Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1917: Bloodwash

"What happened? Is there a stone king born?"

Someone started trembling, this day and the earth were trembling violently, the ancient mining area in the distance was violently roaring, Ruixia was rolling and sputtering, and sensationalized the world.

This is not a mining area. The entire ancient world mining area glowed at the same time, and it turned out that Ruixia stirred up the sky. It can be imagined how strong the storm was.

"This sign ... It should have been born of the world's hard-to-find King of Stone, which caused great changes in the world, but suddenly, where is the source?"

Sudden events caused a big wave. Some strong men were shocked, their bodies darted to the top of the sky, and they looked at the wild places. The scalp suddenly became numb, and dozens of ancient worlds shook at the same time. The major mining areas resonated, and the momentum was extremely powerful. .

"Oh my god, what is this gem unearthed?"

This made the older generation of powerful people scream with excitement, but this is the stone king that affected dozens of ancient worlds.

Forbidden strong people are in a state of excitement, and will not happen once in millions of years.

"It seems to be the direction of the reincarnation of the emperor. In the early years, the essence of the land has dried up, and the old man suspected that there would be a treasure to come out, but he did not expect that it would come true."

"The ancient world was occupied by the reincarnation emperors, and no powerful people were allowed to approach."

Zhu Qiang was annoyed. Although he had no contention, he could not see the excavation with his own eyes. It was also a great regret in life.

"No, you guys look ..."

"Blood, so many corpses, has the mining area caused ominous?"

Some strong men perceive the direction of the source with Tianmu, seeing that the ancient mining area was stained with blood, roaring, and covering the sky, how many souls died?


The loud noise exploded, and the huge ancient mining area seemed to collapse. Su Yan and his party rushed all the way to the depths of the mining area, approaching the stone king.

In the process, strange waves constantly erupted, and it was difficult for the Great Saints to carry them. They had to intercept even the treasures, carrying the force of great changes in the world, and approaching the source area infinitely.

"Ah kill ..."

The two major horror creatures have gone mad, the taboo giants of the reincarnation of the reincarnation roared, sent out the idea of ​​horrific killing, tore the sky, and opened the boundless earth!

"Oh my **** ..."

People outside were shocked. Is anyone attacking the mining area?

However, the advent of such a terrible stone king can indeed attract the strong to go mad. Once the ancient world of gods and mines also broke out, the death of the immortal king was difficult to estimate.

Now, the reincarnation of the reincarnation emperor's two major taboos roar, sending out cold killing thoughts, and breaking into the blood-stained mining area!

The entire mine was roaring and trembling, and many **** cracks burst out, infecting the blood, and it would collapse at any time!

"Uh ..."

Strange fluctuations continue to spread, sweeping out and out, affecting dozens of ancient circles flutter!

In fact, if it is not in the source area, one after another, the reincarnation emperor strongman will guard it, and even Bao intercepts most of the bizarre fluctuations, which will shake the century. Once this happens, the unearthed Emperor Xianzhen is definitely not reincarnation. A clan can be exclusive!

"A strong enemy is coming ..."

Deep in the ancient mining area, turbulent waves erupted, a group of silent strong men recovered, their faces were gloomy, and the news had been sealed so tightly that I did not expect to trigger the killing of strong men!

They suspect that the people of the imperial family came to the door, otherwise who would dare pluck hair on the tiger's ass!

"Don't worry about them, hurry up to dig the stone king."

Deep in the mining area, an old man in a gray robe sits in chaos, his fierce pores are slightly transpired, and some taboos are chilled and at the same time calmed down.

Lu Fengmao's old-fashioned dragon bell, but with unrivaled divine power, his slightly muddy pupil stared at him, a stone king who was about to fall off all the stone skin!

A strange master of this family is under the rain, constantly holding the source pen, engraving Qimen Upright, helping the stone king to break through the shell, and the distance is now getting closer and closer.

The awakening place of the Black Stone King is like a sea of ​​universe that can't be seen ....

Shenguang is too brilliant. Once it loses its repression, it directly penetrates the ancient mining area and triggers the resonance of hundreds of ancient mines in the ancient world! It has seized the heavens and earth's fortunes and formed, perhaps gestating hundreds of millions of years, and formed along with the fairyland avenue!

The stone king was gradually born, and the flowing strange waves became more and more shocking. It swept down the earth and shook heaven and earth!

Su Yan came, shaved her shawl, her eyes were cold and electric, and she took a sip of the town furnace and came to the door.

"Who are you?"

There are big men scolded, when you see a group of young men and women, all of them are a little aggressive, what is the situation?

"you guys......"

The forbidden strong with fearful anger is furious: "Your courage is too big, dare to ride wild on our emperor's head, even if you are from the emperor, you will not escape!"

Su Yan calmly responded: "I came here ten years ago. The reason why I didn't get the news out was because I wanted this stone king. Why do you think we are not qualified to compete for the stone king?"

"Stupid, a bunch of juniors, dare to come here to wantonly!"

The ancient mining area is roaring fiercely, and there is no limit to the mighty might. There are three forbidden powers here, and there are a series of peak powers in the royal field. They rush out with the big killers and want to kill them directly!


Suddenly, the sharp air was leaked, and the body of the Emperor Road might be split and their souls cut off!

Mu Xin erupted, the wings behind her suddenly enlarged, blazing and dazzling, and she could split the sky at every turn, and cut off the stars, and there was a vague field of fairy kings in between!

"this is?"

Feng Fengmao's complexion changed slightly, his eyes were looking at Mu Xin, he could vaguely see that the giant wing came from a large place, with the immortal king Tao fruit lined up, his eyes were a little reddish, and this thing helped him a lot. .


Mu Xin's body was pounding forward against the ground, and the treasure forces from the sky were split, and the infinite fierce phoenix and giant wings came bursting out, giving the three major taboos powerful pressure.

This is the fairy king treasure, but a little girl can perfectly integrate and explode. The origin of this female doll is not easy!

"call out......"

The figure of Su Yan strode forward, the destination is the Black Stone King.

"Sin barrier, a saint dare to come to death and give me life!"

One after another the emperor was angry, the law of the emperor was sputtered, and it was not yet possible to suppress a great saint!

Su Yan broke out, unsealing the strongest combat power.

He was so full of blood and blood that he blocked this thing in an instant. It is hard to imagine that this is a great holy eruption. The divine power is like a tide, transpiration of the light that destroys the world!

What about one powerful king after another? The law of order they evolved collapsed directly in front of Su Yan's fierce might, and the heavens and earth were trembling like paper, everything must be surrendered to Su Yan's feet!


"how can that be......"

The king shivered, what kind of monster is this?

The imperial order can't hold back his fierce might. Su Yan now crosses a great realm, and is a strong player in the field of imperial imperial power!


Su Yan yelled, black hair fluttered, the emperor's scriptures were running, and the golden verses of the sky drew a supreme figure. Looking down at the emperor of the world, he said he respected the world.

A great saint predominates a group of emperors, and this scene calms everyone!


The funeral fist is unparalleled in the world, and it instantly exploded here. A group of emperors who shivered trembled their bodies, spit out a large amount of blood, and they were about to be blown by Su Yan's punch!

"Do not......"

Several emperors died, and Su Yan was killed alive.

Who is fighting?

Su Yan strode forward, and he turned towards him, like a human-shaped fierce dragon erupting, his body terrifying, the mystery of the Tao and the majestic majesty, as if the King of Kings was coming to the world!

"How could it be, who are you?"

The living emperor yelled, his heart filled with panic, they couldn't resist, they just felt the gigantic force covering their bodies, and their mouths and noses were bleeding!

Are they really emperors?

Su Yan is more like an invincible emperor. The emperor's scripture has evolved into a supernatural form. Everyone must suppress the emperor's god. "cut!"

Su Yan's palm rises, reaching 100,000 feet!

One cut, the reincarnation of mystery blooms, and the sword is like carrying a century of reincarnation.

Pieces of the emperor are exhausted, their lives are dying, they are aging, and they are facing death.

What is this secret method? Their reincarnation emperors are also good at reincarnation mystery, but Su Yan's reincarnation is fierce and overbearing, and contains the power of heaven.


Baocai they rushed along, and along the way, abolished the powerful Emperor of the Road.

In short, they were too cruel, killing them directly along the way.

"Are you Su Yan?"

Lun Fengmao was very calm, and it was nothing to die of some powerful emperors.

A coldness flashed under his eyes and he calmly said, "You went to the Emperor Tibetan Cave!"

His eyes widened, it was impossible to think of any reason, otherwise he would not be able to explain the terrible state of the child, and had to admit that Su Yan is truly a world-renowned person, the most outstanding figure of the younger generation.

"I said how to be so calm, there is an old immortal sitting here."

Baocai said coldly, this is a pseudo-immortal king, suddenly in a state of silence, which can give them a deadly threat.

"evil creature!"

Feng Maomao's eyes widened, and the light of horrific samsara emerged throughout the sky. The entire ancient mining area almost exploded, bursting into many large cracks, sweeping the vast ancient realm, and then coerced toward the surrounding ancient realm.

Su Yan was horrified. This is a pseudo-immortal king. No matter how transcendent and stunning they are, they are absolutely no match for a pseudo-immortal king.

Moreover, such a person's finger is enough to crush them.

Su Yan resisted the killing idea of ​​the pseudo-immortal king with a town furnace, and kept his eyes fixed on the black stone king. He vaguely caught that the atmosphere inside the black stone king was changing, and a particularly scary boulevard was flowing.

"It's done!"

Su Yan's eyes widened and he said, "Let's get a shot."

"Are you joking?"

Lun Fengmao's face was gloomy. The reason why he did not take the shot was mainly to worry that it would interfere with the formation process of the stone king. After all, with his powerful level erupting, the essence of this ancient world would be pumped clean, which would inevitably affect the stone king.

"Let me shoot?"

Da Jin frowned, dissatisfied: "This old thing is too old, blood and blood are dying, and the human body is weak. It does not meet the Wizards standards at all, and it is not worth the great fighting master to spend his energy training him!"

Lun Fengmao was a little dazed ...

Train yourself? He almost heard the biggest joke in the world.

He is a generation of pseudo-immortal kings. Although he is not an immortal king, he is amazing. Even if an immortal king comes, he does not dare to point at himself!

Da Jinjin's sentence also poked his pain. He has been standing in the field of pseudo-immortal kings for a long time. In fact, there are many people in the emperor kingdom like him. How can the immortal king break through if he wants to break through.

Otherwise, the immediate Monkey King rushes to close the field of the Immortal King, and as a result, the cataclysm is almost ridiculed.

"You don't agree with old things?" Daikin's face pulled down.

"My lord is ..."

At this moment, the reincarnation of the reincarnation monarch's Qitian Master broke out. This caused the Fengfengmao to erupt in an instant, the old flesh began to resurrect, and a small amount of energy from the whistling burst into a huge cave in the ancient mining area, crossing the nineth heaven.

"Big gold shot." Su Yan snarled: "These people are influencing the destruction of the human world!"

"Su Yan, you bastard, why didn't you say it earlier!"

The big gold is full of hair, and it turns into a gold color. It looks like the world ’s demon is going crazy, the moment when the long gold hair is full of dancing, tearing the sky and breaking the sea, each hair can chop the stars. .


Big gold shouted a roar, his body stood on the ground, the anger of blood was burning, flooded the starry sky, murderous horror like the cosmic ocean on the embankment, and the horror was endless in an instant, all over the ancient world!

"Your miscellaneous fish has made you live a few more breaths, which is unreasonable!"

Daikin yelled, "Give Jinye a life!"

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