Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1927: Terror Speed!

"What the hell?"

"Who is that person?"

The world was sensational, the older generations were dumbfounded, and saw a fiery figure, suddenly rising up to the top of the sky!


The land trampled by Su Yan's feet, as if exploded, is loud and loud, if it is not hard here, the earth will collapse instantly!


A group of monks preparing to climb shivered, spouted blood, were emaciated, dizzy, and the shaking souls were shaking.

They were frightened. Is this the **** of war?

Su Yan's body is like a terrible comet, crossing the void, wrapped in a mighty divine power, impacting the first mountain in the world!

Along the way, a large number of creatures climbing the first mountain trembled under the influence of the breath emitted by Su Yan's body, and the back of the head was hot, as if it had been split, and it was about to crack.


They are all aggressive. These people try hard to climb, exert their best strength to climb, and catch up with the players. After all, the quota of Xianren Cave is limited and it cannot be opened in all directions, otherwise it will be too burdensome for Xianren Cave.

But nowadays, it's unheard of for a person to climb in such an outrageous way, leaving them all dead.

Su Yan breathed at least a few hundred thousand feet!

The hearts of the older generation were all turbulent. His eyes stared at Su Yan's figure. His overall strength was surging, and he just stood on it and encountered the pressure of mountains and rivers. However, Su Yan's body was as immortal as the immortal king.

At this moment, he seemed to be peerless and terrifying, full of divine power, showing peerless domineering!

"What's this guy for?"

The strong men of all ethnic groups who came to watch the ceremony were overwhelmed. The young man's body was too amazing. The heavenly spirit cover emitted a voluminous light of blood, which caused the world to tremble, the pressure that forced him to burst, and caused the sound of thunder. !!

Many people were stunned. The physical strength was outrageous, like a human-shaped fierce dragon resurrected, charging towards the top of the mountain!

"Popular things, who is this, find out immediately!"

The strong man in Tianlei Wang ’s veins has a gloomy face, and the world ’s attention has shifted to Su Yan ’s eyes, which makes them furious and anxious. Is n’t this stealing the limelight?

"Does it look familiar?"

Lu Peng's face was horrified, and he wanted to observe it from a close distance, but Su Yan was so full of energy and soaring in speed that the team of Lu Peng was thrown away.

Moreover, Su Yan's breath has changed too much in recent years. He who is unfamiliar with his power can't think of this Qi Tiansheng King, who is on the top of the battle books, Su Yan!

After all, Su Yan came late, and the first mountain's charge had to race against time and hegemony to a place.


Suddenly, when Su Yan was about to surpass the second echelon of the Monkey King, a ferocious man in a black robe suddenly surged, the flesh and blood flew out of the sky, and his back was looming. An inky scorpion.

The void was torn, and the speed of the man in the black robe soared, and it was not just him. One young powerhouse after another hiding power was violent. They could not just watch themselves surpassed by the latecomers!

After all, the first mountain's charge cannot be stopped along the way, otherwise it will end in failure. These people can only save their physical strength first, and launch the charge at a critical moment. They all have the faith to reach the peak.

"Uh ..."

Su Yan was thundering step by step. No matter how fast these powerful men can be, Su Yan cannot be thrown away, even at a distance.

Zoom out!

"Oh my God, who is this man?"

The whole world was a sensation. After all, Su Yan took the lead, but he began to surpass his opponent in pieces.

"Su Yan, ha ha, you are really here." Monkey King fluttered a familiar, calm mind, and it was Su Yan who came. These years of old Monkey King have paid special attention to Su Yan's movements, but he disappeared for a full ten years. year.

"Brother Monkey King, let me take a step first." Su Yan strode forward, rushing quickly.

"Dragon Scorpion, such a rare creature, was born!"

"The first mountain's appeal is too strong, and they are all qualified to enter the core area of ​​Xianren Cave. You can see hundreds of souls chasing after them in the follow-up.

Someone froze. The man in the black robe had to show his original appearance. A black scorpion, with the light of the true dragon evaporating in his body, instantly tore the blockade of the sky, and suddenly shocked forward.

And it's not just the Dragon Scorpion, but a dozen horrifying creatures, members of the emperor family, Tianjiao in the snow, and princes of the heavens!

More than a dozen powerful men burst out, the divine power was tumbling, the terror was inexplicable, and the impact of the film would not let Su Yan surpass them.

"Uh ..."

Su Yan step by step, black hair flutters, his pupils are full of light, the heavier the sound of his footsteps, the more shocking the diffuse breath, and finally it forms a rhythmic pulse!

More than a dozen souls are scared, who is this person who is about to surpass them?

No matter how fast they are, even if they burn a part of the essence of life, they can't shake off the distance from Su Yan, and Su Yan gradually surpasses, step by step, thunders, rolls down in their heart, and oppresses them. Suffocated!

Is the invincible overlord?

At this moment, more than a dozen talented heroes are sighing in their hearts. This is the gap. They have to admit that it is too scary to surpass them!


Many people have big heads. What kind of monster is this? Directly third, and chased after the strong of the barren.

It's completely galloping, without any rest, to what level is his physical body terrible?

"Look at it, a creature below is chasing up."

There was a heated discussion below. I saw a panda with black and white hair rushing up, four big paws dancing, all the way, and chasing the dragon scorpion!

"It's it, I've seen it."

Someone was shocked and whispered: "In the battle of the King City, it was the overthrow of the immortal residence."

"Su Yan, King Qitian, did he also come."

Many people take a cool breath and they feel incredible. How can this be? The creature around Su Yan turned out to be powerful and outrageous.

It stands to reason that Bao Yan's charge is so fierce that Su Yan should be stronger than it, but why he didn't see Su Yan.

"Don't ..."

Someone trembled, pointing to the third place, and trembled, "Is he ..."

"This is absolutely impossible. How many years has Su Yan achieved the Great Saint?" Someone immediately retorted that the King Qitian Saint who burst the star king was suddenly strong, but it was absolutely not strong to this level. Tianjiao is even more terrifying than the Star King!

The strong men of these clans, glanced down at the news about Su Yan.

The clan once arranged the Tianluodi net in the funeral world to wait for Su Yan to open the treasure. Unfortunately, ten years have passed, and no personal pictures have been seen, and even their men and women have died.

Now, this man who disappeared for ten years,

Did it appear?

After all, Su Yan is on the battle list, and now he has a good reputation. Although he has many doubts, he is also a real prince of heaven.

Zhuyue they are in a hurry, and the warning of the mysterious bones will not be regarded as a wind of ears. In fact, if Long Dasheng comes, it is not difficult to reach the peak. If this is the case, the parties of the fairy clan will not blame them.

"The king of thunder has already reached a million feet, and it is worthy of being praised as a world arrogant. He has no difficulty at all!"

The world is amazed, how long has it been before the King of Thunder has hit the height of a million feet.

"The **** of war of the barrens is coming soon."

Some people also watched the man in the fur of the animal. The blood of the wild race was flowing in his body, and his majestic body was burning with the sky. It was like a young **** of war.

"Look, the third God of War is getting closer and closer!"

It is more sensational. You must know that this is the war **** of the barbaric imperial tribe. It may not have been born for one million years. It can rank second enough to see this powerful and prosperous.

But now, Su Yan is charging too fast, his figure is a little vague and scary, and the pressure of the sky is like shattering paper!


Chijo ...


When the distance was only a hundred feet, the barbaric young war **** roared low, his physical strength was fierce, and his explosive power was even more powerful and extreme.

Suddenly faced with more pressure, he was unafraid and charged violently.

But he found an amazing problem, and Su Yan's breath began to climb, such as an immortal Holy Spirit across ancient land, full of gold and blood, such as the return of an eternal emperor!

The sky blasted and crushed Su Yan to the law of order, all trembling, wailing and about to burst!

"You are strong!"

The barbaric war **** said solemnly that Su Yan was already on par with him. He asked himself that the physical metamorphosis of Su Yan could not be achieved. The heavens and the earth couldn't hold back. The order and law were trembling, and it was about to burst into a big crack!

"See you on the mountain!"

Su Yan replied, a pair of pupils fell on the body of King Tianlei.

At this moment, the King of Thunder also started to accelerate, emitting the light rain of the thunder and lightning avenue. In order to tear the order of heaven and earth, each step can span hundreds of feet, and because of the speed, it leaves behind one after another!

"You don't have to surpass me!"

The **** of war of the barbaric clan yelled, the blood of the clan's peculiar blood was burning, he seemed to be mad, the flesh of the flesh burned a golden flame, the speed was even more shocking and worldly, chasing Su Yan!


"That's ... Look at you!"

There was a sensation at the foot of the mountain, and many strong men who watched Su Yan were horrified. This man was completely changed. His body was translucent with bright light. With the great funeral weather, the pressured heavens and earth were dark, and the laws of heaven and order were buried!

For a moment, Su Yan's breath was terrifying, and his feet crossed, as if shrinking into inches. ,


Su Yan had a long howl, black hair fluttered, the spirit of spirit was too terrifying, awakened in the ancient constitution, buried the heavens and the earth, and straddled thousands of feet.

The picture presented in the eyes of the world is unbelievable. It stretches across thousands of feet, the golden soles blast into the mountain, and the emperor of heaven and earth is looming behind his back.

When this footbath came to the world, it was necessary to trample on the heavens, order the heaven and earth road, and bang on the thunder king's head all at once.

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