Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1916: Stone king

Mu Xin was in a state of perplexity. She had just stepped into the realm of Huang Dao, and she knew that this realm was powerful, and she could trigger the laws of heaven and earth to suppress the powerful enemies.

Although the reincarnation of the old emperor, despite his blood and blood loss, did not have the power of the heyday, Su Yan fisted up, the order of heaven and earth exploded, and the mountains in the distance were torn apart in chaos.

The earth trembled, as if stepping out of the ancient immortal Holy Spirit, and the mighty sky swept over the old emperor of the reincarnation.

"who are you?"

The severely damaged emperor shouted, is this really Su Yan? Every step he took, it seemed like the pulse of the heavens and the earth was throbbing, and a figure was looming behind his back. The grand one would suppress the soul.

The old emperor became more and more frightened, and his hair was turned upside down. What kind of power is this?

Has Su Yan succeeded the Emperor? The figure presented behind him is presented in the order of thousands of laws, and like the emperor who bears all ages, it is majestic, the kind of heavenly power is more serious than the collapse of Xinghe!


The old emperor coughed up blood, and soon could not bear the breath of Su Yan and began to worship. He even felt that he was very small and insignificant in front of Su Yan, as if he was facing the master in the soul.

What kind of law is this? Why do I have this outrageous feeling.

"Reincarnation, I almost forgot the King of Black Stone!"

Su Yanru, the everlasting emperor returned, the whole golden blood was permeated, walking with the law of heavenly order, he was like wearing the Xeon suit, raised his hand to blast the sky, and destroyed the old emperor's body!

Bloody and startling.

This is an old emperor who couldn't handle Su Yan's killings and was blasted.

Tie Baocai looks like a ghost, what magical power does Su Yan operate?

You must know that their progress has been huge in these years, but Su Yan's growth is too amazing. He is not the peak of the Great Saint, and he can kill the powerful Emperor with such a peerless attitude!

Su Yan just turned on the power of the Emperor's Scriptures. It looks like an ancient supernatural power that is running through the world, with endless coercion, and is even more deterrent than the powerful Emperor.

"The mine king should be mature."

Mu Xin whispered, the reincarnation emperor's plan was very large, and the caretaker mine king had also been for almost ten years. It was believed that it had reached maturity.

Su Yan counted the time, and she felt a sudden rush in her mind. The reincarnation emperor was already mining the mine king, and she had to rush to her destination as soon as possible.

The group disappeared, quickly away, and crossed the ancient world of Shenkuang.

"Look at me."

Mu Xin is beautiful and delicate, her eyebrows are curved, her big eyes are clear and agile, and a pair of huge wings suddenly appear behind her, lingering the faint faint immortal breath.


The moment the giant wings fluttered, the world was trembling, the mountains and mountains were roaring, and the stars were shaking.

This is a pair of wings that Phoenix King left and practiced. It shows how much Phoenix King loves his brows in the end. The huge wings are dancing. The sky is full of fragments of the road, carrying Su Yan them. Walk around!

Before they disappeared, a mysterious skeleton found a big fuzzy hand, rippling with energy ripples, erasing all traces of Su Yan.

After all, the Emperor Tibetan Cave was opened, and once the emperors noticed it, the incident would be ruined and it must be kept strictly confidential.

As expected from the mysterious bones, they just left less than half a column.

In time, this fragmented space and time trembled violently. The distant world, like the gods, descended around the reincarnation light rain, covering this area!

"Forbidden Giant!"

The entire ancient world was horrified. A group of extremely terrible beings came to the world. This is not just one. In addition to leading the three major taboos, it is accompanied by dozens of reincarnation. Strong!

Endless life trembles, this ancient world can only be regarded as barren, similar to the advent of forbidden giants, which may not happen once for tens of thousands of years.

But this time is different. There are three horror bosses. The sentient beings are horrified. What is happening?

"Dead, a strong man of my family died here!"

The chaos across the sky is like a waterfall, and the three shocking figures stand between the heavens and the earth, looming, dim and supremely powerful, sweeping the entire ancient world.

Thousands of spirits are thrilled, this is the **** who can hardly resist, the whole ancient world is darkened, and the thunder on the top of the sky is rolling, and they want to break their soul.

The three major taboo strong men have a somber complexion. They explored the eight wastelands with their eyes, and never found traces of the enemy.

"Isn't it from the funeral world?" Someone thought of something.

The three major taboo giants shook their heads at the same time. No, they should use the eyes of the sky to see. They have not captured any traces of time and space in the burial realm. Some people questioned the nearby creatures, but they could not ask one of them.

"A pair of giant wings turned empty and hurried."

The clues are too rare to determine who killed the reincarnation strong.

The giants of this tribe are angry, but they are the reincarnation of the emperor. Who dares to assassinate members of their tribe? Are you tired?

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!"

Some strong men said coldly: "I vaguely suspect that it is related to the Emperor Tibetan Cave. The spies my family arranges here will not coincidentally encounter the enemy and be killed. Do you say dead Su Yan is here?"

They are in a heavy mood. It has been ten years since Su Yan left Wangcheng until now?

This person disappeared, the world evaporated, and the person who wanted to find a hidden person in the fairyland was a needle in a haystack. Originally, it was suspected that Su Yan's destination was the Emperor Tibetan Cave, but he could not wait for ten years!

The three major taboos joined forces to once again observe the edge of the entrance to the burial world with Tianmu, but they still did not have any clues.

"You go first, the King of Mines must not make mistakes to ensure that this material is excavated smoothly and escorted back to the family!"

Their faces were a little gloomy, and then they decided to leave a guard here, and the rest returned first.

The King of Mine is already digging. This incident has alarmed the high-level members of the reincarnation. Although it is still difficult to determine what the King of Mine is, it can be concluded that it is definitely related to the King of Immortals!

The value of this treasure is too heavy, you must ensure that the mine king is foolproof.

Hundreds of gods and mines ancient world, perennial wars, blood flow.

The vast ancient world is one piece after another. If it can be connected together, it is a vast ancient mining area, which contains endless treasures of heaven and earth. Sometimes it is possible to dig out treasures that are hard to find in the world.

However, most of them are secretive, the older the sedimentation of the ancient mining area, the greater the probability of the birth of the precious treasure.

Long years passed, some super ancient mining areas were controlled by the Qiangs, and the hands of the Emperors reached here.

There is no doubt that this is a large treasure land and the endless years of war, especially one of the large mining areas nowadays

The ancient world, day after day, year after year, the spirit of the whole ancient world is greatly reduced!

Many territories have dried up, reduced to wasteland, and made some of the hometowns of the indigenous peoples here endless.

In particular, this influence has spread to the surrounding ancient realms. This incident has shocked some interested people to come and investigate. It has definitely bred an incredible treasure. What regrets them is that the direction of the source was held in the hands of the reincarnation emperors. All outsiders waited close.

After all, it is the reincarnation emperor. If the tribe really digs out treasures, they dare not say much.


In the ancient world where the spirit was declining, samsara emperors were guarded everywhere.

Nowadays, the distant world is trembling with fierce light, which shocked a group of strong men to come to investigate, but unfortunately, no one saw it. The reincarnation of the Emperor Powers blew into the sky and died a great deal!

Nothing to say, just kill it!


Su Yan's words were heavy. His eyes were looking down at the vast land. They had been here ten years ago, but now the spirit of this ancient world has fallen a lot.

This surprised Mu Xin. This is an ancient world. The area is measured in billions. Does the mining king need to sacrifice the energy of the entire ancient world?

Su Yan seriously suspected that the nearby ancient circles were also affected.

He can catch that the strange and volatile waves in the ancient mining area are as if the earth is gestating dragon veins and seizing the heaven and earth, and it is estimated that it has taken shape now.

Because of this strange energy, the direction of the source can't be suppressed, and it is about to burst out.

"Not good. Something big has happened. Is it trying to get away?"

At this moment, the powerful men returned to the ancient world, and along the way, the blood was pungent, and it turned out to be corpses!


The two taboo giants are furious. Who is starting? So unscrupulous, it is clear that the other side has killed the past all the way, using means of blood and domineering, the reincarnation of the army dispatched by a tribe, a total slaughter.

"A big deal broke!"

A taboo giant was furious, his eyes widened.

When he looked at the ancient mining area, his eyes were all red, he saw a pair of huge wings, dazzling the horror, and the moment he was trembling, the ten squares shuddered, and the fierce might swept the whole ancient world!

A pair of wings was like a peerless fairy sword. When crushed down, a large number of strong men outside the mining area screamed and flew out in pieces. Many strong men's bodies were torn apart!

"An enemy attack ..."

Some strong men yelled, who was so mad and went straight to the door to fight war with their reincarnation?


The treasures rushed out. After ten years of sedimentation, once a powerful shock broke out, they swept all the way and slaughtered the strong who fled to the distance.

"Jack, stop me ..."

The two big taboo giants yelled, but they were too slow!

The mining area was stained with blood, the sword was swept across the sky, and the sky's bamboo was manifested, which burst the area in a short time, and the impact of the mining seal's strength also collapsed!

At this moment, the strange wave flowing from the Black Stone King suddenly surged, and the entire mining area that was bombarded trembled violently, along with the ancient world nearby.

Dozens of ancient worlds are shaking in an all-round way, and all mining areas are glowing, as if congratulations to the birth of King Shi!

(Sixth more brothers, ask for monthly tickets to encourage!)

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