Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1928: Blast the Thunder Sea!

With a loud noise, the aftermath of King Sky Thunder exploded!

The sky is full of energy and rain, and Su Yan has reached a height of one million feet at this moment, and the majestic back looks a little fuzzy.

But his fierce prestige was even more prosperous. He overwhelmed the world, and his golden big feet suddenly crossed a distance of ten thousand feet, stepping on a residual image left by the thunder king's crazy charge.

People all over the world are aggressive, they feel that Su Yan is intentional, otherwise, how could it be so coincidental that he stepped on the afterimage of the King of Thunder!


The strong man from Tian Lei Wang's veins has a blue complexion and irritable heart and lungs. How can this be so? In the face of the people in the world, it is so overbearing. What is the difference between this and a public face? This is too brazen!

"Arrogance, is this too arrogant?"

This area is sensational, and endless people are hotly talking about it. Nowadays, Tianlei King is the dominant player, and he may still be the leader. After all, this is an innate thunderous body born in nature. Who dares to target and humiliate so?

"Arrogance?" An old man smiled and said, "You people are responsible for speaking. How many of you can do it now? How many people can carry the suppression of Tiandi Avenue, Overwhelming! "

With this remark, the audience was silent.

They ignored the most important question. Now the second strongest one, they have surpassed one another along the way, and now they are overwhelmingly domineering. Who can do it?

This is not arrogance, it has the best combat power of its generation.

As for someone speculating that it is Su Yan, they do not believe that they do not think that the young strong in the human world can do this step.

"See through!"

There are also strong men who opened their eyes and looked away. Unfortunately, the coercion that exists in the first mountain of the world is too vast to understand at all. Moreover, even if you look at it, looking at the major groups of the entire immortal world, you have rarely seen Su Yan.

In fact, the current treasure is already listed as the second dark horse. It is about to rush to the second echelon. It will naturally become more and more abnormal when it encounters repression during the wild charge. Blazing!

Vaguely, Baocai felt that under the strong crush of the first mountain, the power of all beasts should be integrated.

"Roar, I am the beast god!" Baocai groaned and started to self-hypnosis again, and he used the first mountain as a training ground and perfected its way of beast **** with the help of the first mountain's majestic oppression.

"The physical body of this son is even stronger than the young God of War of the Wilderness!"

Chaos Xianlao began to pay attention to Su Yan. Such a powerful body is difficult to find even in the core area of ​​Xianrendong. Maybe it is almost qualified to compete with the existence of Tianli Wang.

At that time, the people of King Tianli naturally reached the peak. The Chaos immortal knew clearly that the King of Thunder had just finished his performance, and the nature was unfathomable, which is equivalent to the natural and natural creation. The foundation can be said to be ancient and modern. There are almost no comparable ones!

It is not that he exaggerates the King of Thunder, this is a fact!

You must know that the ancestors of the barbaric family are very great. They major in the flesh, and they can step out of the heroes who are invincible in the world. Once the blood of the barbaric war is burned, it will be directly mad, but they still cannot catch up with the thunder king.

Does this still need to question the King of Thunder?

But what surprised Chao Chaoxian was that the **** of war of the wild barbarians could not be ranked second, and now it has become third.

Su Yan was rushing, and the immense amount of holy power in his body was boiling. Every step of the landing, he stepped on the residual image left by the Thunder King. This made countless spectators stunned. What is the deep hatred between the two?

"Jack, who is this person?"

The strong man in Tianlei Wang ’s veins has an ugly face. Su Yan is getting closer and closer to Tianlei King. If he is allowed to chase like this, would n’t he be directly surpassed by Su Yan?

The first mountain in the world was opened by Lei Xianlao's proposal. If Su Yan picked the peaches, the joke would be a big deal. At that time, Lei Xianlao proposed to open the first mountain and let his son-in-law win the first!

"Oh my god, I think he's getting faster and faster. What kind of monster is this?"

All in the world, Su Yan can continue to erupt, the ancient physique blooms, and the sky is dark, as if he buried the Avenue of Heaven. He is pursuing the Thunder King at an alarming speed.

The older generation also has a rapid heartbeat. If there is a comeback, is it going to be reversed?

Today King Thunder has rushed to 2 million feet. This is the dividing line to become a disciple in the outer area. But how long does it take King Tianlei? Under normal circumstances, there are no days and nights to stop here.

But these people, for a few hours, are terrifying and daunting!

"Rush out, you see, Tian Lei Wang rushed to a stronger trial!"

His figure gradually blurred, as if falling into a field of fire, the speed of action was much slower, the fire was burning all over the sky, and the saint fell into the danger of being burned directly!

There is no doubt that this is a dangerous area, and once the passers-by were killed in it.

Difficulty is increasing, soaring ...

But in the next moment, the world was horrified. Su Yan, who broke into the sea of ​​fire, completely ignored the calcination of the fierce fire, like an immortal war god, suddenly stepping through the sky, a swoop, approaching the thunder king infinitely.

He launched a go-ahead!

"Beyond the....."

The endless people roared, their blood was boiling, this was going to be surpassed, and soon to be surpassed!

How can Tianlei King be willing, the whole figure is blazing, the pores spurting out endless lightning, tearing layers of fire and oceans, spanning into the distance, not allowed to be surpassed!

But useless, useless at all!

Su Yan is on the ground, leaving the sea of ​​fire to be strong, he is not affected, the body is burning with the Holy Power, and suddenly, even with the King of Thunder!

The thunder king's silver pupil shot lightning, and he forgot a glance over him, and said coldly, "Su Yan!"

"Did you hear that?"

The sound fell like a thunder, and from top to bottom, it caused a storm along the way ...

They are no strangers to Su Yan. Their names are above the war books, and they are one of the arrogant gods in the dark world!

The King Qitian of that year, in conjunction with several princes who washed the immortal official residence, burst the star king and rejected the invitation of Xianrendong. This is no longer an unknown person.

Now, this name has emerged, as if it has magic power, which caused the first mountain sensation. The one who surpassed the thunder king was Su Yan who had been questioned for a long time!

"This is impossible!"

The strong man in Tianlei Wang's veins shouted screaming, his eyes blood red, and the man who surpassed Tianlei King was Su Yan who beat Xiaolei King, Qi Tiansheng King!

"Going against the sky ..."

Heavy news, all clan cries in horror.

What a shame that Tianlei King was surpassed and surpassed by his opponent. What a shame, because Su Yan now has the first place in the fire, and he is not affected at all by the water in the fire.

"This evil barrier must be the path of fire, otherwise it will not be disturbed. King Tianlei lost too much, too much. He is cheating."

The old strong man in Tianlei Wang's veins roared and became trembling with anger. He originally thought that Tian Thunder King was already the number one nailed down, but the picture presented today is difficult for the world to imagine. .

People nearby are speechless. What is cheating? See Su Yan's rise?

"Presumptuous, how noisy it is!"

Chaos immortal rebuke, what area is this? The strong man in Tianlei Wang's veins was full of dirty words, which annoyed the old Chaos.

These people trembled, and they trembled with anger and trembling with blood and blood inside their bodies. The taboos seemed to explode, and all of them became hairy. They closed their mouths and dared not to utter a word.

Chaosian Lao's face was gloomy, but Lei Xianlao did not give him too much punishment.

"The difficulty of the first mountain in the world is the five major purgatory, the sea of ​​fire, the sea of ​​thunder, the sea of ​​wind, and the sea of ​​purgatory!" "The four major purgatory, one level is more difficult than the other. Su Yan was not disturbed by the sea of ​​fire. He flatly passed the shocking flames. The forged body is therefore resistant to flame calcination and is not disturbed. Maybe King of Thunder can overtake in Thunder Sea! "

"It's too early to talk about the first. Not only Lei Hai, but the most difficult one is purgatory sea. Some amazing and arrogant Tianjiao have been suppressed by purgatory sea for a year and can't rush up!"

Some people have to nod, this is reasonable, and the ultimate Purgatory Sea is extremely difficult. If you want to break the spiritual will that must be terrible, otherwise you will be suppressed if you are hungry!

Although the first mountain is not a place to kill, but the battle is fierce!

A group of infamous strongmen have risen here and attracted a lot of attention. Similar to the dragon scorpion, the creatures arranged in the second echelon came out thousands.

I have to say that this kind of fairyland event, the big waves and sands, are ranked in the second echelon are worthy of cultivation, in a certain period of time in the future will definitely usher in a big outbreak, will become the pillar of fairyland in the future!

"Queen King, still lead first!"

"Tianlei King cultivates the Tianlei Jing, which is the top ten book of heavenly books in the fairyland. Can he Tianlei King surpass Su Yan in the Thunder Sea?"

"Look, Su Yan first crossed the realm of fire and rushed to the realm of mine!"

Su Yan straddled the vast area of ​​fire and rushed to the next purgatory world!

After the Thunder King chased after him, the seeds of the God of War of the Barbarians would not be inferior. The three leading figures stepped into the abyss of thunder and lightning!

"Go over, go over!"

The strong man in Tianlei Wang's veins still couldn't help but started to make a roar of exhaustion. This is an opportunity. Tianlei King's great opportunity to surpass Su Yan!

Who doesn't know that King Tian Lei practiced the Kai Tian Lei Jing, which is said to be the strongest scripture accompanying the origin of Thunder Road, then the second world of purgatory of the four major purgatory seas will not be the life Jedi of the King of Thunder. His fortune!


The thunder king roared violently, and his heart burst into flames long ago!

He will never allow anyone to ride around his neck. He should be the strongest in this universe, and he must not be surpassed!

After the performance of the Tian Lei King, once the ancient Tian Gong of the family is operated, the entire body is completely changed, like the lightning **** of war born in Lei Yuan. First, dominate the world!

People all over the world have wide eyes, and even the strong climbers go and wait and see. After all, it is very important to lead first. It is well-deserved that even if there are still people who are going to the top of the world, there is no one who has more. Shocking!

"Super, super ..."

A group of old men shouted, blushing and thick neck, shaking with excitement, seeing the thunder king is about to cross the entire thunder sea, driving to the next level!



There was a long howl, and the thunderous tide was shaking.

He is not allowed to be surpassed by King Thunder, and Su Yan is even more forbidden!

A figure enough to destroy the sky and sky, horrifying and horrifying, the light of blood and blood sprayed from the pores smashed the sky and the ground, and the vast sea mines burst apart into a ash!

Su Yan is violent and will not give Tian Lei Wang the chance to surpass.


The funeral fist spurred the body to boil, and there was a faint expression behind him, a King of Kings who came to the world, shouted the sky, broke the sky of the thunderous sea, and blasted down the sky with ripples of energy.

Why should Su Yan use Kaitian Lei Jing to break the game.

The strongest force of its own broke out and evolved, crushing the Leihai heaven and earth, and the invincible combat power began to stir up, terrifying people are suffocating!

A generation of peerless tyrants, raised their punches in the strongest smashing Thunder Sea, and made a strong approach to the next level.

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