Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1790: Sword cut fairy feather

Su Yan ... "

"Juvenile Devil ..."

"The jerk, the people in the immortal world are too vicious to interfere with the battlefields of the two realms. This is too vicious. What about a good and fair showdown? It is ridiculous!"

The fire of rage was burning all over the world, and countless creatures roared. It was so angry that the same generation could not beat Su Yan, and it was such a mean thing to interfere with the battlefield!

Many people are exploding with anger, blushing and thick necks, seeing too much, not seeing too much.

This is such an outrageous act in the presence of people all over the world.

At this moment, they can see clearly the faces of the imperial clan in the fairyland, who is dirty and despicable?

To be honest, even a group of young elites in Xianmen are really stupid. Some people are guilty and some people are smiling hard. They did not expect that things would come to this stage. They did not expect that the majestic Xianwu King would interfere with the five elements This battle.

He is the prince of the immortal world. He belongs to the emperor and has high morals. How can he do this?

Even if Xianyu really hates, even Tianjiao of the wasteland of the Nether Really wipes out the face of the Xian people, but how great the shore of the Xian people is. The people in the Fairy Cave have a covered world of Tianjiao, an invincible myth and legend of one universe age after another. It is not enough to stand up and move back to this game.

Su Yan has been locked by the Five Elements Ring Projection. How can she fight with Xian Yu?

"It's time to make a decision!"

The ancestors of Jianzong said in a low tone: "Do you really believe in the immortal world? Before they persecuted the heaven with the survival or death of my realm, it made me feel ominous. Now I should face the worst disaster to face with the worst outcome now. ! "

The power of those who teach the power of Tai Shang is extremely ugly. In the face of the people in the world, there is no doubt that the fairyland does not take them seriously, and it seems that it has no intention to take them to the fairyland. Maybe it has no intention to help them from beginning to end. Kill the black woes.

Perhaps from the beginning, they came to heaven. If the gate of the fairyland was completed and the mission was withdrawn, then they would be invaded by the black calamity and killed by blood.

"What to do for all beings in the universe."

The first ancestor of Jianzong is gone. As the most powerful Taoist ancestor in this world, he should not run away. He must face all problems and take responsibility.

Even if there was really no hope, he wanted to save some more people.

In short, the ancestors of Jianzong did not believe that there was no way to live in this world, and Su Yan could not fight to death. He knew how terrible Su Yan and Huang Tiangu were at the time. Even if his fairy feathers were strong, he would definitely cut it off. Do not drop Su Yan!


Treasure was roaring, his eyes were congested, and the roar was shaking, so angry that he rushed towards the battlefield of the two realms.

Dong Mo, they are all mad, roaring all over the sky, the king of immortals is too sinister, interfere with this battle with the ring of five elements, can't wait to take Su Yan away?

The voices of grief and insult throughout the world make Xianyu's face gloomy, and there is an indescribable taste, but more often, I feel that this profession is really pathetic, do you really think that you are sincere to help you?

At the end of the day, there is no free lunch.

"time to go!"

Xian Yu took a deep breath and raised her big hand, suppressing Su Yan, who was covered with blood.

Suddenly, a fiery glow erupted, like a chaotic sea eye turning, and the sky was falling apart!

"What?" Xian Yu was shocked, and saw a pair of pupils, with a sense of supreme pressure, making him a little hairy, and he instantly saw it, this is the legendary chaotic heavenly eye.

Su Yan's pupils seemed a little unreal, and it seemed like the abyss of chaos that was floating up was completely open!


The chaos sky shines, revealing terror waves, emitting one energy body after another, each of them is grossly shocking, also resembling chaos, the fierce towering moment of the outbreak, also contains the terrible power of destruction!

"There is a turnaround, you guys look!"

Countless creatures roared in the immortal heaven, and filled with blood!

What did they see? The blood-covered figure locked by the five-element ring phantom is like a prisoner

The **** of war in the land of purgatory was instantly resurrected, and the light of terror was flowing!

Between his eyes opened and closed, Chaos Jianmang followed one another, and the thorny fairy feathers bleed and bleed!

"my eyes!"

Xian Yu howled, and felt that her eyes were blinded and painful, and they all burst!

How could this be? Hundreds of punches went out just now. Why did Su Yan recover such a strong combat power, did he never hurt him before!

But this is impossible, isn't it ridiculous?

If it was Su Yan of the previous days, Bao Qiqi suffered a fatal threat. He could undergo mysterious bone training and forging Su Yan. He has no physical body, the treasure land leaks, the world trembles, and the world ’s potential explodes!

At this moment, Su Yan released the most invincible combat power. Even if the infernal purgatory presses down, even if the power of the five elements locks him in, he still releases the terrifying combat power!


Su Yan shouted in heaven and fluttered, he was mad with blood, and the universe moved into the extreme realm, and the pores were dilated, as if turning into a door of reincarnation, blooming the power of the sky, the miracle of the five great gods, Piece after piece broke!

In the end, Su Yan broke out in a magic dance, and the power of the flesh was violent.

"Ah kill!"

Su Yan roared, and the blood-stained hand held the virtual shadow of the Five Elements Ring. At the moment of turning, it seemed like the five major universes were waved, and the heavens and clouds collapsed, and this small world also exploded!


Su Yan's eyes were upright, his body was full of anger and blood, and he smashed forward with the projection of the Five Elements Ring.

The **** fairy feather suffered a horrific blow, and the power of the Five Elements Ring was suppressed in an all-round way. His flesh and blood fluttered, and one big crack after another burst!


Xianyu suffered a thunder blow, and his flesh really broke. Many areas of bones broke. He screamed, and that blow almost killed his body!

"God of War ..."

The elites in fairyland are scalp. Is this God of War? Strongly outrageous, the Wizard of the Fairy Cave is really weak in front of him!

Why should this piece of wasteland break out of this terrible murderer, shouldn't it belong to the glory of fairyland?


The immortal king was furious, and the boundless anger was burning in his eyes. He was really surprised. The five-element ring can be broken by the virtual shadow suppression. The feathers of the hundred punches are difficult to kill him. This person's physical body is really extreme. .

This is the body of the funeral heaven, really worthy of the strongest body in the human world!

The silent King of Heaven is also gloomy, this person must be killed, there is nothing to say, even if it is really impossible to grab shop and take away, also kill!

What kind of potential is this? Really stunned them, can they compete with Xianrendong's scariest Tianjiao? He is a Tianjiao rising from the wasteland. After all, he lacks a series of backgrounds. If he can obtain resources in the future, would he not be king?

"You made me angry!"

Su Yan's tall body was stained with blood, exceptionally cold and scary, with endless fierce power, with terrible killing thoughts!

He rushed in, and was completely the **** of war in the torn area. He lifted his feet and ran on the spine of Xianyu. He flew out like a dead dog, spitting blood, his spine was cracking, and it was difficult to get up. .

"Is there any reason ..."

Xian Yu roared, struggling in a pool of blood, his bones were broken, but his remains were still full of energy, and he had to say that the treasures of the flesh were too strong, and all-round unsealed, enough to recover to the strongest state in a short time.

But Su Yan didn't give him any chance at all, and the whole person rushed in, all of a sudden, blood and blood, the rule of the sky blooming, and the entire battlefield roared with it!

Su Yan is here, just like the Emperor of the Heaven and Earth, raising his feet and stomping on the fairy feathers!

Xian Yu's eyes widened. This is a shame. He will not allow anyone to step on his body with his feet, which will also bring stains to the fairy hole!

"When the King of Kings turns, heaven and earth bow their heads, and the avenue retreats, my Lord heaven and earth!"

The fairy feather roared in the pool of blood, and the corpse exploded.

The child burned, and in almost an instant, the residual body dried up, and the vitality suddenly reached the end!

"Xian Yu, stop, come back!"

King Xianwu's face changed wildly. He was performing an extremely terrible Tiangong, but it was too late to stop it!

The heavens and the earth exploded, and one after another the forbidden light spread, destroying the heavens and the earth.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

The monks shivered all over the world, even the Taoist ancestors were getting hairy, and felt that the mighty divine power was blooming, spreading from the battlefields of the two realms, and the big states were turbulent!

It can even be clearly seen that the breath comes from behind the withered fairy feathers of the torn body, and a large crack in space and time emerges, as if it penetrated into the distant years, and a blurred figure appeared in the center area, living in the past!

The sight is too scary. The terrible figure is like the reincarnation of the lost fairy king, revealing the light of taboo, overwhelming the whole time and space!

"This is the legendary immortal seal!" There was a shocking voice from the elite in the immortal world: "This is the immortal seal of one of the invincible mysteries in the immortal cave. The immortal feathers have been repaired, incredible, really incredible! "

The Deceiver looked cold, and the immortal seal was sacrificed, which is equivalent to sacrificing the life of the fairy feather. Can Su Yan survive?

What they want is Su Yan who is alive, but not dead, but nowadays it is difficult to control the battle between the two worlds.

"I said, I have the means to chop you!" Xian Yu was cruel and dry, and roared like a beast. "This mystery is terrible, even I can't control it. If you follow me now, you still have a life. live!"

Having said that, the breath behind Xian Yu is even more terrifying, covering everyone's hearts, the sense of oppression is so severe that they are choked and uncomfortable, and can't wait to kneel on the ground and worship!

What a terrible mystery? The blurred figure in the direction of the source is like the fairy king looking down at the fairyland, spraying the taboo light, although it is only under the condition of magical powers, but it is also terrible and outrageous!

"Let's go!" Su Yan looked dignified, and a sword tyre outlined by the law of order emerged in his palm.

"You asked for it, no wonder I am!"

The fairy feathers roar, and the ancient and terrifying figure behind them is resurrected. Only a little bit of transpiration is already shaking the earth, and the battlefields of both circles must explode!

"Roll over and bow your head ..."

He smiled angrily, and had great confidence in this mystery. The immortal seal was sacrificed.

In an instant, the battlefields of the two realms trembled, enough to destroy the sky and the waves filled the battlefield. The power was too scary. The battlefield was blurred, and they were all steamed to death. It was difficult to carry the immortal seal of immortality!


Suddenly, the battlefields of the two realms really seemed to be cut off, but not because of the immortal seal, but a sword rushed out!

Jianmang is small, not stout and intimidating. A very small Jianmang has caused great changes in the world. The entire battlefield is vast, cutting time and cutting all laws of order.

what is this?

Cut the years with one sword!

At the moment when a sword broke out, time disappeared, the eternal river emerged, and a sword-monger seemed to have crossed hundreds of millions in the years and came straight!


The direction of the source is full of scars, silver and white swords, and the shards of the sky are all fragments of the road. The years have been cut off, and the blurred figure projected by the immortal king seal has also disintegrated.

"Ten days in the sky ..." Xian Yu was terrified, catching the immense years, the long river came down, turned into a sword, and could not match!

诛 天剑 道, sword cuts years!


Su Yan yelled, the light of the ancient years spanning hundreds of millions of years was flowing into the body, and the sword body was integrated into one body. This sword was instantly terrifying, splitting the whole sky, cutting off the years, and stripping away 10,000 Spiritual life, this piece of universe that chopped apart!


Xianyu's head was cut off, and his body and soul were torn apart. This sword also ended his source of life. The flesh and blood body broke down, and all life was completely exhausted!

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