Overlord in Cultivation

Chapter 1959: Little Leizi!

The people who came to the crowd exclaimed, so shocked, the ranking records presented by the Tianlong Stone Tablet were incredible.

"Who is Su Yan?"

A group of strong men who just got out of the state lost their gaze. They were awakened by the sound of the steles. For a while, some blood boiled. This was infected. Once the past generations walked out of this pinnacle of existence over the years, the major trial sites will almost announce the whole Fairy cave.

This is a stimulus, a spur, but a means of cultivating genius in the fairy cave.

"Beyond the empress?"

They were all dumbfounded. After all, they just got out of the secret palace. What happened?

How long has the time passed, and who is Su Yan? His name is to overwhelm the emperor and take the lead!

This is a horrible event, spread enough to sweep the fairy world. After all, this is the fairy cave, the core institution of the fairy world, and the strongest place to cultivate arrogance. However, any **** of war on the list is a remarkable achievement.

Not to mention, now Su Yan is at the same level as the emperor, with glory.

This group of ancient gods of war questioned one after another and got some things, which shocked for a while.

Such a tyrannical person has been replaced by the qualification to participate in the war, and Su Yan seems to strongly demand to participate in the war!

"He comes from the human world ..." Some people are extremely irritable, as if the name of Shi Shiying was taken away, very annoyed, is there no one in my world?

"What the **** is this?" The breath-taking ancient God of War stepped out of the ancient rivers and mountains and scolded: "Do you understand the history? Do you understand the past? Do you understand the past of the fairy and human world? Do you know what the battlefield is? Do you know the world? Why is the world declining, a bunch of jerks! "

After a series of inquiries, some surprised people did not know what to say.

But they dare not refute, because their origins are too big, they are all heroes of the fairy world!

There are a group of relatively ancient gods of war who came out and wished to scream in the sky, just as they were telling the heroes of the human world that there would be successors, indicating that the human world had not been completely ruined!

"Why are they so annoyed?" Someone asked, his brain blank, and he never recovered from the shocking events.

"You don't understand." Some people shook their heads and whispered: "Those ancient war gods with a breath, the years of life are too long. At that time, the human world and the fairy world were all in the same blood alliance. Fighting side by side with the Tianjiao of our fairy cave are brothers of life and death! "

"What? There is such a thing, I have not heard of it before ..."

Many people are surprised and are not clear about these historical pasts.

This history is quite old, who can remember?

But for these ancient young Gods of War who have lived for a long time, they can't forget the **** pictures, the feeling of battlefield robe, and the immortal world and the human world joined forces to contend with the dark world and form a deep friendship.

In the old days, there were also brothers who died in the world of the world and participated in the fairy demon war.

The world of the world is defeated, but the history before it can be defeated. At that time, the fairy world and the world of the world joined forces to contend with the dark world, but it is a super alliance!

Many giants have died in the world of war, and the world has become a master. This is gradually declining, so that the fairy world has occupied the dominance of the alliance of the two worlds, which is also one of the sources that triggered the emergence of the burial era! .

They would not question the human world in the heyday, once sitting on par with the fairy world.

In short, the Xianren Cave was a sensation, and Su Yan and the emperor were even. The influence of this matter was too great. Another brilliant and invincible **** of war came out, enough to be proud of ancient and modern!

"Asshole, Su Yan, he is too arrogant, who gave him the courage, I don't know how to converge."

"Is he too long to die? If you fight back like this, you are not afraid of dying!"

The powerful players of the Sky Thunder King burst into anger. This was a naked face. Just after the list was completed, everyone knew that the Sky Thunder King had replaced Su Yan, but this one responded and broke into the sky directly. Level with the emperor!

This is too glorious, and the thundering King of Thunder has all the powerful anger. How does the person in Xianren Cave talk about Lei Xianlao? Say he has no eyes?

The Tiangang King was bloody, and Su Yan's breakthrough made him feel unbelievable and equally excited. Many people laughed at him following Su Yan to see what other faces they humiliated themselves.

Similar to the emperor and other people, many heroes follow her, which is not worth embarrassing.

"Tiangang Wang, do you know who left the supreme beat dragon technique?" Su Yan asked an extremely weird question.

Tiangang Wang was surprised, he was not clear about this kind of thing.

Suddenly, rumbling noises broke Su Yan's contemplation.

One after another, the ancient God of War with a breath of fright, came with great momentum and majestic vitality.

Su Yan originally thought that trouble was coming, but the people who came came with good intentions.

"Heavenly King."

This group of people is very old. The king of Tiangang couldn't call their name. Instead, he saw a majestic monkey king in the crowd, but a descendant of an old monkey. Introduction.

Su Yan's eyes lit up, his face full of smiles, he laughed and walked up, clenched his fists: "Tian Sheng Wang long respected his name, under Su Yan."

"Brother Su Yan, great."

Heavenly King's words revealed excitement. He already knew that Su Yan gave his father some cosmic treasure, and even the old monkey had fulfilled his long-cherished wish. Su Yan had a relationship with the monkey's teacher!

Without too many words, friendship is in my heart.

Heavenly King brought Su Yan to introduce him to these ancient gods of war. This group of people did not have the princely title, mainly because they existed for too long, and the princely title would also be dispersed.

The emperor did not have the title, but with their prestige, they no longer need the title of prince to set off their identity.

They came to congratulate, and the situation was obviously different, which attracted the onlookers nearby to be jealous. Know that this group of people is a meritorious generation, and several of them have a great future!

Now they come to congratulate Su Yan, and we can see the weight of Su Yan now.

"You are Wu Hong, and you have heard of Da Ming!"

Tiangang Wang looked respectfully and saluted a man with a muscular bronze body. This man had won two games directly on the battlefield of Immortal Demon. It was magnificent and unimaginable!

The Wu nationality is also remarkable. It used to be an emperor, but unfortunately the emperor's giants withered away, and the tribe lost its glory.

"Brothers don't need to be polite." Wu Hong raised his hand and smiled boldly: "It's all from his family."

Su Yan's expression is weird, these people are extremely powerful and fierce!

"Brother Su is very strange." A woman in a blue warrior chuckled, unable to see how many years of vicissitudes, beautiful youth, softly said: "The limit of Xianren Cave is too large, if you are giving me a choice Opportunity, I will not stay here for my whole life, I heard that Brother Su is the temporary residence status of Xianren Cave, I really envy you, your choice is very wise! "

"The road of the strong is changing, and the road ahead is not easy." Su Yan responded.

Wu Hong was silent. They and Tianli Wang were the pinnacle of their contemporaries, but they were slightly inferior to Tianlong Girl.

Therefore, they can only hide in the snow and sleep for life. If this time, if the Tao caves were not opened, their sleep in the peripheral area would not even be qualified to take a look!

In life, sometimes I have no choice, so cruel.

"Since Xianren Cave has a lot of pinnacles, why can't you leave?" Su Yan asked back.

Wu Hong's tone was strong and dull: "It's not just the reason for the fairy demon war, the dark world is coming violently, most of the decision in the fairy world is to avoid the sharp edge."

Su Yan was shocked and could not afford it!

You can only choose to keep a batch of the strongest seeds and wait for the future to let them grow, but no one knows this time.

On the day when the strong people also grow old, the ancient God of War accumulated in the fairy caves one after another. If they are all released, there will be great achievements in the future, but the glory of an era is not what the fairy world wants!

"Isn't that always a loss?" Baocai's tone was low, and he would not care about the life and death of Immortal Realm, but he could be concerned, but once Immortal Realm could not bear it, there would be no future for Human Realm!

In any case, the realm of the human world really needs the power of fairyland.

"The dark realm is stronger than you think." Wu Hong said; "Especially after the accident of the human realm, the situation of the fairy realm is in crisis. However, no matter the dark realm is strong, it is impossible to swallow the fairy realm in one breath. I ca n’t afford it, otherwise it will accelerate the decline of the fairy world! "

Wu Hong knows a lot about them. After all, they have witnessed a **** history, and the Emperor Feng will also fall!

These tens of millions of immortal worlds are very calm, giving them some breathing time, but the Great Catastrophe will come again.

The human world has faded, so Wu Hong they feel that the time since their birth is very close!

Perhaps after they left Xianren Cave and became the top beam of Xianren Cave, the people of Heavenly King Wu in Xianren Cave will continue to sleep like them!

This cycle ensures the future battlefield strength of Immortal World.

Su Yan was a little silent. The bitterest soldiers were the bottom soldiers. They had no time and no retreat. They could only fight!

But times have changed, the human world has been destroyed, what is the fate of waiting for the fairy world


There was a chill in Su Yan's eyes, what were they looking for? He did not hesitate to join forces with the dark world, and the picture must be a major temptation, and this thing is also related to himself.

This is a **** enmity. He hides in his heart. He will be strong enough one day, and he will definitely come to the door.

"Let's not stand here, find a place to drink two glasses, and it is right to take the wind and dust for Su Yan."

Heavenly King suggested that a group of people leave with mighty envy.

Lei Hongbao's face is very ugly. Su Yan has been among the top circles of Xianren Cave. In the future, he wants to be embarrassed. Wu Hong they will not be silent. The masters of this group of people are all serving in Xianlaoyuan!

Now the King of Heaven has invited a large number of people to go out to the party, this group of people is not a master of peace.


"Old Lei Xian, do you still want to refuse?"

In the fairy old courtyard, the old monkey's face was very cold and shouted: "Su Yan's power is obvious to all, what else do you want to do?"

Lei Xianlao seemed very calm and calmly said: "Su Yan is anxious to participate in the fairy demon war, the old man can understand, but the King of Thunder is not a weak person, he has already acted, if he does not go, it is a pity."

The ears of the chaotic fairy elders are about to produce cocoons, knowing that your son is acting, everyone knows, can't you mention it?

King Huang smiled: "Then, according to the meaning of Lei Xianlao, let the three Kings of Heavenly Warrior, the King of the Starry Clan, or the King of Heavenly Dao give up a quota, so that both Su Yan and King Thunder can go!"

"Phoenix, the old man never said that!"

Lei Xianlao's face was blue, but he didn't say that.

The powerful people of the Xian clan look ugly. Doesn't that mean what you said just now?

For the sake of your parents, the fairy family has to give up their interests?

The King of Thunder has acted, but the King of King Wu has not acted!

The meaning of your Lei Xian old just now is not so obvious. The emperor and the girl can't withdraw, so among the four thunder kings, you must give up a quota!

Tianwu King is a strong man of the Immortal Clan. If Lei Xianlao is not ready to give up the quota, then he is asking Tianwu King to give up the quota, or someone else.

But the list has been set, how glorious they are, how can they get a quota?

But now Su Yan, who can look down, this will be ridiculed by the world.

Xianlaoyuan said before, the world's first mountain climbs to the top and you can get a place.

The Sky Thunder King is all there, and it is impossible to justify not giving Su Yan.

Su Yan has proved his combat effectiveness, who can question it!

Moreover, King Huang felt that the barbaric **** of the barbaric emperor clan, hehe, how could he give up? Can you be reconciled? Most of the time, there will be a riot!

Lei Xianlao looked at the strong of the fairy family ...

The atmosphere in Xianlaoyuan was a little suppressed, and the Xianzu would not withdraw easily.

Lei Xian couldn't hold back and said, "The fairy family already has a fairy ..."

The immortals of Xian Clan are very hot. This is forcing King Tianwu to give up the quota. According to the previous rules, it should be King Tianlei.

After all, this fairy and demon war is different. They all came out of the emperor. The steady victory, this is about the glory of the emperor.

At that time, the two war gods of their fairy clan participated in the war.

"Uh ..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of footsteps in the silent fairy old courtyard, and a frail elderly came, and the air was dark, and his gray hair was scattered, covering half of his face.

"Who are you? Who let you in."

Lei Xianlao was in a rage, Su Yan broke into the Tianlong Realm, which was equivalent to slapping him. If the King of Thunder was to be withdrawn at this time, it was not a severe trample on his face on the ground!

The youngest son was killed by Su Yan, the older son was forced to give in!

How can the King of Thunder be able to sit still, with anger in his heart, and wish he could roar to the sky and roar Su Yan to death!

"Little Leizi, I didn't expect even the old man to know." The old monk sighed and raised his head slightly.


Lei Xianlao's face changed greatly, pointing at the old man, stuttering and speechless, especially this little Leizi made him panic, who dare to call himself?

"Where did your virtue go?"

The old monk walked slowly, the words were old, but there was a rare sternness.

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