're so rumorous, it's a bit innocent! "

"Hehe, hahaha!"

Lord Huang Tiangu sneered sneerly: "That's right, thank you to heaven at the age of decades, don't you think it's strange? The emperor road was blocked for decades and disappeared!"

"What's the meaning of this?" There was a great teacher, Shen Shen, after all, there are too many strong men who died in the immortal sky. Dao Zu died a lot, and those who are still alive now feel that they are dreaming. If not for the immortal world, immortal The domain is bound to be slaughtered!

"Don't hide from you, I went to Xuanhuang Universe before." Lord Huang Tiangu sighed, and then angered: "The response of Tianting made me very chilled, and said that the things in Immortal Heaven had nothing to do with them, it would be better to die clean Fortunately, they clearly have the ability to block the black calamity, but they have not helped each other, and watched my calamity in the immortal heaven, regardless of how malicious it is! "

"Tianting really said that?" The strong men who heard this sentence looked ugly, and some people didn't believe it.

Yong Qiu Ling's face was ugly, and this old thing was not a thing too much. He poured dirty water so hard that he could not wait for the heavens to be unlucky now.

The moment she was about to speak, she was directly caught by the ancestors of the Yong family. Under the general situation of the earth, the immortal tribe will flourish, and most of them will unify the immortal heaven. Now standing up to speak for the heavenly court will cause disaster.

"Non-my family, its heart must be different!"

Lord Huang Tiangu sneered: "The little thing called Su Yan also said that it was okay for them to send troops. Now it is really abominable to send the heads of the first ancestors of the fairy clan. A little ant dare to say this sentence. They are the masters of Immortal Heaven! "

The whole world is sensational. After all, the crucial moment is that the immortals are helping them. If the first ancestors of the immortals are deceased, today ’s immortal heaven will definitely face slaughter, and they will all die.

"Why are you laughing?"

Lord Huang Tiangu's face was cold and cold, staring at Jianzong's ancestor with bad eyes, and found him sneer.

"If Heaven wants to destroy us, it started decades ago, why wait till now!" The ancestor of Jianzong retorted, "The whole world is as cheap as grass. Do you go to the Xuanhuang Universe to rescue soldiers? Are you letting them die? "

"But they clearly have ..." Lord Huang Tiangu was annoyed: "Heavenly soldiers!"

"If they have, the black universe of a million years ago, why have suffered great calamities!" The ancestor of Jianzong retorted: "You also said just now that non-my races have different hearts, and even the Dao ancestors in my realm have fled. Now, why did they die? "

"Who are you talking about?" Lord Huang Tiangu was furious.

The ancestor of Jianzong snorted: "I just know that some people under the union, although some are not useful, can eventually transfer more than a billion souls to heaven and earth, unlike some people, the catastrophe has not escaped the crisis itself. ..... "

"Miscellaneous account!" Lord Huang Tiangu was furious, and was full of murderous force, and forced the ancestor of Jianzong.

The ancestor of Jianzong disdain, he bears the tyrant sword, how can a Huangtiangu master help him.

"Don't quarrel, everyone." The stricken Daozu sighed, "The gate of the immortal world is empty. I should see you as a gift in the past. Thank you Daen. The catastrophe is not over yet. What's the point of the trouble?

"That's right." Lord Huang Tiangu converged and sneered: "The immortal world is coming, and heaven should escape, it should be entrusted to the immortal world for investigation!"

"This old tortoise." Yong Qiu Ling turned blue and was really suffocated. He ran to the Xuanhuang Universe to avoid the disaster. Now that the immortal chaos in the heavens was over, he turned his face and fell down the rocks.

The ancestors of the Yong family knew very well that Huang Tiangu wanted to lean on the fairy ship ...

At this moment, Su Yan and they are about to return to the Xuanhuang Universe.

Baocai whispered along the way: "Sister Fairy, since the fairyland is here, why not stay and take a look, maybe there are other variables!"

"If the fairyland would help each other sincerely, they wouldn't wait until now. They would have already shot it. Why bother with this step? Too many people have died this month!" Dao Shuyi sighed quietly: "I'm afraid that the fairyland would be wrong!

"Of course, this is the worst result, and it may be that the fairyland wants to re-control the immortal heaven ..."

The old leaders shuddered. This is the best result, but it is also very bad. On the day when the entire universe is about to be slaughtered, hope is given to you. All beings in the universe naturally regard the immortal world as the supreme god.

"Anyway, it is a good thing to suppress the darkness in the fairy realm. If the immortal pattern of the heavens temporarily stabilizes, it can also give us a respite from this world!" Dao Shuyi said immediately, both her and the big brother needed time.

She has destroyed the cross-border platform. Even if the fairy world is strong, the big people can't cross the suppression of the big environment.

The Immortal Heaven has now merged with Emperor Road, and there is prehistoric environmental suppression. It is not easy to come down unless several emperors join forces to pay a large price.

"I want to break Daozu as soon as possible!" Su Yan shook his fist, and he was confident to start the breakthrough quickly.

However, Dao Shuyi stopped Su Yan. Now is not the time for a breakthrough. The fairyland has come, waiting for the situation to stabilize and make a breakthrough. The more careful this time is, the more cautious.

The Emperor of Heaven in the ancient days and a series of top powerhouses in Tianting's vein once made a big noise in the immortal realm, and they must have resentment.

Although the current heavenly courts are not worth mentioning, they may not be noticed without their attention. Let's be honest after this difficult time.

Su Yan saw a touch of anxiety from the eyes of Dao Shuyi, which made Su Yan's mind heavy. Whether it was the prehistoric burial ground era or the ultimate road of Emperor Road a million years ago, there were some groups in the fairy world!

Fairyland's interception of the black woes indeed gave all beings hope, but still couldn't help worrying about them, they had other purposes.

"They are back ..."

As the Xuanhuang Universe approached, the old village chief was relaxed and really worried that they were in danger.

But I didn't expect to return so soon, Qinglong and they talked about the advent of the immortal realm, and made the old village chief frightened, and the change was really getting bigger and bigger.

But the black calamity is temporarily blocked. This is a great thing. How to say the black calamity is also the biggest cause of the slaughter of all beings. As long as the black calamity can be prevented from spreading, it can also secure a period of security.

Su Yan was so worried that she asked the fairy Zixia, what happened to the mysterious skeleton now.

He is not an ordinary person. He can survive the prehistoric catastrophe, which is powerful and extraordinary. It can also be used to understand the past of the burial ground.

"If you want to see him, just go directly." Fairy Zixia whispered: "The black disaster has already come, I can still sit without trusting Master."

Su Yan nodded, strolled between heaven and earth, and hurried to the world where the mysterious bones were located at a very fast speed.

The immortal sky has changed a lot in the past hundred years. The vitality and energy of all regions are increasing. The immortality of the world continues to increase. After all, the Xuanhuang Universe has developed too late. Without a thousand years, it is likely that a large number of immortals will be born.

"Senior, I'm here."

Su Yan stood at the gate of the boundary where the mysterious bones were, and sent out a wave of immortal thoughts. He was looking forward to talking with the mysterious bones again.


As soon as his words fell, the boundary was booming, and a road opened to the world.

The mysterious bones are the same as before. The broken bones are scattered on the platform, and there is a terrible atmosphere of great destruction.

The first time I saw the mysterious bones, Su Yan felt that he was very powerful. Even if the injury was so severe that it was difficult to recover, it was by no means a leisurely generation.

Seeing the mysterious skeleton again and again this time, Su Yan seemed to be facing the abyss, giving him a great sense of shock, and also like seeing the prehistoric grand world, the town between heaven and earth!

"I should have died. I didn't expect to live in this life. I saw a monk of my generation!"

The mysterious bones sighed, and also contained the light of terrible devastation, which was about to destroy the heavens and tear the universe. His words were like a sharp sword, enough to crack everything!

Su Yan was quite shocked, he directly saw his origins!

Su Yan respected the disciples and said, "I also hope that my seniors will help me understand!"

"Are you the descendant of the old funeral?"

The words of the mysterious bones are peaceful, and they can always penetrate people's hearts, making people can't help saying their thoughts, and their thoughts are somewhat uncontrolled!

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