Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1805: The First Patriarch

"evil creature!"

The ancestor of the immortal was furious. He is now a half-step saint, and his breath is much stronger than before. Once a landslide breaks, the sun and the moon fall!

The vastness and magnificence bloomed, swept across hundreds of states, and the hair of endless souls was a force that surpassed the Taoist ancestors and exceeded their cognition. It was too grand and vast, and Taoist ancestors were completely two concepts.

This is just a half-step grand saint. If it is a grand saint of the heyday, how powerful is it!


The first ancestors of the immortal raised their hands, covered the sky, and stretched towards Su Yan. Hundreds of Ruixia bloomed along the way, the rules of the Tao spread, showing various strange visions, like the gate of the fairy dome in full bloom!

People are appalling and think Su Yan is a bit small. It seems that it is really difficult to generalize the Great Saint and the Holy One.

"Oh my god, what's Su Yan using?"

Someone exclaimed, seeing Su Yan exhaling infinitely turbulently, like a peak saint whistling, spraying out the dazzling light of the avenue, and soon as if the universe was in full bloom!

The fusion of funeral cave and Su Yan bridged a large number of gaps in the realm. The fist prints that erupted in an instant made the world and the land thunder, and the big states were roaring and trembling. This fist print is really powerful!


This piece exploded, Qiankun turned upside down, and the sky burst into a big cave, destroying the tide of waves, and spreading towards the distant world.

Immediately, some Taoist ancestors shot out to isolate their fighting storm, but once the means of resistance were used, all the crushed energy orders collapsed, almost threatening themselves and had to be shocked!

"call out......."

Su Yan rose to the ground, rushed into the outer space and time, and plunged into the void.

"Where to escape!"

The big hands of the ancestors of the immortal family stretched once again, covering the earth with vastness and boundlessness, covering Tianyu.

The world is shocked. This is the great sage. Raising your hand through the heavens and the earth, all extend to the outer space and time. It is truly arrogant.

The ancestors of the immortal thought that Su Yan was about to run away. This palm is extremely horrible, and the vast nothingness has broken. The huge golden palm print went straight to Su Yan, filling the vast void zone!

"Battle Outside the Territory!"

Su Yan was furious, and threw a punch like lightning. The energy of his body slammed out. How frightening Su Yan's fist was, the Lord of the Land was hard to fight, but the half-step Great Holy Power encountered was quite brutal.

The marks of Su Yan's fists were roaring, like a thunderbolt, making him stunned.

"I don't know what is dead or alive, let you know how strong the half-step big saint is!"

The ancestor of the immortal drank coldly, stepped out and stepped directly into the outer space and time. His overall breath was too terrifying, crushing this area of ​​nothingness, and the energy blooming throughout the whole person fluctuated infinitely.


He yelled, mana was boundless, and nothingness was difficult to stop his power. A huge black hole burst out of space and time, and Su Yan had to be swallowed directly!


Su Yan was screaming in the sky, and the breath leaked out became more and more fierce. The flamboyant light of the reincarnation erupted in the flesh, and the strength of the half step came from the pressure of the heaven.

This area is extremely powerful. If the first ancestor of the Xian tribe turned around with Da Sheng Su Yan, although he had a funeral cave to make up for some of the power, after all, he did not belong to Su Yan and could not be regarded as the peak saint!

The lightning of the war has become fiery, and it is impossible for the half-step saint to suppress Su Yan. The energy between each other formed a collision, tearing the endless void, and it also caused the energy explosion!

The immortal ancestors were horrifying, and his pupils sent a strong killing thought. He was not an ordinary person, and all kinds of magical powers also turned, especially when the eyes were opened and closed, the power of heaven was leaked, and the spirit of horrible souls was spreading. Forced to Su Yan!

Su Yan's frontal is bright and psychic, and the internal gods want to fall, as if they are trapped in a black purgatory and face trials in every possible calamity!


Su Yan's Yuan Shenqi rushed into the bullfight, and the Yang Qi billowed, and evolved in a sip of time, cutting off the influence of Yan Tianyan.


At this moment, Su Yan encountered terrible crushing, the ancestors of the Xian people became more and more crazy, and a series of energy substances in their bodies were leaked out, all possessing the Holy Power, destroying the Cangyu, crushing the nothingness, and heading towards Su Fire suppression!

"Da Sheng, is it really that strong?"

Baocai felt worried, Su Yan was completely suppressed, and was slowly restrained. Even if he mastered the ten ways of the heavens, the ancestor of the immortal family also mastered the eyes of the heavens.

"It's a change of quantity." Dao Shuyi whispered: "It's not a level. If Su Yan's true strength stands on the top of the Holy One, of course, he will not fight hard. He has just broken through the holy realm and it is difficult to fight with the half-step holy holy spirit. . "

Similarly, the ancestors of the Xian people also saw the strength of Su Yan, deliberately or unintentionally avoided his physical body, did not confront him at all, and suppressed with the vast and endless mana in his body.

And the ancestors of the Immortal race became stronger and stronger. He just got the treasure of the Emperor Wu of the human body, but he hadn't had time to refine it. Now his flesh and blood body is more and more brilliant, and the leaked energy materials are more and more shocked!

The heavenly saints are horrified. What a terrible energy body this is. There are too many surpassing saints. Some people suspect that the ancestors of the immortal tribe will rush into the realm of the great sacred spirit!

"You can not!"

The first ancestors of the immortal sneered in succession, and also performed a series of great magical powers. The war in extraterrestrial space and time has become fierce, and various mysteries have been swept across the sky, killing and rolling, even louder than the sound of the tsunami roar!


The roar of the immortal ancestors promoted the essence of the overall qi and blood. At the same time, they resonated, what a huge life body, exhaling the breath of destruction!


Suddenly, a horror breath bloomed, heavy to the extreme, and suddenly the energy waves from the sky were bursting!

The dark and inky Fangtian painting halberd is empty, heavy and excessive, the pressure is endless, and horrible divine power is constantly blooming, which has knocked down a series of supernatural powers pressed by the immortal ancestors!

Su Yanru was an overlord of the sky, roaring the starry sky, and killing Fang Tianhua with a single arm. This strike was extraordinarily powerful. A big explosion occurred in space and time outside the territory, and it also collapsed into a huge black hole, towards the body of the immortal ancestor. Here comes the kill!

The extermination of the halberd is endless, and the energy emitted by the ancestors of the immortal is shattered by a series of bombers!


Suddenly, a ray of Jianmang radiated, revealing the breath of massacre!

"Xian Xianjian, this is the real thing."

In the immortal gate, the protector of the royal city was surprised. The owner of the former fairy sword was an extremely glorious existence. In the ancient times, he had a legend in the world. In his era of vertical and horizontal practice, his protector of the royal city was not born yet!

This mouthful of Xianxian sword is definitely the real one. The murderous spirit is too strong.


Wu Xianjian and the extinct halberd collided together, Mars was huge, deafening, and the world was constantly roaring.

Su Yan's arm sank fiercely, and the extinct halberd almost broke away from the palm of his hand, and the whole body burst with some bloodstains, which shocked him. This fierce soldier was so terrible and invincible that he could cut off his body at every turn!

"Do you accept it?"

The ancestor of the immortal sneered, holding the Xianxian sword, and he is not afraid that Su Yan can control the Xianxian sword. He is already a half step saint. Mastering the Xianxian sword is even more subtle and will not happen before.

"Are you proud?" Su Yan scorned: "One and a half steps away, I haven't been able to hold back a monk who has just broken through the Holy Land for so long. What can you be proud of!"


The ancestors of the immortal family roar, and the Xianxian sword is once again dazzling. This golden sword tire runs to an extreme moment. The world collapses and a terrifying vision is revealed. It is the death of millions of immortals and the endless world. collapse!

A terrible blow, Su Yan was cold from head to toe, feeling that he would be cut off.

He was horrified. This sword was too scary. Is it the strongest killer in history? Only half-step saints can barely exert some real power!

"Get your life!"

The ancestor of the immortal preached with a fairy sword. He wanted to try to kill Su Yan, his energy was leaked out, transpiration of the brilliant light, covered the entire sky, and passed on the terrible restraint!

This sword tore everything, and the vision was so high that Su Yan looked extremely small.

When he approached infinitely and pressed towards Su Yan, his palm suddenly stretched out, yelling, "Sword is coming!"


The face of the ancestors of the immortal family changed greatly, and Wu Xianjian was completely out of control. There was an ancient deity faintly awakened by Su Yan, and the bang suddenly left his palm and fell into Su Yan's hands!


Su Yan yelled, waved the Xianxian sword, and hula suddenly cut off all the energy orders leaked from the ancestors of the immortal!

Between heaven and earth was cut off, like a river of years!

People all over the world were dull, and Su Xianjian was taken back by Su Yan.

what's the situation? So funny?

Fairy Zixia suspected that the mysterious bones were shot, and passed on to Su Yan's secret technique to control the fairy sword, and recovered the treasure.


Su Yan yelled and killed, Xi Xianjian withdrew, his body exudes the light of horrible blood, the power of all bodies resonates, and the vast funeral weather rises.

"Dare you bully me!"

The ancestor of the immortal family was furious. He saw Su Yan's intention and wanted to fight close to him.

The sword just cut off the energy in his body, the loss is too serious, and only the flesh can fight on.

He really didn't believe it. He was half a step away from the Great Saint and couldn't stop Su Yan!


However, when Su Yan's figure came down completely, the power of terror spreading all over the world. As if he was carrying the great pressure of the universe, he was so brave as to be able to blow over his body.

At this moment, the ancestors of the immortal family knew just how much killing the former Lord of the Lands suffered. The son ’s physical body was too outrageous, the sacred body, the blood and the vastness, drowned this dilapidated battlefield!


Su Yan blasted with a fist, the ancestors of the Immortals were difficult to match, and the half-step saint's body could not hold Su Yan's terrible power, and the beaten body burst into a blood hole!

The ancestors of the immortal clan roared, he couldn't even carry a blow, the flesh and blood body would fall apart!

The strong men in Xianmen were stunned. The young man's body was really amazing. No wonder the fairy feathers would lose.

The half-step holy body was actually hanged, and the ancestors of the Xian people tried their best to prevent it.

Su Yan punched punch after punch, and each punch was magnificent. The ancestors of the immortal screamed constantly and flew physically.

Su Yan chasing, or punch after punch, is about to collapse the source of life in the ancestors of the immortal!

"Sin Beast ...

The ancestors of the immortal clan roared, it was too miserable. He was beaten like a dog and could not escape. He had also been severely damaged. His body was full of sores and had collapsed into eighteen blood caves.

"I said, I'll beat you like a dog!"

Su Yan sneered: "If you were not in charge of Xi Xianjian and oppressed me, you would not fall into this end, obediently!"

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