Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1930: The strongest seed!

Su Yan is domineering and smashes the purgatory sea mental fantasy with one punch!

The world's first four trials of the Tianguan Pass, which the world calls a nightmare trial sea, are nothing in front of Su Yan.

Under the invincible conviction of Xeon to Xaba, any deterrence is a paper tiger. It is false and false, and cannot cover Su Yan's peerless edge!

Even the time required for Su Yan is just a few breaths. This is Su Yan's spirit, the belief in the invincible world, and the invincible edge!


Su Yan's figure rushed out and ascended towards the top of the first mountain!

From this moment on, his figure is bright and terrifying, his body is full of light, reflecting the starry sky of the universe, as if the only **** of war in the world, dominating the world.

It is Su Yan's belief to embark on the road of world invincibility, no matter the immortal king or the emperor, Su Yan will always move forward bravely and will not shrink back.

"Someone ... someone ..."

Someone yelled, their pupils widened, as if they were crazy, they thundered like thunder, and their mood was completely out of control.

"What noisy?"

The older generations are darkened, they are paying attention to the trial process of the second echelon. At present, the speed of the second dark horse is a bit amazing. Tiebaocai is about to become the leader of the second echelon!

This obese giant panda is very easy to remember, but no one can imagine that Tie Baocai has such an amazing potential, and the sea of ​​purgatory is completely trapped, and is about to rush to the second trial space.

Although this kind of suffering is not a threat to the barbaric war gods, it is still surprisingly difficult for strong players such as dragon scorpions, and it is simply impossible to break the barrier in a short time!

Otherwise, the assessment standards of Xianlaoyuan will not be the core members of Xianrendong through the three major purgatory clearances. In short, every level is difficult, but Baocai has released enough potential!

It more and more realized that the benefits provided by the bathing emperor's blood medicinal bath, being close to the avenue, stimulated its own potential of the bloodline of the beast god, and there was a great hope to merge together and evolve the beast **** avenue!

Moreover, there is the essence of emperor blood in Baocai's body, which can be stimulated to help it grow quickly.

"Sea of ​​Purgatory ..."

More people were exclaimed. After all, Su Yan had just entered the Purgatory Sea, and it is logically impossible to get out of the most difficult situation in a short time. Therefore, the strong players of all ethnic groups began to pay attention to the remaining players. In terms of probability calculations, Xianrendong will most likely recruit hundreds of core seeds!

"What a purgatory sea ..."

Some old monsters were dissatisfied. When they glanced at the peak of the first mountain in the world, they were all stunned as if they were alive.

They are really going to petrify ...

Someone rushed out of the purgatory sea, how long it took, a few breaths, but someone has broken the purgatory sea forcibly!

"It must be King of Thunder, it must be him."

Leixian's old-fashioned strong man is surging, his eyes are looking up one after another, but their pupils are infinitely enlarged, as if they have encountered thunder and thunder, they are shaking and their breathing is difficult.

They pointed at Su Yan, trembling, their faces were incredible.

"how can that be!"

There was a strong older man snarling and Su Yan rushed out of the purgatory sea. How long did it take? Is this too false?

But the fact is the fact, which makes them frantic, and some people growled: "Did Su Yan cheat? Over the years, who can break the purgatory sea at such a fast speed, who can!"

The world was a sensation, and heated discussions broke out.

The world is going crazy, too fast

almost? Quickly make them can't believe their eyes.

Chaos Fairy is also a little aggressive. Su Yan has broken the record of purgatory sea breakthrough. Although there was also a shocking overlord in the fairy world that broke the purgatory sea for a short time, but the speed was definitely not on par with Su Yan.

It's only a few breaths. If you don't see it with your own eyes, the Chaos immortal can't believe it.

The whole world looks a little weird. Some members of the emperor clan, and even the powerful men of the immortal clan, have a really ugly face.

Someone was laughing, and felt that the immortal world had given birth to a heavenly arrogant and incomparable great saint.

There are also people who are indifferent, and really should have killed him in Wangcheng that year, even if the Monkey King let go of it? It should also be killed directly to prevent future problems.

It ’s too late to say anything now, Su Yan will really break through the sky, smash the purgatory sea in a short time, only a step away from the first mountain in the world, and with this amazing degree, this step is not difficult at all!

The stars of the Emperor Stars are full of blue muscles, and the first one to climb the summit of the first mountain in the world. This is the supreme glory, endless glory, and long-lasting existence. The batch!

Is there hope in the future if you want to be embarrassed and targeted?

Although the immortal world is the influence and influence of the imperial clan, the immortal world is not only the clans of them, but also a world-class arrogant with great potential. It is one of the most precious wealth for the immortal world.


The reincarnation monarchs screamed low, their hearts were bleeding, their anger was really violent, and their eyes were red. The family died of an immortal king, and the previous generation of the old lords was also killed. Who is it!

What a shame, this is a trample on the glory of the emperor. If the first mountain of the world is opened and the eyes of the whole world are shifted, then the reincarnation of the reincarnation of the emperor's feudal giant will be more sensational!

Especially nowadays, I can only watch Su Yan and climb to the top of the first mountain. The ridiculous thing is that the King of Thunder has not come out yet.


Su Yan's feet strode up, as if spanning a cosmic era.

Gradually, the heavens and the earth were dark. This foot seemed to have stepped into the Jedi of Death. His body and mind were filled with anxiety and panic. This is not a coercion against spiritual will, it is a threat to strength!

This stimulating body of Su Yan's flesh and blood was infinitely flourishing, erupting, and even brilliant.

He was yelling, dancing with black hair, his eyes flashing, who was the enemy?

Can't see clearly, can't see at all, but a devastating blow came, and the supreme power was to destroy Su Yan's physical body and destroy all his body functions.

Why is this happening?

Isn't it possible to climb to the top without tearing the purgatory sea? Why is there such a perverted test!

The source of this test is completely invisible. What is the difficulty? As if the first mountain reached out with a big hand, it hit the sky over Su Yan!


For a moment, Su Yan's body roared and trembled violently, as if she had collapsed, her pores were bleeding.

With a fatal blow, Su Yan's eyes were darkened, his chest undulated, and his inner details burst into madness, like a humanoid killer, stupidly blocking the storm of destruction in the sky!

But it is still very heavy, like carrying a giant mountain, carrying the stars and seas, and he is going to crush Su Yan's backbone.

what is this?

The difficulty of the test has soared a lot. Su Yan seems to have embarked on another road. He yelled, the flavour of flesh flickered even more, and the flames burned, reflecting the heavens and earth, and the pores were rushing into the sky and blood!

Suddenly difficult, but Su Yan stepped up and stood at the top of the first mountain.

Disdain the world!

"The test is still there, like it's broken. What happened? Am I not on the mountain?"

Su Yan frowned, although he was injured, but he was unharmed, and even wanted to continue the challenge just now. He felt that this was the most extreme challenge!

Strong as Su Yan is threatened with his life, which shows how difficult the test just was!

"Passers, excellent conditions!"

Suddenly, the ancient voices struck one after another, echoing in Su Yan's ears: "Break through the speed, rank fifth in the immortal world, physical potential is strong, and unknown, breaking the grid as the strongest seed, and heading for the ultimate test!"

Su Yan was lost, and soon his blood was boiling and turbulent.

what is this?

Does the first mountain in the fairyland have the inheritance of ancient times and ancient times? This is a bit scary and scary ...

Even if there is no upload support in the first mountain, in the long history of the fairyland, no one may receive the goods, and it needs to complete more powerful challenges!

With Su Yan's breakthrough speed, he ranked fifth.

Then again, if Su Yan releases his hands and makes every effort to charge, what rank can he be in?

There can be no doubt that once there was a terrible overlord in the fairyland. This is beyond doubt. Is Su Yan not strong enough now? His speed is already terrifying.

But even so, it is only ranked fifth, and because of its special physical potential and the reason that it cannot be fully explored by the first mountain, it is ranked as the strongest seed.

So if it wasn't for physical effects, Su Yan couldn't call it the strongest seed?

This shocked him. He was thinking that if he rushed through the barriers at the strongest speed and stood in the realm of the Great Saint, and would not be affected by physical fitness, could he be listed as the strongest seed?

Of course, these are not important anymore!

There is a big problem in the first mountain. It has an ancient and anti-heritage heritage. I don't know how powerful it is.

Is this the legacy of the invincible?

In the midst of it, Su Yan found a way to guide herself to the strongest test.

At this time, he also noticed the situation nearby.

He was lost again ...

This is really falling into the treasure trove, the scent of heavenly medicines, hundreds of millions of sacred ancient medicines are in bloom, and the splendid energy is shining, containing the breath of the most holy and holy. recovery!

"My mother-in-law!"

Su Yan was stunned, the immense expanse of the mountain, the sky is a sacred treasure, this is a natural birth.

Is this a reward?

He reached out and tried to remove a sacred treasure.

But Su Yan failed, and each of the holy treasure medicines had a great restraining power, preventing him from picking.

"It ca n’t be harvested, it can only absorb the energy of the sacred treasure to nourish itself, which is also a kind of hard-to-find creation."

Su Yan shook her head and sighed. If it could be picked and taken away, the top of the first mountain would not be covered with sacred ancient medicine.

In short, on the top of the mountain, the essence of the heavens can surging and rolling, if the torrent is tumbling, endlessly plunging into Su Yan's flesh and blood, nourishing his physical body, Yuanshen, mana, and strong vitality!


Su Yan is glowing all over, the sky stealing operation is running, capturing the heaven and nature, gathering the world's pure medicine, nourishing herself!

It was only a short time later, Su Yan broke through, the overall divine power soared, and directly jumped to the Eighth Heaven of the Great Holy Realm. Under the nourishment of endless pure divine power, his Yuan Shen was blazing, his mana skyrocketed, and his flesh and blood was powerful .

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