Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1791: Fairy

Cut the years with one sword, the third style of Jiantian Kendo is a must-know!

It is quite difficult to display this unique science. Su Yan has exploded in the past. He has suffered a lot, but he has never broken out the essence of a sword.

Over the years, he has been sleeping in the funeral cave, and has a deep understanding of the years. This sword outbreak is also like the long years of energy deposited on the body of Su Yan, and it finally broke out in the form of a sword.

This sword broke out, and the battlefields of the two realms were really cut into a big crack. The vast sword was vertical and horizontal. The sky was full of shards, and the immortal roads were cut completely!

One sword cuts immortality, one sword cuts immortal road, and the current one sword cuts years. Once the three swords and tricks bloom at almost the same time, this is terrifying and appalling.

In the end, the Sword of Time broke out, although it seemed small, it could contain the horrible years of Tianwei, and the momentum from prehistoric times. It finally turned into a sword of years and split everything!

What about Fairy Seal? The horrible degree of this supernatural power is self-evident, but after all, the fairy feather can erupt, and now that his residual body is exhausted, it can be seen that this supernatural power exceeds his human body's tolerance!

The days and days of sword marks, tearing everything, looks like the immortal king is drinking hate, the figure of Panyu in the direction of the source is broken, loses coordinates, and eventually collapses!


Eventually, a blood light sputtered out, thick and thick, dyed the starry sky, and flew up with a skull.

Xian Yu's soul was almost extinguished, his eyes were dull and he had no expressions. Before he died, he didn't think about how he died. It can be said that all life was cut off in a short time!

"This is impossible......"

The Emperor Wu of the Xian Dynasty was angry, and the vast world was trembling and roaring. The sky and the earth were ushered in a great change. The breath of the supreme imperial path was under heavy pressure, forming a cosmic storm that destroyed the world and bombarded the immortal heaven!

The world trembles, the sun sinks, the moon sinks, the endless beings are terrified, they are all shrouded in supreme coercion, and they also realize the cruel idea of ​​killing billions of souls.

How strong are the Emperor Wu and the King of Heaven? But it's not important now. They can't kill even if they are strong. They are rejected by the environment. But now in the battlefields of the two worlds, Xian Yu hates!

"Xian Yu, lost!"

A group of young elites in Xianmen shivered from head to toe, one by one shivering, and the amazing wizards who walked out of the fairy cave should have been invincible. As a result, they now drank hatred in the wasteland of the Nether, or under the premise of occupying and being disturbed!

They couldn't believe their eyes and their scalp exploded. Although Xianyu came from the outer area of ​​Xianren Cave, it also had mythical legends. He was killed and strangled by Tianjiao in the wasteland!

If this spreads out, God knows how terrible a big earthquake caused, what sword trick did Su Yan just cast? Why is it outrageous to this level, the immortal king seal can't carry it.

Su Yan's blood-stained hair spread, standing on the battlefields of the two realms, with a cold look, giving off his domineering power!

At this moment, he was too dazzling and brilliant, and the entire immortal celestial area exuded dazzling waves.

What no one found was that Su Yan's terrible body was trembling slightly. She had previously been hit by a thunder, and was almost crushed by the immortal king's shell for a short time!

"So terrible magical power!"

Su Yan's pupil exuded a icy glow. If it weren't for the sword's time to reach the peak, most of the problems will be encountered. This is the invincible magical power belonging to the fairy cave, and it has the worldly power in fairyland.

If his fairness is worse, Su Yanbao will encounter a fierce battle. At this moment, Su Yan paid more attention to the heavenly arrogance of the immortal world, and there must be more powerful and anti-celestial generations than Xian Yu. The encounter was life and death.


At this moment, the depressed battlefields of the two realms suddenly transpired the runes, which originated from the head of the fairy feathers. The runes were rolling, revealing a great vitality, and a flash of light appeared on his frontal bone. Silver runes.

Fuyu is ancient and densely populated with mysterious runes. It seems to inscribe the life and death of the heavens. This Fuyu burned instantly, and a magnificent power emerged, which caused his skull to glow, and the remains to glow!

"What treasure is this?"

The treasure was shocked, Xian Yu was absolutely killed, and the soul was extinguished.

But the silver rune flashing from his eyebrows was quite incredible, and a horrible might emerged, as if in the years of long rivers, to attract the light of the broken soul of the fairy feathers, and take him to reincarnation!

"Oh my God, this is the immortal sign!"

The King of the Heavens roared and his eyes were red. This is an immortal talisman that is hard to find in the world. Even the number of the emperor's masters is quite limited. Only the strongest of the imperial deities are qualified to refine. Power.

Therefore, the immortal amulet is extremely rare and scarce, and the Decepticons are a bit disoriented. This thing is equal to the second life.

It must be given to him by the existence of the fairy feather, most likely from the horror leader of the fairy hole, and he attaches great importance to the fairy feather, otherwise it would not be possible to give him a fairy life sign.

In fact, the Emperor Xianwu was shocked. I didn't expect that Xianyu's status in Xianren Cave was so high that even the immortal amulets possessed it.

"evil creature!"

The King of Immortals was furious and saw Su Yan killing Xianyu.

"Shuzi, dare to disobey the will of the immortal realm and talk about sin as a crime!"

The Celestial King is also roaring. Every immortal amulet is hard to find in the world. Those who can control it are the immortal heavenly pride, and it can be said to be the most precious wealth of the immortal world. Now Su Yan killed the past to interrupt the immortal amulet. !!

"It doesn't matter." The immortal King Wu looked very cold, but this was the power of returning to heaven, how could he easily interrupt the process? In his opinion, Su Yan was seeking death, and Bao Qi would take his own life!


Su Yan is here. He is about to be approached, and he has been crushed by the mighty power. His body has to burst.

But how can Su Yan willingly let go of Xianyu and make a roar, black hair flutters, and the whole body also exudes the light of heavenly reincarnation, full of the power of the Supreme Heaven, and all come down!

"Reincarnation is heaven!"

Su Yan's body is like the door of reincarnation, his chest is fiery. He seems to have turned into the door of reincarnation, venting the power of reincarnation like the sea, filling the battlefields of the two realms!

In an instant, the sky was falling apart, and the energy order was disordered!

The world is unstable, just as it is about to change course. Although the silver immortal amulet is terrifying enough, it can explore the fairy soul in the years, reshape the spirit, and reshape the body.

However, the reincarnation of the heavenly path is not paperless. Under Su Yan's best efforts, the world is full of cracks. The picture is even more scary than the sky is falling apart. The world is a crack of time and space!


The immortal king angered, and once again gave out the five-element ring, and wanted to directly lock Su Yan.

But everything was too late, the heavens and earth were disordered, the avenue collapsed, and the storms of the two worlds swept the storm, prompting the breath of the immortal amulet to decline.

"Master saves me ..."

Xian Yu has recovered a trace of the spirit, and made a panic sound. He did not know that he had an immortal sign, but Su Yan was interfering with the power of the immortal sign. He had to stop him!


Xian Yu flicked her finger gently, and a black ring flew out. Although it seemed ordinary, it had extremely terrifying coercion.

"this is....."

Su Yan shouted badly. Xian Yu had artifacts left by the terrible giant. Although it was not a big killer, there was an energy fluctuation in his Master. Once the two world battlefields broke out, it would not exist at all.

Even if the immense environment of the immortal sky comes, it is difficult to hold down the black ring for a short time!

The prehistoric elder brother flashed a cold color under his eyes, and with a flick of his finger, a stream of air glowed and became hot, suddenly growing, and splitting in the instant.

This blow has simply torn the years, and is about to ignore any time and rules, and the town is suddenly above the black ring!


The black ring was torn apart, and there were screams, accompanied by the howling voice: "Who cut off my disciple, leave no room, please also follow the agreement of the fairy cave, otherwise the whole world will share the same!"

Since the construction of Xianrendong, the Tianjiao of Tianrendong has not dared to oppress it!

Of course, it refers to strength and weakness, and no one dares. Once the tribe is found to be in harmony, this is the iron law promulgated by the major emperors, and no one dares to violate it.

"Master, the asylum ..." Xian Yu snarled, he encountered the same level of existence, the other party did not break the contract, but he did not want to die, and he soon reached the sacred realm.


The next moment, Xian Yu's residual body trembled, and Su Yan stepped on his feet.

"No one can save you." Su Yan's cold eyes stared at him and said, "This is a battle between you and me!"

"Give me a life, I won't get revenge on you!" Xian Yu's eyes were blood red, and she begged for mercy, very weak.

"Why spare you?" Su Yan looked down at him, and said, "You come to kill me, I kill you, this is the battle between you and me!"

"I'm Fairy Cave ..."

Xian Yu shouted, and originally wanted to move out of his Master ’s name, but he was not sanctified and was not qualified to move out of his Master ’s name, followed closely by saying: "My Master is a great man in Fairy Cave, and ranks in the ranks of immortals. hospital!"

"I don't know what Xianlaoyuan is, you can live if you want." Su Yan calmly said: "Separate from the Xian people and be loyal to the heaven!"


Xian Yu screamed, his eyes were crazed, and he was going crazy. He was really crazy. Do n’t you know what an emperor is?


At this moment, the ring of five elements erupted again. The flames of the Five Great God Rings burned the radiance of the Supreme Order, and the rings of gods roared, turning into one big universe after another, and they fell down!


Su Yan was furious, and slapped Xian Yu with a slap.

It still has to interfere, and it must be suppressed by the ring of five elements. If he had not released his hole card directly, Su Yan would die in this battle!

"Junior, give me your life!"

The immortal king went crazy, and his breath became more and more fierce. He and the demon king joined forces to activate the ring of five elements, covering the projections of the five major universes and penetrating the battlefields of the two realms!


Suddenly, a terrible big hand rushed, huge and boundless, covering the sky, breaking the power of the ring of five elements.

"Unmanned rat, get out, get out ..."

The immortal king roared, and the immortal plummeted because of his instructions. If Su Yan could not be taken away, he would have no face to return to the emperor.

Among the immortal gates, the two major horror creatures went mad, took control of the Five Elements Ring, and rebuked the heavenly mysterious powerhouse!

At this moment, a figure straddled the heavens and stood out of the realm. His body was too tall and scary, and he was alone against all the strong men in the whole fairy gate.

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