Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1773: Big storm!

While Su Yan was talking about the mysterious bones, the immortal sky caused a great uproar!

This is shocking news, echoing in the universe.

"The immortal world has issued a decree to let all the strong in the vein of heaven come to lead the sin!"

The momentum was too vast, and it stirred the whole world. Many ancient groups were stunned. The supreme immortal world rescued all beings from the supremacy of water and fire, so that the heavenly powers could come to take their sins.

What crime did you commit? Provoked the decree of the immortal plane, this is to stir up.

Of course, there are a series of things that are spreading wildly, and the storms that are triggered are getting stronger and stronger.

"Our world once belonged to the immortal world and was extremely strong!"

The monks from all over the world were screaming in horror, and then they looked at the door of the immortal fairyland with enthusiasm, didn't they say they were all qualified to enter the fairyland?

"The passage from our world to the immortal world was once sealed by the ancient heaven court, which led to the low end of our world's growth environment. Otherwise, our world will not endure such a catastrophe, and our world can be born to compete with darkness. The ultimate! "

Some people yelled that the dark disaster had hurt all the people in the world, but now the immortal world told them that heaven is even more vicious than the dark disaster.

"Heavenly sin has to be severely punished!"

"The immortal world must not only rescue the immortal heaven, but also come to question the heaven of sin!"

The news is flying all over the sky, and the influence it has caused is unprecedented. This series of things is really scary.

Some group leaders were angry and said: "No wonder the heavenly court was so strong, but my immortal heavenly religions could not compete with it. It was because the heaven and earth environment was sealed, and the passage between heaven and earth was cut. It ’s too abominable, and their hearts are terrible. Even they are full of people in the world pretending to be people and planting them to frame the immortal people. How can this be true! "

"Yeah, on the day of the immortal celestial catastrophe, the heavenly court did not kill a single soldier, and even talked about the rumors. This incident alone is enough for the immortal world to convict the heavenly court!"

"Heaven, be the plant!"

Countless monks were furious and full of anger, and they were also distraught. The immortality of the immortal celestial horror caused them too much pain. Now the paradise of the immortal world has issued a decree to judge the sin of heaven. Many people have Believe it!

"It turns out that we belong to the fairyland. Do we still have hope?"

In fact, more people are excited and eager to look at the immortal gate of the immortal world. They think that this is the high-end place and the pure land of the gods. Maybe they all have some hope to enter the immortal world.

"There must be hope!"

Qi Tianzong laughed with a strong man: "I have realized the meaning of the immortals, not only to condemn the heaven, but also to condemn the ancient emperor who created the road of the emperor, and to reduce the heaven to eternal life into a sinner!"

The turbulent storm around the world is getting more and more fierce ...

Some old monsters who have lived for a long time are torn apart.

"Hahaha ..."

"Heaven's Qi is over!"

The strong men of these groups in the land government burst into laughter, and heaven is about to finish!

They really did not expect that the terrible princes of the gate of the fairyland were extremely disgusted with the heavenly courts, and directly issued a legal order for the heavenly courts to come and take their sins.

"It's going to change!"

The ancestors of Jianzong were embarrassed and never changed. No one is sure what will happen next. However, the heavens are too weak now, how can they compete with the immortal world.

They are also worried, how does the fairyland view them?

Now the dark disaster is still spreading at the other end of the immortal heaven domain, hundreds of large states are reduced to the dead domain, and half of the immortal heaven domain is completely occupied!

The immortal world did not say anything about the black calamity and the occupied territories. At this moment, the ancestors of the Jianzong princes felt too embarrassed. They felt like duckweeds about to be torn by the sea of ​​angry seas.

The ancestor of Jianzong contacted a group of old friends with a bitter heart. This is to watch the sky from the sky. They don't know the immortal world, and they don't know the black calamity, but they always feel that even if the two camps fall into a tile, they can kill them!

Xuanhuang Universe, a place where mysterious bones sleep.

Su Yan took a deep breath and asked, "Senior, what does this mean? I don't know the funeral elderly!"

"You do not know?"

This time it was the mysterious bone's turn to be surprised, a little light spewed out from the hollow eye socket of the skull and fell on Su Yan's body, prompting his physique to recover!


Suddenly, Su Yan's body was boiled with blood and blood, the ancient physique was resuscitating, the power of all beings appeared, and the chaos evolved, as if integrated into a burial force, covering the heavens and the earth!

Su Yan's physique is very powerful and special. There is an unpredictable source of strength. Under the stimulation of mysterious bones, the body is fierce and the power of all bodies resonates. From a distance, it looks like a million mountains.

The mysterious skeleton looks at Su Yan, with powerful physique and resonance of the power of all bodies, covering the whole space and time, covering the sky and the earth, magnificent and scary!

And at the moment Su Yan's constitution soared to the limit realm, Su Yan seemed to be in the chaos of the universe, and the 10,000 Supreme Orders were burning. This is amazing and incredible. There is an unparalleled sacred power.

"What a great creature!" The mysterious skeleton was amazed and saw Su-Yan's fusion of heaven and earth, carrying thousands of things, like carrying a prehistoric civilization, which originated from the creation of chaotic cosmic stones and was carried by heaven and earth.


At this moment, the mysterious skeleton's bones stretched out and shot towards Su Yan.

Su Yan was upright and sweaty, and felt a major crisis, and he was imprisoned as a whole.

Su Yan never thought about defense and resistance. Mysterious bones will not harm himself. He should see his physical problems.


A very fatal blow, the instant of the attack, Su Yan felt disintegrated, collapsed, and disappeared.

The mysterious bones were shot and he hit Su Yan's weak area with a single blow. Su Yan was hit hard, his body was sloppy, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was unstable.

"It hurts!"

Su Yan grinned his teeth, and the flesh continued to tremble, as if the invincible **** iron was partially destroyed. The bone was attached to the flesh, which made Su Yan dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

"Come again!"

The mysterious skeleton waved the palm print again and blasted at another weak spot on Su Yan's body. This blow was the same as last time. Su Yan's body shuddered like a torn corner of the universe, which would affect Su Yan's entire body.

The mysterious bones are a bit surprised. Su Yan can forge himself to such a level. It is really not easy. Although he is not too strong in exerting strength, how can it be simply simple to bear!


Su Yan was frightened, and the palm print of the mysterious skeleton hit again, attacking Su Yan's next weak spot!


The gray world echoed the screams of killing pigs. Su Yan was beaten and looked like he kept screaming.

In front of the mysterious bones, he looks like a child, and the gap is too big, he can only be passively beaten.

In this way, time after time, thousands of fingerprints appeared in the void, constantly flapping on Su Yan's body!


Thousands of bombardments followed, and the sound of thunder exploded, deafening.

Su Yan really felt like it was going to explode, terrible, breathing was difficult, and her body and mind were split, she could not wait to die immediately.

It seems that thousands of sacred soldiers smashed on the flesh shell, this kind of pain is beyond words, and Su Yan is also anxious. The flesh is already sore and ragged, it is really about to fall apart!

With each hit of the mysterious bone, Su Yan's weakness can be hit. This is enough to shock Su Yan. I did not expect that there are still so many flaws!

Although the flaw is small, it can be infinitely enlarged in front of the mysterious bones. This is a fatal flaw on Su Yanxiu's road!

It seems that the broken world of the heavens is really not suitable for the growth of all souls. Without equal rivals, it is impossible to find its own defects and deficiencies.

"Anything else? I can handle it, still!"

Su Yan yelled, the blood-stained hair danced, and the remains glowed. He felt that after experiencing all kinds of torture and torture, the flesh seemed to be blasted off one after another, and the whole person emitted a fiery light!

He is full of blood and tall figures. If tens of thousands of human treasures are opened in the flesh shell, the roaring out of the potential of the world, soaring into the sky, all turned into a huge holy dragon, staring at the cosmic starry sky.

The mysterious skeleton looks at the potential dragon that rises to the sky, faintly sees Su Yan after sanctification, the majestic power, the blood is magnificent, has the power of shocking the world, and the king of World War I has great hope!

"Thank you senior."

Su Yan yelled excitedly. Although seriously injured, he felt that he was stronger than before. He was extraordinarily empty and sacred. His physique seemed to be shattered by a layer of ominous matter, which made Su Yan feel very comfortable.

At the same time, Su Yan's flesh and blood body glowed, swallowed energy substances, and recovered quickly.

He felt that the whole person was different. He suffered a beating, but he tried his best to forge himself even more powerfully!

He wished he could do it again. In fact, Su Yan's weaknesses could not be seen by idle monks. Only the existence of a strong man such as mysterious bones could forge Su Yan by alternative means based on his understanding of Su Yan's physique.

"Just do it."

The mysterious bone sighed: "Ancient physique, I saw it again, it is really powerful!"

"Senior, do you know what my physical name is?" Su Yan asked.

"The name is only a secondary one." The mysterious skeleton said lightly: "Some people of your kind have called it the heaven and earth mother body, others have called it celestial bodies, and some have called it burial celestial bodies!"

"The times are changing, and the physique is also changing. As for what is the ultimate name of this constitution, I really don't know. In short, I will strengthen my own path and dig out the biggest treasure of my constitution, don't care about others."

Su Yan's heart was heavy, and he did not expect that there were so many titles for his constitution. He looked forward to the Holy Land more and more. He felt that once he entered the Holy Land, it would be the most terrible era of his constitution!

"Is it because of my physique that you feel that I am the descendant of the old funeral?" Su Yan asked.

"He and you are of the same constitution!" Said the mysterious skeleton in a low tone. "I feel the burial atmosphere in you, so I have such doubts."

"Senior, do you have limited knowledge of the funeral elderly?" Su Yan was a little surprised.

"To be exact, there are always strong people in this world. It is difficult to trace their origins and identities. Some ancient existences are accompanied by the origin of life. It is unimaginable. Perhaps he is not strong enough, but it is extraordinary."

The mysterious bones sighed a lot. He once encountered such creatures, and then he said, "Of course, the old man who buried the sky has another level of identity. This is the strongest man in the imperial world of the fairy world and the only one in the era of the burial ground. "

(New Year's Eve, brothers, be happy and chic!

Qingtian returned to her hometown for dinner, and I'll pay you a new year tomorrow. )

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