Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1923: Imperial fate!

The body of the Emperor Tian is broken, but this behemoth is disintegrating, and the whistling hemorrhage storm, whimpering, swept across the millions of ancient realms!

All religions made a sensation, and the old people of all races shuddered. Did the emperor fall down?

Blood, the whole world is blood. It will flow through all ages, destroy a big age, drown the heavens, and exterminate all beings in the universe!

Suddenly, the Scarlet Storm raged, the world was violent, the avenue collapsed, and the sun and the moon fell!

"Hurry up, play the ground to isolate the emperor's blood pollution, and never let it flow to the ancestral land!"

"The material in the emperor's body contains the cycle of life and death, which will cause devastating damage to the environment."

Some of the ancient clans, the ancestral ancestors of the clans, have bloomed immensely, and guarded the opening of the brushstrokes, aroused the environment of the fairy world, and isolated the violent **** storm!

The major ancient cities are also glowing and resonating, but even so, some great religions and ancient cities are as red as the sea, and they seem to be contaminated by the blood of the emperor!

In the earth-shattering event, the emperor's body was broken, and the **** storm was spilled. This is a harmful substance to 99% of the souls. Once it is affected and infected, every life will lose its life.

Even the ancestral lands of all avenues are polluted, and you can imagine the severity of the situation!

"Is the emperor chopped to death with a sword?"

The old monsters all trembled and shouted. The power of the sword just now was still there. The Sky-Eyes could see that there was a big crack in the broken body of the Emperor. There was a deep crack that could not see the end. , I do not know from what era!

There is also the boundless sword sentiment, old monsters of all races are cold, the front is the Jedi of life, and the death is imminent, and the immortal king dare not approach easily!


The roar exploded, sensational of the scarlet starry sky, the sky was full of rain, and they fell in unison, followed by the explosion, destroying countless mountains and territories.

Dilapidated rivers and mountains are infested with blood, all reduced to Jedi in the restricted area!

"It hasn't been ridiculed, it's too scary, but it was just cut off!"

Despair, how strong is the Emperor? The mighty power of a sword just now is enough to defeat the sky. The small tower and the mysterious bones join forces to kill the Emperor. The declining emperor has not died yet, emitting endless fury of fire!

But the mysterious bones are no exception. After all, they are the giants of the emperor.

In the land where the blood shone, big cracks followed one another, and the broken body of the Emperor Tian shuddered, and the **** head shouted!

In an instant, his broken remains were transpired with the laws of Godlessness, like a special life form burning, flowing out of the mysteries of the Supreme Law, and presented like a vague invincible body, to stretch the years and obtain eternity Shouyuan!


The small tower trembled fiercely. This indestructible immortal tower was almost shocked. This is the power of imperialism. It belongs to the emperor's command of the emperor.


The small tower looks like a roar. The ancient font inscribed on the tower body is full of glory. The ten-layered fuzzy tower body is clear. It looks like a magnificent figure, and it is like a royal tower transformed into a supreme man. With the supreme power of heaven, I want to be transformed into a human emperor tower!

The small tower forcibly stabilized the repression. At this moment, the Emperor of the Heavens has gone crazy, the emperor's destiny is burning, and the destiny's great magical power is running. This is the imperial magical power. The little tower is disintegrating!

But in an instant, this magnificent and imperishable rule of emperor's life was suddenly full of scars!

This is a crack, one after the other, this is the sword injury. The mysterious skeleton's sword just not only cut off the body of the emperor, but also cut a sword on his emperor's life!

The imperial fate is torn apart, and it is really going to disintegrate!

The little tower wanted to forcibly kill him, and suddenly realized that his emperor's life was flowing with mysterious speculative power, and he would burn down his entire emperor's life in horror, which would cause the injury to worsen. Reincarnation Wang Yang!

"It seems that it can be done with less effort." The mysterious skeleton whispered, the emperor's life has been wounded for a long time, and has not been cured until now, which indicates that it is an incurable injury.

Even if the small tower and the mysterious bones are now withdrawn, the emperor can not survive, because the injuries are worsening and have reached an uncontrollable level.

But they wouldn't allow it, Batian Emperor kept alive and returned to the family.

"Do not!"

The reincarnation emperor yelled in despair, and depending on the emperor's order, he could still breathe for a while.

However, nowadays, the severe injuries suffered in that year have not been healed, the old injury and the new injury, and the emperor's life is really about to fall. He also feels that the limit is approaching and he can not live for a few days!


Heaven and earth trembled violently, the sea of ​​imperial life burned, the raging waves rolled, and the boundless world shook.

Even if there is a small tower power to prevent it from using the power of the fairyland, even if there is a small tower power to guard and suppress it, the sea of ​​imperial sea violently sends out waves that tremble everyone!

The vague influence is huge and terrifying, and it instantly affects a family!

The ancient reincarnation emperor, the first birthplace of the clans, ranks in the reincarnation circle.

The reincarnation emperor who is one of the oldest three emperor families in the immortal world, the silent ancestral land suddenly shakes!

This is the pulse of reincarnation, and you can imagine how much sensation it caused!

"What happened?"

The tribe is in chaos, and the high-level officials are starting to make a big splash. What kind of group are they? Now the whole ancestral land is shaking, one after another, the fairy kings have stepped out of the secret palace, each one is supreme existence, terrible creatures, terrible to the extreme!


The fierce roar exploded and stirred the entire reincarnation emperor. The endless people were shaking, their bodies were almost broken, and the immortal king shouted in horror.

The blood of the ancestral court drowned the family!

"Duck, what happened to my family?"

There is a fairy king roaring, his eyes are blood red, what is the ancestral area? It is the most important forbidden area of ​​the reincarnation emperor. To put it bluntly, looking at the whole immortal world, the ancestral court of the reincarnation is a well-deserved Jedi.

Today, the ancestral court is stained with blood. How many thousands of years haven't this happened? The history of taboos that once bleed has passed for tens of millions of years!

"Oh no!"

The sound of fear and trembling exploded, and several fairy kings joined forces to open the ancestral courtyard, and saw a magnificent and ancient giant stone statue located in the ancestral courtyard for a long time. Now it is suddenly torn apart and bleeding!

"Do not!"

They are going crazy. The stone statues enshrined in the ancestral court are all ancient ancestors of the reincarnation family. Nowadays, a stone statue is torn apart, which will foretell that the monarch's feudal giant gradually began to apoptotic!

The heart and lungs of the fairy king roar are about to explode, his eyes are blood red, the sky is bursting, and the big cracks are endless!

"Ah, who, who did it!"

They roared like wild beasts, the clans were chaotic, and they were unstable.

The horrifying creatures of the sky are crazy, holding the emperor soldiers to kill!

The younger generation of this tribe is shivering. They are the supreme godless tribe. Now the Dinghaishen needle of the monarchy has collapsed. It is conceivable how much fear and impact have been formed. Dangerous!


Suddenly, the reincarnation sky that floated in the ancestral courtyard turned in the air, sputtering the endless light of the ancient emperor, emitting an unparalleled power of exploration, and it was searching for the entire immortal world.

Explore the breath of the emperor!

"Who, who!"

They were going crazy, what happened to the Emperor Tian, ​​and no message was transmitted back to the family, did they fall into the Jedi of life? Isolate from the world!


In the direction of the source, the small tower shook down again and again, constantly crushing the sea of ​​imperial life!

"I can't live ..."

The emperor roared, he was desperate and could not go out. The emperor sealed the heaven and earth and cut off all his contact with the outside world. Every time the small tower was suppressed, it destroyed the emperor's life on a large scale!


In the final roar, the Emperor Tiantian burned all the emperors' lives and paid a huge price. He wanted to break the game, rush out of a remnant, and send the news back to the family!

The supreme mystery of the Emperor's Scripture has been shocked and scarred, and the emperor trembled, and the small towers shuddered, and the tower bodies burst into cracks, as if they were about to disintegrate!

Unfortunately, the Emperor Batian failed to do so, the mysterious bone once again split a sword, splitting the land where the Emperor Emperor fell, and tore the entire starry sky into pieces, chopped into nothingness, and prevented any divine thoughts from escaping!

At the same time, the fairy realm trembled!

The sound of the billions of ancient worlds ringing the avenue is full of sadness. It is like seeing off the existence of the emperor, sending out the wailing sound of the avenue, spreading all over the immortal world, causing a big wave!

This is a terrible event. The major emperors have been trembling until now, and they feel incredible.

what's the situation?

Fairy world is telling the world, the imperial fate falls?

The major emperors are roaring, and sometimes empty treasure mirrors appear in the clan, reflecting the emptiness of the emperor's blood.

The hearts of all people were so violent that they almost roared out, what happened, an emperor was dying, his blood flow was endless, the space and time outside the world were constantly falling, and countless galaxies were destroyed!

"Who did it?"

The major emperors have become a sensation. Since the last period of taboo history, there has never been a **** incident of the emperor's fall, but now the emperor is dead in the period when the war of immortals is about to start!

Blood flow three thousand realms!

Eventually the small tower sank, crushing the head of the emperor, and the whole body dried up, depriving the remaining emperor blood essence.

This is cutting the grass and removing the roots, and the physical body of the emperor Tian also has memory, so it will not give any chance to escape the intelligence. The bone scum is swallowed by the small tower, all the emperor's blood is stripped out, leaving only a broken piece. Worn human skin!

All the influence of the Deceiver finally disappeared ...

The endless unwillingness is spreading out, and the long years have been healing, but in the end, he was killed as soon as he stepped out of the mountain gate.

The one said that year, he could give up, but the Emperor of Heaven could not reach the gate. Although the legend said that he was ridiculed and could not return, the Emperor of Heaven did not dare to step out of the gate.

All these years have passed, and now when he came out, he was hit by death. Is this life?

The vast immortal world bloomed a beautiful flower of blood.

It's like the most brilliant emperor flower in history is blooming, blooming, the emperor falls, and the will of the avenue of the fairyland mourns.

"Old ancestor ..."

The godless race is furious. Among the reincarnation emperor, a series of strong men shivering in the vein of the emperor, their blood is mourning, they are going to degenerate, they will be destroyed, they will be ruined.

They were trembling with fear, their ancestors were dead, and the blood of the emperor in all the veins was wailing and trembling, indicating a great disaster, filled with fear.

The fall of the Emperor of Heaven has caused chaos in the reincarnation, chaos in the immortal world, and chaos in the major emperors!

(I just wrote it, it's late, sorry guys!)

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