Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1929: One punch smash!

Qiupeng shuddered and suffocated. Is this Su Yan in his cognition?

The saints who have been embarrassed and targeted by them in the monarchy? Nowadays, he is called the invincible emperor. He is full of blood and blood, and the strongest combat force is unsealed. The blood and blood tore the Xiaohan and drowned the universe.

The punch was too magnificent and huge, and thundered through Lei Hai, giving the world a huge impact.


Hepeng coughed up blood, and couldn't bring it up in one breath. His body was a little soft, and it rolled down suddenly.

"Do not!"

Yupeng shouted in despair. He was eligible to join the periphery of Xianren Cave and become a member of Xianren Cave. However, under the fierce deterrence of Su Yan, he rolled down the first mountain and lost his qualification to continue to participate.

People all over the world are stupid, of course, no one will pay attention to a spider, even if this is a great prince!

The chaos immortal is full of hearts, and the ancient body sitting in the chaos stood up.

It is hard to imagine that this is a young man, it is even harder to imagine that he can break through this attitude. He has witnessed some of the heroes of the world, and some have broken through this attitude!

But too few, searching all over the immortal realm, the arrogant son of heaven who was born in these long years can't find a few.

Now he sees one more time, which shocks Chao Chaoxian, and he pays more and more attention to Su Yan. He really has the attitude of invincible contemporaries and participates in the hegemony of Xianxian battlefield. There is no problem at all!

"The seeds of the barbaric war **** are also good. This group finally gave birth to an outstanding hero!"

The Chaos immortal smiled. I thought there were not too many waves this time, but I didn't expect to step out of the two big evil characters one after another. Although the young war **** of the barbaric race is not as mad as Su Yan, he also broke the thunder sea. Ichigo!

In fact, if there was no leap forward by the King of Thunder, Su Yan would not have burst out of such a powerful force. After all, he almost used the strongest combat power to break through the barriers.

Prior to the start of the Fairy Demon War, Su Yan also did not want to expose his strongest combat power to prevent being noticed by the dark world. His purpose was to win three battles and three wins. It was the land of immortality and the shortcut of the fairy king. !!

"Junk, how could that be the case?"

Tian Lei Wang's veteran strong face has a strong face, and thought it was a go-ahead and regain the qualifications of the first leader, but now, Tian Lei defeated a bit fiercely!

Although he directly penetrated Leihai, Su Yan directly broke and broke, which caused a big wave. This is Su Yan, which is the strongest person in the world of human beings who are questioned on the battle list!

No wonder the King of Phoenix sheltered, no wonder the old monkey gave a strong talk, Su Yan has the qualification to be among the strongest members in the fairy world!

"There is still a chance, I haven't lost to the end!"

Some strong players roared lowly: "The four major purgatory, the ultimate purgatory is the difficulty. Before coming, Lei Xianlao specially shot to temper his own will for the King of Thunder, and there was another chance to surpass."

Who's No. 1 now?

Too early, the antiques of various ethnic groups who come to observe the ceremony are very clear. The four major purgatory worlds, as long as they can break the first three purgatory, are eligible to become disciples in the core area of ​​Xianrendong.

Although it is difficult to be as perverted as Su Yan and them, for the Dragon Scorpion, it is not difficult to survive the first three levels, but the difficulty is the fourth level, Purgatory Sea!

This is the biggest difficulty. For the saints who have excellent conditions, million points are not valued. What can be valued is to become the strongest seed of the fairy hole.

What is the strongest seed? Directly listed as Gaishi Tianjiao!

This status is not just a name, the treatment and resources given are difficult for the world to imagine, but because of this, it is very difficult to break through the fourth level. There may be only one or two people who break into the fourth level. Clearance!

"So difficult?"

People's heart trembled, which made the older generation laugh: "You really think that becoming the strongest seed in Fairy Cave, but just so easy to talk about it? Have you ever been trapped in the fourth level!"

"I'm confused by what I said. It's arrogant to break into the past." Someone questioned.

"You do n’t understand, because there were some examples similar to Su Yan. I thought I could break through the customs, but failed." An old man with a long life expectored them: "The road to the strong, strength is king, However, there is no strong will, resilience, mentality, and want to rush through the strong road, hope is slim, so the fourth stage is called the purgatory sea, a land of heavenly pride! "

"The fourth purgatory, the first test is physical, the second test is strength, the third test is Yuanshen, and the fourth test is spiritual will!"

The younger generations are startled, their will is the most important, instead of strength and potential, which makes them a little messy and subvert

To the thinking of these people.

In particular, the old strong men of all races are very clear, blindly pursuing strength and invincible body, but they have neglected the spiritual will, but the biggest obstacle on the road of the strong, how can they ascend to the position of immortal king without grandeur!

Therefore, Xianrendong directly gives the strongest seed resources to the strong through the Purgatory Sea.

Now, Su Yan is rushing to the third trial ground, and the oncoming black wind is roaring.

This is the killing place, the cold piercing bones, which will split the human god! .

The sky was soaring in black, and swept down into pieces, forming a black ocean. Su Yan felt that Yuan Shen was at the mouth of death, and the impact of his Yuan Shen was trembling, and there was a feeling of being torn in front!


Su Yan's Yuan Shen is blazing, the yang is billowing, and the fire is transpiring. The strands of steam must be steamed to death.

This is the fire of the red lotus industry. Once the three plagues of the plague are presented, the world is red, but Su Yan has never broken the power in this way. The wind disaster in the plagues of the plague is blooming. At once, his Yuanshen changed, dancing golden wind. It's like 100,000 killing a sword!

Yuanshen swam in the dark ocean, endured by the wind, and tortured by the Heaven and Earth Avenue.

Let the wind and rain blow, Su Yan's primordial spirit is always flourishing, and there is a faint atmosphere of disaster, like a tornado transformed into a strong, and he will swallow the entire black storm for his use!

"Three disaster mysteries, fire, wind, and thunderstorm. Although they were repaired as fires, the wind and thunderstorms did not have the corresponding heaven and earth objects to cooperate. This mystery could not be fully repaired. Although the black wind of this purgatory is powerful , Can threaten my Yuan Shen, but it is not something that is as famous as Honglianye. "

Su Yan was a little disappointed. After all, the red lotus industry fire that he got was too great. As long as he had enough red lotus industry fires, he could threaten the fairy king.

This mystery Su Yan gradually put down, I don't know if he can find two kinds of wonders when he goes to the imperial city in the future, and cooperate with him to develop the three disaster mysteries.

This ancient method has a great origin, and it has enough anti- heavenly things, and it can definitely exert super powerful effects, and it is also enough to ensure that Su Yan's Yuan Shen is powerful!

Of course, even if there are no three mysteries, under the Sun Mother Sutra, Su Yan ’s primordial gods are extraordinarily brilliant in the dark storm, like a magic lamp reflecting the heavens and the earth, emitting the blazing sun, burning the sky and the wind. It's cracking!

But the deeper you go, the stronger the test ...

The world ahead has turned into a black sky, and the storm coming from the roar is like a billion waves sweeping along, accompanied by the pressure of the vast Yuanshen Town, bombarding!


Su Yan's Yuan Shen stepped out, murderous, full of horror temperature, punched out with a fist, rolled down the black storm, and collapsed a large area along the way.

On the other hand, the gods of the King of Thunder and the barbaric war **** seeds are also extremely powerful, especially the king of the gods of thunder, like the innate Holy Spirit sleeping in the chaos, roaring the light of thunder, the sky is shriveled Make it happen!

Become the core seed of the fairy hole, this is the test of the final level.

But in front of the three strong men, it is not enough to see. They are rushing all the way, the speed is amazing, no one wants to lag behind.

"Three Calamities, Red Lotus Industry Fire!"

Tian Lei Wang's eyes widened. He absolutely did not expect Su Yan to master the fire of the red lotus industry, but this was the dream he had dreamed of. Unfortunately, he failed in the attempt to capture the treasure of the city of the city and was almost burned to death.

How did Su Yan master the red lotus industry fire?

Strictly speaking, is this flame saint to master? There is basically no hope, unless you can find the treasure to restrain the fire of the red lotus industry can be conquered.

But the king of thunder and thunder all ended in failure. It is conceivable how difficult it is to find the treasure that is comparable to Honglian's fire.

"Broken, so fast, too fast!"

The world is sensational, it is already the third level of purgatory. With such a strong Yuanshen killing, Su Yan can break the situation with a strong force, which really shocked them.

In the final moment, the old Chao Chaoxian caught, and in the dark torrent, a fuzzy and huge red lotus bloomed, which burned down the darkness and shattered all obstacles alive!

"Red lotus industry fire!"

Chaos immortal was moving. Su Yan brought him too many accidents. He is really looking forward now to the speed in the fourth pass.

Clearing the third level can already become a core member of Xianrendong.

"The last chance, Tian Lei Wang must surpass, otherwise there is really no chance."

"I can do it. The Thunder King of Purgatory Sea can definitely survive it. I believe he can surpass Su Yan, dominate the world, crown ancient and modern!"

The strong man in Tianlei Wang's veins screamed anxiously, screaming anxiously, can't wait for it

See the progress of the next breakthrough.

But they know that it takes at least a day or two to break the fourth level, and the speed is already scary!

Su Yan had already rushed into the fourth level, and the King of Thunder soon followed, and the **** of war of the barren family was fast.

The three strong men just rushed up.

Dragon Scorpion They are a little lost, they can't do it, they have just broken through the first level of purgatory, and it will take some time to get through.

Break with peerless combat power?

Poverty is rare in all generations. This kind of gap and disparity has silenced the onlookers below. Gaishitianjiao is the world's heroes, there is no need to question, and it has absolute invincible combat power!

In particular, Su Yan's punch in Leihai made the Dragon Scorpion admire them from the heart.


Taketsuki and the Zixia Fairy are so determined that they do not worry about Su Yan's spiritual will. Su Yan is killed from the endless life and death, with strong willpower!

Moreover, in these years, Su Yan has focused on the avenue, and has opened the door of the strong. It is no longer a small saint who could threaten Su Yan's gods in the past.

In the fourth screen, Su Yan was surprised.

Thickly, the blood flowed long, the corpses were bloody.

As if falling into the ancient battlefield, endless shouts and rushes came, accompanied by a roar that shattered the sky, the breath of war was soaring!

Like ordinary people, they will be smashed into souls and turned into walking dead!

The world is filled with supreme fierce power, as if hundreds of millions of troops rushed in, carrying big killers, cold light, reflecting the soul of humans, splitting human flesh, indicating the coming of great fear!


Su Yan stepped into the sky with long black hair fluttering. He gave a cold drink: "Don't take this test out. I'm with Su Yan in my life and death, even if it's true purgatory? Get out!"

Su Yan is extremely powerful, and his spirit and horror are absolutely terrifying. He is even more cruel and cruel than this bleeding world. Who suppresses who?

The world exploded and destroyed in front of Su Yan!

Even if the sky is falling apart, the order of the Three Realms is falling, Su Yan's brow will not be frowned, and the world will be turned into a looting ash. Suddenly it will be its own path, disintegration, and flesh decay. Will to burn the sky!


Su Yan shouted again, and the influence of the sky exploded. His spirit and spirit were too overbearing. He had to blast the entire purgatory sea, break through the heavens and earth, stand on top of the world, and look down at the world.

It seems that Su Yan's words angered the sea of ​​purgatory and brought about great changes. The world was bleeding, the vast black seas emerged, and the sea was trembling with hundreds of thousands of waves!

Suddenly, a figure emerged, as if living in the ancient times, standing in the ancient times, overlooking this life!

The power he radiated was too amazing, as if covered from outside the Three Realms. This figure gradually came, and it became more and more magnificent.

Like the Supreme Lord of heaven and earth, he exudes an incomparable spiritual will, terrible to obliterate the heavens!

"Submit to the mountain ..."

The vast voice swept through, and the great shore would crush the eternal river and crush Su Yan's body and mind.

Su Yan was tingling in his body. The Yuanshen was going to smelt. He really was going to die. He turned into a dead bone.

"Submit to Jieshan, submit to Jieshan ..."

The sounds came one after another, making a sensation in the heavens and the earth, and resounding in the deepest part of Su Yan's soul. I have to say that the magic contained in it was too shocking. Su Yan was going to lose his mind.

"Submit Jieshan!"

The final voice, majestic and boundless, this world is wiped out, everything is turned into dust, and it is gone.

"If I am invincible, this mountain will be mine!"

Suddenly, Su Yan was screaming in the sky, and his body was filled with anger and blood, and his body was filled with the light of destruction.

By his spiritual will alone, an invincible figure has been manifested, such as the emperor telling the world that there are dead bones in the sky, and the corpse is accompanying him.

This is the real picture, which is Su Yan's life-long experience, condensing a body of will, dominating the world, let the world and all things surrender to him!


He punched out with a fist and shattered the huge black figure in front.

The world exploded, and the sea of ​​purgatory burst.

One punch is broken!

No one can stop Su Yan. He has the energy and spirit to live in the world. He stands alone, standing alone between heaven and earth, and esteems ancient and modern.

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