Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1774: Three Realms

Imperial Order!

It's not the first time that Su Yan has heard this word. The reincarnation emperor of that year was the strong man in charge of the emperor's life. This level of identity is remarkable, even more amazing in the immortal world!

"The emperor is the emperor, the emperor's command is the emperor's command, cannot be generalized!"

Mysterious Skeleton said: "You are strong enough to be recognized by the will of the immortal realm, and the King of World War I is also recognized, but it is too difficult to obtain the imperial order, and it may not be possible to have one in a million years."

"Those who are powerful emperors must be strong enough!" Su Yan lamented that such people were too far away from himself.

"Strength is just one, and there are other complicated factors." Mysterious Skeleton calmly said: "If one day you go to the fairyland, you can also get the hope of the emperor, of course, this is very slim, and the resistance encountered is very large, almost no Too much! "

The funeral old man is the strong man in charge of the emperor's life. Is such a strong existence really ridiculed?

People in the Nether want to go to the imperial kingdom, and hope is even more remote. Otherwise, in the burial ground era, there will not be only the Emperor of the Heavens.

"The catastrophe of the year was too sudden and rapid. No one can care about other things. I can survive for a special reason."

The mysterious skeleton sighed sighing, but did not expect a long time to wake up, the world has changed, the heavens are ruined, and the human world is dying.

After all, he is still alive, but can the old man still survive? Is it like him, hiding in a certain place for a long time?

Fairy world, dark world, human world!

In a long time, the three legs stand tall and are collectively called the Three Realms!

Although the human world is controlled by the immortal world, the immortal world cannot be completely controlled. Generally speaking, the human world was very strong. Even if it broke the self-reliance portal with the immortal road, it was strong enough!

"Predecessor, what is it for? There is always a reason." Su Yan Shen said: "The black woes are swept again, will it end easily? What in the world is attracting them? Why is it launched again and again? offensive!"

Whether it is the immortal realm or the dark realm, it is because of a special source that the burial ground is destroyed. But what is this special reason?

If it were not for this particular reason, the burial site would not be defeated. After all, the problems encountered in the burial site of the year were quite complicated, not only facing the black calamity, but also some clans in the fairyland!

The mysterious bones are silent ...

Su Yan frowned, and then begged hard, eager to understand, this is very important, especially for herself!

After all, the mysterious skeleton is a terrible giant in the burial ground era. If he didn't know it, it would be ridiculous, and even his own mother land of the universe didn't know what had happened and died. Is this possible?

In the end, Mysterious Sigh sighed: "I can't answer you, my memory, a little less!"

Su Yan's eyes widened, what kind of mysterious skeleton existed? A sword can eradicate the era, can kill the era of the long river, he believes that the mysterious bones are not inferior to the reincarnation king!

Although he is not a powerful emperor, how can some strong men be measured by his life pattern, but the mysterious skeleton says that his memory is too little, and Su Yan feels it is ridiculous and thinks he is perfunctory himself.

"I thought I was hit hard and I have less memory."

"But in these years of cultivation, the remnant soul has also recovered 7878, and the most important memory should not be lost." Mysterious Skeleton said solemnly: "I have speculated that I have encountered unpredictable enemies and have been partially cut off. ! "

Su Yan was horrified. What kind of existence is that that can cut off the memory of the mysterious bones?

A lot of emotional fluctuations emerged from the mysterious bones. What is he like? Even if it is an invincible who has actually encountered the growth of the origin of life, you can look down on the rivers and rivers and inspect the giants of the era.

Even the encounter may not be defeated, and even if it is defeated, his memory cannot be cut off!

Even if he was cut off ridiculously, he could trace some clues.

But it wasn't, it was really ridiculous. He used to think that he had encountered troubling and taboo things that were not within the Three Realms!

Maybe the mysterious skeleton thinks he thinks more, maybe that memory was cut off by himself!

Maybe it is because of some special and terrible factors that they have lost a memory. They don't want to remember it in this world and don't want to be seen by the enemy.

In general, the problems involved are very big. What is the source? This is also a top priority for the mysterious skeleton.

The mysterious bone sighed, his face was dim, he was once glorious, strong, overbearing, majestic, and looking back, it is already a dead bone, even the most important memory is lost and forgotten!

"Senior, I have experienced some special things. Some clans in the fairyland and the black calamity, what they are looking for seems to be related to the funeral cave." Su Yan said, "But the funeral cave has been ruined, you said, Was the source taken away by them long ago? "

"Although the Great World of the Heavens is broken, it is not something that can be attacked arbitrarily and requires a heavy price."

The words of the mysterious skeleton made Su Yan fascinated, but did not, then immediately asked: "The immortal world has come, Xianmen is manifested, I don't know which party it belongs to, and I don't know what attitude it is. The younger are worried!"

Su Yan's heart is cold and her problems are getting more and more complicated. Sometimes she really feels as cheap as grass!

Su Yan is not desperate. He has not yet grown up, but is facing the worst situation.

Although black disaster and immortal world, for the souls of the world, as long as it is not facing death, it has nothing to do with it.

But Su Yan was different after all, and the prehistoric burial of Tiandong disciples had enough special characteristics.

"If they don't have a cross-border station, don't worry."

Mysterious Skeleton said: "Even if the hands of the immortal world are longer now, it will be difficult to reach here for a while. You don't need to worry about it, cherish this precious time and rush into the sanctuary as soon as possible!"

Su Yan's tense heart eased a lot, and then he was surprised. Does Xuanhuang Universe still have some defense?

"You said just now to go to the fairyland, do you have any way to take us to the fairyland?"


The mysterious bone said: "But not now, you are too weak, only sanctification is eligible to survive in the fairyland!"

"Senior, if I really went to the fairyland, wouldn't I be a little ant?"

Su Yan said with a black face. Although Su Yan wanted to go to the fairyland, she saw the arrogance of the world and wanted to get a bigger environment to grow.

But what area is Fairyland? Bao Qiqi is dead, if Daozu is a small ant, he really kills him if he goes!

"The Holy One is no longer weak, a mainstay ..."

Having said that, Su Yan's injury has improved for seven hundred and seventy-eight. He breathed like thunder, and found that the flesh was burning, like an oven in the heavens and earth, and there was a faint substance in the meat shell, which would breed even more terrible substances!

He feels that the essence of life must be completely transformed, it must cross a major barrier, and be transformed into an ancient saint.

what is this?

This is holy power, smelted by the law of endless universe order, and just after giving birth to this feeling, Su Yan vaguely realized that it originated from the coercion between heaven and earth, from the **** of the avenue.

To be sanctified, you must break all obstacles!

"Senior, I feel that my physical body is much stronger than before, and I can have breakthrough conditions at any time for the achievement of the Holy Land!" Su Yan was surprised, full of blood and blood surged, very strong and scary, can be crushed at every turn. Cover the world.

"I just performed an ancient method and opened up a lot of treasures in your body." Mysterious Skeleton commented: "Your physique is very strong, sanctification will be more difficult, prepare early."

"Seniors and juniors still have a lot of good brothers. They have great potential. Can you give them pointers?" Su Yan asked.

The mysterious bones did not hesitate, you can bring him to take a look, and clearly inform Su Yan that he will stay awake during this time, if something comes to him as soon as possible.

Su Yan's heart tremor, it seems that the mysterious skeleton also attaches great importance to the next development!

In short, with this behemoth, he feels that the pressure has been reduced a lot, and he can discuss it if he encounters a major event.

After all, Dao Shuyi and the elder brother did not understand the fairyland, but the mysterious bones were different. They had definitely visited the fairyland.

Before leaving, Su Yan asked about the mysterious bones. Does the old man in the heavens still have clans? He was a powerful man of the emperor, did he really die?

"Wait to Fairyland to tell you."

Mysterious skeleton said: "I feel the breath of the fairyland, you go out first."

"The breath of fairyland!"

Su Yan's face sank suddenly, rushing out quickly, a gallop of wind and lightning, the breath of fairyland, did a strong person in fairyland leap over?

Does the mysterious skeleton have a cross-border platform?

He felt a bit bad. It was only a few days before the fairy gate of the immortal world emerged, so he came to heaven so anxious, was it in order to clear the grievances of that year!

You must know that there was a terrible existence in the heavenly courts that had caused trouble in the immortal realm, and definitely aimed at the non-gods such as the reincarnation emperor.

Even when the fairyland came a million years ago, it was blocked by the troops in heaven, and the grievances there were great.

"somebody is coming......."

At this moment, there is no small storm in the Xuanhuang Universe. There is a breath coming from outside the region, which has a huge impact. It can be said to be very strong. It does not cover its own breath along the way. A turbulent energy storm is formed along the way, which is approaching the Xuanhuang Universe!

"Daozu strong ..."

In the Xuanhuang Universe, the sentient beings are terrified, and the breath that the outer universe is constantly oppressing is too strong. It is not just a Taoist strongman. These are two Taoist ancestors who are close to the Xuanhuang Universe without saying a word. They have to break in.

"Stop here!"

The old village chief's face was slightly heavier, the woodcutter on his back glowed, his pupils as sharp as sky knives, staring at two unscrupulous strongmen who were about to break into the universe.

You have to know that they have a lot of energy and their energy is leaking, the impact is amazing.

Leaving them alone to break in will destroy the territory of the Xuanhuang universe, and may even kill some souls. The old village head was very angry and almost didn't hold back and started directly.

"Who am I? It's you."

The Tianyang old man came out, staring at Huang Tiangu with a cold eye and screaming, "What are you doing here?"

In fact, the old man of Tianyang was also wondering. The owner of Huang Tiangu, who was like the grandson of a turtle before, is now a complete mess, and even proud of his face.

"Why do you do that?" Lord Huang Tiangu said in a big tone, obsessing Tianyang elderly, and said coldly, "Let those in your field who can manage affairs come out to speak!"

"what did you say?"

The chopped woodcutter carried by the old village chief came out an inch by inch, and the whole person's breath became infinitely cold. A **** Huang Tiangu, dare to let the big brother speak out? Is this guy's brain broken?

"Did you hear something?"

Another silent strongman opened his mouth, the whole breath leaked out, emitting infinite immortality.

"Wonderland fight!"

The Emperor Yan came, his face became angry, and his breath suddenly became terrible.

She recognized that this is the fairy strongman, Daozu giant. Although Tao Shuyi once slaughtered a large number of strong people in the Xian people, some strong people are not in the ancestral court. Wonderland is one of them!

Wonderland naturally hates the Xuanhuang universe to the extreme, and can't wait to destroy this universe now!

"Junior, the old man's name and taboo can also be called directly, nothing big or small!"

The breath of Wonderland is infinitely powerful, of course, the things that appear behind him are even more scary. A golden splendor of the decree spreads across the sky, and the vast immortal power is horrifying!

This is just a dormant state of the decree. It is difficult to imagine how powerful the office will be once it is unfolded.

"The breath of fairyland!"

The old leader's face was slightly dull, and the breath of this decree was a little like the immortal gate.

Yan Huang's anger was raging, but anger could only be forced down, and first figured out what they were doing here.


Huang Tiangu laughed proudly. Before, they were very prestigious, but now they are calmed down by the law!

The old village chief had a somber complexion and the visitors were bad.

"Go, let the supervisors in your field come out to accept the decree!" Huang Tiangu lordly exclaimed: "Also, let that woman also come out and follow the decree!"

"So daring!"

The old village chief fought with anger, what did they do? Are you a minion who can be directed at will?

It's true that the old leader and Dao Shuyi came out to accept the decree!

"What do you want to do?" Wonderland said coldly: "I can warn you, this is the law of fairyland, it represents the will of fairyland, if you violate it, you should know what the consequences will be!"

"Isn't that just a decree? Give me!"

When Su Yan came, he went straight out of his big hand and wanted to hold the golden rule in the air.

This scene made Huang Tiangu's owner angry and trembling with anger, pointing at Su Yan and yelling, "Junior, a little monk, you dare to wait for me, are you tired?"

If it was the old leader who forcibly wanted to hold the decree, they would not be so angry, but what happened to a Su Yan?

"Old thing, you think I'm afraid you won't succeed!" Su Yan responded coldly.


Lord Huang Tiangu almost laughed off his big teeth. He really felt that Su Yan was crazy. A supreme dare to disrespect Daozu. He acknowledged that Su Yan had the means to attack Daozu, but this was not his method, but an external force!

Even the owner of Tiangu Huang wanted to raise his feet, like crushing an ant, and crush Su Yan directly!

At this moment, Su Yan's face was gloomy to the extreme. He heard a divine thought coming from outside the country, and the old leaders' faces also gloomed at the same time.

The ancestors of Jianzong came to report that the fairyland would let the strongest of their group confess their sins in the past, and their attitude was very unfriendly, so they should not ignore it!

"Too much bullying!"

Su Yan's face became angry, and her hair danced, and she growled, "You are waiting here!"

"Oh, you guys know each other, and you and we rush on the way, dry mouth, and don't hurry to send Xiancha!"

Seeing Su Yan leave, Huang Tiangu and the Wonderland smiled proudly. Su Yan definitely invited someone. Behind them is the will of the fairyland, who dares to disobey and contend!

That's right, Su Yan is gone.

Running fast, crossing madly along the way, to the mysterious bones sleeping place.

"Anyway, it looks like they don't have a cross-border platform."

The mysterious skeleton is very straightforward, saying: "Don't worry and worry, let alone kill a few scum messengers. It doesn't matter if you have the ability to kill your emperor Yingjie. It is not difficult for you to smash ordinary saints in your state, kill a few It's good for you to break through! "


Su Yan returned swiftly, and the dormant horror in his body stirred up. Xiandao struck Daozu to the extreme. He had also been waiting for so long!

(Big chapter!

On the first day of the new year, Qingtian is here to celebrate everyone

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