Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1804: Royal Castle

The whole world is intimidating. What is going on here?

First of all, the ancestor of the immortal family was greatly weakened. He was really powerful and invincible just now. His vitality was infinitely enlarged, and the displayed laws were almost ten thousand meters high.

But nowadays, the ancestors of the immortal family seem to have been cut off from Daoxing, and their breath has fallen infinitely.

Of course, this is not to be alarmed, mainly because of a major change in the gates of the fairyland.

It is a pity that the gate of the fairyland has been closed, and the world has not been able to see exactly what happened, but the fuzzy gate of the fairyland is sprinkled with a ray of blood, making the places outside the world red.

It is suspected that the terrible giant is dying, and the vast world begins to be turbulent, which leads to a dramatic energy fluctuation and attracts the attention of many people!

"Is the savior here?"

Su Yan was shocked. He knew that the mysterious skeleton was trying to solve the crisis. The most direct thing was to start from the immortal realm and balance the two emperors.

Right now, the distress encountered by Immortal Heaven is very serious, and the dark disaster must be blocked, otherwise this world will cease to exist!

People all over the world are watching the vague fairy gate. This ancient stone gate is trembling slightly, and the vast outside world is shaking, which finally causes a shocking change!


Blood transpired, tearing Cangyu, breaking up time and space, some stars and the sun exploded, which made people tremble and panic. This is what happened.

Who the **** is there? With such a shocking vision of the heavens and the earth, the heavens are like crying blood!


The low and painful roar of Xianmen resounded, echoing in the blood-stained realm.

"It seems to be the cry of that old thing!" Baocai yelled excitedly, catching the scream, it seems that the gate of the fairyland has changed a lot, they can let go of their hands and feet.

"Who, who ..."

The blood-stained skull of the king of Emperor Wu began to tremble. What is his existence, even if he really encountered the old monster of the immortal world, but he is also an emperor prince, who is too detached, who dares to target directly!

But now he was taken off his head!

This is a shame and shame. When the stubborn pupils saw the master who took off his skull, the blood-stained skull shivered!

The people who came are too amazing. It looks like an ancient immortal phoenix from the lower realm. It is so powerful and overwhelming. It doesn't see a specific form. It also exudes a terrifying power, covering the entire immortal gate and suppressing a series of strong men!

"too horrible......"

The prince trembled, as if he saw a billion-meter-long prehistoric horror, shattering the sea of ​​stars, tearing the universe, magnificent!


One after another, the prince couldn't bear the kneeling, shivering, filled with great fear, he never expected that he would really go out of the customs, who actually asked him to move, and directly positioned the gate of the fairyland. position!

"King City Guardian!"

The tyrant's burly body glowed, he never knelt down, barely able to support this amazing power!

But his rebellion and resistance instantly attracted a pair of attentions that were more intense than the burning of billions of sundays. Under the eyes of the princes of the royal city guardian, the horrible pictures came out!

Infinite fire burns down the universe, destroying all order and laws, enough to destroy the sky and the earth!


The Deceiver coughed up his blood, only felt that he was in pain, and his body would explode with it. This was an irresistible divine power, and he shivered all over him!


He knelt on the ground with one knee, completely unable to support it, his proud head hanged down, and trembled, "I have seen the King City Guardian!"

"Dare to use the gate of the fairyland for your own personal use, you are so brave!"

The guardian of the King City looked indifferent. His figure was too tall, filled with the gates of the immortal world, the whole was filled with taboo glory, and there was a huge immortal phoenix looming behind it, covering the cosmic starry sky!


He walked step by step, holding the blood stained head of the Emperor Xianwu in his palm, stepping out every step, a prince followed the screams, and the bang suddenly flew out. It was simply the strength of the Xeon crushed down and it was difficult to match!

Nine steps in a row, the nine princes burst their bodies and suffered heavy injuries. They couldn't get up, and struggled in a pool of blood, but they couldn't say a word, and they were completely filled with fear.

This is not only terrible, but also with an endless tragic killing, as if hundreds of millions of troops lay sideways in front of them, and slaughtered against them!

Horrible, cruel, overbearing, it is difficult to elaborate his power, this is his life and death experience!

The Deceiver is also trembling, his body is full of horrible coercion, his burly and tall body is twisted, and he is to be torn directly. He coughs blood and is dizzy. In fact, the pain in the body is not as good as the pressure of the spiritual will, and it must be succumbed to the protector, worshipping from generation to generation!

"It happened for a reason."

The Emperor Wu of the Xian Dynasty quibbled: "Darkness spreads to the sky. I waited to fight against the darkness and did not report it in time!"

"Stupid stuff, dare to show your strength!"

The protector of the king city exudes the fury of thunder. He is the supreme war **** standing on top of the fairy gate. He is terrifying and overbearing. When the palm of his hand shines, the head of the fairy martial art is cracking, and the Yuanshen are destroyed!

"Do not......"

The immortal king shouted in fear, his head was about to explode, and the Yuanshen would be destroyed.

But he couldn't fight, and he was so anxious. How could he come so fast? I just saw that Su Yan was about to drop the law, it was almost, it was almost time, why not give it to him!

He didn't even expect that the protectors would be so overwhelming, and wouldn't say anything at all.

"Almost done!"

Suddenly, a majestic voice came from the distant world: "The protector of the King City did have a cause. Although they did something wrong, the fairy cave was arrogant. He always valued his disciples, but my fairy world. precious!"


The protector of the King City was furious, cold eyes obliquely looked at the strong man who came from afar, and said coldly: "Take me to the old courtyard to press me? If you lose, you will lose. The Tianjiao of Xianrendong will also shuffle the cards. Instead, kill Xianrendong. Tianjiao's young people should focus on cultivation! "


The Emperor Wu of the Scream screamed, his head collapsed, and the light of the Yuanshen dimmed infinitely. He almost died!

The Deceiver also suffered a thunder blow, and the city guardian of the king pointed out a big crack in his chest, which was terribly painful, but he was quite fierce, carrying no snoring, leaving the flesh apart.


The strong man who followed the protector of the king city was a bit angry, but he didn't appear just now to let him vent his flames of anger. But what level of strong are the fairy warriors and the king of heaven? How can they kill?

"You can do it right? Otherwise, I, the guardian, will do it for you?"

The defender of the King City responded coldly, and gave him no face at all.

"The protector talked and laughed." The big man from the Xian clan smiled bitterly: "If you make a mistake, you will be punished, but it is too heavy ..."

"On the private use of the gate of the fairyland, I bombed all of them, who dare to say a word!"

The defender of the King City snorted, and then immediately noticed that the dark disaster was spreading in the eyes, and immediately became furious, saying, "Dare to let the black disaster spread, you can really be a strain!"

"Bang ..."

Immediately after his words fell, Xianmen's blood was shining once again, one after another powerful princes were really killed, and the whole blood of Xianmen was spreading, and the young generation was frightened.

This is too domineering, the king said that kill and kill!

In the same way, the protector of the king city is the existence of the dominating king city. You must know that the king city is the land of the king. His protector of the king city is of natural power and is qualified to deprive the prince's mark!

"This bunch of miscellaneous things." The big men from the immortal were also embarrassed. I didn't expect them to dare to let the black catastrophe spread. Don't you know that the sons of the protectors of the King City are almost killed in the hands of the dark world?

"Lord Protector lives!"

The surviving prince was completely terrified and knelt down for mercy.

"A bunch of wastes that can only be intrigued, how can He deceive the king? He still has to judge the crime of heaven, and I know what kind of contribution the emperor of the year made to the fairy world?"

The anger of the martial arts is hard to dispel, although few days of taboo history dare to mention it, it does not mean that the martial arts are not clear.

The immortal and reincarnation emperors were completely destroyed because they angered the emperor, and he even hit the dark world!

The dark definition has been severely damaged, otherwise there will not be a large-scale battle against the fairyland in the next tens of millions of years.

However, the history of that taboo historical event was very short, and the ancient emperor disappeared!

Once in the fairyland, the powerful men tried to find the ancient emperor, but unfortunately there was no clue.

Once they speculated that the ancient emperor of heaven died, and died in the dark world.

It is also estimated that the ancient emperor suffered heavy injuries and healed in special areas.

But after a long time, the ancient emperor has never appeared, but there is another statement that is more credible. The ancient emperor may no longer be within the Three Realms, which is beyond the knowledge of the protectors.

In short, this is a historical mystery that no one can solve.

The immortal and reincarnation emperors hated heaven, not because the emperors almost uprooted their ancestors.

That taboo history was not mentioned because the ancient emperor hit the emperor too severely, not only their two emperors, but also other emperors.

It's about the face of the emperor. Since the ancient emperor disappeared, this incident has gradually become a taboo history!

"Human world!"

The guardian's eyes stared at the present human world, and sadness erupted in his heart. How old was the human world at that time? Will history repeat itself? What kind of destiny will the future fairyland have?

The pattern of the Three Realms broke down. If there was no ancient emperor, perhaps the second round of large-scale attacks would have broken out in the Dark Realm!

But the long years have passed, and the dark world has mostly recovered its vitality. Will this day arrive far away?

"Master Guardian forgive me life, I've waited to know what was wrong!" The living prince kneels for mercy.

"Killing you is cheaper for you, depriving you of the prince's mark, and giving me a fight on the first battlefield, never returning for ten thousand years!" Said the guardian coldly.

"Do not....."

The King of the Heavens shivered in fear. The immortal world and the dark world killed the long years and divided a series of battlefields, but the first battlefield is the most dangerous, and the possibility of the death of the Great Saint is very great!

But for thousands of years, it is almost impossible to come back alive, which means that they have been sentenced to death.

"You are arbitrary!"

The immortals are angry, they are okay, but the king of immortals and the king of heaven are both glorious generations. Once assigned to the battlefield, this will have a great impact on the majesty of the emperor.

"Do I need to hold a princely meeting?"

The words of the guardian fell down, and the king of heaven and the king of immortal looked as if they were dead. The guardian took command of the emperor. The people of the immortal heaven could be alive. Just check it and find out.

The immortal world contends with the endless years of the dark world, opening up a series of battlefields and fighting with the strong in the dark world.

Many of the terrible princes of the princes were almost killed. Most of the clans in the immortal world and the dark world did not share the same sky. Once they had publicized what they did in the immortal heaven, things would be completely out of order.

They are desperate, and the princely mark of the eyebrows is deprived!

It is true that the protectors of the royal city can rule the princes of the world.

He was also sufficiently qualified to strip off their princehood.

In short, this fall was too big, and it was completely unexpected, this incident will directly shock the king city guardian, and there will be an imperial order in the human world to press on the immortal world.

"I hate it!"

The King of Immortals roared in his heart. He had done so many things without completing any plans. It was a shame and shame.

The next moment, he noticed the immortal celestial sphere, the transcendent amazing power that emanated from him, and suddenly felt hope in his heart.

He just cast a special secret method to help the underworld people to break into the Great Holy Realm with his own essence and treasure, but he also rushed to the quasi-Great Holy Reality with his own energy and energy!


The immortal celestial energy storm is surging, and the whole world is shaking. Strictly speaking, such people can't affect so much in the fairy world, but the environment of the immortal celestial area is not as good as before!

"Kill me, you can't!"

The immortal ancestors drank coldly, running through the half-step Great Sacred Realm, the breath soared a lot, and behind them all showed a majestic and vast figure, standing on top of each other, majestic and powerful.

"You have no hope. There is absolutely something happening at the gate of the fairyland. Your wish will fall through!"

Su Yan responded coldly: "Now I'm still stubborn. What can I do now, even if you step into the Great Saint?"


The first ancestors of the Xian clan laughed and said, "What is death? Is it dead in the hands of your sinful obstacle? I have enough to kill for millions of years, and it is also enough to be brilliant for millions of years.

"You are dreaming!"

Su Yan was full of blood and glared at the ancestors of the Immortals.

"How can you help me?"

The immortal ancestors were very calm and gave a cold smile, saying: "The collapse of the myth of heaven, the slaughter of all the people in the Jiudingzhou heaven court, and the invasion of the endless souls with the attack of the Xuanhuang universe, you just survived by chance Ant, how can you treat me, even if it gives you the power of the Holy One? "

"I will catch you alive!"

Su Yan shouted in the sky, and the silent funeral cave immediately penetrated into Su Yan's body. At this moment, Su Yan directly possessed the sage's peak combat power, and the overall energy breath was violent!

"I beat you into a dog again!"

He shouted, his black hair fluttered, his breath was terrifying, and he struck the ancestors of the immortal.

(Brothers, the update is over, sorry.

It broke out for two days in a row. It doesn't break out today. It's too tiring, but add more!

Also, this is a big chapter.

Many brothers ask where to cast monthly tickets, download crossbar or read a panda, and you can only cast a monthly ticket at a genuine address. Panda's brothers can vote in the book support works, which is more difficult to find. )

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