Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1921: Strike the Emperor!

At the end of heaven and earth, the reincarnation of the emperor turns into the sky, and the blurred body image is alive in the past, walking out from the ancient times!


Divine mighty, sweeping over a million ancient realms, spreading over one tenth of the immortal realm, causing a big wave.

"Emperor, my God, it is the emperor who was born. It seems that the reincarnation tribe is out of the mountain. What happened ..."

The trembling spirit of the heavens is a legendary trip that lives in mythology. There are millions of ancient world resonances. The unparalleled Emperor Power is in the mighty, covering the sky and the sun.

"The emperor giant, came out of the mountain with anger, what happened?"

Wanjiao was a sensation, and the old lords of the heyday teachings stood up, watching the figures coming from the sky and the stars. The million ancient world was flowing and turning under his feet, and the strength was too incredible.

"An emperor of the reincarnation tribe!"

Some old monster looked terrified. I didn't expect this one to be alive. It is rumored that he died a long time ago, and he hasn't been born for a long time. But he came out alive now.

What is an emperor?

This name is crowned, the Lord of the Emperor!

The existence of the peak of the Pyramid of the Immortal Realm, the immortals of the Xianlaoyuan had to visit and worship.

This is also the previous generation of the reincarnation emperor. After a period of taboo historical events occurred, the family also stepped out of the new reincarnation emperor. It is said that the previous generation of emperors sat down.

May be able to sit in the position of the Lord of the God family, we can see this glorious level, his title has not forgotten, the emperor!

In this vein, reincarnation is the reincarnation of the Tianjingjing. The reincarnation of the tribe is also the descendant of the reincarnation emperor. He is the legendary character who once dominated the world.

Although the current Emperor of Heaven, no longer has the power of the past, and his blood is declining, he still undulates the power of the Emperor, sweeping millions of ancient realms, causing a fierce roar of one tenth of the immortal realm!

Some old monsters were frightened. It is said that the taboo history of that year was also a series of misfortunes caused by the emperor.

But this emperor of the reincarnation tribe, after all, it is impossible to watch him die, after all, once he is ridiculed, what face does the reincarnation emperor call the invincible emperor in the immortal world!

Although this difficult life survived, he was wounded in his long years. Even if he hasn't healed yet, he is no longer the former Emperor of Heaven.

"So ruthless, kill the fairy king of my tribe, be the one!"

The grand voice blew, and the endless creatures of the quake roared in both ears.

This is to tell the world that Emperor Tiantian's pores sputtered the light of blood and blood, which instantly smashed the entire space and time. The million ancient worlds were trembling, as if they were to be destroyed together!

The men trembled, and they were all trembling.

what's the situation? The immortal king of the clan died. When did this happen? They did n’t know it at all.


At the same time, the emperor of Tiantian opened his eyes and instantly looked at the place where the immortal king of the tribe died. His eyes were disillusioned with the stars, the door of reincarnation was empty, and the voice of the avenue was read.

In the eyes of the emperor of Emperor Tian, ​​in the bleeding ancient world, all people and things could not hide his eyes.

When he saw Dajinjin, his expression was a little hesitant, and he had a clear insight into Jindou masterbatch.

The moment his eyebrows fell on Su Yan's body, his expression was a little surprised, and he felt that this one was familiar, his breath was familiar, and he seemed to know each other.

But where have you seen it?

This made Ba Tiandi particularly surprised. What he can remember is by no means a leisurely generation. But when you think about it carefully, you can't remember it. The point is that Su Yan is just a great saint with great potential.

Su Yan was also energized. The whole person seemed to be seen through, and his body was stiff.

Although he was in the womb of that year, after all, the emperor was a human being, after all, did he recognize himself?


Suddenly, the whole world shuddered, this kind of majestic coercion overwhelming them, swept their body and mind.

"What is this? Strike the Emperor? What a joke!"

Someone shivered and was about to blow up, slamming the giant?

They found a very crazy thing. Someone was killing the Emperor of the Emperor. There was already the power of thunder and the millions of ancient worlds were also screaming. This is an unimaginable force that is erupting!


The little tower attacked and sprayed out a huge font, reflecting in the sky.

And the tenth layer of fuzzy pagoda is intertwined with the light of the endless universe. At the moment of glowing, the entire tower was strong, and it struck along the long river to kill the Emperor!

"Dash, a piece of utensils dare to target me!"

Emperor Batian was so furious that he had not stepped out of the gate for a long time, but now he has been intercepted as soon as he came out. How can he not be annoyed.

His big hand rose, and he made a sudden attack, and a huge wave erupted along the boundless star field along the way, and one huge star burst after another!

At least this blow straddled thousands of ancient worlds, the endless Emperor tumbling, overwhelming, suppressing towards the small tower.

The gods shuddered, the scene was too scary, it was unimaginable and could not see the whole picture, but I felt that the world broke apart, everything was destroyed once, and the immortal world seemed unable to carry the battle between them!


The small tower was blazing, the tenth floor was suddenly blurred, but it was like a giant looking down on the years, exuding extreme strength, and the huge palms that came from the heavy cover suddenly hit each other!

The star field collapsed and had a profound impact!

The world feels that God has been penetrated, and the outer region has collapsed into a **** hole. Nothing can be seen clearly, and he must fall into darkness forever.

Su Yan's mind was tense, could the tower defeat the Emperor?

It just swallowed a large amount of cosmic stone and stone. To produce the tenth layer of tower body, there is no doubt that the power has skyrocketed.

But after all, it is facing the giant of the emperor. Although the emperor Tiantian is not the reincarnation emperor of the year, even if it is declining, it is by no means a leisurely generation!

The heavenly Emperor ’s Law was leaked and roared, like a sea of ​​life, and the impacting towers danced in the storm of destruction, as if a stone was about to burst!


Suddenly, the tower's body imprinted a huge ancient word.

In an instant, the tower completely changed, turning up and zoomed in billions of times, and the huge ones would be filled with reincarnation, like a generation of emperors, and the whole tower exuded a golden light, as if the tower of people was being suppressed.

"The Emperor's Canon."

Su Yan stared, and the little tower also learned the Emperor's Scriptures, and it bloomed directly. The whole of him was like an immortal immortal tower. Somewhat fuzzy.

A tower calms a feudal giant, and the picture looks too unreal.

The world is a sensation. Whose treasure is this tower? Who is his master? Can I kill the emperor once it is thrown?

"Break me!"

During the reincarnation of the reincarnation emperor, the body burst out of the light of reincarnation, the reincarnation of the heavenly scriptures is running, which is the ultimate power of whoever we are, and we must suppress the ancient and modern future!

The two heavenly powers bloomed, and at the same time launched a confrontation. At the same time, this was also a fight between each other's forces.


Cangyu has collapsed, and the big cracks are endless. This is the strongest fighting storm that is sweeping, sweeping a tenth of the territory of the immortal world. The fierce level of battle is unimaginable. The world is shivering, and the sky is Emperor Wei.

The small tower covered the reincarnation emperor with the power of the imperial canon, but it was extremely difficult to completely suppress it.

Under the wrath of the Emperor Tiantian, pores were drilled into the billions of rules of order.

Although he is old and does not have the prestige of the heyday, it is by no means a threat to a tower. Once it breaks out in full, the little tower is roaring and trembling, and it will soon fly out of control of the Emperor!

"Boom boom!"

The tyrants are fighting more and more madly, as if returning to the young age of dominating the world, one punch after another, containing the offensive offense, and the small tower that is playing keeps roaring, this tower seems to be disintegrating!

However, the small tower also continued to drop the vast scriptures, dimly opening the weather, to trace the origin of the imperial path, to connect with the Three Realms, to pull down the magnificent coercion, the pressure of the reincarnation emperor's mouth and nose were bleeding. !!

"Oh my god!"

All spirits roared, and the Emperor Feng was injured. Although the tower was roaring and trembling, the power caused by the tower also bleeds blood from the crushing tyrant Emperor. What kind of weapon is this? From what era?

"Batian, old!"

Some old priests have scalp numbness and have to admit a cruel reality. The emperor may also grow old. If he is in the heyday, who will fight with him, but now the emperor is extremely old, otherwise the little tower will not Choose to smash Batian Emperor.


The emperor roared, and was full of anger. Although it was declining, it could still erupt a little peak combat power!

Even insight into the origin of the little tower, mastering the Emperor's Scriptures, from the human world, is it to follow the laws of the ancient emperor and kill them to kill themselves!

"I am the reincarnation emperor, who dares to stop me, kill!"

The Emperor Tian roared, and suddenly the dog-like dog hit by the ancient Emperor returned to the clan, but after a long period of time, which one is impossible and alive!


He was really violent, wielding his fist prints to completely break the suppression of Xianta, because he caught a dangerous breath, and there were other enemies nearby.

The little tower was roaring and trembling, and it was about to fly out.

But it ca n’t retreat. It has cost so much. It has briefly checked the reincarnation emperor. As long as it borrows the power of insane killing, it is enough to slaughter an emperor.


At this moment, the mysterious skeleton finally waved the sword of the fairy.

With all his strength, the golden sword tyre was almost blown away by the operation, and it sputtered a large and seemingly empty sword horn!

This blow made the mysterious bones dim all over the bones, but it has an extremely horrifying effect. The ancient world is as dry as it is, the endless energy is exhausted, and the starry sky is annihilated!

A sword splits through the epoch and smashes the years!

It's outrageous and unreal!

Because you can't see it at all, this million ancient world seems to be turned into a sword of nothingness. It will cross all parts of the immortal realm, invade the great emperors, and wash the world with blood.

The mysterious bones are like admiring works of art. This is the sword tactic that he slept for hundreds of thousands of years, blending all peerless skills and magical powers, and finally performing.

This sword has no name and no title, and it is also looking forward to the power of this sword.

One sword splits across one ancient world after another, across unimaginable territories, and crosses the entire immortal world in a short time!

"Borrow to the sky for hundreds of millions of years, with my sword, the blood sacrifices the emperor's life, and cut the enemy together!"

The deep roar of the mysterious bones exploded, and he was crazy. The illusory and ancient body turned into a generation of sword ancestors. Looking down on the years, he would turn into an invincible one!


Suddenly, millions of ancient worlds trembled, swords screamed, one after another, like a gigabit sword tire dancing across the sky, emitting a glowing light, wanting to split down the whole sky, sacrificing his invincible kendo, heavy Back to the peak age!

"Oh my **** ..."

Thousands of religions roared, and the ancestors of the major ancient groups shuddered.

This is a terrible scene. Millions of ancient worlds, swordsing echoes, and trillions of swords are rising from the ground. Even the super-killing swords hanging in the Supreme Court ancestral court are flying out, voluntarily singing, responding to mystery. Bone Domineering Words!

At the same time, countless swords mastered by the monks could not help but tremble involuntarily. They flew towards the sky, resonating with the sword of nothingness that slashed towards the emperor along the way, and tilted out of the might, flowing into the body of nothingness.

Su Yan is boiling with blood. This sword is different from the sword era, and it is a world-famous creation created by the mysterious bones!

Millions of ancient worlds are trembling with the sound of Jianming, deafening, and have to sever human flesh and blood and cut off human souls.

What a horror storm this is, the sword ancestor is out, and the swords are the same!


Batian Emperor was a bit frightened. The original crisis was infinitely magnified. The opponent wanted to kill himself with a single sword. This was an assassination in the dark. The power of the ultimate killing suddenly surged.

Suddenly said that this sword tactic is a little strange, but watching the domineering sword of the ancestor of all swords, he instantly thought of a man, a man known as the first sword of the Three Realms, who in this world can save him. Erupted into such a strong sword?

Is he alive?

But if he was really alive, he wouldn't start in secret, just stand up and fight with them.

The mysterious skeleton is the strongest giant in the human world. Naturally, it will not jealous of any emperor, nor any emperor of the emperor. This is a fierce murder that nobody dares to provoke. It is said that he embarked on the road of invincibility in his old age. , Pursue the more frightening Kendo!

"what is that?"

The old monsters of all races were frightened, the whole space and time turned into a sword, unreally unclear, but they felt full of time and space, overwhelming the years and rivers, they must cross the ancient and modern future, cut off and look down Giants of years!


Called the Ultimate Kendo Sword, it instantly broke the order of Emperor Tao, and beheaded on the body of the reincarnation emperor.

"It's you......"

The Emperor of Heaven wants to roar, but there is not much energy, even if the other party develops a new peerless, but he still catches a bit of familiarity, it is definitely he is starting!

The man known as the First Sword of the Three Realms killed him secretly. He could not survive. There are only a handful of immortals who can carry this sword!

If his strongest age is hopeful, but nowadays, there really is a sense of inability to return to heaven ...

"Do not!"

He is struggling madly, the inside is released, the potential is burning, and he wants to borrow power from heaven!

However, it was useless. The tower suffered the danger of the tower's collapse, and imprisoned the body of the Emperor Heaven, but cut off the connection between him and the fairyland, and ruined his power to become emperor. .


With a scream, the emperor's body was broken, the emperor's blood splashed, and the three thousand realms were red!

Like the torrential **** torrent, accompanied by the sky's burning sea of ​​oceans, all the great emperors were trembling.

The world shuddered, causing a horror storm and a sensation throughout the fairyland!

(It's another big chapter, brothers updated two big chapters today!

Finally killed a big guy, brothers ask for monthly tickets! )

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